
Any recommendations on where to get regular checkups?
skippah 92 Reviews 320 reads

Active participants in the hobby should be checked regularly. Info/reviews of good clinics/docs who are the easiest and most discreet would be valuable. Any recommendations?

MassPike2972 reads

Well , this is embarrassing but , ladies ........ and gentlemen , for that matter ..... How many of you have caught an std recently and how long do you wait to ' get back in action ' with , say ........ Chlamydia ? And , what's your take on it ?

They say seven days after you take all your medication, before you have sex again.

jklf649 reads

was this from unprotected intercourse, or just a bbbj?

MassPike628 reads

bbbj never uncovered fs

Thanks.  I would guess most of us enjoy bbbj...makes you reconsider.

If you've been diagnosed, you need to tell her. She probably doesn't know.

Posted By: MassPike
bbbj never uncovered fs

MassPike626 reads

chlamydia is chlamydia - as far as I know - there is no oral , vaginal or penile chlamydia . I have respect for this woman and was thinking of having her over for a visit and tell her face to face what I was going thru . Not in a disrespectful way and in no way was I going to get sexually physical with her or rude in any way , just wanted to let her know , pay her for her time and , to be honest , hopefully see her again after a time . I have been with two women this year , one only once . one , more than once . While I doubt that I am the only one who got it , for reasons I won't get into here , I am pretty sure she knows even though we have not spoke . I have and will keep trying to contact her but , I am not the one who is meeting several people a day , week or month . I have not heard back from her and , she is a busy provider . Possibly low volume but still ..... One thing i have not done is just send her an email stating the facts and buh-bye . My symptoms are gone . I am ok and ok with it and am glad we can have this discussion . I have not seen much discussion about his nor do I troll all the different channels on this website other than this one for such a topic . The ' clinic' I went to was very professional in handling it .

Posted By: hannecharmante
If you've been diagnosed, you need to tell her. She probably doesn't know.  
Posted By: MassPike
bbbj never uncovered fs

She could test regularly for chlamydia by cervical swab or urine assay without ever knowing she has an oral infection. If she is asymptomatic, the only way for her to know is if her partner informs her of his diagnosis. If she does have symptoms, it could easily be misdiagnosed as strep throat or some other upper respiratory infection.

Just call her and tell her already.

wrps07381 reads

If this type of infection is not treated properly (not taking all the pills) or not treated at all it can re-occur.

Foxcatcher672 reads

Did you inform the lady in question if she has no symptoms she wouldn't know

Posted By: MassPike
Well , this is embarrassing but , ladies ........ and gentlemen , for that matter ..... How many of you have caught an std recently and how long do you wait to ' get back in action ' with , say ........ Chlamydia ? And , what's your take on it ?

MassPike348 reads

And , for the record , I knew how long but wasn't going to dive back in on the 8th day .......... just bringing it up ........

Did you notify the OP so it doesn't continue?

Thank you for being cautious about returning.

edit* Sorry missed above post, I think that meeting face to face sounds like a good idea, but like the sooner the better or.....

-- Modified on 9/9/2016 9:56:08 PM

MassPike420 reads

I have reached out and finally heard back from one of the two providers I saw . I HOPE SHE DOES THE RIGHT THING !!! (yes meant to be all caps ) Funny thing is - both providers logged out of their p411 sites about the same time and have not been back on . I see that the one who did get back to me is still providing . I am trying to persuade her to go to the doctor and get treated regardless of symptoms . I hope she does . Play safe . Be safe . I think I have a few days of VIP left . I am not going to out these ladies unless I really feel I have to . PM me if you want .

MassPike361 reads

Do not ask me who they are , I'm not telling you .

Posted By: MassPike
I have reached out and finally heard back from one of the two providers I saw . I HOPE SHE DOES THE RIGHT THING !!! (yes meant to be all caps ) Funny thing is - both providers logged out of their p411 sites about the same time and have not been back on . I see that the one who did get back to me is still providing . I am trying to persuade her to go to the doctor and get treated regardless of symptoms . I hope she does . Play safe . Be safe . I think I have a few days of VIP left . I am not going to out these ladies unless I really feel I have to . PM me if you want .

