
Re: I agree with Angel on this one...
Nyx_GG See my TER Reviews 819 reads

Obviously valid concerns, and more information is certainly needed. But it's also true that these days people are much more likely to research things on the internet (especially younger people). Not everyone is ready to just jump right in with being an independent, there's a lot more to consider with something like that. Assuming of course they're looking to be more than just the online equivalent to a streetwalker like many (not all) of the girls on backpage. Working with an agency allows someone new to concentrate on learning how to deal with clients, without having to worry about the business end (ie advertising, screening, scheduling, etc). Then there's the girls who have great "people skills", but are horrible with business.  

Could she be LE? Possibly. Could she be someone who's being smart and researching instead of just leaping in? Equally possible in my opinion

IDT4fun2188 reads

I'm looking to get started with an agency.  Any thoughts on the best from a girls perspective?

IDT4fun1594 reads

Also, if there are any women that don't mind my contacting them please PM me (particularly if you are working for an agency).  I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed about how to get started and want to do it the best and safest way.  

Posted By: IDT4fun
I'm looking to get started with an agency.  Any thoughts on the best from a girls perspective?

IDT4fun1465 reads  And I'm not sure why it is creepy.  I'm not sure how to get started.  I'm looking for anyone who works for an agency and if they've had a good experience or recommend staying away.  Not sure if there is a better place to post this.  As I wrote anyone who wants can PM me.

IDT4fun1153 reads

I've learned that I cannot actually see private message because I am not VIP.  Instead please e-mail [email protected].  Anyone that already sent me messages I cannot read them.

Do your own research on TER. Pretty easy to see which providers @ agencies have the best reviews.

I see nothing creepy about it at all. I can't imagine how that post would make an investigation any easier.

I can't imagine how the OP can know so much about TER posting and policy and claim to be a newbie.  The OP has obviously spent significant time reading TER.  Strange she did not pick up on the multitude of agency info already posted?  Things that make you say hmmmmm.

Any girl can masterbate.
Some girls will switch and bait.
...just be careful you don't become the bait [for LE entrapment].

I actually think if she knew a lot about TER she'd be posting on the provider board. LE doesn't need elaborate schemes on TER. Suggestions of an agency to work for wouldn't mean a thing anyway.

I think provider got to have certain number of reviews to post on provider's only board and then she is no longer a newbie.  
There are other 'providers only' boards out there where she can pose the same question to a much more targeted audience. I'd say smells pretty fishy to me.

-- Modified on 3/9/2014 10:32:17 AM

IDT4fun1079 reads

Thanks to all who responded.

To all the skeptics - I know NOTHING about posting on TER boards.  I know that I cannot read TER PMs because 3 people have sent me PMs.  They show up in my "inbox" but then say only VIP-only.  

As Bob stated I have no idea how answering which agency would be good to work at would help LE in anyway.  A monkey could find the names of the existing agencies.  My question is which is the best.

Perhaps a better question would be - of the following who would you recommend working for Boston International, Afterdark, Room Service?

Again, thanks to all who did answer.  To those that didn't - I get your need to be careful but I think your paranoia in this case is unjustified.  

Posted By: Nnoway
I think provider got to have certain number of reviews to post on provider's only board and then she is no longer a newbie.  
 There are other 'providers only' boards out there where she can pose the same question to a much more targeted audience. I'd say smells pretty fishy to me.  

-- Modified on 3/9/2014 10:32:17 AM

Yes tons of pkaces to seek employment . I escort over ten years and just got on three years ago.
Ter isnt where a woman with nada clue goes .  
They start out doing body rubs then graduate, highest likely svenerio. And by then they are in the community of hobbyist in thier community by that time.
Or they may start out after being a dancer first. Or workung for adult internet modeling.
I started by going to an open call for adult modeling for a company . Thats where Isabella soprano taught ne make up for film .  
Trust me.
You dont roll outta bed and say gee. Lets go be a full time escort and work for a service. And then on top of that . Figurevout how to navigate on the erotic review ! :-) cripes.  
They are lookin to get some info so they can get there search warrants and no knock raid warrants.
They cant get any of that through courts with out certain amount of proof.
For example if more than three peopke complain about a specific place of a service or parlour.
That equals them being able to request permission from do a no knock.
Which is basically where they do something along lines of kicking a door in, guns drawn and yell every body down!
Then rip your house, ceilings, to shreds.
And any thing on your person or the jack shack is taken as evidence.
They cant seize your pc and things in the services office with a certain amount of complaints.
It takes three months or longer to get thier warrants.
So this just means people be aware they are aggressively looking to bust massage parlour s and servicesvat this time.
Its very obvious.
Then again I may be paranoid.
But knock on wood never had any run ins with l.e. in this area my life anyway

