
Do you like your Christmas gifts presented to you unwrapped? ;-)
cameronrae See my TER Reviews 676 reads

I know I prefer to leave a bit to the imagination.

-- Modified on 4/24/2014 9:05:23 PM


I'm a huge fan of alternate photos right now. Spring brought my artistic tendencies out to grab more eye catching and artistic style photos for my ads and website.  

We just had a wonderful body painting session and photo shoot that lasted over 10 hours yesterday. 3000 shots later and our poor photographer has his work cut out for him, choosing and editing. On top of that, what about silly photos? I'm in a debate about how marketable sexy but silly photos will be. You know, me painted as Princess Leia and swinging around a light saber or just playing naked in the mud

zarno888 reads

That photos is so beautiful makes me want to see more..

Posted By: cameronrae
 I'm a huge fan of alternate photos right now. Spring brought my artistic tendencies out to grab more eye catching and artistic style photos for my ads and website.  
 We just had a wonderful body painting session and photo shoot that lasted over 10 hours yesterday. 3000 shots later and our poor photographer has his work cut out for him, choosing and editing. On top of that, what about silly photos? I'm in a debate about how marketable sexy but silly photos will be. You know, me painted as Princess Leia and swinging around a light saber or just playing naked in the mud.  
 Here's a sneak peek of just the raw shot of only the art from last night.  

Let us know when more of them go up on your site.

I as I always do gave skylar my artistic vision a few times for her pics. I just get color scheme visions with certain skin tones and hair color. { i am sure alot of the providers i pm know what i mean } but i been requesting to have her try a mmagenta or baby blue back drop. i see her long princess looking blonde locks, and kept seein her pics and being like why didnt the photographer bring a large piece of baby pink or baby blue glitter material! to hang in back.  
 This is far beyong my imaginings of how these were gonna come out. .... this is amazing.  
 i am really pumped people are celebrating life and sexuality and the human body.
 we were meant to celebrate our bodies and have fun . i think you girls are pioneers and the new generation of up and coming providers. i have close to ten years on you both{skylar and cameron} at 33, i have to admit i can fore see the younger generation, evolving and improving the whole scene.  
 this is really a great step forward.
i feel me included, i try too hard in my photos at times, i get annoyingly competive. i too feel a bit of humor and art would make this community a more celebratory atmosphere for every one. as opposed to harsh competive, and basically all us trying to out do each other.
you never see pics like this is just a big melting pot of who can have the biggest lips or tits, and who can take the best seklfie makin a bitchy ass pouty face.
 this is very ego less, and real and spirited.  
and you guys are the next generation thatl be deciding whats the scene going to consist of and what the vibe and energy will be . i think sex is going to become a more inviting atmosphere and less whiny biitchy catty , and the like for the years to come. good going ladies.  
 this is what this site needs! i am pumped to look at your pics.  
 i never looked at yours cameron . i always look at skylars caramel dime, holly miami chlow carter,  
italian girl next door,
hmm. there s a few i just always look to see what they are up too as they have the best pics and most artisitic ideas. italian girl next door is inovative in that she is not going to get pro pics as her pics are genuine un altered and she states in the text of site she get ALOT of positive feedback on that factor from the guys.  
i am pumped this is gonna be fun to look at, it been awfully drab whiny kunty and negative around the boards , so maybe this is new the younger generations positive twist on things.
 its nice to see a post that isnt whining about how another lady runs her business, or how the guys and girls dont follow the bible {these people apparently claim to have wriiten on hooking!}  
 great  vibes and lets focus on fun not being whiny kunt face doush bags! yaaaay! go girl,.
 there is something to be be said for the mindset of 20 year olds and the mind set of 50 year olds, ....xoxoxo

I find it attractive but I visit ICA at least once every 3 months so... Every time you put something x-tra on your body you attract some and you repel others. I'd tell you what though there are some that will flock to you just because of the body art but from my personal experience I find most of the people to be "conservative".

