
Re: So that review about you taking a phone call and someone knocking on the door was true?
countryguy8 1007 reads

The last time I myself stayed at a hotel, I didn't sign in with the name "Mr. C. Guy" but with an alternate name: my REAL name.  

Quinn is a superb writer. She no doubt knew exactly what she was doing when she selected the word 'alternate'. It was deliberately vague, exactly as it should be when reporting on hobby logistics.

Is there anything "evidentiary" still on the Internet and untampered with? Or are we newcomers to the scene to get little more than hastily composed analyses by Monday morning quarterbacks?  

Based solely on the "mood" of this thread into August, one would have to favor Quinn.

(BTW, I have no dog in this fight.)

QuinnAdams3067 reads

To the Boston TER Community

I have silently watched as my good name has been shredded and my character and morality questioned, biding my time and ignoring the mud constantly slung my way and the assumptions and spun stories concocted by the masses based on zero factual evidence.  

When the topic centered on money, it was one thing. However, now that this twisted game of telephone has morphed the real story (which has never been told, even by the hobbyist who initiated all of these threads!!) Into wild accusations surrounding my supposedly outing people and allegedly misusing private client info, I am jumping in to set the record straight. The stories that have emerged through the gossip and rumors are unbelievably inaccurate and my hope is that we can all take a breath and think this through, stopping these crazy lies in their tracks.

I have refrained from getting involved until now because doing so is a suicide mission. I know I am just opening myself to more bullying, finger-pointing, and criticism -- especially by those who have zero involvement in this incident and know nothing about what really happened (and doesn't it always go that these uninformed peoples' voices are the loudest!!). Is this really the type of place we want TER to be? A place where people are scared to post due to fear of bullying and repercussions?

About six weeks ago I was outed to those closest to me and I instantly went into hiding, pulling everything off the internet. As embarrassing as this is to admit, I was cut off from my financial resources and left without a place to live. In this desperate circumstance,  I went to those who knew me best from the hobby (those in my personal life who didn't know what happened to me were not people I could seek help from without explaining why) for assistance and I had a few kind men take pity on me and provide me some monetary relief. The understanding was AND STILL IS that I will pay them back as soon as I am able, with my main and only concern being to sort through my very complicated and devastating personal affairs. The story i told people was always consistent because it was the truth. I did change my number to escape from the hobby but was always reachable and responsive via email. It makes no sense to me that anybody has accused me of running a scam or lying. Or that this is the business of the general public! I have since returned to working because the damage has already been done and also out of partial necessity.

How this simple story has evolved to include my exposing people is just mind-boggling. I have never and would never do that to anybody, and I know how it feels. This leads me to conclude that these accusations are no longer even really about me, but perhaps frustrations about every provider who has ever done anything wrong and about the problems with the hobby in general.

if you piece together the timeline, the facts, and the multitude of independently confirmed positive affirmations about the type of person I am, you should be able to draw your own conclusions about what really happened.  Further, despite all of the lies that have been told about me, I never once lashed out or reduced myself to the same juvenile behavior. Doesn't that, too, tell you something?

Warmly yours,

Realtiycheck1559 reads

Posted By: QuinnAdams
To the Boston TER Community  
 I have silently watched as my good name has been shredded and my character and morality questioned, biding my time and ignoring the mud constantly slung my way and the assumptions and spun stories concocted by the masses based on zero factual evidence.  
 When the topic centered on money, it was one thing. However, now that this twisted game of telephone has morphed the real story (which has never been told, even by the hobbyist who initiated all of these threads!!) Into wild accusations surrounding my supposedly outing people and allegedly misusing private client info, I am jumping in to set the record straight. The stories that have emerged through the gossip and rumors are unbelievably inaccurate and my hope is that we can all take a breath and think this through, stopping these crazy lies in their tracks.  
 I have refrained from getting involved until now because doing so is a suicide mission. I know I am just opening myself to more bullying, finger-pointing, and criticism -- especially by those who have zero involvement in this incident and know nothing about what really happened (and doesn't it always go that these uninformed peoples' voices are the loudest!!). Is this really the type of place we want TER to be? A place where people are scared to post due to fear of bullying and repercussions?  
 About six weeks ago I was outed to those closest to me and I instantly went into hiding, pulling everything off the internet. As embarrassing as this is to admit, I was cut off from my financial resources and left without a place to live. In this desperate circumstance,  I went to those who knew me best from the hobby (those in my personal life who didn't know what happened to me were not people I could seek help from without explaining why) for assistance and I had a few kind men take pity on me and provide me some monetary relief. The understanding was AND STILL IS that I will pay them back as soon as I am able, with my main and only concern being to sort through my very complicated and devastating personal affairs. The story i told people was always consistent because it was the truth. I did change my number to escape from the hobby but was always reachable and responsive via email. It makes no sense to me that anybody has accused me of running a scam or lying. Or that this is the business of the general public! I have since returned to working because the damage has already been done and also out of partial necessity.  
 How this simple story has evolved to include my exposing people is just mind-boggling. I have never and would never do that to anybody, and I know how it feels. This leads me to conclude that these accusations are no longer even really about me, but perhaps frustrations about every provider who has ever done anything wrong and about the problems with the hobby in general.  
 if you piece together the timeline, the facts, and the multitude of independently confirmed positive affirmations about the type of person I am, you should be able to draw your own conclusions about what really happened.  Further, despite all of the lies that have been told about me, I never once lashed out or reduced myself to the same juvenile behavior. Doesn't that, too, tell you something?  
 Warmly yours,  
  I call BULLSHIT on everything you wrote