first off you are paranoid.
And very wrong! many Ladies start at the top.
I have Never done body rubs or dancing.
I decided to become a companion did my research and started as an Indy on my own website went up and I was off and running.
AND I can name several top dollar top tier Ladies who did the same. several on this here Boston board.
Not everyone slummed their way to the top we knew what we wanted and went for it.

stop trying to discredit someone you know nothing about

I for one….couldn't believe I was touching a man….there, and at the same time was attending (the now defunct) way back in the day and at the time one of of the few and most prestigious massage schools (at that time) in MA. The director of the school couldn't find the deal…either I was a "trust fund baby" or….wait for it….a "body model".

Any educational institute is ….wait for it…a Business which will take money from you, unless of course, you are a Total Moron. And All Hope is Lost.

I have seguewayed(Sp?) from fitness instructor /waitron/ slut/ mistress/ student/ educator/ dance instructor/ exotic dancer/ mentor/ entrepreneur/ massage therapist/ Physical Science student/ artist/ dancer/ spiritual advisor/ muse….

We become enlightened when God lets us know we are ready. Just my humble CATHOLIC (not recovering….sorry for the children that were abused, sincerely). My Uncle from Ireland is a retired Priest, and when I get really tired (of humans….'cause animals are cool..even snakes and dragons lol!) He says "Give Yourself Permission To Rest".


Unfortunately some of us have insomnia…and frankly just think way too much.

Godspeed to us all,

Lady Miss Ann

A older client who was visiting with me told me that Boston Police do not have a Vice squad. He said that in the 1970's the vice squad was so corrupt that the police came to the conclusion that the easiest way to cut down on that type crime was to get rid of the Vice squad.

is that true. It is very believable

I would be interested in mentoring a couple new girls and have a little agency. I can get you started if you are genuine and really interested in being a good courtesan. If I mentor anyone, they will need to be Honest, Trustworthy, Good communicators, Reliable. After that, I will help with photos, writing the biog and adverts, and screening. I am out in the countryside and quite low volume, so I would like to help one or two girls out in Boston or other areas of New England if they are interested in a more intimate kind of agency situation. If you are not interested in my offer, I can lead you in the direction of a couple larger agencies in Boston that have good reputations.

IDT4fun1060 reads

Thanks!  I'll be in touch.

shes a good person good business women and she will absolutely keep you safe and get you on your way.

If you want to remain indy and learn the ropes from scratch I believe I can get you started there But I don't pull any punches if you don't think you can be honest sober and clean in mind and body I cant work with you.
 but if you can pull your own weight, I can show you how to play the game.

Key here is to find what fits for you.
you can always work as an agency girl for a while and then go indy.

either way, best wishes and welcome.

I would try Jill with RSG, and while I have never met her or worked for her, I have called her for references and she has called me for references, and she does screen.

wouldn't even begin to have any idea about ter on the Boston boards.
in fact most girls that end up working for agencies find it through other avenues not by randomly posting an open ended question.
if you are somebody who truly has no clue then how did you figure out how to get on here to post and how did you know to go on here and post
when you really think about it who ever this alias is this is totally Ellie and does not make any sense at all.
seems as though there's an awful lot of questions being asked on the Boston boards by alias is that nobody knows that have no reviews.
why are they so obvious I don't get it?
Theres like a string of DT sounding, inquiries rollin in .
first I see like three people who have no reviews asking stupid questions like where to get a massage.
I'm here to ask where to get a massage anyway.
there's like 20 guys with no reviews asking where to get good massages right now
and now this random no name Elias wants to know where does a good service she can work
looks like Boston must be on the hit list this week.
Hello capt obvious for cripes sakes

IDT4fun932 reads


While I appreciate your skepticism it is mis-directed.