In this particular case, I'm speaking of purely in photos.  Body art meaning the paint...though I have other art that isn't so easily washed off as well. lol

Posted By: Nnoway
I find it attractive but I visit ICA at least once every 3 months so... Every time you put something x-tra on your body you attract some and you repel others. I'd tell you what though there are some that will flock to you just because of the body art but from my personal experience I find most of the people to be "conservative".

Beautiful photo as well but how is this Not advertising?

just sayin...

I didn't realize I had said anything more than asking a question about picture preferences with a preview of an artistic photo.  I would never mean to offend on my quest for a deeper understanding into the multifaceted world of attraction, desires and human sexuality.

Though I guess perhaps if you don't fully read what was asked or what the original post was about, I could see how it could be misconstrued.

Or perhaps this is just a moment to shrug and realize that you'll never please everyone.

 As a wise man once said...

When you post a pic from your shoot last night its advertising plain and simple and you're not that stupid that you didn't know it.

I'm not a hater but we all get that one ad a week on the ad board
this was an ad.

rules are rules I'm just calling you on it.

You know what I love about this wonderful country? The fact that we can have a difference in opinions and it's JUST FINE!  

Thank you for voicing yours, as much as I disagree and thank you for the round about way of calling me not stupid. I think that may be as much a compliment as I could get out of it!  :-)

It's a real shame you were unable to make it to the shoot! I would have loved to finally meet the woman behind the screen name

Any time we post here, picture or not, is a form of advertising. For the record, I liked the pic.

mercedes and amy bentley.
 her outlook is using a godesses name, which is more artsy and creative, and has more substance. i think the younger gals are definetly transforming the ideas of whats sexy , and i think its really cool. its less materialistic and fake and maybe more substance to it, i have read that this era the element of ether will be intriduced. the fifth element, we have earth air fire water already, but in this time period on earth the element of ether is to be introduced to us. ether is unseen element it exist but you cannot see it, it represents, the psychic ability in us and as time progress we are going to be becoming more and more tapped into our intuition and psychic energies , .., i can see it coming to for wishin when i see how the advertisng , and mind sets are , moving into more spiritual intense , stages.

Usually more than just your photos and rates, I like to think participating on the forums can help advertise and form a connection on a different level in being a real live person and not just 4 photos and a description.  

 Though I think sometimes as inflammatory comments get posted (by both sexes, mind you) that the poster forgets that they may be advertising something that is not as desirable and marketable to the general, but perhaps they've found their niche and are doing just that: Marketing to what kind of clientele or ladies they are trying to attract.  

In essence, I feel like everyone should: see image below

Because this Is our little community and it's really not that serious.

this is a site to celebrate who your are and that pussy is better when its not free. hahha.
 the only reason any one would care if another lady {especially younger} is quote un quote advertising is if they are concerned its gonna hurt thier business.
 i never get mad about that stuff, who cares, if its advertising for her any way. i dont see it as that at all, its the boston discussion board. this is a big event {i was lucky enough to be invited too but couldnt attend}
 but this is a community discusssion board, it is so boring because no one wants to post fun shit when theres a slew of know it alls that wanna whine about rules all the time,  
 i know i am into this life because i am a godam huge exhibitionist , and love anarchy and rebelion and free love and crazy shit like that.
 that whole bs about wah she is advertising, waaah, bboooo hoo, omg, please! who gives a fuck!
 this is a huge event they organized, with food and fun and celebration and paint, and photography, how the fuck is this advertising ? this actually called fun people. wtf.

I definitely wasn't saying I was opposed to it, merely pointing out that everything we do here can be viewed as a form of advertising. I love doing photo shoots, and if it were up to me every post I made would have a pic attached to it. But sadly  some seem to disagree with that. :(

Not all of my photo shoots are escort related either. My photographer was featured at an art show in Boston last year, and included two of my pics in the show. They were definitely about as far as you could get from any of the pics I use for advertising (horror and fantasy themed). Unfortunately I can't share them here, as they're associated with my real name.

