
Re: Additional thoughts...
CamilleUK See my TER Reviews 576 reads

I'll be very surprised if the CC accounts are stil active in P411
They usually get tanked quickly when anything nefarious is going on...

Posted By: CuriousGeorge1152
P411 accounts for CC providers were inactivated a few days after arrests  
 CC was sloppy on security so may have left their p411 account (and TER) credentials exposed  
 Not sure if each provider had access to their CC- related p411 accounts. If so then perhaps they inactivated themselves (phew)  
 In any case, odds are high that LE has access to CC p411 account which makes it easier for LE to masquerade as an agency or provider.  
 So some *potential* compromise specially if paired with LE fake TER  
 As always, Extra care is warranted  
 I am not a lawyer.

Is what someone just mentioned as  I tried to get confirmed by a new girl . I am not a member of 411

Who is this "someone?" Someone with an axe to grind with P411? You do realize that P411 is based in Canada.  

There is an old Irish saying...I used to be able to say it in Gaelic but I am a bit rusty now. It goes like this: "Big Timothy knows more than little Timothy; and little Timothy knows nothing at all!"

watch out, hooker wit heart of tin foil will yell at you for daring to ask a question..

Prostitution is legal in Canada, but the country's former set of laws made almost everything around it illegal. The Supreme Court of Canada shot down those laws last year, calling them unconstitutional, and gave the government one year to replace them.

So I think you someone is full of

My first guess is that "someone" knew of an instance of a new client, but from LE, registering with P411 (real name, fake name, whatever).  Newbie-LE guy gets p411 approved to see someone and brings an envelope. But the envelope contains a warrant, not benjamins.  I suppose that might have happened to someone or her friend?  

If government LE provides "real" fake documents to p411, it's going to be very hard for p411 to know that. If gov LE sets up a "real" fake business to vouch for him, it's going to be very hard for p411 to know that. (From the movies and TV crime shows I have studied, LE can set up fake businesses that fool more sophisticated targets than p411. No offense p411, but you aren't the Mafia or an international illegal arms dealer.)

My gigantic GUESS is a single case of compromise, not the complete breakdown of the system.

Posted By: LamontCranston69
Prostitution is legal in Canada, but the country's former set of laws made almost everything around it illegal. The Supreme Court of Canada shot down those laws last year, calling them unconstitutional, and gave the government one year to replace them.  
 So I think you someone is full of

Posted By: kz1
Is what someone just mentioned as  I tried to get confirmed by a new girl . I am not a member of 411
= You are not p411.
= You just tried to get confirmed by a new (to you) girl.
? New (to you) girl = someone?  
= During the exchange between you ("I have references. But I'm not a member of P411.") and someone, someone said something that made you think that p411 is compromised. (Someone: "You're not a member of P411? That's OK. I don't trust p411. I think p411 is compromised." or something like that?)

Is that close, so far? Did "someone" give any more detailed explanation? Is it her gut feeling? Is it a specific experience of hers or a friend of hers? ("My friend checked a guy by p411 and he [robbed, arrested, abused] her.")  

Was it just a dismissive "I don't use p411. Don't trust 'em." or something more substantial?  Dismissiveness could just be a form of legitimizing oneself. ("I screen BETTER than p411. I don't need them.")  

Is the someone a member or former member of p411?  

Got any more detail or clarification?

New girl here , New girl to me , I was looking to  get confirmed . She has a few reviews but I don't have vip so i can't see what types reviewed her . The quote in her email was - "I was just reading a few things saying p411 is potentially compromised. Could be rumor, but you can't be too careful. " I will ask her to clarify and see if she wants to out herself out of concern or not . I was just trying to put it out here because of what is going on with every single agency locally having no web presence at this time . If she doesn't this will be the ;ast time I post on this subject . Sorry to cause a stir . Not .

Posted By: impposter
Posted By: kz1
Is what someone just mentioned as  I tried to get confirmed by a new girl . I am not a member of 411
= You are not p411.  
 = You just tried to get confirmed by a new (to you) girl.  
 ? New (to you) girl = someone?  
 = During the exchange between you ("I have references. But I'm not a member of P411.") and someone, someone said something that made you think that p411 is compromised. (Someone: "You're not a member of P411? That's OK. I don't trust p411. I think p411 is compromised." or something like that?)  
 Is that close, so far? Did "someone" give any more detailed explanation? Is it her gut feeling? Is it a specific experience of hers or a friend of hers? ("My friend checked a guy by p411 and he [robbed, arrested, abused] her.")  
 Was it just a dismissive "I don't use p411. Don't trust 'em." or something more substantial?  Dismissiveness could just be a form of legitimizing oneself. ("I screen BETTER than p411. I don't need them.")  
 Is the someone a member or former member of p411?  
 Got any more detail or clarification?

