
Personal audition
OnlyLiveTwice 25 Reviews 652 reads

Seriously, I mostly use the screening sites and book directly from there. After they screened my initial request for membership it was smooth sailing.

The few times that I have gone direct to the provider, I made sure to contact my references at least one week ahead of time and get their OK to vouch for me.

The referral thing is not a nuisance to me, I understand its necessity. -EOM

Hey everyone:

Have a question that applies to both providers and hobbyists. How does everyone prefer to do screening/verification, particularly in Boston? Different methods are more popular in certain cities, but when in Boston...

Of course, we all know about the big screening websites (which makes everything 1000x easier/quicker!), but what about newbie clients and clients that prefer to remain low profile?  

For me, if someone is not verified on a legit site, I require references from two reliable providers. My problem has been, at times, getting a timely response, or even a response at all, from the references. Not sure if this is because the provider could not verify the client for whatever reason (e.g. does not remember him, had a bad experience, etc.) and didn't have a chance to reply stating so, or because she does not want him to see other girls, but that just sounds like my paranoia talking.  

Obviously I understand all girls have their own lives and are not necessarily available to respond to referral requests in a timely fashion, which is why I welcome as many references as someone wants to provide and also provide the option of employment verification on a case-by-case basis.  

As a provider myself, I understand the importance of the referral system. Not only is it our bread and butter at stake, but also our well-being. Personally, I am more than happy to act as a referral for any trustworthy client and will respond to all reference requests as quickly as possible.  

Have heard this rumor, but is it true that there are girls who DON'T take references for whatever reason? But then if that's the case, doesn't that render all these verification sites and the TER whitelisting system pointless?  

On another note, how much credit do you give to whitelists? Is that an acceptable form of reference for other girls, and if so, how many is good enough to see someone?  

From the hobbyist perspective, is the whole referral thing a huge nuisance? If you do not have prior screening info, is it preferable for you to do employment verification versus providing references?  

Yikes I know this is a lot of questions in one post, but I have only recently starting doing my own bookings and scheduling, so it's all new territory to me. Basically I am sticking with what my former scheduler did and going with my gut instincts on "grey-zone" inquiries, but I would really appreciate, for perspective, hearing how other girls and their schedulers run their business.

Thanks in advance for any feedback!!


-- Modified on 8/21/2014 6:28:38 PM

Seriously, I mostly use the screening sites and book directly from there. After they screened my initial request for membership it was smooth sailing.

The few times that I have gone direct to the provider, I made sure to contact my references at least one week ahead of time and get their OK to vouch for me.

The referral thing is not a nuisance to me, I understand its necessity. -EOM

If all men were like this, life would be complete!

I get screening.. I am white listed here.. approved for RS 2000 and also P411.. I understand why a provider should screen guys.. I don't find the process a problem.. but I do have an issue when a provider happens to take.. screening only form a screening site that I am not on.. I mean, what's the point.. If someone is approved on P 411.. has a history on TER .. why not use that instead of yet anoother screening site?

Thanks for the reply! RS2K and P411 is the BEST, hands down. Will take whitelist too but am questioning how readily some girls agree to whitelist a client.

Just mind-boggling how many appointment requests stop short as soon as you bring up the word "screening." Then again, that's why screening exists!

What I always try to convey to potential clients is that the more comfortable I am knowing you are who you say you are--or at least that you are safe, clean, and reliable, the better of a time we'll both have.  

Some guys get it, others don't.  

Way I see it, long as I make rent and can pay my student loans each month, the rest is all lagniappe :). Nothing's worth compromising your safety!

Posted By: josulli
I get screening.. I am white listed here.. approved for RS 2000 and also P411.. I understand why a provider should screen guys.. I don't find the process a problem.. but I do have an issue when a provider happens to take.. screening only form a screening site that I am not on.. I mean, what's the point.. If someone is approved on P 411.. has a history on TER .. why not use that instead of yet anoother screening site?
-- Modified on 8/21/2014 7:52:55 PM

I can understand why you need to screen.
Clearly you don't know him and vs versa.  
The problem I have is when you acquire my whole name and address I still don't know who you are.
You are going by a alias and I now have no recourse if things turn bad..There have been tons of drama out here over the last few weeks on the same subject.
A referral from another provider or agency should be ample to see someone.IMHO

I totally get the other side of the coin. I know why some guys are very guarded about their personal info, which is why I will accept certain forms of screening that protect your personal identity.  

Not that I would EVER use anyone's identity with malicious intent but hard to convince a lot of folks who've been burned by other girls or heard horror stories (*cough* Spitzer *cough* Vitter *cough* Vitter in a diaper).  

An argument many girls use, with which I empathize, is that since we are agreeing to share a very intimate moment with you, oftentimes letting you into our homes (not to mention ourselves, ha!), we deserve to know who you are.  

