
denverdon2757 49 Reviews 5410 reads

My Panthers played valiantly, but Brady was just too much for them. You guys have got a great team, but remember we're young so we will be back.

It was a really well played and exciting game.  Congratulations to the Pats!

My Panthers played valiantly, but Brady was just too much for them. You guys have got a great team, but remember we're young so we will be back.

Had the Panthers won, he would have been MVP! That was probably the best Super Bowl ever played...something for everybody...two scoreless quarters but in the end, you knew that the team who got the ball last would win.


The penalties absolutely killed Carolina, and the first quarter was a mess. Brady's interception in the end-zone kept Carolina hoping. I really thought that the int blew his MVP chances. Guess I was wrong.

Probably one of the more entertaining games if not the best played.

I voted for Deion Branch for MVP but then, a receiver can't have a big day without his quarterback. You could also make a case for Mike Vrabel. However, how can you give the MVP to a defensive player when neither defense could stop anybody in the 4th quarter? Brady almost did kill his chance for MVP with the pick but, as the 4th quarter progressed, it was obvious that the MVP was going to be the winning quarterback.


Sexy Maids3880 reads

I don't think it was the best played for a few reasons.  But I do think that it was the best Superbowl ever.  The offside penalties by Carolina were more by design (Brady's Cadence), then just pure mistakes by the panthers.  Just my 2 cents.

Congrates to the Panthers, they played a fantastic game! Wow what a finish!!!!!!!!

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