
Re: Pussy is very low in fat, cholesterol and calories
olrac52 8 Reviews 287 reads

With you, you know whenever I can dine on that - I will indulge !

Since turning 50, it seems hard as hell to drop some lbs.

I'm working out and eating right...STOPPED DRINKING! Just looking to lose about 15!
Super Bowl Sunday certainly won't help! LOL

Any 50 and older have some other tips besides diet AND EXERCISE ?

Your thoughts if any?

Trying to lose some extra lbs myself, but I found I just have to eat so much less.  Even switching to the 'right' kind of food, but I have to cut servings in half - looks like only half a pizza today !

but other than that, a well known food critic had some advice when once asked.  He said:  Only eat food that tastes fantastic.

I see his point.  How often do we settle for food that is just mediocre

I think you should take a closer look; are you really eating healthier?  Perhaps, you aren't working out the correct way?

I'm a vegetarian; I don't always believe I'm eating healthy.  I'll eat a pint of Ben & Jerry's; if it's on sale, I'll buy more than 2.

I have another birthday coming up, I have the same feelings.  I told someone the other day, my life is half's more than over.  

Back to weight loss; do the right thing...I know I have gained weight after getting back into a rigid regime.

It will be okay; you're talking about 15 lbs * which I understand *, you're the only one worried about it.

Posted By: escalade1964
Since turning 50, it seems hard as hell to drop some lbs.  
 I'm working out and eating right...STOPPED DRINKING! Just looking to lose about 15!  
 Super Bowl Sunday certainly won't help! LOL  
 Any 50 and older have some other tips besides diet AND EXERCISE ?  
 Your thoughts if any?

I left out Mr. Fisher's could fuck more too.

You might not lose weight; you'll have a smile on your face!

Eat healthier and definitely work out. Lot's of veggies, no booze and the less processed the food the better. Try to eat as fresh as possible.  
As you start to lose weight do reward yourself with a gift, visit to a provider type of food but don't go crazy small reward.  
Find foods that you like that you can stick with forever. You still need to like what you eat. Just eat less of it.  

Well, I'm pretty close to the same age.

You offered very good advice; I would, most likely, offer the same.

If you're not spending money on other extras, go get you some.

Counting calories really helps.  Get one of the apps with a large database of generic, supermarket, and restaurant foods, set your parameters, and follow the calorie budget meticulously.  You can think about it in weekly terms - if you go over for a day, you still have the ability to meet your weekly calorie goal by staying a bit further under on other days.  

I also love Mr. Fisher's suggestion of eating food that you really like.  That approach works well with tracking your calories.

Diet and excel use really are the keys. Don't fall for the diets that claim you can lose large amts of weight in very short periods of time.  Portion control is the key to your diet as well.  Instead if having a bowl of ice cream have a scoop or two.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  Have a healthy breakfast and a decent dinner.  In between snack on fresh fruit, veggies maybe a salad for lunch.


r lbs will drop like a prom dress  
very easy

Diet works, and exercise makes it work faster. Supplements can help also, but not on their won.

Diet -  
Calculate your maintenance calories required. A simple tool to use:  (   )

Determine your macronutrient input: Example using 2500 cal/day
Fat: 2500 cal/day x 25% = 625 cal. Fat is 9 cal/gram, so you fat allowance is 69.5 grams.
Split remaining calories 70%/30% between protein and carbs: 2500-625 = 1875 cals x 0.7 = 1313 cals protein
and 563 cals carbs. Get your card from greeen, leafy and fibrous vegetables, stay away from sugars and fast starches. Read about keeping your glycemic index low and eat low glycemic index carbs:

Exercise 15-30 minutes at least 3 times per week. Screw the gym. Just do something that makes you a bit our of breath and sweaty for that length of time. You don't need special equipment.

After 1 week, drop your calories by 100 cal/day. Each week thereafter, drop your calories by an additional 100 cals per day until you are 500 cals/day below maintenance. Recalculate frequently as you lose weight.

A simple tip: Buy a cheap set of body fat calipers at GNC, and target reduction in % body fat instead of targeting weight. Many people get discouraged when they seem to stop losing weight, but the body is simply rearranging nutrients between body compartments - a process called recompositioning.  

A good multi-vitamin is a good idea for a new diet starter, but a daily green tea capsule high in EGCG will help with weight loss. If you have or may have metabolic syndrome, 1,000mg of cinnamon daily will also help to control glycemic spikes and partition food towards lean mass rather than fat. 1200 mg or triple fish oil may also help. Their are other (maybe better) supplements, but they only work for certain people under certain conditions.