Posted By: angelexotic
this is a site to celebrate who your are and that pussy is better when its not free. hahha.  
  the only reason any one would care if another lady {especially younger} is quote un quote advertising is if they are concerned its gonna hurt thier business.  
  i never get mad about that stuff, who cares, if its advertising for her any way. i dont see it as that at all, its the boston discussion board. this is a big event {i was lucky enough to be invited too but couldnt attend}  
  but this is a community discusssion board, it is so boring because no one wants to post fun shit when theres a slew of know it alls that wanna whine about rules all the time,  
  i know i am into this life because i am a godam huge exhibitionist , and love anarchy and rebelion and free love and crazy shit like that.  
  that whole bs about wah she is advertising, waaah, bboooo hoo, omg, please! who gives a fuck!  
  this is a huge event they organized, with food and fun and celebration and paint, and photography, how the fuck is this advertising ? this actually called fun people. wtf.
-- Modified on 4/25/2014 3:28:12 PM

DickFitswell698 reads

As its been said before...lighten up Nicole.

Life is to short to be a grumpy ole broad...just saying ;)


get-a-life1039 reads

PERFECT she seems to think she rules and the ONE TIME I saw her she was a grumpy OLD broad ........    


Posted By: DickFitswell
As its been said before...lighten up Nicole.  
 Life is to short to be a grumpy ole broad...just saying ;)  

owen420838 reads

Princess Leia with a light saber sounds hilarious

jmw8652687 reads

Is that photo you or someone else?

I liked that idea and also one that would involve me naked, one leg the stem of a dandelion coming up to my tushie and then as if it were caught by a breeze, the wisps blowing up and splayed across my back and up my arms so as I move and dance, it's as if the wind had just blown them.

Also, check out Skylar's 80's glamour theme she did last night too!  hahaha it was too funny

Oh my oh my.  

Well glad to see the silly/fun/artistic/original/goofy photo idea was a welcome one... For the most part.

I'm always curious to find out what the gents like to see & find a way to deliver while still having a good time and add a personal twist! Would hate to keep shooting the same poses & outfits over & over and get JADED! Because that would be a shame and definitely wouldn't keep me interested, intrigued & making the most of my cherished time with my dates! Fun photo ideas and networking gatherings with amazing & lovely ladies in this industry can be priceless experiences & a blast for all!

Whoever saw my candid tweets from the shoot yesterday & today will know what I mean...

Oh shit, did I just plug myself!? My B.

@Skylardesire makes me want to bang Cameron and Skylar.  "Just saying".

I_am_brian_fellows1324 reads

not trying to be a smart arse, but to be totally blunt, I think a lot of us just want an accurate view and representation of your body size, condition, etc. All the dress up and art is nice, but can be worthless if we don;t get a good idea of your what you look like in your birthday suit :-)

I know I prefer to leave a bit to the imagination.

-- Modified on 4/24/2014 9:05:23 PM

Just go to their websites. You can tell from there that they are both wicked sexy. Then you add in the good personality from the art and comments here and, well, there you go, right? That's a good picture in my book. And no I've not met either Cameron or Skylar, but you can put a lot together from the combination of website, reviews, comments on the message board.  

Posted By: I_am_brian_fellows
not trying to be a smart arse, but to be totally blunt, I think a lot of us just want an accurate view and representation of your body size, condition, etc. All the dress up and art is nice, but can be worthless if we don;t get a good idea of your what you look like in your birthday suit :-)

I_am_brian_fellows576 reads

No doubt Cameron is hot, and I have seen Skylar in her own birthday suit. Both ladies are fine in my book.