But as you've mentioned, what do you yourself know about this girl apart from her alias and online persona? I myself tend to veer towards overshare, but that's my own hamartia…
Anyway thank you for the input. Really appreciating hearing everyone's $0.02!!

Posted By: dasicorp
I can understand why you need to screen.  
 Clearly you don't know him and vs versa.  
 The problem I have is when you acquire my whole name and address I still don't know who you are.  
 You are going by a alias and I now have no recourse if things turn bad..There have been tons of drama out here over the last few weeks on the same subject.  
 A referral from another provider or agency should be ample to see someone.IMHO

Hi Carmina, what a pretty name!  Love it. I wanted to jump on and let you know that Boston is a very reference friendly environment. The girls are really a great bunch in my experience. I have heard of the cut throat stuff in other areas but I think you will find most here are not like that. There are more than enough men and women for all of us to have fun and be safe!  

I don't want to get into screening too much on a public forum though.  If you are a member of the provider only board its a fantastic resource for specifics. Only wanted to let you know Boston is a great place for reference exchanges. Don't worry about sending requests, average reply time is a few hrs. Sometimes up to a full day but they are usually pretty quick.  Welcome!  Welcome!  Welcome! Great guys & girls if you can understand our accents! Lol.  
If you are not a po board member, email me anytime for specifics.

Thank you Lisa!!  

So nice to hear that the community is very supportive here. Am not yet a member of the provider only board, but you can expect to hear from me in the near future :)


Do unto others as you would have done to you.  

I prefer TER whitelist as well as other verification sites.  

Carmina... I miss your pics on the photo only board :(

Everything you do to me, I will happily do to you ;).

Have had cases where active girls/agencies won't respond to me, so not sure what that is all about… I am always more than happy to give a girl my feedback on a client, and will always agree to be a client's referral if he asks and I like him!

Haven't had time to put up photos now that I'm a one-woman show, but they'll be back up soon enough, sexy mamacita!

My take on it is that if she doesn't screen then it means one of two things: either there is something funny going on or she doesn't care enough to keep herself safe which means she doesn't care to keep me safe either on a multitude of fronts. Therefore, if she doesn't screen, I'm not going to visit.  

That said, I don't have P411 as I simply have well known provider references and I tend to repeat visit anyway and those large database services seem like too juicy a target to me for hackers to hack. I'm fine with references, my name, and I've given employment verification to two ladies who appeared very trustworthy based on a solid history here.  

I, for one, would be fine with a concept where the ladies review the clients. Why not? Things like niceness or rudeness, hygiene, looks (dilf or not, my new favorite word!, thanks Cam) maybe a scale of 1-10 on hairiness? That'd be kinda funny. "1" could be "dude doesn't even have eyebrows, wicked creepy to look at" and 10 could be...."Chewbacca" or "looks like my old dorm shag carpet". Maybe 5 is what you aim for? Dunno. Whatever floats your boat.  


In the meantime, screen away

Thanks for that honest response!  

That's another concept I wish some people would understand: screening keeps BOTH parties safe. What does it tell you about a girl that doesn't screen? A slow day is ALWAYS better than a bad day.  

I've always thought that would be a funny idea, reviewing the client. For obvious reasons, that would not go over well and I would feel awful for rating a client, but it would make for great comedy! Wonder who would make Top 100?? Would monthly income be listed instead of rates? Car make/model instead of height? I wonder…

P.S. I love fucking DILFs. I mean, I fucking love DILFs. Oh whatever, just DILF me!

Posted By: Dryver8
My take on it is that if she doesn't screen then it means one of two things: either there is something funny going on or she doesn't care enough to keep herself safe which means she doesn't care to keep me safe either on a multitude of fronts. Therefore, if she doesn't screen, I'm not going to visit.  
 That said, I don't have P411 as I simply have well known provider references and I tend to repeat visit anyway and those large database services seem like too juicy a target to me for hackers to hack. I'm fine with references, my name, and I've given employment verification to two ladies who appeared very trustworthy based on a solid history here.  
 I, for one, would be fine with a concept where the ladies review the clients. Why not? Things like niceness or rudeness, hygiene, looks (dilf or not, my new favorite word!, thanks Cam) maybe a scale of 1-10 on hairiness? That'd be kinda funny. "1" could be "dude doesn't even have eyebrows, wicked creepy to look at" and 10 could be...."Chewbacca" or "looks like my old dorm shag carpet". Maybe 5 is what you aim for? Dunno. Whatever floats your boat.  
 In the meantime, screen away.  
-- Modified on 8/21/2014 11:40:42 PM

I had a problem once when I gave out my personal info. So I don't like to give it out. I feel if I have several reviews and have been whitelisted by at least a few reputable providers that that should be proof enough that I'm not LE and at least a decent person. When I request to be pre verified I always tell them to feel free to contact anyone that has whitelisted me. Its just like when I do my research on a provider I might like to see. If I have any questions about her I might PM someone that has already seen her.

If you would like a copy, shoot me an email and I'll gladly forward it to you!

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