When you have some diet and exercise discipline built up, techniques like carb-cycling can make weight drop off very rapidly.

Good luck. Happy to help if you PM me.

I just cheated on my diet.  It was defreakinglicious!   But,  I ate  very little of it and then I threw it in the garbage.  You see I will reheat food.  I will not however pull food out of the trash.  Lol try this it works great.  Unless you're a  tree hugger who has no problem pulling food out of the trash.  Then,  eh forget it I just offended enough people.    

Anyway,  Zen it's a pity you're so far away.  I am about to watch the punisher.  You know how my nights going to end right?  👍

MmmmHmmmmm  if you snatch the bread out of my hand we're going to have problems though.  Lmao By mid March I will have earned that bread.  Well,  maybe a crouton after my cruise.  Ok  no bread   you win   lol

Let me work those 15 pounds off you !
Its a sure way to burn ALOT of calorie

Avoid disappointment and set realistic goals. You won't lose 15 pounds in one week and be able to keep it off. Shoot for a -2 pounds per month for 8 months = -16 pounds. (I'm not a trainer and I don't play one on TV ... get a better opinion on a realistic goal for you, your body type and your lifestyle.

I have been seeking advice myself not so much for losing weight but do know after to speaking to many doctors this can be a factor for many too as we age. Men & Women but it seems it is more dangerous from what I understand for women to replace our estrogen as it drops but it seems men are able to do so without as much risk.  

I am not a doctor this is just what I am learning myself. Please seek the advice of a doctor but this is what I am learning.

Both HGH and Testosterone decline with age. As men age testosterone levels naturally drop causing adverse health issues. It is a gradual, slow process and so you may have not noticed less sexual arousal, softer erections or less morning erections, shorter night's rest, moodiness and increasing bursts of anger, or the inability for your muscles to recover after working out. Most middle-aged men do notice, however, the rapid increase in weight and fat around the mid-section, flabby muscles, extreme fatigue, erectile dysfunction and feelings of depression that may be caused by hormonal imbalance or deficiency.  

So if you are using it in combination with healthy eating and exercise. It also helps with aging and libido so to me that is a win win!!

Your best bet is find out who is one of the Top Anti Aging Doctors in Boston and set up a consultation. Hope the info helps :-)

Best wishes

Myfitnesspal.  Best database of foods
Control snacks. Popcorn is good. Lower calorie protein bars help control hunger
less carbs and sugar
Don't eat late at night
Don't give up if you plateau for a while.  
Gotta exercise 3 times per week.  
Above can get you 1 - 2 lbs off per week

Having tried everything at some point of my life, this is the single thing that has helped me and the simplest to follow...
Strawberries/ any fruit  = one ingredient,   Steak/chicken = one ingredient,  Fish = just fish, one ingredient.  Salad = leaves, grass and seeds, no dressing (vinegar + olive oil only)  Eggs = one ingredient  
Nothing from a box or a can, Ever.  And there's No diverging from this.  
NO sugar, dairy and Flour are NOT one ingredient foods.  They are processed with other chemicals and are altered from their original state that nature intended.  So any and all breads/dairy/processed foods must GO.  If it comes from a box, dont eat it!  Thats Kelloggs, Betty Crocker, Uncle Bens, Chef Boyardee, Cambells, Prince etc etc.  
I can gain/lose 10-15 pds with other diets but it will not stay off and I've never found a true new 'way of eating' that keeps the weight off except this.  And I lost 85 pds back in '09......   without counting calories, without exercising any more than I already had been.   Was I hungry?  Yes sometimes, but tough shit that's what it takes.  But eating just protein and plant based foods kept hunger away more than calorie counting would.  But fact is there is a deal of 'uncomfort' involved, but only until you get past those first few weeks.  Then you'll no longer crave sugar and carbs.  Its like a detox....three weeks without sugar in my diet, I couldn't stand the taste of it anymore.  And the last thing to go, which was sugar in my coffee,  did cause eventually I hated the sugary taste.  Amazing how great a strawberry tastes when your pallet isn't overloaded with processed sugars.  Once you get thru the first couple of weeks, you'll never want to eat anything with a self life longer than you ever again!
Good Luck to you!

you taste so good ... one ingredient .... can you guess?

-- Modified on 2/10/2016 11:44:52 AM

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