NewEnglandGangsta1214 reads

I just hope that Jeff's identity stays safe and Quin's financial situation be relieved soon. Money can be a bitch sometimes. It can break relationships and it can forge relationships too. I hope that Quinn, with her ivy league education, wasn't dumb enough to do something so spiteful.  

This too shall pass. New England is an interesting place.  Smart people can do dumb things, nice people can do spiteful things, both are human

bbbj1696 reads

Boston Jeff has removed himself from TER but since you have his personal info you contact him and ask him to simply say "Quinn was not the person I was referring to"  it should very easy to do.. Until then it sounds like your name will be mud.. I'm always of the mind if there is a little truth to a story there is a lot of truth to the story .

Btw I have never seen you or would ever see you because of this.

No, it's not.. idiot...  I'm BostonJeff making a new Basic ID to reply to all this bullshit.. side note:  you're a fucking idiot

I've been a member of this community for at minimum a decade now and I've been accused of being everything from a  
Shill to a woman hating misogynist that picks on poor young girls trying to make their way in the world, so I know a bit about the bullying on the board and have been on both sides although it's never been an intention of mine to deliberately bully someone and my volleys have usually been retaliatory in nature when a tiff arose. That being said I know it is frustrating to sit idly by and watch accusations throw at you.

This gal has got some chutzpah at minimum, considering she has great reviews prior to her blowing up this past month so as for being done as a provider? Doubtful she can change id entries and be back up and running in no time as many gals do. I personally have seen gals under different names that post here quite often now after having completely reinvented themselves . When I was placed on the blacklist provider board it was a provider that notified me as she was surprised because we always had a pleasant time and the characterization on the list of me as a " woman hater that threatens bad reviews and is clearly unstable" seemed in direct contrast to her dealing with me. Well the provider that listed me
in New Orleans had threatened me on the Nola board and boston board because she was angry that I told her to butt out of my Nola ISO when I posted on that board. She didn't out me because we've never met!!! I've never reviewed her and she would know me if I fell in her lap yet the accusations are still up on that board lat I checked.

I believe Boston Jeff got hosed for a grand but I think Quinn may have been too good at her job for her own good and Jeff took personal. The slight he received ( as we all probably would have in similar positions)

I've never met ether of them and probably won't but both parties may be somewhat right and somewhat wrong. Quinn worked for a place that too has the reputation long before she existed as a service that will blacklist you or out you and it's on the same board I was on so I also take that with a grain of salt too.  

Some of the people hurling the flames here are people that seek drama... Never met either party and have made similar
" I'm retiring" and goodbye Boston claims only to have never left and shill the same service and bash the same providers weekly.  

I don't know that if I had $500 to spend on a provider I'd see Quinn now but I can't say that I believe she did something this stupid to sabotage her return either.

There is a lot of jealousy here and it's easy to sabotage someone and certainly Quinn was ripe for the taking if her previous agency or a provider that cannot get$500 and has 6's and 7's on reviews  wanted to bring her down a peg or two.  

I hope Jeff's identity remains safe and I hope Quinn if innocent, isn't crucified if she try's to renter our little angry club of johns-& 'ho's  

Angel  gets hammered on here often times for no reason other than some previous wacky post she's made that leave her open to malicious attacks , yet her reviews indicate that she is the real deal when you see her. I've been guilty of piling on too in the past and I personally regret some things I've said so maybe we all don't know the truth and it's time to give everyone involved  a mulligan.

Oh one last pice of advice guys  
" if a girl calls and say can I " borrow" some money and you are ok with it please remember it was not a loan and the envelope should be marked in sharpie in "donation"

-- Modified on 7/30/2014 5:18:53 PM

I can't believe how people in this board loves to hide behind the anonymous curtain and throws their flaming shit all over like they have a stake in the situation, the amount of anonymous comments, baseless accusations, and finger pointing in this thread makes this board look more like a middle school filled with dramatic teenagers rather than savvy adults who knows this is a community. It sounds like nobody ever even learned what happened on during the Witch Trials, but then again, Salem is not too far from Boston.

