
Even though those ladies have many mnay reviews like you
nothrofboston 24 Reviews 1056 reads
1 / 28

After a less than pleasant comment about my lack of reviews(10) and having no White List referrals (I do have one from Ally Moore) and being called a shill for Jill/RSG, I've gotten over it. LMAO.

As for the Shill comment, Jill has been my  
referral and everyone here understands that means I'm seeing someone OTHER than a RSG! I'll always appreciate that because I have never been denied the company of an Indy or other Agency once I mention Jill's name as my reference. NEVER. So if you have a problem with her, you may want to look inside.  

As for the Ally White List, that was 2009 and it seems the legend may have moved on with her life, much like the AR Experience.  

So ladies, what do you need from your guest before you are comfortable enough to White List. I never asked Ally, I learned it first from someone I wanted to meet for the first time. That alone got me the appt.
Do you mind being asked? Is there a minimum number of dances required to earn one?  
I'm much, much less active than I was in the past, still have great "friendships" I've nurtured over the years.  

Would love to hear how you handle this

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 901 reads
2 / 28

I personally have whitelisted every client just about except a small handful.  

              If I got in and out alive in one piece and lived to tell the story it was a great client, Dont take much to make me show gratitude.
   Me personally one whitelist out of ten would say to me , your an ok so so client. I do personally if I see alot of whitelist I do personally immediately associate that with the fact he may be a great customer, If all those ladies whitelisted he must be an awsome person, In my experience that has prooved true. That the ones with the larger amount of whitelist they most definetly In my personal experiences were way above average awsome fun clients youd wish they all were like them.  
. If i see he has loads and loads of reviews, like this one sort grumpy old bastard on g.d. he has like a hundred reviews and zero whitelists, I personally look at that as wow that guy must be a real peach.
 But he is bitter and disrespectful, not much for bein a gentlemen or polite to the gals. So I sometimes look and see what thier whitelist status is , if it matches thier cruddy attitude. It always does.  
       You dont really have enough reviews one out of ten, aint that bad, But its pretty bad. That means not one out of the other nine could you coeerce into givin you thier ok of approval.  
 Not a one of em whitelisted after like a hundred reviews?
              The fact you have only ten reviews, and one whitelist thats not as bad as some the guys, There are guys with a hundred reviews amd still never a single whitelist. Most ladies dont even follow through or bother to go back and whitelist the safe guys.  
          I think waiting for above avaerage prince charming types to dish out a whitelist is kinda lame so i figure if they paid and were a safe sane human, and i was able to get my money and do my job with out drAma, hell sounds like a good client to me..........................

-- Modified on 11/9/2014 1:10:26 PM

lisaluvs See my TER Reviews 870 reads
3 / 28

Hi North of Boston,  
As far as I know, there is no "set" guidelines for whitelisting. It remains fairly subjective.  I can only speak for myself on this topic.  
I won't randomly whitelist, I only whitelist if the gent has given the ok or perhaps requested one.  
I would refuse to whitelist only if something went awry, in person.  In that situation the gent would know not to ask.....hopefully!
Yes I will whitelist after meeting once, some seek variety, repetition is not necessary to gage a gents intent....for whitelisting purposes.  
I view the whitelist as a mini reference, if I have been treated well, I am comfortable that he will treat others the same.... whitelisting is a quick way to help both the ladies and the gents.
There are many choices within this industry, if a gent has chosen to spend his time with me and treated me as expected .... its the least I can do, same principle as a reference

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 594 reads
4 / 28

I was a bit more private back when I was so active. I has a young son and thought the more UTR I was, the better it was for both of us. He still found out when he was about 14 and was very pissed. Why would he be able to understand my hobby.  

I wrote about experiences with new providers in great detail when I write. Vivid detail but tasteful and respectful of them as women. Except for mt ATF at the time, I only reviewed 8 women that had very little visibilty. Did Flora Fawn, Ms 10/10 need another review? Bella, Angie Renee? Darlene ... no, the creme de la creme "needed" my review like they needed a cold.  

