
Re: I take that back ... sorry Wolf
nothrofboston 24 Reviews 828 reads
1 / 11

Noticed a comment in Lone Wolf's review

lone wolf 208 Reviews 583 reads
2 / 11

I think she was Larissa with DownCityDivas

Hushboston See Agency Profile 511 reads
3 / 11

No idea what this is about but Larissa is Larissa.
Never used a different name.
Petite, all natural young spinner.
Her last review I think is made up she is not fat or ugly I have met her personally and she is drop dead beautiful.
She is drug free, alcohol free, smoke free, kid free, pictures are 100% her.
Excellent reviews and they speak for themselves accept for the last review that is fake and I will be contacting TER to have it removed cause it Is Made Up.
Obviously there is someone on here/agency trying to discredit her cause of her excellent reviews.
I stand behind everything I have said...
Don't believe me see her for yourself to judge

Hushboston See Agency Profile 427 reads
4 / 11

Can not believe someone would actually make up a fake review on a provider. Jealousy is a bad quality.
I will assume someone out there is jealous of her reviews cause they are excellent and feel the need to discredit her.
She is a newly provider as I said with no baggage and for someone to take the time to falsely say in accurate things about her is pathetic.
Welcome to the Facebook world of hobbiest....
Please feel free to contact me directly threw my phone number or email so I can show you the same pictures not professional and un blurred.
Such a shame that someone/Agency feels the need to be so threatened by one provider to go as far as write a false review.
This is why TER to me is a joke.....
Once again Larissa is Larissa and has never gone by a different name ever..... I will stand by that 100%....
Drug free, alcohol free, kid free, Photo shopped free, or air brushed free.
Read her 4 first reviews does not make sense...
So her lag review obviously is fake.....  
Also she works only two days a week and all 100% repeat clients.... No time for new clients.....

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 388 reads
5 / 11

a reviewer mentioned in his rpeview that he met her before when she had a different name.  

If people are making shit up, there should be no harm in me asking a question to clarify. If memory serves me, one of the people in this chain was one who mentioned it

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 323 reads
6 / 11

that it was someone who was part of the chain ... it was Googary ..

lone wolf 208 Reviews 329 reads
7 / 11

Larissa is with Hush Girls, and also was formerly with Down City Divas. She might still be with DCD, I don't know. I have seen her through Hush.  I mistakenly said Bostoneb in the title in my post above; my error. Larissa has never been with Bostoneb.
Larissa is Larissa and has always gone by that name and no other. She is a fucking smokeshow, end of story. No one with any visual capacity whatsoever can say Larissa is fat, nor can they say this girl is ugly. This girl is sweet, nice, pretty and she rocks hard. I stand by my review 100%, and no one who has not seen her should make things up to criticize her. Mean people suck.

dasicorp 72 Reviews 347 reads
8 / 11

I have seen Larrissa she smoking hot nice girl and should not be subject to this drama bullshit .Grow the fuck up. Jealously is a terrible thing.

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 291 reads
9 / 11

I see zero drama at all on this string.
I'll seek clarification when I need it.
Keep trying tho, you may create some

LamontCranston69 330 reads
10 / 11

Lapdog is doing his job, that's how he earns his treats of you know what I mean.  

Just let him yip away like he always does, that's what he is good at

dasicorp 72 Reviews 276 reads
11 / 11

Oh my bad I thought you were seeking clarification and you got it .. Next time send it to Lamont directly he will get right on it for you .. He's got nothing else to do in life  

Posted By: nothrofboston
I see zero drama at all on this string.  
 I'll seek clarification when I need it.  
 Keep trying tho, you may create some.  

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