I also give it to Quinn for standing up with her head up high against the mob of burning pitchforks and to Jeff, my deep sympathies and hope everything gets better for the two of you.

QuinnAdams1068 reads

Thank you Don Johnson. I suppose I just feel that the old adage about two wrongs not making a right is so oft-spoke because it really is true: Just because somebody spread lies about me doesn't mean I should stoop to bad-mouthing them or airing their dirty laundry. It is a very ugly thing to do and reflects most poorly on those who do so than the subject of their criticisms.  

And most importantly, the truth always wins in the end -- no matter how long it takes for people to realize it.

who_said_that1036 reads

Less work for you, right?  And leaves no evidence either.  

Let's see how long it takes for the truth to catch up with you.

Are you saying bostonjeff was lying? Did you ask him for money? Did he give you that money? Did you cease all communication with him after you were given the money? Did you only contact him AFTER he put a warning up on here? Have you paid him back? You said on the other thread that you were trying "to help jeff with the blacklist" now here you are saying he is spreading lies? Maybe you dont mean Jeff? I hope you dont mean the guy that took a grand out of his pocket when you were down on your luck. I dont see bostonjeff saying your name on the warning or on the post saying he was outed. Pay the guys you owe money back and grow up.

Posted By: QuinnAdams
Thank you Don Johnson. I suppose I just feel that the old adage about two wrongs not making a right is so oft-spoke because it really is true: Just because somebody spread lies about me doesn't mean I should stoop to bad-mouthing them or airing their dirty laundry. It is a very ugly thing to do and reflects most poorly on those who do so than the subject of their criticisms.  
 And most importantly, the truth always wins in the end -- no matter how long it takes for people to realize it.

QuinnAdams2457 reads

That review was not true. Nothing in it was true. I would never take a phone call and I check into hotels under an alternate name so this type of scenario could never happen.  

When I wrote to the person who posted that review (this being their only review) they could not name the hotel or the approximate date we met, which is how I knew that that individual had never met me and how I ultimately proved it to TER.

I am still not sure who outed me, as it was done by emailing those closest to me through a hushmail account that I had never corresponded with.  

Since it is unlikely I will never know who is behind it, I am no longer trying to figure it out. Even if I did know who did it, there isn't much I can do as no matter what somebody does to me, I think retaliating only makes a bad situation worse

bbbj2027 reads

You check into hotels with a alternate name??? How does that work .. You need a license and a credit card when you check in don't you ?

supersecretproject1346 reads

Posted By: bbbj
You check into hotels with a alternate name??? How does that work .. You need a license and a credit card when you check in don't you ?
HAHA yes its so hard to get an ID or a credit card with a different name. Get real dude you have never heard of a fake ID? Also you can check in under any name you want it doesn't mean the CC on record has to match that name I have done it many times...... Fucking Sherlock Homes........

bbbj1763 reads

Ya sure ..Good job douche bag.

Posted By: supersecretproject
Posted By: bbbj
You check into hotels with a alternate name??? How does that work .. You need a license and a credit card when you check in don't you ?
 HAHA yes its so hard to get an ID or a credit card with a different name. Get real dude you have never heard of a fake ID? Also you can check in under any name you want it doesn't mean the CC on record has to match that name I have done it many times...... Fucking Sherlock Homes........
-- Modified on 7/30/2014 5:57:31 PM

bbbj1131 reads

Come back after you see a girl Johnny ..then maybe you will understand.

Posted By: jonnhy77
Good one bro ! Ya ya u got em ! Hahaha
-- Modified on 7/30/2014 6:44:01 PM

supersecretproject1322 reads

Posted By: bbbj
Ya sure ..Good job douche bag.  
Posted By: supersecretproject
Posted By: bbbj
You check into hotels with a alternate name??? How does that work .. You need a license and a credit card when you check in don't you ?
  HAHA yes its so hard to get an ID or a credit card with a different name. Get real dude you have never heard of a fake ID? Also you can check in under any name you want it doesn't mean the CC on record has to match that name I have done it many times...... Fucking Sherlock Homes........
-- Modified on 7/30/2014 5:57:31 PM
Yes, I am a douche Sherlock. Once again your investigative skills are sharp! What else can you enlighten us with?

jonnhy771098 reads

Celebrities do it all the time... Haha you are trying to pick apart her story and this is what you come up with to try and catch her in a lie ? Good work detective. Why do you have to use an alias is my question to you ? You are that much of a puss and can't bad mouth her using ur handle ? Foolish. What's the big deal ? U really can't say that to her using  ur handle ?  

