
Re: leave the Boston board before somenone publishes your REAL name and address
thirsty 2 Reviews 8756 reads

I hope this is needless to say but that won't happen here no matter what the justification.


The other board has an ongoing thread about Ms. Bond going independent.I have to admit that I saw Sharon yesterday primarily because good old Martha (yes make no mistake about it,she is STILL running Party 7 K even though she told everyone she was through with it)said that she was old and fat.In the past I saw two other ladies that were victims of this agency when they tried to go indy and she said they had STDs(lies).I just knew I was going to love Sharon.Well guess what:I did. She is nowhere the 37 that Martha said she is (more like 26)and certainly not fat.She is a very toned athletic size 5 juniors.I had a wonderful time with her as did the reviewer beneath my post.The thing that really pisses me off is that Martha has chosen to out Sharon's real name (in parenthesis)on her website.There are always two sides to a story when a lady leaves an agency but THAT is never called for. Martha,there are people who know your real name and where you live in Vegas,and that you love to eat at the Cheesecake factory,so don't you think it would be better to remove her real name from your site

I've never used Party 7k and never will after what I just saw on the website that Vegas Bob referenced.  

There is some kind of code of ethics in this hobby and tops on my list is discretion.  I would never see a provider that "outed" a client.  And I will never see an agency that would stoop so low as to post someone's real name.  I don't pretend to know nor care the background between these two entities.  The bottom line is a serious line has been crossed by the agency and I would NEVER trust them with my information.

I vote for Party 7k being banned from the boards and boycotted by hobbyists.


P.S. - I've never seen Sharon Bond and have no vested interest in whether or not she is successful; I'm just disgusted by her former employer's actions.

"I vote for Party 7k being banned from the boards and boycotted by hobbyists."

if true ... then i would say Amen to that - (not knowing or caring about the details of the situation).

to paraphrase "Animal Farm" ... some wrongs are more WRONG than others!

I was never a fan of them because they had mixed reviews.Now for sure I will NEVER use them or recommend them to anyone.
If they outed out info on our of their girls they could do the same to us.

100%10326 reads

Stay away from party of 7.  I had to walk out on an appointment
because the girls was high as a kite.  This agency s--ks.

I have never used an agency and just by the  imbicilic actions

of Pary 7 K, probably think twice about ever using any one.

Party 7 k should remember what goes around comes around.....

Party7K.com11333 reads

Hi, as a managing partner of the firm I need to address a few things. First, are you still calling other agencies for FREE or discounted sessions in return of a review? You are notorious for doing it to Exotica-2000 and Bodymiracle. So, for the record ALL your reviews are suspect.

Secondly, Sharon Bond owes the agency money. We handle our collection efforts differently than the typical window-pane, brick and mortar business. Frankly, it doesn't affect you, nor should it be your business.

Thirdly, I'm glad that you had a good time with Sharon. She is not 37 (that was a typo), and she isn't 26 either. She is actually 34 years old. But the point is mute.

Our most respected, high-end clients still love us because they know us, like us and trust us. We can't please everyone on this board...we strive for progress, not perfection.

And besides, if you are ever in the area...Let's do Cheesecake in Summerlin. I'd like to put a face, behind the handle.

LongHair9251 reads

Your faulty premise looks like Swiss chesse to me.  Something akin to, "When did your agency stop robbing clients?"

Nothing in your post is reason or cause to denengrate Sharon AND reveal her real name publicly, on boards and your website.

Similarly, attacking a poster only reveals what you might do with clients confidential and personal information should a dispute arise. Your actions are a disgrace!

Good old Martha
   I guess we have smoked you out of your hole in Vegas.First lets adress your accusations.I have NEVER had a review challanged by ANY hobbyist.I have NEVER asked for nor have I EVER received a free session from anyone for the promise of a good review.I have NEVER even spoken to anyone at Bodymiracle so nice try but get your facts straight.
   Now It's your turn Martha.You say that listing Sharon's age at 37 (she says she is 27 and I believe her) was a typo.Your whole life seems to be a typo.You never addressed that you said she was fat and I found her to be a size 5 juniors.You say that she owes you money.That can only be discussed between the two of you however she says that you want money from her because she was tired and wanted to take a day off and you wanted her to pay you.You also somehow failed to address the most serious issue being discussed here.How could you have the audacity to post this lady's REAL NAME on your website? Martha,there are some of us here in boston that know your real name.How would you like it if we published your real name?

Party7K.com7361 reads

You are in Denial, dude...but whatever. YOU DID approach ME for FREE sessions in leiu of reviews (remember JR Carrington?)! And if you believe that she is 27 years old, then you're very naive.

VegasBobby, I can do whatever I like regarding my site, and as a matter of fact...I'm enjoying it all. It doesn't involve you, whatsoever.

I am also planning on selling her pictures to stock photographers. What a treat!

As for the real issues here...let's face it. After the sun rises and falls, you will still continue to be a "john", and I will still manage the women.

