This is one of my kinks!
CourtneySparks See my TER Reviews 663 reads

When I was a pro-Domme, I forced a client to lose 60 lbs through a combination of psychological coaching, accountability, and health & nutrition education.

It was beautiful. I shot every excuse he had out of the water. Whenever he felt tempted to binge eat, he would go out for a 10 minute walk instead to please his Goddess or write Me an erotic letter instead. I found him a personal trainer who could work with his sports injuries (no more excuses not to work out). If he missed a workout with the personal trainer, the trainer called me and I would not session with him until he got his ass to the gym!  

It was all reward-based - no shame and punishment.  If he followed the diet and exercise protocol, he got a series of positive reinforcements from me, ranging from Goddess nectar to showing off his new physique at fetish events.

W/we averted 3 surgeries - one for his sleep apnea, 2 for his knees.  

I truly love using D/s to help people improve their lives!

I think this is the right place to start this discussion. It may have even occurred before.
As I explore my sexuality, I wonder if I it is possible to combine my desire to explore submission with a weight loss program - I need to lose about 80 pounds. Has anybody heard of such a thing? I am not a weight watchers kind of a guy. I need a different kind of accountability program.

This is a power play I have never thought about before! A dom/me could combine forced exercise during a session (don't knock it... it's actually a lot of fun if done right!) with rewards and punishments based off of a well-kept food intake log. It could have the same ideas as WW-- fruits and non-starch veggies are unlimited while proteins, fats, and carbohydrates are counted towards an intake amount-- but with a very different accountability system. I've also always liked the idea of teaching people to cook healthy recipes while they are under duress.

Phew, but now you've got me all hot and bothered! I would definitely enjoy doing this with you if you're in the Philadelphia area. If not, I'm sure you'll find a wonderful provider to help you on your journey.


I have some ideas of my own on how a program like this might work. Still looking for the thoughts from the community at large. Since I  have not spent a lot of time here, I wonder if this is a topic for my local regional board. In this case DC or Baltimore.

I would love to sweat the fat off of you!

Feel free to email me and we can talk about my methods and what's worked to achieve both goals, weight loss and great sessions.

When I was a pro-Domme, I forced a client to lose 60 lbs through a combination of psychological coaching, accountability, and health & nutrition education.

It was beautiful. I shot every excuse he had out of the water. Whenever he felt tempted to binge eat, he would go out for a 10 minute walk instead to please his Goddess or write Me an erotic letter instead. I found him a personal trainer who could work with his sports injuries (no more excuses not to work out). If he missed a workout with the personal trainer, the trainer called me and I would not session with him until he got his ass to the gym!  

It was all reward-based - no shame and punishment.  If he followed the diet and exercise protocol, he got a series of positive reinforcements from me, ranging from Goddess nectar to showing off his new physique at fetish events.

W/we averted 3 surgeries - one for his sleep apnea, 2 for his knees.  

I truly love using D/s to help people improve their lives!

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