
HIV is hard to contract
BostonTKD 562 reads

People have concerns about hiv but the truth is its very hard to contract. I'm sure that many are going to argue it's easy etc. The facts are very simple if use drugs or have gay sex you are a very high risk group. The drugs today don't allow HIV to be transferred from an infected person to another . I have spent more sleepless nights worrying about was I exposed did her fuilds get on me etc etc etc.. But the cold truth is it is very difficult to contract during heterosexual contact. Period .can it happen maybe but getting hit by a train can also happen. I wish him well.

starquarterback849 reads

He will announce his HIV+ status tomorrow on the Today Show. I was wondering if this is making folks both on the hobby side and the provider side a little nervous. It does me on the high end.

As a newbie to say trying to jump in the hobby I always wondered how both sides can get past the thoughts of diseases.   I have tons of questions and would love to ask both hobbyists and providers how they get past it.  I think that's the main reason I'm so hesitant.  I read the reviews and see what goes on and I feel like I'd be thinking about that while I'm the process.  Sort of like going on a roller coaster and it flips and wondering what if the safety comes undone as you are enjoying it.  Maybe this makes me a worrywart but I'd love to ask anyone on pm if anyone was willing to message.

Charlie Sheen could have contracted this through his drug & needle use- not from his promiscuity  

   As a provider, this does note make me nervous.  
  There's always more to a story than we know -  


Posted By: starquarterback
He will announce his HIV+ status tomorrow on the Today Show. I was wondering if this is making folks both on the hobby side and the provider side a little nervous. It does me on the high end.

I am shocked that people are shocked that Charlie Tiger Blood Sheen contracted HIV.

This is a person who has been living hard and fast for thirty years.

Drug use, questionable tattoo practices, days long orgies, live-in "Goddesses" on rotation - all of whom were sex workers to some degree and hard party girls themselves.

Why would I be nervous about this?

What does the average client and escort have in common with Charlie Sheen's lifestyle and how many of us expose ourselves with the risks that he came to be celebrated for

starquarterback466 reads

My concern I guess was thinking that he might be on here seeing high end providers who have no idea what he's carrying. Not from Boston maybe but in LA and NYC. Maybe I'm being paranoid.

That is If I was as reckless and stupid with my own health as he has been laughing in the face of safety caution and just common sense.

Porn stars drug addiction needles alcoholism unsafe sex practices...omg the list goes on.
Charlie sensationalized all his craziness dragged it all the way to bank.
sorry but this is the payoff the price of living hard and fast.
doesn't surprise me at all he has Aids I said to myself when I heard...that makes sense.
Its sad and a waste but he lived risky far too long and too hard.

Do I worry about myself?? Nope...I dont do drugs I practice safe sex get tested constantly no needles no tatoos very little risk

dont over think this he played the dangerous roulette game with his life and his health for EVER!!!

starquarterback438 reads

It's good to see providers acknowledging the risk they pose. There is kind of a myth that because they are legal again in Massachusetts that they are "regulated" but many parts of it aren't like what goes into the ink. I don't care how sterilized the needle is I would never allow a needle that has been used on someone else to be used on me.

I wouldn't wish HIV/AIDS upon my worst enemy even!

BostonTKD563 reads

People have concerns about hiv but the truth is its very hard to contract. I'm sure that many are going to argue it's easy etc. The facts are very simple if use drugs or have gay sex you are a very high risk group. The drugs today don't allow HIV to be transferred from an infected person to another . I have spent more sleepless nights worrying about was I exposed did her fuilds get on me etc etc etc.. But the cold truth is it is very difficult to contract during heterosexual contact. Period .can it happen maybe but getting hit by a train can also happen. I wish him well.

starquarterback464 reads

I wonder if he had some tranny action in the mix and got it that way. But that said there is a huge problem with it in the porn industry especially in California and he was diddling porn stars.

Let's check our stigma at the door and check our facts, period.  

HIV infection is very far from full-blown AIDS in this day and age (Truvada, anyone?).  

But let's all get tested just the same. I just did. It's a finger prick, and the test takes about 20 minutes. Absolutely amazing use of science for good.

starquarterback350 reads

HIV and AIDS is all in same horrible cycle of horror.

Posted By: starquarterback
HIV and AIDS is all in same horrible cycle of horror.

starquarterback253 reads

Yes treatment has made enormous leaps. But to say that HIV will not eventually lead to AIDS is uncertain from the research I have done

He's also been the target of shakedowns.  

"He says part of the reason for going public was to stop the barrage of “shakedowns,” telling Lauer one prostitute even took a cell phone picture of his HIV drugs in his medicine cabinet and threatened to sell it to the tabloids."

starquarterback345 reads

Some of the women who were with him though are saying he is lying about telling his partners about it. Not exactly a victim.

starquarterback272 reads

That makes me feel a little better since it is much easier to get it that way for a guy.

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