
I'm a little late BUT
rayjohns 1063 reads
1 / 19

Anybody available tonight for an Outcall to Worcester/Auburn ?

Panthera12 795 reads
2 / 19

You are like the new spam queen on a half dozen different boards.

lustkatrina See my TER Reviews 633 reads
3 / 19

Only the girls who price themselves way out of the Marke

Panthera12 621 reads
5 / 19

If you want to see me that bad then you will have to send me a deposit, a bottle of moonshine and a dozen Viagra. Pay your own way too honey. I don't run a taxi service.

randyj_boston 5 Reviews 458 reads
6 / 19

I don't get the whole 'alias' thing (meaning the posts that hack on people for using an 'alias').  Aren't all of these names aliases?  It isn't exactly like RandyJ and the associated contact info contains my real name, address, email and phone number.

Panthera12 424 reads
7 / 19

If the OP did PM her, she would know that he has reviews under the "alias" handle because she couldn't have possibly have figured that out all by herself.

randyj_boston 5 Reviews 443 reads
8 / 19

OK, but asking more in general, lots of people dump on posters for "using aliases", and it never makes any sense to me.  I'm slime because I'm using a "more fake" name on a forum full of fake names?  What's the big deal?  I'd be surprised if there was a single real name in all of TER.

Now, aliases might be sock puppets in an ongoing thread / argument, I get that, but they still seem to set some people off as a thread starting post, where the sock puppet thing doesn't seem to apply.

Anyway, just don't get it ...

lustkatrina See my TER Reviews 505 reads
9 / 19
lustkatrina See my TER Reviews 506 reads
10 / 19

and mine are real…aren't you jealous now

papidog 74 Reviews 413 reads
11 / 19

I don't get it either, I mean I don't get that you don't get it?
If you register to go on a board but need an alias to hide from people in your "real life" wife,boss,friends, etc that's understandable and if you post reviews or see providers and are willing to be screened and give sensitive information out based on trusting the person you are sharing it with with the hope they will keep it private and not ruin your life or at minimum upset your life by exposing your hobby.  

Why does your " alias" need an "alias"?  
Simple answer:

You are looking to harm a provider or bash another hobbiest  and are not willing to do it with your on board alias so you hide and bash and stir shit up.

Not too many complimentary post made by alias poster!

Because I don't use an alias other than Papidog  I'm trusting those that know my real name etc. because I've been screened will not damage me intentionally if they disagree with something I post here. Also make me more responsible when I post.

Molly is new and excited to be here and she like to engage in threads. Her prerogative and if you think she post too much then the ignore user button is readily available

As for lust katrina, she is witty engaging and sexy as all hell and I'm only jealous of the guys that saw her on her last boston tour.

sgtrock432 55 Reviews 456 reads
12 / 19

I agree with Papidog. People hide behind aliases because they would never say these things to their face. They would rather take the cowardly way out and bash someone from the shadows. If you don't like what somebody posts then don't read it. This is supposed to be an adult board and there are some days that these threads read like a teenage girls facebook page. My feeling is if Molly wants to throw herself at every guy out here its her business. Shes working and the best way to drum up business is to get your name out there. If you don't like it don't read it.

Panthera12 903 reads
13 / 19

Aren't you the tough guy? I suppose that your birth certificate says "sgtrock432" on it too. Is that not an alias?

You know what else makes me laugh? If I would put up just one single alias review, your opinion would mean even less. Then the only difference between a handle and an alias is an envelope.

sgtrock432 55 Reviews 411 reads
14 / 19

Not a tough guy. My birth certificate doesn't read sgtrock432. But there are at least 39 people out here who do know who I am.

Panthera12 398 reads
15 / 19

39 hookers know who you are. Well, isn't that just something to celebrate?

randyj_boston 5 Reviews 439 reads
16 / 19

Posted By: papidog
I don't get it either, I mean I don't get that you don't get it?  
 If you register to go on a board but need an alias to hide from people in your "real life" wife,boss,friends, etc that's understandable and if you post reviews or see providers and are willing to be screened and give sensitive information out based on trusting the person you are sharing it with with the hope they will keep it private and not ruin your life or at minimum upset your life by exposing your hobby.  
 Why does your " alias" need an "alias"?  
 Simple answer:  
 You are looking to harm a provider or bash another hobbiest  and are not willing to do it with your on board alias so you hide and bash and stir shit up.  
 Not too many complimentary post made by alias poster!  
 Because I don't use an alias other than Papidog  I'm trusting those that know my real name etc. because I've been screened will not damage me intentionally if they disagree with something I post here. Also make me more responsible when I post.  
 Molly is new and excited to be here and she like to engage in threads. Her prerogative and if you think she post too much then the ignore user button is readily available  
 As for lust katrina, she is witty engaging and sexy as all hell and I'm only jealous of the guys that saw her on her last boston tour.
Sorry, didn't mean to hijack the thread, and I wasn't speaking specifically about Molly or lustkatrina, just used the thread to dive into the general "use an alias, must be suspect" attitude that I've seen pretty often.

Thanks for your perspective, makes it a bit clearer why this makes sense to some people.  Not for me ... my real info is not associated with this handle/etc anywhere.  But, if it was, see why an alias might make sense.

I don't post often, and when I do I use my "real" handle and not an alias, so I post carefully to the extent I care about any reputation / history I have here or in other places that link to TER.  But, it is still an "alias" in the sense it isn't my real name and isn't traceable to my real name.

dasicorp 72 Reviews 393 reads
17 / 19

nobody is going to dick about anything out here to anybody.We all have alias so nobody think your so righteous because you use your real alias,or we know what whores you fucked..REALLY? Lets grow up girls.

Privateprovider 495 reads
18 / 19

A few days ago a poster asked why some girls won't travel to Boston. This girl Molly was rated #1 in Boston not so long ago.  She moved and is visiting. If she answers every post or zero posts its really no one's business.  I am sure having been so highly rated HERE IN BOSTON she has friends happy to see her visit!  The nasty posts are straight up mean and make our fair city look bad to travel girls!  If you don't like her posts don't read them!  2+2. Another provider jumping on the bullying bus is even worse!  Its not a good look.  Molly sorry for the behavior,  most of us in Boston are happy to see you visiting!

PenleyDuke See my TER Reviews 493 reads
19 / 19

For future reference I'm in that general area more often than not. I'm not a fan of Auburn though. Every bust happens in Auburn 😕

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