It's all the same people bashing on these discussion boards if you haven't noticed. You know who they are

bbbj1073 reads

That's funny .. You have no reviews.. Lmfao  

Posted By: jonnhy77
Celebrities do it all the time... Haha you are trying to pick apart her story and this is what you come up with to try and catch her in a lie ? Good work detective. Why do you have to use an alias is my question to you ? You are that much of a puss and can't bad mouth her using ur handle ? Foolish. What's the big deal ? U really can't say that to her using  ur handle ?  
 It's all the same people bashing on these discussion boards if you haven't noticed. You know who they are.  

Oooohhhh that's wicked cool all 007 &  shit 🔫☎💿📍

Posted By: bbbj
You check into hotels with a alternate name??? How does that work .. You need a license and a credit card when you check in don't you ?

countryguy81008 reads

The last time I myself stayed at a hotel, I didn't sign in with the name "Mr. C. Guy" but with an alternate name: my REAL name.  

Quinn is a superb writer. She no doubt knew exactly what she was doing when she selected the word 'alternate'. It was deliberately vague, exactly as it should be when reporting on hobby logistics.

Is there anything "evidentiary" still on the Internet and untampered with? Or are we newcomers to the scene to get little more than hastily composed analyses by Monday morning quarterbacks?  

Based solely on the "mood" of this thread into August, one would have to favor Quinn.

(BTW, I have no dog in this fight.)

Privateprovider1068 reads

Boston jeff gave her the money after that review! Lol. Is  Bostonjeff responsible for the war in the middle east as well?  Come on now, this is foolish to insinuate he wrote that review.  Bostonjeff gave her a great review. Then he gave her a hand when asked.  Things went left from there. Time to move on people,  lessons learned all the way around.

The truth is someone "outed" Jeff on July 10th almost a week before he posted anything about Quinn. So I guess she must be psychic and decided to post his info preemptively, because that makes a lot of sense.

Also I'm not sure what Jeff expected but from the time Quinn disappeared to the time he posted his original post was a matter of a few weeks at most. I'm no financial wizard, but if I had someone come to me and tell me they had an emergency and had no way to support them self  I don't think I would expect payment within a few days. Also I'm no collection expert but I don't think the best way to insure payment is to ruin the debtors only way to pay me back by ruining her reputation and ability to make money.  

To Quinn people are going to believe what they want. I suspect the people bashing you would not have seen you anyway. I would just drop it. When you post about it you are just prolonging the drama.

Realtiycheck1194 reads

Jeff was outed 2x if U read the list
July10th and July 25
The July 25th Accuses of Sorading lies..Gee I wonder who that could be .The person who owned him
Also if I have an Ivy League Degree I would have a REAL paying job and maybe do this stuff on the side

Posted By: Realtiycheck
Jeff was outed 2x if U read the list  
 July10th and July 25  
 The July 25th Accuses of Sorading lies..Gee I wonder who that could be .The person who owned him  
 Also if I have an Ivy League Degree I would have a REAL paying job and maybe do this stuff on the side
OK Alias good thing you don't have an Ivy League degree..... So I guess we should just ignore that someone outed him 6 days before he posted about Q? And there is no chance that the same person posted about him again after seeing all the drama on this board? I guess that is why you don't have an Ivy League degree?  

Even if Q did out him on the 25th which makes no sense ( because she would have to know it would do more harm than good. You know being highly educated in all) Who cares? He was already outed. If you run over a dead body that was shot 15 days ago should you be charged with murder?

Realtiycheck1024 reads

guess U must have an Ivy League degree too
Let me guess from a Junior College like Q

"Also if I have an Ivy League Degree I would have a REAL paying job and maybe do this stuff on the side"

That's the thing about Quinn that brings her credibility into question for me.   I will never in a million years believe that a woman would throw away her supposed Ivy League education which probably cost 6 figures, throw away a high powered corporate position probably paying well into 6 figures per year, throw away her family and friends, and all because she wanted to become a prostitute so badly ?  

Throw away all that so she could suck dicks and get fucked by 50 different guys every week, who don't give a shit about her other than to fuck her brains out

I don't know Quinn and haven't seen her (though I was actually scheduled to the very day she had to drop out of sight!), but we all have complicated stories, skip_ibt.  Life isn't always a simple, straight road, and there are certainly many people with Ivy League degrees who end up working, temporarily or for the long-term, in a line of work they might not have planned on.

I'm not defending Quinn -- I can't actually defend or accuse, because I don't know any of the details -- but have a little empathy, dude.  Plenty of us actually "care" about the people we choose to engage in this hobby with, even if we know them only for a short while, and your characterization of this line of work is pretty demeaning to everyone who engages in it.  Short-term connections are rarely as meaningful as long-term relationships, but that doesn't have to mean they're worth nothing.  I have meaningful interactions with strangers all the time; might be good for you to give that a try some time.

Well said.  We don't know who did it and probably never will. Lesson learned lets move on.

