
Bad Experience with RSsad_smile
LongtimeRSuser 12297 reads

Well, RS has let me down again. It has been my service of choice even though I have had several little problems over the years with them, but this one was a little more unacceptable. Another client came into the hotel room and saw me. I'm sure the other client wasn't too happy about this either. This was due to sloppiness on the part of the person running the phones that day, and lack of experience (or intelligence?) on the part of the provider (who will remain nameless). On top of the fact that someone else saw me, hearing someone knock on the door scared the heck out of us... Has this kinda thing happened to anyone else out there? Is this common?

P.S. I'm glad we have a forum like this where we can vent our anger and frustrations!

Sounds like fun (If you enjoy crapping your pants).

The longer I enjoy this hobby the longer my list of unusual, problematic, aggravating, funny, unforgettably great encounters grows, but I have yet to run into fellow hobbyist. Personally I would not be to upset but it is a good indicator on how a business is run, sure mistakes happen but there are many ways to avoid them and if, as you said in your post, that there is a history of problems I would avoid using them for many reasons.

This guy who is posting as longtimeRSuser called me this morning, to tell me about what had happened. This happened 6 weeks ago on this girls first day!
This guy called saying he wanted a discount because of what had happened. He called 6 weeks later! I asked him why did he not call on that day or even a few days later, and he said he was mad and wanted to wait till he cooled down. It took him 6 weeks?
I told him it was too late and I could not do anything now, since he would not unblock his phone or even tell me his name. I know 95% of my regular clients and I never heard this guy's voice before so I was NOT going to be cohearsed into giving him a discount. He then stated that we would post on a message board if he did not get a discount.

Anyone who is a regular RS user knows that if they have a problem they can call me and I will always take care of it.
I don't know this guy, I don't know his TER handle, and since I think this is a scam I WILL NOT GIVE HIM A DISCOUNT!

If he chooses to use another service or to see an independant so be it. I will NOT be blackmailed.

That sounds perfectly fair to me, Jill.  If it took him 6 weeks to cool down from something that seems fairly minor to me, then he seems to have other more serious problems.  Don't give in.  RS is a very busy service and it is entirely possible that this may happen.  And just the fact that he said that he would post this message if he did not receive something says something about them as well.  Also, did he really think that you would give him any type of discount without giving his name or unblocking his phone??  One more thing, if they were really upset and intended to not use RS anymore, why create a new alias just to attack you???

Anyway, you can tell that the provider was probably new as a slightly more experienced provider would never have let someone else into the room if somebody was already in there.  I just hope the provider learned not to do this in the future.

Why can't we all just get along???  Mistakes happen.  We just need to understand this and move on with our lives.  Life is too short.

Happy Hobbying!!!

fdisk13232 reads

I have never used RS, but I wouldn't let this little tempest in a tea pot deter me if I had an interest in a girl there. I don't think a little mishap like this is anything to ruin anyone's whole day. Jill's side of the story sounds plausible and there's nothing to really harm her reputation here. I'm glad she seems to have shown some restraint in responding and I'm sure that will have some weight in how this incident is seen by the board.

PS In the old (pre-internet) days, when hobbying meant the combat zone and Back Bay trick pads, I saw, and was seen in the revolving door of the various meat markets I frequented. It just makes me laugh now. Talk about the bad old days!

-- Modified on 11/19/2002 1:30:16 PM

moet5910759 reads

although I haven't had the pleasure of this group, past problems I've read about have been attributed to the new talent. Jill has always acted in a very professional manner, and usually make the adjustments necessary to keeping the clients satisfied. We're with you Jill!

Yeah, Jill, but I gotta say-

"I was NOT going to be cohearsed"

Honestly, if you didn't mind too much... it might be best for me if we did share that hearse together on that final mile....

I hear you on this end as I answered phones in my past life!!lol It is really too bad that some men have to lie over $50 or whatever!!
Jill, I am sure YOU know how to run a service the way it needs to be run..! I have always heard good things!
Take care and dont let the "little people"..ruin your spirit!!

I've tried to call RS a couple times .Both times the person i talked with was polite but seemed rushed. Alot of times if i try to see a provider my schedule can be pretty tight. So being put off for 10 min then again and again just doesn't work out. I'm sure Jill understands. If what happened did occur the provider should have been more alert as to not let this happen.But also i wouldn't get crazy about it because some one saw me either. Jill is right he should have called sooner so she could explain and apologize for this. As for getting a discount what do you think KMart shoppers. Just remember our time is valuable also.

jjm14907 reads

RS is great..generally, but I think they do book way too close together.  The more I use the service..the longer I have to sit and wait in a parking lot somewhere  20 min to 1/2 back, etc.  Not a problem in itself..except after a while one starts feeling conspicious..and I don't think this is a safe practice.  Last time..after being asked to call back again and again...and finally getting a busy signal on several numbers..for 25 min...I left  (and after fighting traffic for an hour to make sure I was on time, too).  Security patrols those parking lots!!!.  E-mailed the next day...neve got a reply.  Once in a while..fine, but just about every time?!?!

