
stucaboy 510 reads

You know of what you speak.  Nice words.

Totally odd question I know... But tragedy has hit me and I've lost my soul mate. Suddenly I feel empty inside and not sure how to deal with the heartache. I felt curious to ask how some of you handle tragedy. Do you see a provider to get your mind off what happened? Do you take a break from the hobby until you are healed?

Big hugs. I will pray for you.

In my experience, time and acceptance are the only healers. Just know that you are loved and that a stranger whom you've never met is sending you warmth and good vibes.

Losing a loved one is a profoundly lonely experience. Paradoxically, though, being fully present with a death or loss makes our connection to everyone else breathtakingly immediate, since death and loss are so universally human.

You seem honest, strong, and generous, and I know you know that you can rely on your own wisdom and judgement. You no doubt already know taking time for contemplation and solitude is normal and necessary; but so too is be honoring life with another person. The insights learned from loss make life more precious; and with the right partner, sexuality used to honor grief can be powerfully healing. Choose according to your needs in the moment, and be gentle with yourself.

My heart goes out to you.

Posted By: FloraFaun
Totally odd question I know... But tragedy has hit me and I've lost my soul mate. Suddenly I feel empty inside and not sure how to deal with the heartache. I felt curious to ask how some of you handle tragedy. Do you see a provider to get your mind off what happened? Do you take a break from the hobby until you are healed?

You WILL make it through this.  Take your time, let your heart feel what it needs to feel, and then you will once again blossom and enjoy each day for the precious gift it is.

Posted By: FloraFaun
Totally odd question I know... But tragedy has hit me and I've lost my soul mate. Suddenly I feel empty inside and not sure how to deal with the heartache. I felt curious to ask how some of you handle tragedy. Do you see a provider to get your mind off what happened? Do you take a break from the hobby until you are healed?

In 2009 I very suddenly lost my boyfriend. I had met him via the hobby. Genuinely awesome human being. I will not give details on here but for my own reasons I took a week off and afterwards only saw my regular friends for approx 2 months. Not too many people knew what had just transpired. Regardless, I found great comfort with these gentleman. Very recently I lost someone in my life. He did not pass but oddly it hurt much worse. This time I took zero time off. I thought it best to just keep it moving in an attempt to get over it. Pain is a part of loving people. Often we don't realize just how much we care until that person is gone. for me, I came to understand that Mike was in a better place. I still think of him often and fondly. From time to time I still cry. I will pray for your heart to heal  and know that it will. This will take some time, There is no need to rush your personal grieving process. Reach out if you need to. xo Erin

Everyone unfortunately if they live long enough knows how this feels. No one can  tell another how to grieve and what to expect, but instinct goes a long way in these cases, I.e. If it feels right it is whether that involves solitude or the company of others. I'd suggest you place yourself around supportive friends old or new and keep in familiar surroundings. Most important is to  not pressure yourself or plan...I'll feel this way on this date probably is a temptation when grieving as is over drinking or over shopping or over anything to distract from grief. Grief is normal and natural as is guilt and tendency to focus on the low point of a relationship when there is a sudden passing. I wish there was a simple plan to cure loss and move on but your question is one for the ages. I've always found hobbling a hollow experience if I was trying to overcome a sadness but everyone heals their own way at their own pace. It's tough and shitty but embrace the pain and you'll recover to "normalcy" as if that exist...sooner

Thoughts and prayers coming your way from a lot of people so you are not alone..

Be safe and  hang in there.

Sorry for your loss, Flora Faun.   May the person (since I don't know man or woman) rest in peace, and may you find gratitude from cherished memories. The person is with you, in your heart, in a special way.  Each person has a unique perspective on life.....and when we think of a loss in our life......death of a spouse, partner, family, friend.....even a job, a business, a car, money, clothing, the car keys, a valued possession or something we didn't value because we take for granted.......all these things are practice for the stronger emotions of losing one we love.   When we can take time to quiet our mind, we can think about a concept---these all involve change in our lives.   Mostly, these are involuntary changes, so our emotions are very natural to be stronger than if they were voluntary, by our choice. Since there is only 1 way past the go through it.....your support network of friends and/or family (regardless of the number of people) become your biggest asset to lean on in difficult times. There is NO timetable to feel filled with vitality as before the loss........but YES you will have that full vitality return to you....someday.   And, there will be good days & bad days in between.   Simply provide your own inner love....accept yourself as good....and notice more good in others (be patient because they may say things to move you quicker because THEY are uncomfortable with your pain).  
That all said, it's absolutely, perfectly natural to fee empty....maybe a little numb.....and be aware its OK.  AVOID drugs or getting drunk during this time to allow for the best trajectory towards good health, and balanced emotion.    Find a professional support group also, who can help you locate workshops or professional colleagues to help you with your loss.......and that it is OK to laugh with pleasant memories, and seek exercise and physical comfort through your body's natural sexuality.  

Remember....there is no such thing as "closure"'s a myth.   You WILL feel vitality again, like when we go to the gym to lift weight....soon the burden isn't as heavy.   Runners that couldn't do 1/2 mile soon adapt to do 10, 15 miles.  Private message me if you want any resourceful information.

Best in support to you!

hat engulfs us. Stories help human beings to deal with the spirit, mind, heart & emotions.
The ultimate distraction.
Get lost in a good book, that will help heal your mind. You don't want that thing focused on distruction or devestation. Maybe a sweet girl to take care of the physical needs will be a good idea as well, but most certainly ... your mind can push you deep down into depression or help pull you out of a rut.

I wish you the best!


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