I found this board by googling "board for boston escorts".  It is the 1st hit.  

Again - finding information about what agencies exist is easy (a simple google search can answer that).  Even finding out what agencies are good from a guys perspective seems relatively easy.  Finding an agency that is safe, easy to work for/with, and puts my safety first is nearly impossible.

Angel again - I'm not sure how answering my question (what agency is good to work for) would put anyone at risk of LE.  If you were to say agency A is great and agency B will steal your money and then blackmail you - what difference would that make other than helping me.

I just don't get it.  Perhaps as a Newbie I just don't have an appropriate level paranoia yet

And if she makes you uncomfortable just don't get involved with her.  Worry about yourself. No need to drop aggression on this girl.

-- Modified on 3/10/2014 2:40:07 AM

None of the agencies are going to hire a provider without checking her out, as agencies are taking much more of a risk than the Indy's or the clients.   No doubt this girl could have opened the yellow pages or randomly called agencies and I think she is smart to be asking about the reputation of local agencies, after all there are tons of agencies that don't even screen. This does not effect anyone on the boards unless they hire her.

Please feel free to call or email me.

Jill :)

Posted By: IDT4fun
I'm looking to get started with an agency.  Any thoughts on the best from a girls perspective?

Why would the OP google "boards for Boston escorts?" I never even knew "boards" exsisted until I was already providing for 6 months or so....It is a little strange...also how old are you IDT4fun?


How about this idea....

Go to backpage

Create an account

Build an ad

Post pics

and a phone number

then come back on here and post a link to your backpage ad.....

But Angel is right. The OP knows how to post a thread on a hobby board?? But doesn't even have a link to a backpage ad so we can see her pics and call her with a phone number she lists. Then at least a brave reputable monger can TOFTT and if he is not busted from LE he can post a review. Then the debate, as too who this lady is, can be put to rest.

Trust me its not hard...if you can post on here you can post on BP

 Jill, Nyx, Nicole, Cameo watch yourselves...trying to get a gal to work for you may bite you in the butt later. If the OP is a detective you will be busted for pimping and pandering. This is a hooker board after all and LE could care less if we call it escorting or companionship. To LE this is prostitution period.

But Nicole, your defending the OP and you don't even know if she is really a she or if its a guy just getting the board to say that Jill at Room Service will hire you, etc etc....

at least one review from a reputable monger is all she needs....

and she can create an Eros ad not just a BP post but anything with pictures and a phone number so guys can hear her voice and go see her and review her before people welcome her into the community so easily

DickFitswell838 reads

Read the original post geeeesssshhhhhh

And as far as you not knowing about TER for 6 months tells me you did not do your homework before you
Got into this business.

Now you operate with 2 profiles and personas on can fool some but not all.

Any lady coming into this business should Google and read every possible article there is dealing with this biz before even thinking about it and ask many many questions...and hope for a mentor with experience.

If a cop or LE wanted to know anything about agencies or escorts and how to contact them for a "supposed" sting, all he/she would have to do is Google what he wants and shazam....its all right there.

I can't believe the paranoia on this OP....and its not an alias it has an envelope under the name...aliases don't have that.

Just an FYI and my .0

All I did was Agree with Angel's comments, which covered lots of points, lol.....sorry, I didn't mean to get in the middle of the melodrama. Excuse my comments...

I am out in Philadelphia right now and Montgomery County is having a huge crackdown on our hobby so we are all a bit uptight about Newbies coming into the community down here in the City of Brotherly Love. I guess my radar was up on this one due to all the LE activity down here. Hope she teams up with a nice agency!  

Have a great day everyone!

The one and only, "Divine Ms M"


-- Modified on 3/10/2014 1:57:33 PM

-- Modified on 3/10/2014 1:57:57 PM

-- Modified on 3/10/2014 1:59:03 PM

agencys hire newbies all the time.  
Im not defending HER persay but lets not jump down her throat.