Still, I have never not seen someone I wanted to see for the lack of a referral, # of reviews or White List. I just think that WhiteListing will make my life easier now. Ymea, I had a lot of Agency play with EC, VSG, After Dark and  RSG. Now, should I be in a position to play, there are so many indies that sound interesting. More than my wallet can endure. LOL
Posted By: angelexotic
I personally have whitelisted every client just about except a small handful.  
               If I got in and out alive in one piece and lived to tell the story it was a great client, Dont take much to make me show gratitude.  
    Me personally one whitelist out of ten would say to me , your an ok so so client. I do personally if I see alot of whitelist I do personally immediately associate that with the fact he may be a great customer, If all those ladies whitelisted he must be an awsome person, In my experience that has prooved true. That the ones with the larger amount of whitelist they most definetly In my personal experiences were way above average awsome fun clients youd wish they all were like them.  
 . If i see he has loads and loads of reviews, like this one sort grumpy old bastard on g.d. he has like a hundred reviews and zero whitelists, I personally look at that as wow that guy must be a real peach.  
  But he is bitter and disrespectful, not much for bein a gentlemen or polite to the gals. So I sometimes look and see what thier whitelist status is , if it matches thier cruddy attitude. It always does.  
        You dont really have enough reviews one out of ten, aint that bad, But its pretty bad. That means not one out of the other nine could you coeerce into givin you thier ok of approval.  
  Not a one of em whitelisted after like a hundred reviews?  
               The fact you have only ten reviews, and one whitelist thats not as bad as some the guys, There are guys with a hundred reviews amd still never a single whitelist. Most ladies dont even follow through or bother to go back and whitelist the safe guys.  
           I think waiting for above avaerage prince charming types to dish out a whitelist is kinda lame so i figure if they paid and were a safe sane human, and i was able to get my money and do my job with out drAma, hell sounds like a good client to me..........................  

-- Modified on 11/9/2014 1:10:26 PM

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 490 reads
5 / 28
EWCQ3T68 36 Reviews 525 reads
6 / 28

I found very few providers take the time to whitelist clients (you actually whitelisted me after I saw you without asking). I figure if the woman wants to take the time to whitelist then great (I do appreciate it) but I won't track someone down to make sure they do it for me. I do wish more providers would take the time to whitelist someone if they were treated fairly throughout.

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 629 reads
7 / 28

Hmm maybe some one is instilling some maybe judgmental mindset and uptight puritanical values in him, Maybe he can become a priest?
 How sad, i hope my children do not grow to be teens that will cast judgment, I certainly will not be instilling that train of thought/ mindset in my children,
                I dont think and wouldnt want my kids to basically be in any ones business for ANY reason, Father or not your full grown and he is the child . What you do in your spare time shouldnt even be open for judging, But thats what makes this wprld go round and we all have different parenting skills. I d be bull shit if my kids t6hought its even thier judgment call to have a say or judge or press thier nose in a parents business for that matter.
 If i had a fourteen year old and i found out I escorted and had an issue i d say great then take ahike kid, Theres plenty of fundamentalist christian families that will adopt you out there go poack a bag and find one, But again My father was kicked out at 15 and on his own young, I too like wise had rather tough love enviroment and was out on my own far before 18.
              I just couldnt help but hear that and say really?
 when he is 18 and payin his own way then let him bitch, For now . hmm. i just personally have a view point that if others family spouses or anyone, I never understand the type to make double lives and hide they hobby OR escort for that matter, because it just simply put isnt any one elses business what other people do.
                      Thats too bad you have a teen that is judgmental, Shocking because we live in a day and age where sex isnt seen as sinful or bad and stuff.  
 If my kid finds out any thing that is my business and has shit to say it aint gonna be pretty, i will fuckn spaz. i will be like ha yeah mind your business.  
 I dont like the whole coddling or spoiling or anythat, it aint a 14 years olds place, Your an adult. you work hard,
 hey some people go blow thier check on crack or booze, i am sure your alot better than the some the dads he coulda landed in yer place,  
 That sucks.  
   i hate people who get in others business, if you wann soend your money on a hooker geesh hats like the least of the worries, i d be worriexd if a dad was a diddler or hit his kids, anything else, fuck it, they ll turn out just fine i am sure, hahaha!