No worries for her.....there will be plenty of mongers/lemmings who will go for it.   "Oh Quinny, I'm so glad your back ! "

Realtiycheck1325 reads

Posted By: skip_ibt
No worries for her.....there will be plenty of mongers/lemmings who will go for it.   "Oh Quinny, I'm so glad your back ! "  
Let,me guess  it wont be U   or me

-- Modified on 7/30/2014 11:29:38 AM

-- Modified on 7/30/2014 11:35:08 AM

AlvySinger1128 reads

I think she was trying to disguise the initial reports about the "... escort who charges $500/hr". Perhaps if she advertised $499/hr we wouldn't suspect it was she !?  

Too much for my budget.

And it looks like Quinn was correct..

There are two that know the real story.. and that's it... drama.. who needs it..

if you are trying to discredit someone or hurt their biz or reputation; whether you think they are doing a fine job by themselves in doing so, have the balls to post under your handle and if you have a handle but no reviews then why post b/c you are like the alias posters. this is really sad…

Posted By: josulli
And it looks like Quinn was correct..  
 There are two that know the real story.. and that's it... drama.. who needs it..

Posted By: benny1616
if you are trying to discredit someone or hurt their biz or reputation; whether you think they are doing a fine job by themselves in doing so, have the balls to post under your handle and if you have a handle but no reviews then why post b/c you are like the alias posters. this is really sad…  
Posted By: josulli
And it looks like Quinn was correct..  
  There are two that know the real story.. and that's it... drama.. who needs it..
Benny wtf are you talking about?.. I posted under my real handle not my alias.. You quoted my response.. so I expect you directed your response at me.. but you make no sense.. and I am not discrediting anyone.. at all.. I have reviews they are shown right there (???)... have another drink dude..

joe so sorry did not mean to quote u but the other guy and funny thing was I was drunk last night when I posted, just was fed up with all the people who hide behind alais  I will make it right publicly

you are correct I was drunk last night when I posted and quoted wrong poster, so sorry to pull you into this.  

Posted By: josulli
Posted By: benny1616
if you are trying to discredit someone or hurt their biz or reputation; whether you think they are doing a fine job by themselves in doing so, have the balls to post under your handle and if you have a handle but no reviews then why post b/c you are like the alias posters. this is really sad…  
Posted By: josulli
And it looks like Quinn was correct..    
   There are two that know the real story.. and that's it... drama.. who needs it..
 Benny wtf are you talking about?.. I posted under my real handle not my alias.. You quoted my response.. so I expect you directed your response at me.. but you make no sense.. and I am not discrediting anyone.. at all.. I have reviews they are shown right there (???)... have another drink dude..

A mind is a terrible thing to waste.. unless the scotch is single malt.. and very old..

Where is the 100 year old aged whiskey hiding at? Keep looking in old forgotten barns, hoping to find some aged whiskey that was never drank. Fingers crossed I'll find it.

What's your preference, Irish, Scotch, Tennesse sipping, Bourbon, etc?

Chicago board masquerading as the Beantown board?

Posted By: QuinnAdams
To the Boston TER Community  
 I have silently watched as my good name has been shredded and my character and morality questioned, biding my time and ignoring the mud constantly slung my way and the assumptions and spun stories concocted by the masses based on zero factual evidence.  
 When the topic centered on money, it was one thing. However, now that this twisted game of telephone has morphed the real story (which has never been told, even by the hobbyist who initiated all of these threads!!) Into wild accusations surrounding my supposedly outing people and allegedly misusing private client info, I am jumping in to set the record straight. The stories that have emerged through the gossip and rumors are unbelievably inaccurate and my hope is that we can all take a breath and think this through, stopping these crazy lies in their tracks.  
 I have refrained from getting involved until now because doing so is a suicide mission. I know I am just opening myself to more bullying, finger-pointing, and criticism -- especially by those who have zero involvement in this incident and know nothing about what really happened (and doesn't it always go that these uninformed peoples' voices are the loudest!!). Is this really the type of place we want TER to be? A place where people are scared to post due to fear of bullying and repercussions?  
 About six weeks ago I was outed to those closest to me and I instantly went into hiding, pulling everything off the internet. As embarrassing as this is to admit, I was cut off from my financial resources and left without a place to live. In this desperate circumstance,  I went to those who knew me best from the hobby (those in my personal life who didn't know what happened to me were not people I could seek help from without explaining why) for assistance and I had a few kind men take pity on me and provide me some monetary relief. The understanding was AND STILL IS that I will pay them back as soon as I am able, with my main and only concern being to sort through my very complicated and devastating personal affairs. The story i told people was always consistent because it was the truth. I did change my number to escape from the hobby but was always reachable and responsive via email. It makes no sense to me that anybody has accused me of running a scam or lying. Or that this is the business of the general public! I have since returned to working because the damage has already been done and also out of partial necessity.  
 How this simple story has evolved to include my exposing people is just mind-boggling. I have never and would never do that to anybody, and I know how it feels. This leads me to conclude that these accusations are no longer even really about me, but perhaps frustrations about every provider who has ever done anything wrong and about the problems with the hobby in general.  
 if you piece together the timeline, the facts, and the multitude of independently confirmed positive affirmations about the type of person I am, you should be able to draw your own conclusions about what really happened.  Further, despite all of the lies that have been told about me, I never once lashed out or reduced myself to the same juvenile behavior. Doesn't that, too, tell you something?  
 Warmly yours,  

