
Re: actually have a question
dasicorp 72 Reviews 1414 reads
1 / 17

I just joined seeking arrangements and have meet a few women on there. Have any providers or hobbyist used it?
Of the woman I've met one was a provider (although she won't admit it) and was a lady that really just wanted to get laid.

sunandsand 9 Reviews 875 reads
2 / 17

Did you mean to say one was a provider and another was a woman who just wanted to get laid?

dasicorp 72 Reviews 964 reads
3 / 17

Yes I ment to say the other lady wanted to just get laid .... Typo

Posted By: sunandsand
Did you mean to say one was a provider and another was a woman who just wanted to get laid?

PenleyDuke See my TER Reviews 914 reads
4 / 17

His whiney laugh made me cringe.  I  immediately wanted to abort the mission.  Unfortunately,  we were on his boat and I was stuck.  Will not repeat and done with SA.  I don't need an allow ander anyway....just someone who is available and doesn't wtf my career choice.

retirement 268 Reviews 752 reads
5 / 17

Are any of these sites not looking for a credit card--even if they are free.  Or are any of them allowing communication without buying into it?  I really don't want my cc out there (Ashley Madison hack!!!), nor do I want an email address barraged with come on ads.  So, does anyone know of a site that does not require this (besides TER).

retirement 268 Reviews 551 reads
6 / 17

I understand these sites do need to make money to exist.

dasicorp 72 Reviews 608 reads
7 / 17

This site is $69 a month and they send you a pm and you can make context from there . It's like any dating site . Nothing is for free sorry to say .  

Posted By: retirement
Are any of these sites not looking for a credit card--even if they are free.  Or are any of them allowing communication without buying into it?  I really don't want my cc out there (Ashley Madison hack!!!), nor do I want an email address barraged with come on ads.  So, does anyone know of a site that does not require this (besides TER).

retirement 268 Reviews 530 reads
8 / 17

you mean leprechauns and unicorns do not exist?  What about Santa?

books47 24 Reviews 699 reads
9 / 17

I have used SA. The problem with the site is that it is a mix of real women and hustling fictional women who try to engage you in conversation (for a subscription upgrade.) I have one long-term relationship that has been a joy with someone I met on SA - a mature woman, non-escort, who truly wanted companionship as well as financial support. But others turned out to be writing in from Nigeria. Walk carefully.

sailingshoes 800 reads
10 / 17

Had good success and met two nice women that I continue to see from time to time to this day.  Both were P4P arrangements (not SB/SD arrangements) that have since turned into friends with benefits.  It was certainly worth the price of admission for the one month I tried it out.

retirement 268 Reviews 576 reads
11 / 17

Great info all around.  It sure does seen a lot of ladies receive a salary from the site or a kickback for conversations, etc.  My primary issue would be a credit card on file and an interesting charge showing up on said card as well as the possibility of a hack targeting these sites.  Thanks for all the info.

shirajbhai 35 Reviews 615 reads
12 / 17

She was perfect in every way--piercings, classy tattoos, cute, loved cats, feminist, hilarious.

But then she got serious with her boyfriend. :(

I've met a couple of other girls and frankly they did not interest me as much.

stolper 40 Reviews 565 reads
13 / 17

If anybody has had some good or bad experiences on SA and would like to share info about certain girls, please PM me. I've had a couple experiences and I would love to trade notes with some Boston gents and maybe share about who to message or not message.

dasicorp 72 Reviews 491 reads
14 / 17

It's a good site just be aware of what your getting into.

tejek 15 Reviews 481 reads
15 / 17

My experience has been bad....they are either crazy or crazier....

lysander54 3 Reviews 355 reads
16 / 17

I've never seen the site before... Interesting idea.  Any providers on here that have done this or interested in something like this?  I guess it's more in lines with a volume discount ;-)

PenleyDuke See my TER Reviews 423 reads
17 / 17

Mainly young men contacted me.  I am absolutely not interested in dating someone who is my sons age. Seems the majority of men are iso teens who need funds for college. The one date I went on was an epic failure and no orgasms were had.  Truly unfortunate as I had high hopes of some hot times on the open seas.  That's not quite how it turned out.  PITY 😕

Posted By: lysander54
I've never seen the site before... Interesting idea.  Any providers on here that have done this or interested in something like this?  I guess it's more in lines with a volume discount ;-)

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