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 689 reads
8 / 28

say. And neddnt any more reviews at this stage. That is not the case. i have close to 100 reviews and immediatly following a review I do experience an influx of new callers and always good ones after a good review....  
                   I dont think thats a good reason.
  Also it is great to see a guy that reviews alot and then for me i am very biased had you reviewed more i would totally see that and be like great. This guy hobbies often. Knows the drill. Been with ladies with very similiar etiquette to mine.
           Inj turn kind of erasing that slight doubt you get that there may or may not be an issue concerning manners, hygiene, politeness , level of roughness in play, respect.
 When i see a guy actually shows me his alias lets me see his prior reviews.  
 The few times i ad missed connections, Had they let me read thier review history i totally wouldnt have booked them, They were bad people. I didnt knopw this after having the misfortune of enduring thier presence. whew. It still sends shivers up the spine. No really.
 But  had they allowed me to see thier demeanor and thier reviews, i coulda called it that it by no means was gonna go down well for us, ,..  
                                I d say review those ladies you think dont need more reviews, I see a guy has frequented some the best the city has to offer in caliber.
    I know an awful lot of the pre appt jitters for me can be alleviated if a guy has feequented alot alot of the well liked ladies that set strict tone and rules and clearly dont take any crapola.
 i will say good good this should go well I am excited to meet him!
 Unfortunetly many dont tell us thier alias before booking,  
   Id review some more of em and ask some them for whitelists, If your were booking with me it would make a huge difference in the amount of stress i d be experiencing prior to our meeting, or in a case with a guy that has oodles of reviews and clearly is a over all cheerful positive energy type, I d have little to no pre appt nervousness.

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 615 reads
9 / 28

Its like saying hey girlfriend, i met with this dude and he is NOT A serial killer AS FAR AS I CAN TELL. IT ISNT EVER GONNA BE LIKE SAFE 100 PERCENT.

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 490 reads
10 / 28

That's one of the best and most helpful replies to any question I've seen on this forum.

I do remind you that my few referrals have worked for me, BUT you are correct about how woman see reviews where their safety and "opportunity to be more relaxed prior to the meeting is concerned.

I do defer to the fact that my "short list" of referrals has usually made the woman in my past, and less often, currently, very amenable to saying yes and realizing that I am a gentleman, first and always, and a total hornball second.

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 490 reads
11 / 28

and hearing your direct answer and feelings about my question. And, you ARE absolutely stunning. Ciao.

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 512 reads
12 / 28

Children look to, and should, their parents first as rile models, and then other real people in their lives who deserve that recognition, rather than some media contrived image like Tom Brady, Snoop Dog or someone they know nothing "real" about.
He didn't judge me, he was just too young to "understand".  
By the same token, almost everyone here uses an alias/handle to protect their privacy. And from what I've read frequently, don't confide their hobbying with all/many/most of their good friends, adults, who might not understand their choice of hobbies.  
Its not out of shame, it's s desire for privacy and maintaining friendships. One doesn't always share everything with everyone.

Likewise, you probaby use your stage name for the same, as well as legal reasons.  

My son and I are best friends and he doesn't judge me. He breaks my balls, like someone who is comfortable knowing our bond goes beyond words. He broke my balls then, he doesn't anymore. He has shared his enjoying anal sex with women, about 35 years sooner than someone showed me the pleasure.

Having a child changes one's perspective on what they'd do once they have one. I'm casting no judgement here and enjoy this sharing dialogue. But much like I can't walk a mile in a provider's shoes, people without children can't walk that same mile with those that do.  

BTW, I've always said I'd love to be a woman for a week to understand the power of just giving a man that come hither look and .... maybe an insatiable hornball like me would think otherwise after that week. LOL

dasicorp 72 Reviews 505 reads
13 / 28

You have a referral from Jill and never have been refused,so what more do you need? Whitelisting I think is about egos more then purpose.You do not need them to see girls.I have one and I don't display it, because who really care they can look at my reviews and see whats up.

But I'm not sure I agree with this :
My son and I are best friends and he doesn't judge me. He breaks my balls, like someone who is comfortable knowing our bond goes beyond words. He broke my balls then, he doesn't anymore. He has shared his enjoying anal sex with women, about 35 years sooner than someone showed me the pleasure.  

We  need to be parents not friends to our children because if he truly was a friend you should be able to tell all the things your other friend know about you. You can be friendly do everything with him but being a roll model is most important even if it's do as I say not as I do.

But whitelisting not a must have.

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 542 reads
14 / 28

I actually said many of the same things, so we're actually in agreement. My son's 22 now and he makes his own dwcisions, commits mistakes and has plenty of successful experiences. Sorta like a 21 year old.