A 7:00 pm appointment should be a 7 pm appointment.

That much I can agree with.  I have had the same experience but it's not usually a problem.  I only schedule where I am close to anyway so it doesn't take me long to get there.  But I agree that sitting in the parking lot for exceeding long amounts of time makes me feel conspicious and patrols and cameras are all around.  A little more spacing between appointments would be best.  And if an appointment is sufficiently late getting there then they should be told they are too late so as not to disrupt everyone else.  But, it's not my company and Jill can do as she likes.  If we don't like it, then we can always free to go somewhere else, right?

jjm12632 reads

It's not only a matter of's primariarly security on this side..but for the girls, too..if they're seeing back to back appointments all day...??  I've had several close brushes where the next client is being sent up as I'm getting ready to leave...and one of these was when I was leaving 10 min early.  I've also been aware of being scoped out by housekeeping staff, who lately invariably seem to be in the halls right by the matter how quietly I slip in.  One girl asked me if they were still out there..and if they had noticed me  (weird??).  I always take great care to slip past the front desk ..quickly to the elevator..and leave by the closest side door (without looking at the camera).  I don't know..the service has been great..but getting to it just dosen't feel comfortable.

First, a question to Jill.  Did it happen or did it not?  If it happened, then you should make it right.  It doesn't matter how long ago it was.  Something like that is your fault and has nothing to do with the provider or the client.  S**t happens and if you make a mistake like that, you really should offer some compensation.

From reading the board as well as my own personal experience, Jill does not offer any compensation for a bad experience.  In Jill's defense, she offers an economical service and you get what you pay for.  I don't mean that in a bad way, I'm just saying that for what the client pays, its usually a good value, just do plenty of homework before you see someone.  Thats true for any provider no matter how much she charges

Getting to an appointment and being told to call back in ten minutes three times is a big problem. If I called and told them to wait ten for me they would tell me to screw. If the appointment is for 2 oclock, thats when the girl should be ready.

I agree.  Not allowing ample time between appointments is a bad business practice, but until there are cancellations because of it, I suspect it will continue to happen.

Remember, Jill is a business woman, neither she or the provider is getting a lot from each appointment so they have to make it up in volume.  Thats just ecomomics 101.  Personally, I book for lunch hour appointments so I am the first or second appointment and I don't run into that problem.

N.H.Guy is right on.Room Service is the T.J.Maxx of the industry.
Quality at a reasonable price.Like N.H.Guy I try to book early.When I have had to wait I didn't mind.Would you guys like the other alternative?To be rushed out the door after 40-45 min.
Many times the ladies have let me linger for an extra 5 or 10 min.So please stop the whining!

By the way I hope all you guys are leaving a little extra for those who are showing us a great time.Especiallyfor those half hour quickies.

Thank's Smitty, I would much rather be a TJMAXX or Marshalls, as opposed what one provider called me Wal-Mart

-- Modified on 11/20/2002 12:50:40 PM

Tell it like it ;) meowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww..

Mel ;)

I have seen several of Jill's lovely ladies and I would classify a few of them as Newbury Street Quality!

john5612625 reads

First of all, 25% of all the men who make appointments with Roomservice never show up.  Second, if you do decide to partake, as they like to say on the DB, you wait until the last minute to go up to the room.  Hanging around the lobby, puts you in jeopardy, as well as that sexy Roomservice girl you definitely want to see.  Be smart, keep it discrete and simple.

Now personally, I would rather engage a provider for the evening or the better part of one, but that is just my preference and circumstance.  I am better prepared financially to do this, so I am usually the one and only for the evening.

I decided to avoid agencies years ago because of the assembly line nature they promote (back then, and this is not in reference to Jill's establishment).

Jill runs a reputable establishment that provides a fine service at a moderate price.  The providers are clean, relatively cheerful and have developed (from all indications reading their reviews) a loyal following.  

Like any other business, there are doing to be times when the quality of service will suffer for some reason or another.  When this happens, the customer should strike while the irons is hot (or the provider is cold as it were).  


Sorry, but I call them like I see them.  Jill may or may not have had a problem occur with this client, but be assured that 6 weeks later, her only recourse has to be an apology.

If the client was so upset it took him 6 weeks to calm down, he needs to save his cash for anger management therapy and not for hobbying!  A couple of days later, fine.  A week later, understandable.  Two weeks later, well, maybe if she bit his cock really hard, but come on now!

Jill, this guy is probably never going to be happy.  If you want to be REALLY classy, and he can somehow convince you he had an actual appointment, refund him his money and tell him to get lost.  A refund and a brush off would show everyone you are the classy lady we know you to be and would put this bozo in his place.

On the other hand, if this guy is blowing sunshine up your skirt and may have never had the date, ignore him and move on.  

In short, complaints at the source and time of the problem should get rapid attention.  Old scores with weeks of time before a complaint should be treated to the door.

That's just my opinion and I could be wrong.

Regards to all,
Warm kisses to the ladies,
I'm out of here ...

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