Ok here's her reply , it has links , which I have not clicked on - good luck - I am just a messenger here  

Oh goodness. I saw a girl mention it on the forums for the girls on my website. I'm not on it, but I did have them cancel my application as a result. Crack downs are getting hard these days, so you can't be too careful. Especially since they had asked me for a valid ID for my application. Anyways, here are a few of the things she posted:  

I haven't really looked any further into it... there was also some story about a woman tracking IP addresses and one leading back to a police address or something, but I can't find that one.  
Again, might still be a rumor, but just in case anyone wants to investigate it further.  
I thought it was suspicious that previous providers were apparently starting to be asked for a photo of their IDs, one girl took a photo of it, which I attached and they thought it was super weird to be asked for it all of a sudden.  
Be cautious, both about using it and how you mention it.

and another link , which I have not clicked on myself , again just a messenger - you figure it out 411 users , agency mongers and incallers .......

Posted By: impposter
Posted By: kz1
Is what someone just mentioned as  I tried to get confirmed by a new girl . I am not a member of 411
= You are not p411.  
 = You just tried to get confirmed by a new (to you) girl.  
 ? New (to you) girl = someone?  
 = During the exchange between you ("I have references. But I'm not a member of P411.") and someone, someone said something that made you think that p411 is compromised. (Someone: "You're not a member of P411? That's OK. I don't trust p411. I think p411 is compromised." or something like that?)  
 Is that close, so far? Did "someone" give any more detailed explanation? Is it her gut feeling? Is it a specific experience of hers or a friend of hers? ("My friend checked a guy by p411 and he [robbed, arrested, abused] her.")  
 Was it just a dismissive "I don't use p411. Don't trust 'em." or something more substantial?  Dismissiveness could just be a form of legitimizing oneself. ("I screen BETTER than p411. I don't need them.")  
 Is the someone a member or former member of p411?  
 Got any more detail or clarification?

Reports are from three (3) years ago.....there is old news and then there is ancient news.

We are thinking this thru, You do have to realize that people are freaking out about the bust 2 weeks ago, the board is ripe for  
rumors, wild guesses and everything else. You did notice I do not post anything about the bust until it was in the newspaper.
I waited for the Facts (Think of Dragnet, Just the fact, see link below) I don't post any rumors.

All we want is the facts, about this. Do you think LE is going to go thru all the trouble to create a profile on p411 to just bust one escort?  Busting a big agency is a high profile bust, busting a single lady is not.  

I have to wonder if you were a client of said agency and the provider you were trying to book with saw that and does not want to have anything to do with you. So she made up that story to get you to back off?  

All these posts have good questions all in a search to get to the truth and not to bust your balls.  

What we need is facts not rumors these days.

Asked if any if the girls that worked there were around...

Nope , I asked if one was around , the tall one . Still looking . The overnight rate intrigued me . And then , the bust . I don't do agencies much . And you could see the last time I did an incall if you read my reviews . A loooong time ago .

Posted By: josulli
Asked if any if the girls that worked there were around...

bookshe592 reads


Posted By: kz1
Is what someone just mentioned as  I tried to get confirmed by a new girl . I am not a member of 411

Instead of the cheap shots and name calling, Let look at some facts:

1. LE is in all the sites, TER, P411 and any other one you can thing of (and some we can't post here) Let's face it, It's not like we don't know this already, we just don't want to admit it.  

2. Most of the articles that kz1 posted about are 3 to 6 years old and most of this happened on the other side of the country.  
So they are pretty pointless in this matter, but it does prove the point LE is everywhere

3. The girl that kz1 was looking to see sounds new to the business and does not have the knowledge and experience that some ladies that have been in the business for a few years have, so anything like that she read is most likely going to freak her out.
So in conclusion this sounds just like a new girl that is a little scared of getting in trouble with the LE.  

If you are really worried about LE and everything else, here is a good piece of advice guys only see ladies that you know.  
Ladies that have been around for a while and have good reviews (Common Sense on this point). That way you will have a lot less to worry about. Most importantly you will have some fun and relax your nerves.

Bingo !! And , thank you .

Posted By: LamontCranston69
Instead of the cheap shots and name calling, Let look at some facts:  
 1. LE is in all the sites, TER, P411 and any other one you can thing of (and some we can't post here) Let's face it, It's not like we don't know this already, we just don't want to admit it.  
 2. Most of the articles that kz1 posted about are 3 to 6 years old and most of this happened on the other side of the country.  
 So they are pretty pointless in this matter, but it does prove the point LE is everywhere  
 3. The girl that kz1 was looking to see sounds new to the business and does not have the knowledge and experience that some ladies that have been in the business for a few years have, so anything like that she read is most likely going to freak her out.  
 So in conclusion this sounds just like a new girl that is a little scared of getting in trouble with the LE.  
 If you are really worried about LE and everything else, here is a good piece of advice guys only see ladies that you know.  
 Ladies that have been around for a while and have good reviews (Common Sense on this point). That way you will have a lot less to worry about. Most importantly you will have some fun and relax your nerves.

