
Re: Trell's Review is bullshit
péineas 747 reads

His review mirrors my experience almost exactly (although his experience was better than mine if you can believe it).  I highly doubt it is "bullshit".

There was a prior review of her that described a very similar experience, but it mysteriously "disappeared.

This reviewer claims I have zero tattoos when I have 9 and also stated doggy would have been much "hotter" had I have a "tramp stamp" which I infact do. I have no recollection of meeting this client. Everything this person said was a lie or false and I even messaged photos of my tramp stamp and other tattoos to Support TER. They told me to message the reviewer. Why is it my responsibility to message this fraud when they should have red flagged the review from the start since my main page states I have tattoos. Anyone who has had a fake review or still has one posted that is harming their image/rating please message me so we can put a stop to this. TER is all about men and it is not fair. They also told me that my 10/10 review did not state I have any ink so they can not pull down the bad review solely on that fact. Which makes no sense because yes he did not mention I had ink but he also never said I didn't have ink. They are using that to intimidate me that if they take down the bad fake review they might have to consider taking down the 10/10. How dare them. Providers please share with me and let's get our voice out there. It is not fair or ethically right for TER to allow such derogatory reviews to post fabricated lies and not support us when all I was doing was stating the truth and the FACTS.  

~xoxox Harper

-- Modified on 11/30/2014 3:12:40 PM

on the RS website, You show not Tattoo's ??? So how can you say you have 9 of them and one is a tramp stamp. When Clearly in your photos you have none. None of your reviews say anything about you having any tattoo's. If you had 9 of them I think someone would have said something about it.

As for the bad review deal with it, it makes you look human, Sorry any lady that gets all 10's to me there is something wrong and I have had ladies tell me if I can't or wont give them a 10/10 would I please not write a review. But you don't see people complaining about that.

Look at it this way you only have one bad review, and the rest are great most guys are going to read the review, see that he has only one review and just ignore it.  

Remember this

It's their board and their rules, if you don't like them, you can always leave the board.  
There is no law that says you have to be part of it.  

Just my 2 cents on the matter and I'm sure you won't like i

cause all my tattoos are photoshopped out for privacy reasons. i already sent the unedited photos with the tattoos to TER support. Also in my other reviews and on my main page it states tattoos: a few. but thanks for input. clearly you're amatuer and don't realize agencies photoshop out your tattoos to protect your identity esp when you have as many as me

QuinnAdams887 reads

Many girls, myself included, have tattoos that are unique and therefore might identify us.  

In the same way we blur out our faces, we do edit out tattoos that somebody close to us might recognize.  

It just isn't worth the risk to show them and if we are forthcoming in our various profiles (saying we have one, a few, or many) then this seems honest enough to be a fair representation to potential clients and yet discrete enough to keep our true identities from being public knowledge

As a higher end provider have you thought about getting rid of the tattoo or tattoos altogether? It seems to be considered more of a negative now so I was just curious (I haven't seen yours).

Many ladies have a number of tattoos these days, and they are edited out for privacy as everyone has stated clearly. I'm sorry you have had to deal with any strife regarding fake reviews, sadly some people simply feel entitled to their "yelp" moment regardless of whether it happened or not. With free VIP days given in return for reviews this is unlikely to change anytime soon and respect for privacy will always be a hard fought battle.

Stay positive and let the negative or dramatic fall away,

samples, and they photograph each and every tatttoo.
              So especially not that you been in jail , but just saying , lets say the service gets raided.  
 They are gonna document every tat you have, If there is a photo on the site of you with those tats now your truly fucked.
                         Especially the girls working for a service they have to be EVEN more cautious since they go ater services alot too.
 i worked for this one dance company and the cops would go in the parkin lot, make note of all employees plate numbers, Then we would get like tickets on way home for no reason, they like hated the owner, .
      I thought it was common knowledge that women blur out tats and face too?
And obviously if your doing that for discretion, I mean they may not know this but some one whom been in jail for felonies those tats are all photographed and in a file, You culd get caught very easily and if your making alot of money you wanna watch out,.  
   I am sruprised your privacy wouldnt be respected , it is obvious if your trying to hide from a abusive husband also or stalker , that would be another reason for the clients to respect your wishes to remain advertised as tattooless.
                Many just dont like to play it cool and they simpky dont have much street smarts. Or maybe they just wanted to do that review to blow up your spot,. imean in event your doing it on the side and cant have a abusive husband find out, that certainly would have just ruined it, Stating the tats

Or in any sort of trouble and would like to stay that way. Common sense isn't a flower that grows in everyone's garden and this is important to remember. It applies to both ladies and clients. Just as lots of ladies don't drink, smoke, or make themselves available to every schmoozer that comes down the pike.


because all my tattoos are photoshopped out for privacy reasons. i already sent the unedited photos with the tattoos to TER support. Also in my other reviews and on my main page it states tattoos: a few. but thanks for input. clearly you're amatuer and don't realize agencies photoshop out your tattoos to protect your identity esp when you have as many as me.

But the fight is between you, the reviewer and TER.  