"People are always down on what they are not up on"

Quinn makes a post of her bad review, The phone call and knocking on the door.

Quinn is gone, Website down, phone not answered.

7/10/2014 First time of BostonJeff being out on another website
He did not know about this  

BostonJeff makes post about Quinn borrowing money.

BostonJeff is outed again on another website.

BostonJeff posts about being outed.

Now for some other Facts.

Now these dates are off of TER posts, Things had to happen before these dates

Boston Jeff only had 2 other reviews after he saw Quinn.
One was a 9/9 the other was a 10/10.
So I doubt that one of these ladies outed him for these reviews, for making Accuses of Sorading lies.

Now Quinn says she is Ivy League graduate, now we are talking colleges like BC, Harvard, Yale, MIT, Stanford, Princeton and so on.
Now these are some great school with a great business and financial programs.
Now I find it hard to believe that someone who graduated from one of these schools
would be broke, not having any kind of back up plan and would need to borrow money from people.  
unless that person only took coursed on sandscript.  

In little over a month she has no place to live, no money then all of a sudden she is back like nothing  
happened. Never seen anything like this before.  

There are some strange things going on here. I doubt we will ever know the truth of this.  

Now a tip to all you guys out there

NEVER NEVER loan money to a provider, nothing good will come out of it.  
If you have read all the posts about this, you can see what can happen to you.

IF your going to post something bad about a provider, it's a good idea to post under an alias.  
or do like I did, post under one handle and hobby under another.  

It has worked for me, and I never have to worry about being out by a provider

who_said_that1239 reads

Who wrote the door knocker review?  I believe he has several other reviews.

Who were the other lenders?  Just give a count if you don't want to name

She had that review removed and I don't remember who it was. But looking thru old posts
someone said he only had one review an it was Quinn

As for who the other lenders are, After all this I doubt any of them will what to be identified.

Timeline is ripe for this scenario:
Quinn goes Indy from agency ( agency owner has history of threatening to out girls and is vindictive and is listed on the same website that Boston Jeff is on.)
Quinn continues Indy to get stellar reviews and loyal followers ...former clients of Quinn's previous employer that is seeing a decline in business)
Quinn receives a review that is inaccurate and she makes complaint both publicly and on the provider ter support area to remove it based on it being a phony...posted by former agency? She may have got the gal off to a good start review wise with her stable of " friends" that are willing to see a girl for a discount in exchange for a great review..same deal here let's write a bad review and since her service is over the top we will make the negative aspect that she's got a nosy angry boyfriend,a very effective way to harm a girls business.
Quinn protest and her business continues to be good as review is discounted as a fake so next move,is: expose provider to her family etc. as agency has the ability to do this and by the way Quinn's exposure is well before Boston Jeff.
Quinn borrows and boston Jeff is pissed at her sudden lack of accessibility and complains on board of her..Quinn now under radar does not immediately address the accusations and is therefore assumed guilty.  
In an effort to get financially stable again Quinn returns. Boston Jeff and a slew of people that gave not seen her or met her start demanding Jeff a smitten hobbiest that feels used? Is his view of their  " relationship"  different than hers prompting him to pressure her for money or at minimum some attention?  
Jeff then outed on board by Quinn's former employer for seeing their girls direct without using the agency and it looks like Quinn did it.
Agency now punishes it girls for leaving and taking clients and punishing customers for seeing girls without including them in on the financial gain.

Both Quinn and Boston Jeff were outed at the same timeframe of this saga and both parties took money out of the pocket of Quinn's previous employer who is also boston Jeff's  former supplier of escorts..

My theory works too and makes more business sense then an Ivy League educated girl  self sabotaging her return.

Not sure if this is how it went down but if it did then they are both victims of the same person...

countryguy81005 reads


Timeline is ripe for this scenario:  

1. Quinn goes Indy from agency (agency owner has history of threatening to “out” girls and is vindictive and is listed on the same website that BostonJeff is on).  

2. Quinn continues Indy to get stellar reviews and loyal followers (former clients of Quinn's previous employer that is seeing a decline in business).  