Seems to me 'you fucking idiots' was the first one.  You're offended when you get it back?  Better put on your big-girl panties.

Posted By: kz1
Bingo !! And , thank you .
Posted By: LamontCranston69
Instead of the cheap shots and name calling, Let look at some facts:  
  1. LE is in all the sites, TER, P411 and any other one you can thing of (and some we can't post here) Let's face it, It's not like we don't know this already, we just don't want to admit it.    
  2. Most of the articles that kz1 posted about are 3 to 6 years old and most of this happened on the other side of the country.    
  So they are pretty pointless in this matter, but it does prove the point LE is everywhere  
  3. The girl that kz1 was looking to see sounds new to the business and does not have the knowledge and experience that some ladies that have been in the business for a few years have, so anything like that she read is most likely going to freak her out.  
  So in conclusion this sounds just like a new girl that is a little scared of getting in trouble with the LE.    
  If you are really worried about LE and everything else, here is a good piece of advice guys only see ladies that you know.    
  Ladies that have been around for a while and have good reviews (Common Sense on this point). That way you will have a lot less to worry about. Most importantly you will have some fun and relax your nerves.

Lamont makes a good point LE are present - as is danger. Never be complacent and always be cautious
I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I have been on P411 for about a decade now - I was introduced by HeatherLuv (for anyone that remembers that lovely lady) and I've always stayed with them
Gina has always always encouraged people to verify using more than one method. She is acutely aware that there are smart arses out there that will try and circumvent any form of screening including hers and she has never said that P411 is foolproof - rather that it's one of multiple methods/combos that should be used.

She is absolutely right. About 7 years ago I was assaulted and robbed in another state. I screened the guy using only his work info. He was a government employee and offered up everything including his home address. It was easy to verify who he was. It did not occur to me that someone that easy to screen and verify would be dangerous - naive eh? It is the ONLY time I have accepted one form of screening info only - I learned a lesson the hard way. Had I searched black lists I would have found him there multiple times and saved myself from the frightening situation I ended up in. He had a previous for solicitation too and clearly didn't feel as though he had anything to lose - including his job and wife.  
I was so lucky...

So regardless of what you think is or isn't going on out there do your homework and that includes guys
Do not expect one form of screening to cover all bases. Guys, you have options too such as a combo of screening sites, reviews, the reviewers boards etc...use them!!

C xx

that's good advice that we all should remember... especially when seeing someone for the first time.

when I look back, I guess I've been lucky... sometime it's better to be lucky than good ... except in bed  

thank God for TER, P411 and the ladies providing we fine fucker with referrals. Luv y'all

CuriousGeorge1152655 reads

P411 accounts for CC providers were inactivated a few days after arrests
CC was sloppy on security so may have left their p411 account (and TER) credentials exposed
Not sure if each provider had access to their CC- related p411 accounts. If so then perhaps they inactivated themselves (phew)
In any case, odds are high that LE has access to CC p411 account which makes it easier for LE to masquerade as an agency or provider.
So some *potential* compromise specially if paired with LE fake TER

As always, Extra care is warranted

I am not a lawyer.

I'll be very surprised if the CC accounts are stil active in P411
They usually get tanked quickly when anything nefarious is going on...

Posted By: CuriousGeorge1152
P411 accounts for CC providers were inactivated a few days after arrests  
 CC was sloppy on security so may have left their p411 account (and TER) credentials exposed  
 Not sure if each provider had access to their CC- related p411 accounts. If so then perhaps they inactivated themselves (phew)  
 In any case, odds are high that LE has access to CC p411 account which makes it easier for LE to masquerade as an agency or provider.  
 So some *potential* compromise specially if paired with LE fake TER  
 As always, Extra care is warranted  
 I am not a lawyer.

Posted By: CamilleUK
I'll be very surprised if the CC accounts are stil active in P411  
 They usually get tanked quickly when anything nefarious is going on...
Posted By: CuriousGeorge1152
P411 accounts for CC providers were inactivated a few days after arrests  
  CC was sloppy on security so may have left their p411 account (and TER) credentials exposed  
  Not sure if each provider had access to their CC- related p411 accounts. If so then perhaps they inactivated themselves (phew)  
  In any case, odds are high that LE has access to CC p411 account which makes it easier for LE to masquerade as an agency or provider.  
  So some *potential* compromise specially if paired with LE fake TER  
  As always, Extra care is warranted  
  I am not a lawyer.

They aren't and have not been.. They were all deactivated VERY quickly.. No idea where that idea came from..  they are now all gone..

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