
All Boston providers please read!confused_smile
bethanysjewel22 11904 reads

I have encountered a very mean man this weekend. I will not go into details or include his email address because of threats I have recieved. Please email me for more information. I will be happy to keep anyone safe this holiday season.

This is preposterous!!  Why do some men find it necessary to hurt and threaten these ladies, they're only trying to do what they can to get by?  Nothing gets me more pissed off than hearing a lady say that she's run into one of these gutless pieces of excrement!

dc512663 reads

It's kind of disturbing to see three posts on one page on this subject.  I know I'll get plenty of agreement when I say that a man who abuses women is as low as can be.  Am I also correct in thinking what no one seems to have mentioned, namely that repeal of archaic puritanical laws would be a big help by affording providers(and clients) the protection of the law?

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