Why are you dragging the whole Boston board into it, do you think that everybody is going to stop what they are doing and defend a lady they don't know. Do you think that TER is going to listen to them.

What you should do is have the 6 other guy who saw you, write TER and state the fact about your tattoos.
That might help you, but don't count on it. Maybe you can ask Jill to contact the reviews and see what she can do about it. But whining about it is only get you the label of Drama Queen and we already have enough of them on the board. Don't need any more.


P.S. Yes I know that ladies hide their Tattoo's for privacy reasons.  
Also be hobbying for over 30 years, not a amateur, but you seem like one.

Thank you! From a real MAN who actually knows me and has seen me!

Just because you post all the girls on Eros every week, so you obviously like to keep track of things...

What would you have a girl do with a (hypothetical, blatant) fake review? Would you rather know what reviewers to ignore? Or do you guys really not care?

I realize it's more of an immediate problem for the lady, but I try to avoid girls who I can't trust as references, just wondering how it is on the other side of the coin.

With all the good reviews she has I would chalk up the one bad one as someone just trying to discredit  her. If I wasn't sure maybe I would pm someone who's seen her and ask how she was.

I see no problem with her stating her review is fake.
Shes going through the motions to have Ter look closer at it.
Mind you they dont always remove fake reviews so at the least shes stated it up front.
And its good to know who writes questionable reviews and I would think you guys would want to know too.
after all if you cant trust him to write an honest review his reviews hold no value. Right?

I have seen Harper.  She has a number of tattoos. There is no way that someone who had actually seen Harper would write  that that she has none. Obviously Trell did not see her. This is a fake review and it has all the tell tale signs of being fake. It's Trell's only review and the scores are so  unlike all the others. I haven't written my review yet  but  I probably wouldn't  have mentioned  the tats either. I'd be too busy mentioning  how  hot she is

TER has its own adjudication process and all ladies have to work through it in these instances. It may not be fair, but life isn't fair either. My advice would be to follow through with what TER instructs and the review will be proven to be a bogus one. Good luck.  At least you have  the truth on your side  so you have that going for you,  which is nice.

The TER people will probably review and correct this but the reason the lady may be posting  "Dragging" the whole board into this may be due to the fact that a lady especially an incall provider has expenses upfront in order to operate and negative reviews could adversely effect her business. It being Christmas time with all of us under financial obligations that may limit our hobby budget it's understandable that Harper would feel the need to expose the fake review. I've never had the pleasure of meeting her but it's obvious from previous reviews that she's very pretty, so regardless of her service that alone would give me pause as to the validity of the ask someone to live with a bad review because it shows that their human would be accurate if the review was real, but if she never met the man than it's someone trying to hurt her business and to defend her jobs performance is her right. I understand the two sides to every story defense but not if one side is fabricated.

péineas748 reads

His review mirrors my experience almost exactly (although his experience was better than mine if you can believe it).  I highly doubt it is "bullshit".

There was a prior review of her that described a very similar experience, but it mysteriously "disappeared.

If I had a bad experience like you say you did I would make sure I submitted a review. I can look at the other reviewers and see they have posted several other reviews. You on the other hand only has your say so. We can't even verify it because your doing all this while hiding behind your alias. Hmmmmmmm

péineas751 reads

Posted By: sgtrock432
If I had a bad experience like you say you did I would make sure I submitted a review. I can look at the other reviewers and see they have posted several other reviews. You on the other hand only has your say so. We can't even verify it because your doing all this while hiding behind your alias. Hmmmmmmm
I've reviewed plenty of providers here.  

Meanwhile,her profile has suddenly vanished from TER.

Hmmmmmmm right back at you, tough guy

For the record I've seen her twice. My first time with her definitely reflected the OP's time and performance was not what I was used to with the girls at RSG (and no way to doubt she is beautiful as the photos are definitely her).  But I since she was new I didn't want to give her a terrible review and start her off on the wrong foot. So my second time with her was a complete 180 turn from my first time and was a great gfe appointment from when I showed up until I left. I had an amazing time with her the second appointment and would review her 9/9. I'll write my review if I see her TER profile is back.