AND its not like RSG was a big fat secret. the original question was, who is safe and valid to work with.
Jill knows how to vet someone and its no secret she has an agency.

All im saying is Everyone step back a bit. She got an answer to her question and if she goes to work for Jill or anyone else they will do their thing and screen her...

its a lot of  *the sky is falling* attitude

ok Ive said my peace...

Posted By: mercedesann
But Nicole, your defending the OP and you don't even know if she is really a she or if its a guy just getting the board to say that Jill at Room Service will hire you, etc etc....  
 at least one review from a reputable monger is all she needs....  
 and she can create an Eros ad not just a BP post but anything with pictures and a phone number so guys can hear her voice and go see her and review her before people welcome her into the community so easily.  

Any agency will do screening before hiring a new girl. And Jill has an excellent reputation in Boston, so if she passes screening, then all of a sudden these people with current paranoia will be booking the new girl in town.  

-- Modified on 3/10/2014 9:14:35 AM

You can find anything on Google. TER comes up fast on a google search. People are very quick and clever on computers. We all started somewhere. For me, I started by a yahoo search, and as a result, I worked for an agency in Europe that was pretty terrible to the girls. If I'd done a little more research, had advice given to me, or had the tools we have now on looking up info, my experience may have been different. If this girl is LE, it will be found out after the first person starts asking her questions about herself via potential employment to her. Any agency will check out/screen a girl before taking her on board. There's nothing wrong with someone asking a question and seeking help to get started. One thing I think we need less of is paranoia and fear in this world. To give people chances. Be cautious yes, but to be in fear or slam doors people are trying to open up for themselves, is just not the answer.  

-- Modified on 3/10/2014 7:14:22 AM

Obviously valid concerns, and more information is certainly needed. But it's also true that these days people are much more likely to research things on the internet (especially younger people). Not everyone is ready to just jump right in with being an independent, there's a lot more to consider with something like that. Assuming of course they're looking to be more than just the online equivalent to a streetwalker like many (not all) of the girls on backpage. Working with an agency allows someone new to concentrate on learning how to deal with clients, without having to worry about the business end (ie advertising, screening, scheduling, etc). Then there's the girls who have great "people skills", but are horrible with business.  

Could she be LE? Possibly. Could she be someone who's being smart and researching instead of just leaping in? Equally possible in my opinion

not my job to establish that.  I'll let those who run agencies screen her, that is their job.  
It IS very wise for a new gal to learn everything possible before venturing into this business.  Google is a great way.  There are agencies which are very difficult to break away from...  who keep a girls pictures (who owns them anyway), pressure girls to stay & pull dirt tricks if they try to leave.  That is what you need to know.
Although written from the hobbiests perspective, there is much to be learned on the self help section (link by the lifesaver on the newbie board).  Also the newbie board itself has lots to offer...  everyone must put their own slant on things anyway.  
You will want a work phone separate from your regular phone...  shut off when not working.  Separate email.  Learn various ways how the donation is expected to be left.  The 2 call system.   How to be discrete.  
Guys are leery of being scammed...  reputable providers know & value their provider name & reputation for providing honest service

IDT4fun - you appear to be relatively astute, and therefore this thread has certainly provided you with a list of colleagues of whom you can trust and not trust.

I know, as a client, it has certainly provided me a wealth of info. LOL


Vgobbler919 reads

Some people never learn to keep quiet.

"Those who know the least always seem to know it the loudest." - Andy Capp

Amazing to me how these things take on a life of their own. I've posted what I thought were innocuous questions and seen them be twisted and take a wild left turn on this board, as I result I'm now more voyeur than contributor.

However there are some valid reasons for concern. Le is not beneath cheap attempts to create some fast results for their benefit.

Certainly this lady is astute enough to find our community then she is able to locate the provider board and ask questions there  

You want to be an escort then go to sexy jobs and post a resume or look at any agency that's long established and call for an interview.

Want credibility ? Post a pic of you with a phone and services you offer I.e. Gfe bbbjcim etc. post a rate and get a review or at least a shout out on the board from a known hobbiest and then you'll get the information you seek more freely

Example: I'll show you mine if you show me yours first, then touch mine first too to relax me

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