Warmest Regards,
Ms. Hunter


I'm having a lot of difficulty trying to keep this from being a flame war and I want to thank the moderator for leaving this entire thread up because it is important information for the members.It is important for everyone to understand that this lady (Martha) has been quoted in the past as saying "bad publicity is better than no publicity" so obviously this is an attempt to keep her name out there.What other reason could she have to keep compounding each outrageous lie with another one.  I NEVER asked you for a freebie for anyone especially JR Carrington.This is either an outright lie or you are confusing me with someone else.I never wanted to see her and I never will as I hear that she is not a good call.
  Yes Martha,you can do whatever you want with your agency and I am "just a john" like all the other readers here. (I'm glad to hear how much respect you have for your clientele who are only johns) Selling the girls photos to be used as stock photos is to be expected from a classy lady like yourself. I'm getting tired of this whole thing but I have one other thing to say. BE A HUMAN BEING AND TAKE SHARON'S REAL NAME OFF YOUR SITE!!!!!

I would like to thank vegas bob for a wonderful afternoon and his strength and support and the support of other members on the the agency has now been exposed to the truth do you think it possible to remove my pictures and REAL NAME from your website.i would truly be thankful,as I would like only peace and to able to do my job in that manner.P.S $$$ can not pay for the exposure to my name ,family,reputation and business!P.SS selling my pictures would not be a good idea as i do not own them! they are owned by and the matter will not be in my hands.sincerly sharon bond

Party7K.com9027 reads

Vegas Bob,

I will gladly remove her pictures, just send me a check - ASAP -for what she owes me. Put your money, where your mouth is. If you even so much care for her?!?!

As for the FREEBIES, remember the blow-outs you had with Mike formerly from YOu were notorious for getting stuff done, since you considered yourself a "respected member of the boards". NOt only did you do it for JR Carrington, you asked me for FREEBIES for Chloe Vevrier (when her rate was $3,000.00/for two-hours! YEs, three-THOUSAND dollars for two-hours, folks). Your memory is failing you, VegasBobbie.

Your "tired" of this whole thing, because YOU're being exposed for your ways.

As for being human....I emailed [edited name - moderator] just shortly. To curtail the drama on the thread.

And you are right...bad publicity is very good publicity. Thank you for the added value, VegasBobbie. You've done it again. You helped me bring it to the bank...I got more appointments this week, than ever before.

Life is good.

-- Modified on 6/26/2003 8:10:09 AM

The only truth in this post is that you thrive on negative publicity.The rest is your usual BS.I have NEVER asked for an appt with JR Carrington or Chloe Vevrier with you or anyone else and I have no idea who Adult Fantasies is.You really do make this stuff up as you go along. I guess all this negative publicity won't hurt you because you have no ladies left who are willing to put up with your lies.Case closed,but the one against you here in the commonwealth is still pending.How's that case for running a house of prostitution going.Are you planning on "outing" any johns to try to save your ass.

Party7K.com14713 reads

It's interesting that you say, "you really do make this stuff up...", Bobbie.

The only one in denial is you. My woes with the Commenwealth is over...And, darling, I don't run a house of prostitution. Have you been to one? [edited by moderator]

I run a clean escort service, offering full-service, time and companionship...LOL. "Outing" my clients isn't an option. Outing petty thieves like Wiggenhauser is, and it will remain that way until I get my money back. End of story.

Bobbie, are you jealous of my successes? I'm a millionaire many times over...and you are still paying for it. Hahhahah! What a shame. You don't seem to understand that I will NOT tolerate thievery in my establishment, no matter how wealthy I am. It won't happen here...

As for the women...check out Los Angeles. I've got a bevy of beauties working with me. Can you say the same thing? The proof is in the pudding.

-- Modified on 6/26/2003 8:07:44 AM

i have since this saga has started received not one e-mail from the agengy and do not wish to have any future contact with them.the damage is done.the agency should technically owe is time to be mature and cut your loses as i have from last week.again the agency has used my real NAME now on the TER board.i was wondering if the agency is so busy i don't know why they cancelled a girls tour for boston and stuck her with a 800$airline ticket.please beware newbies as i am one and this really opened my eyes!sincerly.sharon

Dear Martha,
Its nice to know how you feel about us Hobbyist after reading your post it makes RUN to call you and set up an
NOT on your life or if you were the only game in town would I or any fellow hobbyist ever use your agency again.
We may be johns but your a Madam with NO CLASS do us all a favor and leave the Boston board before somenone publishes your REAL name and address

I hope this is needless to say but that won't happen here no matter what the justification.


I would like to thank vegas bob for a wonderful afternoon and his support and the other members of the the agency has now been exposed to the truth do you think it possible to remove my pictures and my REAL NAME from the website.i truly would be i would like only peace and to be able to do my job in that manner.P.S $$$ can not pay for the exposure the agency has given to my,reputation and business.P.S.S.i do not own those photo's if the agency sells them they will have great problems with an which will not be in my hands!sincerly sharon bond

1. you opened your response with an unsubstantiated cheap shot! i don't know vegas bob from a hole in the ground, but he posts here a lot and seems like a straight shooter; all his shots against you are CONCRETE, your 'crimes' posted right there on your website!

2. you outed an employee on your website! she owes you money? maybe so, how would i know? i don't care if she owes you a million, from a hobbyists perspective there is no worse thing you can do than to out somebody - for ANY reason. don't you get that?

3. you have proven yourself a liar by printing that she is old and fat. either she is young and in shape and you are lying to be spiteful, or you were lying in the first place when you featured her on your site. THEN you say she is 37, then you say it was a typo. yikes.

i'll join the boycott, where do i sign?

I agree.. this agency has crossed the line.  Even worse, they attack a hobbyist on our boards.  I'm sending out some back-channel messages to hobbyists in NY to boycott.

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