3. Quinn receives a review that is inaccurate, and she makes complaints both publicly and on the provider TER support area to remove it based on it being a phony (posted by a former agency?).  She may have [gotten] off to a good start review-wise with her stable of "friends" that are willing to see a girl for a discount in exchange for a great review ... same deal here, let's write a bad review and since her service is over the top we will make the negative aspect that she's got a nosy, angry boyfriend – a very effective way to harm a girl’s business.  

4. Quinn protests, [but] her business continues to be good as review is discounted as a fake; so, next move is: expose provider to her family … as agency has the ability to do … and, by the way, Quinn's exposure is well before BostonJeff.  

5. Quinn borrows, and BostonJeff is pissed at her sudden lack of accessibility and complains [about her] on board.  

6. Quinn, now under [the] radar, does not immediately address the accusations and is therefore assumed guilty.  

7. In an effort to get financially stable again, Quinn returns. BostonJeff and a slew of people that gave not seen her or met her start demanding answers: is Jeff a smitten hobbyist that feels used? Is his view of their "relationship" different from hers ¬– prompting him to pressure her for money or, at minimum, some attention?
8. Jeff [is] then outed on board by Quinn's former employer for seeing their girls directly, without using the agency; and it looks like Quinn did it.
9. Agency now punishes [its] girls for leaving and taking clients and [also punishes] customers for seeing girls without including it in on the financial gain.  
10. Both Quinn and Boston Jeff were outed [in] the same timeframe of this saga, and both parties took money out of the pocket of Quinn's previous employer, who is also BostonJeff's former supplier of escorts.  
My theory works, too, and makes more business sense then an Ivy League educated girl self sabotaging her return.  
Not sure if this is how it went down; but if [I’m right], then they are both victims of the same person.


DramaPhobic903 reads

On July 10th when he was digging around and doing a little research as he posted about doing in the week before his July 15th post.

July 25th after he not only publicly called her out on her scams, but then was answering PM's and generally not letting it go.

That makes way more sense than some conspiracy theory involving an agency.  Besides,  you're giving the agency owner way too much credit for strategic and long term subterfuge.  

An alternative theory that also makes more sense than yours is that the jealous boyfriend referenced in the pulled review outed them both multiple times.   If that's the case, all of her screened clients should check their shit because it would mean that he had their info

AlvySinger985 reads

Posted By: LamontCranston69
 IF your going to post something bad about a provider, it's a good idea to post under an alias.  
 or do like I did, post under one handle and hobby under another.  
 It has worked for me, and I never have to worry about being out by a provider.
Excellent suggestion !

Just saying'. Good school to hone your skills though. Lots of forbidden fruit.

QuinnAdams1007 reads

Actually, neither are MIT or Stanford, although the difference between these two and the 8 Ivys is predominantly semantic -- an issue of labeling -- since both are certainly of the same caliber as the actual Ivy League unis.

Most people erroneously group Stanford in the Ivy League pile -- and I myself did this for many years when I was younger -- which is counterintuitive because the Ivys compete against one another in sports, as well as in the ECAC league, and Stanford is clear across the country (Palo Alto, CA).

Regardless, all are great schools! :)

who_said_that1480 reads

Personally I would not let her walk my dog...for fear of the bad influence she might have on my dog.

My final words: Stay away!  Good riddance!

...what the facts are, but I will say this: Quinn does write very well.  Her comments are far from the usual bad grammar and rambling that we see in this forum.  Frankly, I think that's a turn on :-)  Almost as much of a turn on as  her pictures and earlier reviews. That said, given the accusations, I am very nervous about sharing personal information and $600 an hour is too steep for me.  But I hope the accusations are unfounded and I wish her the best of luck if they are a fabrication.

-- Modified on 7/31/2014 4:25:57 PM

Everyone here needs to go out for a  nice blow job and get over it.  G'night all,  I am going to work on my Ivy League education.  😲

bbbj1263 reads

She is very creative with her stories.Ask boston jeff..

Posted By: WilfredoLam
...what the facts are, but I will say this: Quinn does write very well.  Her comments are far from the usual bad grammar and rambling that we see in this forum.  Frankly, I think that's a turn on :-)  Almost as much of a turn on as  her pictures and earlier reviews. That said, given the accusations, I am very nervous about sharing personal information and $600 an hour is too steep for me.  But I hope the accusations are unfounded and I wish her the best of luck if they are a fabrication.  