-- Modified on 12/1/2014 2:35:53 PM

You gotta walk away and take a deep breath.
       I have one fake review from a guy he was from U.K. He booked a week out. Day off since i was an idiot he just shows up and rings bells. Hadt confirmed. Since swo many do this, book appts then never show. I assume we are not still on if its been a week and had not heard a confirm. He shows up I am actually here but sick and had not even remebered the appt nor heard from him.  
      He knew i have a dog, knew the min you walk in your in the kitchen by photos, and knew my last name{oops} and buzzer number. We never met ! he gave me a 6 in performance and got away with it for knowing how to get here.  
           I knew it was him cuz he reviewed in u.k. immediately after and the guy this happen with had english accent other country number. I called him ND SAID IF YOU CHOOSE TO RESCHEDULE I WILL GVE A FREE HOUR MASSAGE.
  He started screaming at me like a woman with top of lungs {FUCK YOU FUCK YOU DONT EVER FUCKING CALL NE AGAIN}
 Like a total psycho path. Like screaming  bloody murder!  
      There is one out of like 10 revies from men i never did an appt with. Another guy took 20 out of the donation , hence my texting him after while he was with his daighter, I said things i shouldnt have like i know where you live even though i didnt! i had not even screaned him actually. But by him putting i said that in review Ai cant screen now no one will submit to it for fear.  
 i pm ter and say but he DID NOT leave the donation we spoke of he even mention in review. He claim he dont remeber.  
Then he says i threw towel in early on the bbj happy ending. Not happy ending it was a massage he paid 150 for.  
oh sorry no 130. ! since he took the money he spent on a sandwich and  coffee back.!
              It doesnt matter what your side of the story is they wont take them down,  
 Just know thta it will blow over. Worse comes to worse you will have to use back page and see guys that dont read reviews til it blows over which is what i do when i get bad reviews . Most definetly they affect business.  
                  another guy in jersey gave me a 7 after dfk, bbj, massage session. We ghad agreed upon a barter i was attempting a tour and needed to get to a jersey hotel from ny.
   I wasnt even feeling a barter should warra nt a review since that goes against ter rules.  
he reviewed the entire car ride all the otc time where to me that was me and him as people, I hadnty gotten into the heels or false eye lashes and lingeraie til after we checked in, OB VIOUSLY! I was about to be at that hotel for 5 days why would i check in , in a hooker make up and dress? Not to mention my dog had diarea bad! and it was raining sleet and cold.  
                He documented the entire car ride prior to the massage hour. What i wore in the snow.  
! To me i felt it was abarter ter shouldnt allow him to review. But they did!  
I came home to Boston to recieve like 14 cancelations, YES if you get a review stating your wearing winter gear for a paid appt and a 7 in performance.  
 I felt the back lash bad and all my appts and business crashed ater his review.
I was forced to use bp and not screen and find clients that dont read reviews and had to lower rates.
               You can stomp your feet and get upset they dont give a fuck!
 What your gonna have to do is find a solution . Having many years , like me since 2011, of reviews is helpful so taking your account down because a few crumb bums gave bad reviews is NOT a good idea. You if you really have tats and you really want more reviews, stick it out and wait and the more good reviews will follow then you can make a come back....
Initially a bad review IN  MY EXPERIENCES. I got all cancelations after or none at all because no one wants to hear your side story , they just read it think its true and it ruins your business.  
                  You can still pull in 3 grand a week through back page, I have done it! Its just you wont book many 350 hours there. You may want to try using the fetish and domme area, offer bondassage for like 250 and fetish, offer massages with ending for 250,. offer half hours,  
you may just have to see guys that DONT use ter or reviews til you meet more nicer gents to review, for a while it will fuck up all the hard work you have done and suck . .....Especially when you didnt deserve it and did right by them , like to me mis undertsanding or not any interaction as huimans not in a paid appt, IO dont thinkt hey need to review that, Like giving some one a ride to a store after an appt> if you offer and act like its not a bother to you, why go out your way to be a rat?
your gonna ave to just get work from other sites til it blows over or it apears your profile is gone maybe your takin the easier route and start fresh, That probly works too. SORRY BABE.  
           Even the ones that reviewed bad, they werent violent , there was never any serious abuse , from either us, i never ripped off a client and i never been riped off, The guy that asked to take the 20 back he spent on coffee, hey he still left 130.
    But dammit i sucked that prick til my neck was ready to snap! I didnt deserve a review sayin i gave up early he was here WAY over the hour. Even told me about his dog his house in maine. I NEVER CUT APPT short and every one stays otc here. So to me where i truly offer that style encounter low volume, un rushed, then I had fibro in back he tried he write i said i was sore, he failed to write sore back! He made it out to sound like i had been runnin a train up in here!
 Which  again when i work so hard to NOT run my vagina and business in that manner to have some one bash me and say just the opposite, It hurt business and it hurt me so bad to the heart. I put my entire being into what i do and it cut like a knife.
                                   BUT . I also got a ten/ten removed because at that time my profile stated i dont allow anal. My ter service profile apparently didnt offer enough service to warrant a ten.
                The man giving me the ten, i actually had laid in bed with his sister, before she died from bone cancer and breast cancer and she was like a mother to me. He came to see me and helped me aot but we knew each other in real life, The ten was well biased because we knew each other in real time outside the biz, Of course i was a ten ten to him, Fuck we got drunk and cryed one night together talkin about her.
                I am not orivate about who i really am, so quite often these people who actually reaqlly know me come, and then I get a good review maybe un fairly? because they know me outside the biz and are liking me and wanting to help me as a person.
   they argued with me and him on his ten and never allowed him to post it. yet some girls that dont offer anal have pages of ten tens? depends on who is wprking the day it is submitted i have heard.

a re do with one the guys I spoke of. Wow that would be a great christmas gift to have a bad review replaced with an awsome one,  
                He just HAS to try my pse services this time not massage, I think some guys read my reviews then show for the massage and then become disapointed ,...
 I dont do gfe or pse or greek at a massage rate appt.  
     I shouldnt have even met with him that day that was a bad day god do i regret that then the bad review that has tarnished my amazing reviews. I hope he comes for a re do,
It would mean the world to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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