
Burlington police
jdentente 19 Reviews 1716 reads
posted carrying a story on 9 arrests in Burlington.  Be careful everyone.

Posted By: jdentente carrying a story on 9 arrests in Burlington.  Be careful everyone.

Even before that incident that happen with the provider and those two thugs, Burlington area in general has always been a hot spot for police a lot of hotels they do watch from what I've been told .

The article quotes an officer saying that "It's not a victimless crime."  Really?  Are there any 14-year olds on this board?

Actually, there was a warning a month ago that this would be happening:

For taking the time to post on the board.
That area keeps getting hit and with the big election coming up, We all need to take extra caution  
I heard the hotel sonsta works with the police dept
Dont know if it's true but their was a bust their yealier this year.

FOX 25 this am said one also charged w 'Groping the Female Officer'. (In addition to the guy who tried to 'recruit' the officer.

Posted By: jdentente carrying a story on 9 arrests in Burlington.  Be careful everyone.

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