-- Modified on 7/31/2014 4:25:57 PM

jonnhy771044 reads

Jesus I was right ! BostonJeff = alias BBBJ. Writing style is a dead give away. Guy ur kind of acting like a jealous  psycho ex bf. I bet you put ur own shit up on  along with Quinn's to try and ruin her.  I seriously wouldn't put it past you. You seem to have zero self respect and self confidence judging from the most recent thread u started. I don't know of anyone who would ever create a thread on an escort website stating that they are canceling there membership. Where u looking for approval ? Someone to feel bad for you ? Someone to tell you you will be alright ? Are you that much of a loser in ur real life that u need to come here. I think ur actually full of shit. I have no doubt that Quinn asked u for money and you helped her out. But everything else you have stated is probably a lie. You were mad because u weren't the only guy she asked for help. You felt special that a beautiful girl came running to you for help. Well bro you are now acting like a psychopathic serial killer. Time to seriously start acting like a man.

bbbj963 reads

Johnny boy I'm going to give you some helpful hints.If you post under a alias and a real alias on the same thread TER will "flip"  the post.You have no reviews so what the fuck do you know.Lastly your writing is very similar to BB1976 with all the ?????????..
So when you can save enough of your allowance to go get a blowjob come back and tell us all about it.

Posted By: jonnhy77
Jesus I was right ! BostonJeff = alias BBBJ. Writing style is a dead give away. Guy ur kind of acting like a jealous  psycho ex bf. I bet you put ur own shit up on  along with Quinn's to try and ruin her.  I seriously wouldn't put it past you. You seem to have zero self respect and self confidence judging from the most recent thread u started. I don't know of anyone who would ever create a thread on an escort website stating that they are canceling there membership. Where u looking for approval ? Someone to feel bad for you ? Someone to tell you you will be alright ? Are you that much of a loser in ur real life that u need to come here. I think ur actually full of shit. I have no doubt that Quinn asked u for money and you helped her out. But everything else you have stated is probably a lie. You were mad because u weren't the only guy she asked for help. You felt special that a beautiful girl came running to you for help. Well bro you are now acting like a psychopathic serial killer. Time to seriously start acting like a man.

starquarterback1061 reads quit this hobby. With all the drama it's not worth it.  At least not now. I know nothing about the provider in question other than that I had read many strong reviews for her and the one weird one. But some of you sound really naive with statements about trust on here. You really can't trust anyone when it comes to this stuff. If push comes to shove and someone is faced with jail vs. giving up your name do you seriously think that the provider or the agency is going to "be cool about it"? This hobby carries a risk with it for legal reasons and for the drama it can create within the lives of both providers and hobbyists when they are outed. I know that this is not necessarily the essence of what happened here but I just had to say it reading this thread.  Right now I feel like there is a lot of heat on this industry in New England especially and then there are all the references on this board to an agency here, and I think it's a big one, behaving erratically.

And as far as borrowing money... for the amounts in question... why not just have them service you in outcalls and call it a donation? Isn't that around what she was charging per hour anyway? At least this is cementing common sense into many of us to NEVER loan any money to a provider that you expect to ever get back. I had one ask me for ten grand. Glad I wasn't naive enough to give it to her.

omgwtfnoway1279 reads

... but you tell me why trust someone who lies to their live-in and family for years, (right, they lie to loved ones but will swear to tell us the truth? lol..), takes condoms off a dresser when you're in the shower for her next appointment, will drive all over the state to come to you to pick up cash, but can't make the time to stay for an hour or two at a hotel YOU offer to pay for, go through 4 cell numbers within a month, not answering texts or calls for weeks until you post a warning..  add it up people.. lot of guys got taken and I paid for the warning.    

In my 13 years on TER (and tons of women who can support me) I have NEVER had an issue with a provider, even though I've been robbed, lied to, threatened, blackmailed, etc..   The one time I try to be nice and say "guys be careful here, pm for a name" this shit happens.. ridiculous.. Do I wish Quinn ill?  Of course not, ..  wish things would have gone much differently.. but.. (shrug)..  

End of story ..  


-- Modified on 8/5/2014 8:01:34 AM

Talk about toftt. No right to kill the messenger unless they themselves took cash out of their pocket to help her out for zip. Thanks for the heads up saved me and many major grief. 600 an hour but takes a ten dollar box of condoms? Says it all right there.

péineas912 reads

...and not exposing her lies about not outing you.  Thanks again for setting the record straight.  Sorry this happened to you.

Realtiycheck974 reads

Posted By: péineas
...and not exposing her lies about not outing you.  Thanks again for setting the record straight.  Sorry this happened to you.
If Anyone of these guys belleive that this girl has an IVY League degree..I got a bridge to sell U.
Also she needs to raise her rate to $600 to pay back her loans.
Anyone that pays $600 for her is a bigger fool

jonnhy77863 reads

This is a serious question for you. You said lied for years. What do you mean ? I was under the impression that she just started working in April or whatever... Is that not true ? Did she go by a different name before ? I'm just curious.  

Annnnnd you really can't use the argument lied to her family because isn't that what everyone is doing on here ? Cheating on wives, girlfriends etc... I don't know. Don't we all lie to our families about this ? Pot meet kettle

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