Chlamydia is just a bacterial infection.  (So technically it is not a fungus, although I do like the rhyme.)  It is possibly the most common STI and people that have it often don't know it because often they have no symptoms.  As long as you get tested, confirm that's what it is (as opposed to something like syphilis that can have similar symptoms but may require a different treatment), and then take your prescribed antibiotics properly, you should be right as rain in just a week or so. The only significant risks that come with chlamydia come along if it's NOT treated, such as a risk of sterility or in women things like PID or ectopic pregnancy (which can be dangerous).  

There is no reason for anyone to panic, but you are definitely doing the right thing by trying to stop the spread and get folks who may be affected tested (and treated if needed). That way no one, especially any of the ladies, has to suffer the quiet ill effects of an untreated infection.  Reaching out and taking pro-active steps like you're doing is not easy.  So thanks for bellying up to the bar and being responsible.  I think everyone in this community should appreciate it, whether they are personally affected or not.

I can only hope that the provider in question does the right thing as well, in the interests of her clients and all of those who have intimate contact with her clients, including other providers, wives, girlfriends, etc.  Hopefully this won't happen, but I'm not sure how the provider could live with herself if another woman died from an ectopic pregnancy as a result of untreated chlamydia that came from that provider and which could have been easily prevented if only she'd known to get tested and treated.

And of course, on a related note, everyone - providers and clients alike - should be getting thoroughly tested frequently.  Almost all of us are in a higher risk category because of the number of different partners

That will greatly reduce a chance of infection, and help keep your partners healthy too.

wrps07242 reads

To flush those germs away. It is also good to do at least 10 laps in swimming pool after you have a session. This will get ready of ladies smell from you.

MassPike344 reads

I am confident that after speaking several times with one of the young ladies , the one I have spent the most time with recently , that the situation has been treated and , that she has taken the right measures to be std free since I first had my symptoms . An above post stated that sometimes this can be misdiagnosed as a bronchial infection in women and , that is what she claims to have been treated for several weeks ago, which was when my symptoms first came about . I have urged her to remain inactive ( I hope she is and says she has been for weeks ) while getting tested again and , she has taken precautionary measures (got another script) just incase . Before I was diagnosed , after I came down with the illness , I also took anti biotics in a just in case scenario . This was a June/July illness . Gone in August . Everything is good here . Again , her and I have been going round and round with emails all weekend and everything she says seems legit and she is healthy , too . I also think that if anyone else was infected they would have known it at least 6 weeks ago . This is my first issue in the 15 years since I first discovered this site and hobby . She mentioned she has a 'regular' who is an MD . Maybe some of you local girls know this MD , too ?  

I am not a doctor nor do I play one on this site . If you think you have an issue , go see one .  

Play safe . Be safe . Carr(ier)y on .


My most recent test came back negative for everything so you can rule out certain girls hosting in Boston since I never go to Waltham/Newton. :)


Posted By: MassPike
I am confident that after speaking several times with one of the young ladies , the one I have spent the most time with recently , that the situation has been treated and , that she has taken the right measures to be std free since I first had my symptoms . An above post stated that sometimes this can be misdiagnosed as a bronchial infection in women and , that is what she claims to have been treated for several weeks ago, which was when my symptoms first came about . I have urged her to remain inactive ( I hope she is and says she has been for weeks ) while getting tested again and , she has taken precautionary measures (got another script) just incase . Before I was diagnosed , after I came down with the illness , I also took anti biotics in a just in case scenario . This was a June/July illness . Gone in August . Everything is good here . Again , her and I have been going round and round with emails all weekend and everything she says seems legit and she is healthy , too . I also think that if anyone else was infected they would have known it at least 6 weeks ago . This is my first issue in the 15 years since I first discovered this site and hobby . She mentioned she has a 'regular' who is an MD . Maybe some of you local girls know this MD , too ?  
 I am not a doctor nor do I play one on this site . If you think you have an issue , go see one .  
 Play safe . Be safe . Carr(ier)y on .

Active participants in the hobby should be checked regularly. Info/reviews of good clinics/docs who are the easiest and most discreet would be valuable. Any recommendations?

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