
Here's the link-sorry forgot to include before...

I was just told by a client that a provider was arrested in Worcester recently.  He said it is in the Worcester Telegram today (

He also said she was arrested because she shows her face on her website and works out of her apartment.  A neighbor recognized her and reported her to police, who set up a sting.  The provider did NOT verify, and thus, she was arrested and had her PC confiscated.

This is just another reminder of the importance of VERIFYING EVERYONE, EVERY TIME!

-- Modified on 3/15/2003 7:06:13 AM

Everyone please notice that the article says that they spoke to the lady on-line, that she used "code words" and that the cops knew what they meant and used it against her...

And so, any girls or even worse, agencies that blatantly say on this site Escort X will do Y (in code) is asking for trouble...

And guys, please remember the risk you are putting us in by asking such questions. We DO NOT know who you are off the bat and even if you are a poster, you may still be LE or have a relationship with them...

This is one of the reasons I have been terrified of getting a website (the fear of being falsely accused of wrongdoing)and of putting my photos out there-it's just too public..IMHO, of course.


"Alleged Web 'escort' arrested in Shrewsbury
SHREWSBURY - Shrewsbury's alleged first Internet prostitute to be caught was arrested late last month after she accepted a $300 hourly fee from an undercover police officer at her Avalon Arbor apartment."

The article link is

However, you must be a paid subscriber to this newspaper's site to view it, apparently.

It seems as though you need a paid subscription to enter this site.

I guess the neighbor was taking the neighborhood watch to the extreme.

that s why i just been working on my site all morning  to hide my face even more  yes girls please carfull and  verify verify  allllll the time  
stay safe  

Bodyoasisgirls12548 reads

Ladies verification is a great tool but dont fool yourself into thinking its fool proof remember AAA in woburn they supposedly verified to the max .
Use your intuition plus verification plus references and a little bit of luck .
Ladies we seriously need to work together to maintain safety.
I am happy to give references all I need is a phone call from the gentleman if we know him to give the ok first.
Bad client info always available as well.
Stay Safe and Sane

Aphrodisia12053 reads

I have had discussions with providers in the past regarding instant messaging and I am glad that this came up.  Im's are one of the most dangerous tools to providers.  Not only can IP addresses be traced, but the information can usually be easily verified because the internet service provider backs up its systems and has records of all conversations - albeit for a limited amount of time.  I engage NO perspective or current client via instant messenger ANYTIME.  You are writing your own death warrant by playing a game of Russian Roulette.

I have a window washing program which I use every single day on my computer.  They cost about $29, can be downloaded from the internet and and erase traces left on your computer.  Did you know that just deleting files does not erase them and they can be easily recovered?

If you take all the necessary precautions: VERIFICATION, Networking, discretion, NEVER DISCUSSING SEXUAL ACTS WITH ANYONE ONLINE EVER, deleting information daily and cleansing your computer, not leaving cash around the house, or drugs, AND USING A PREPAID CELLPHONE OR INTERNET ANSWERING SERVICE, then you reduce your risks tremendously.  OH and NOT HAVING A TON OF TRAFFIC IN AND OUT OF YOUR HOSTING SITE.

Common sense and discretion I believe are the keys. I also have a criminal defense attorney on retainer and I know exactly WHAT NOT TO SAY if approached. You cannot eliminate the risk completely, but you certainly can reduce it tenfold.

In any form of communication on the internet (IM or email or ICQ, message boards, etc.) records are stored on the ISP's server. IM records are actually removed much sooner than email, and that space is rewritten. If you are corresponding with someone and they want to save your email to them, they have your info forever or until they shred it. BTW, many shredders only rewrite 1 time and info can still be retreived.

hmm...wonder how that neighbor stumbled on that website to see her to begin with?

Aphrodisia10929 reads

Let's be clear that marijuana, video tapes, whips and a machete were also seized.

That really is horrible.  I have to say that I am always nervous about verification - especially giving work info.  However, I understand the necessity of verification for all parties.  If I can't find a review or get an answer to a question about a particular lady how can I be sure she isn't LE?  I guess none of us ever can be sure but we can all be more careful.

What can we all do - as hobbyists and providers that we aren't doing today to ensure that we are all as safe as possible?  

Aphrodisia10582 reads

I suggest you read the article I posted redsox..particularly note the LAST LINE WHICH STATES: "NO OTHER PARTIES WERE ARRESTED."

Your risk is minimal babycakes and LE doesn't give a crap about you...

lol, tell that to the guys sweeping up used condoms in Chinatown a couple of years ago. But Lilly, I have to agree, you ladies are much more at risk.....

It's a damn shame that cops can't find something more productive to do with their time than busting consenting adults. A damn shame.

Verify, verify, verify and when it just doesn't seem right ladies, walk. Take a pass, money is not worth it.... And, err on the side of caution, you may piss a hobbiest or 2 off, but if ANYTHING looks or sounds unusual, as Amber said... trust your gut and take a pass.

I had a guy call me today said he had no references,but had a D.L. and business card,I said How about a paystub?He said oh I shred (right spelling?)those.I laughed.I saidI bet your superior officer wasn't too happy with that answer and hung up on hin.LADIES IT IS NOT worth the money nobody is untouchable,but I know a few well I won't go into it , but the harder they have to work and if you don't have a record and NO DRUGS around which I can proudly say.It gives them less of a reason to bother you.I get my info from well.Guess who??We are all in this together ladies I tell all my clients I will verify for them.I can't believe it when thay tell me other ladies won't do it.I joked with a guy the other day and i think he thinks I won't give him a reference,of course he was a perfect gentleman.I will always give clients a reference.Let's all be safe.VERIFY VERIFY VERIFY and like Amber says trust your instinct!!!!!Love,Grayeyed Nicolexoxoxox

Aphrodisia9455 reads

Laughing..One of things I have always enjoyed about you Magnum is your ability to weigh both sides of the coin in a manner that is fair and non offensive.  Also, I want to commend you on your restraint on posting extremely provocative reviews. (a past thread I was following).  You are a true gentleman and I sincerely hope that others follow in your lead.  My special gentlemen do not review me either -- Kudos.

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