I was also thinking about your ego comment. I mostly agree with that, except for the "convenience" of ladies who find them important.  
So while I have no real problem meeting the splendid women who share our space, there's nothing wrong with a backup plan, additional points of reference.
And shill, my friend ... tssssk
Posted By: dasicorp
You have a referral from Jill and never have been refused,so what more do you need? Whitelisting I think is about egos more then purpose.You do not need them to see girls.I have one and I don't display it, because who really care they can look at my reviews and see whats up.  
 But I'm not sure I agree with this :  
 My son and I are best friends and he doesn't judge me. He breaks my balls, like someone who is comfortable knowing our bond goes beyond words. He broke my balls then, he doesn't anymore. He has shared his enjoying anal sex with women, about 35 years sooner than someone showed me the pleasure.  
 We  need to be parents not friends to our children because if he truly was a friend you should be able to tell all the things your other friend know about you. You can be friendly do everything with him but being a roll model is most important even if it's do as I say not as I do.  
 But whitelisting not a must have.

dasicorp 72 Reviews 352 reads
15 / 28
papidog 74 Reviews 521 reads
16 / 28

Daiscop says whitelist are not important 54 reviews 0 whitelist and roundly barred from the very agency and lady that you use for your reference and as you say her word seems to carry some influence, so why don't you next time you need a reference ask Jill her opinion of Daiscop before you consider listening to his opinion on a subject he knows nothing about.

Should you travel and want to hobby then white list are invaluable in securing a top provider with ease. As for Daiscop his reviews and zero whitelist and the fact that he's a customer of backpage girls that could be considered "down on their luck"  
Should give you pause before listening to his lies.

Res ipsa loquitur

-- Modified on 11/9/2014 11:26:35 PM

dasicorp 72 Reviews 503 reads
17 / 28

You are just obsessed with me ? .. But I love your attention.. Lmao.. Poor little man

sexymarafouru See my TER Reviews 318 reads
18 / 28

If requested and was completely comfortable with a visitor I will whitelist regardless of number of visits or their number of reviews. These are gentlemen I would visit with again without hesitation :-) Even if they don't review me, it is not a criteria for me. I have no issue whitelisting a newbie, they passed my screening and I had a pleasant experience.

-- Modified on 11/10/2014 10:55:59 AM

papidog 74 Reviews 552 reads
19 / 28

No white many blacklist and parental advice to a fellow hobbiest  


Res Ipsa Laquita

dasicorp 72 Reviews 470 reads
20 / 28

Why are you so obsessed with me? Your just a lonely fat little man..  

It's really kinda sad ..  
Posted By: papidog
No white many blacklist and parental advice to a fellow hobbiest  
 Res Ipsa Laquita

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 340 reads
21 / 28
nothrofboston 24 Reviews 402 reads
22 / 28

Get some boxing gloves, charge and donate proceeds to charity. We can all where masks and then you can bury the hatchet.
How long have you been doing this ... is it fun? BORING !!!!!!

Maybe at a meet and greet.

dasicorp 72 Reviews 493 reads
23 / 28

Well your half right, little man is obsessed with my every post..Great idea boxing gloves  .. Put your money on me.. I got this .. Lol  

Posted By: nothrofboston
Get some boxing gloves, charge and donate proceeds to charity. We can all where masks and then you can bury the hatchet.  
 How long have you been doing this ... is it fun? BORING !!!!!!  
 Maybe at a meet and greet.
-- Modified on 11/10/2014 11:53:37 PM

papidog 74 Reviews 558 reads
24 / 28

Just pointing out the obvious, to ask for advice is part of what this community is about, one of the best parts actually. But to have a zero whitelisted hobbiest with a history of negative reviews give you advice on this of all subjects is laughable. I ignore his nonsense but all I have to do is post anything and he'll come a running with his's funny to me so I guess I just poke the little bitch a bit . but I agree it's getting tired to keep him strung along like this. I do appreciate his imitation of me saying I'm obsessed as I actually was the person that pointed that out a million post ago ...but he can own it. I am obsessed with the need to expose the fraud that he is as Daiscop aka big nuts aka who cares , is a representation of all that is wrong with this board.
Cyber bully that post fake reviews claims he " dates" gals OTC and scours Bp for girls that are strung out and most probably trafficked based on his budget and lack of remorse as depicted in his reviews

dirkatlas 81 Reviews 492 reads
25 / 28
dasicorp 72 Reviews 473 reads
26 / 28

You come out here to be the WK for your bipolar agency .. You're a little tool that gets $50 each visit and is working for his discount .. The  truth is you're ATF is abusive to the girls that lay on their backs all day then have to listen to bullshit . Good luck ..oh btw 7/10 of your last posts are BP girls and your atf agency .. What a playa you are.. Lol

-- Modified on 11/11/2014 7:33:50 AM

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 389 reads
28 / 28

Posted By: dirkatlas
I'm sick of this pissing contest too.

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