I was commenting in general, in that the first priority is to give a fair and accurate representation f the body. All the other stuff is fine, but there is no value if I cannot have a good idea of the birthday suit

more than for the guys you know, it has been said we dress up for the other girls, ..
 the ritual of transforming yourself, like the geisha that spend 5 hours to put thier wigs gown, make up, and get ready for the tea house. that transformation for me is where i feel powerful and sexy, then making the guy also enjoy me more. i have done appts where the guy calls and rushed me and said no no its ok angel i can come now, you dont need make up!
   and i always have a horrible time and he does too.  
 part of the fun and horniness for me is getting into thigh highs, rhinestone, sheer fabrics, lace, glittery fabrics, irradescant fabrics, spending an hour to apply false eyelashes eyeshadows, i usually use  4 different shades and blend,
the lighting the fancy candle , days prior to important dats i like to spend time doing waxing , facials, hair treatments, aromatherapy baths.
     i think the artsy fartsy side is more for us than you guys,  
but thats not really for the looks part, it will show in our performances. like where these ladies are having fun with it, and playful vibe, you can tell its going to be more in thier PERFORMANCE . where the difference will lie.  
its personality.
   and its about the ritual we as providers have we do before we prepare for a performance with the guests.  
these pics are showing the intention.  
 these ladies are trying to make it more inviting, more fun loving, for a less seasoned, hobbyist , this may be more inviting, as it is not as intimidating as a lady in a vinly g string, makn her sexiest pouty face for the camera, that whole things is definetly played out . i think this is gonna stand out it shows the time they put into makn fun pics to look at for the guys.
but it shows that they are gonna have off the charts in performance.  
some times when some one is TOO pretty they lose there personality.and lack a sense of humor.  
and sometimes girls that are obsessing over the fact that they can get a free ride cuz they have a pretty face and huge fKE TITS. SOME OF THEM ARE STAR FISH! THEY JUST LAY THERE!
  attitude is everything..................................
 these colorful pics show more in the performance factor and attitude factor, it shows thier attitude toward thier bodies is that it is beautiful and should be adorned with rhinestones and glittel. i think its awsome.

I like artistic. Poetic. Creative. Unique and Original. Intelligence. I like things that are not like everyone else. I suppose that is also why I am low volume. I don't think there are so many people out there who think like me. As someone said, most just want tits and ass. I'm sure those girls are busy, unlike me. It's ok, I made a choice last year to be different and no matter what, stay happy. All that matters, is to be happy with yourself. If you can not be original and true to who you are, then you will not be joyful. Or at least that's what I learned after a few years of doing this job, and at one point being everyone's cup of tea. Now, I'm happy to be my own cup of tea and hopefully I'll get a few gentlemen who like that about me. Low Volume is fine at this point in my life. So I guess you just have to decide. Do you want to be low volume and a niche that is a bit different? Or be normal and have appeal to a wider audience?

-- Modified on 4/24/2014 2:34:24 PM

…it might call for a separate website where there is an audience that appreciates it and supports it on a broader scale then what I’m seeing in the replies here.

I suppose it does raise concern to what is fair when it comes to rules and regulations, and there is always a fine line in the interpretation, or in the bending and breaking of them; it usually happens (So what’s the focus in this picture here, the decorative peacock on a woman’s back, or Camaronrae’s back? Maybe both?)

Then again, what does TER basically stand for: It’s a tool for providers to get their name and images out to pique guys’ interest to get to know them and contact them. (Those reminders will not stop.)

Discussion boards can play a big role in it…but, since almost anything goes…the other stuff is fun, too. I welcome seeing more of your body art

It's what helps us grow!

Thanks for the thoughtful response! Check out the photo board today for the professional version. My first edit came back last night!

out her pics and what not , i just so happen to log off this thread and go look at her recent ad in boston ad board and actually i have to correct the info above it appears she has her first professional aldo shoot pics up in her boston ad board post this week. cool!  
italian girl next door. they look the same as her cell candids, she is still tiny with long brunette hair to her ass, it would be funny if every one had both cell pics and pro pics, so we could see how many poeple look like 2 different people!
 hers look the same, so i guess thats a good thing for the guys, they always complain some ladies glamour shots arent realistic, and they get disapointed when they arrive.

Tranquilizers and alcohol ….indeed! More sex please? LO

I just did. With a little more revealed the erotica comes through. Beautiful!

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