The "humbler"; an a-ha moment!
rdracing 5 Reviews 11868 reads

I have made a few posts trying to figure out how best to spend my very limited hobby budget.
I had a recent revelation after playing around in the workshop. I made a humbler out of scrap wood and a couple of wall anchors. Since it is custom made for me it is form fitting and actually very comfortable; unless I even think about my legs straightening more than a 90 degree angle. No really. Anything more than 90 and it is like a dog running into an electric fence. Whoops! Back up!!!!!

It does more than that though; It actually humbles you. It mandates a position of subservience and exposes your most vulnerable area. It actually puts them out there like a big red button begging to be pushed.

It also made me realize that I want to feel like a person being broken, not a person begging for attention. I know that this is hypocritical. You would not be there if you did not want to be there. I am also not questioning anybody else's preference. This is only my thought process.

I have had a hard time explaining this and now it's clear in my head. For example; Toes aren't my thing. Having a Dom tell me to suck her toes might be awesome for some but would be a waste of time for me. Now if you add the humbler (or other influencer) and I am in that position by force and the big red button will be pushed if I don't comply... Now suddenly toe sucking "works" for me.

This is different from "Topping from the bottom". Actually it is quite the opposite. I want to be made to do what the dom wants. If that happens to be something I really like, that is a perk, not the reason for being there.

It seems that some doms like the people that will just do what they say. It is probably easier.
Google cbt humbler. I did not know what link to add. Discuss:)

Having a boy in a humbler is such a good time!! I particularly like making sure he hears the key as I slide it into the lock and the click as the lock engages. I also love how it leaves the cock free for other forms of torture, made even more tortuous because there is no hope of escape ;) An excellent form of predicament bondage !!

You are correct, it can be very humbling experience, and gives "kneeling at her feet" a whole new meaning. Of course we Dommes would prefer someone who does what we say, but in the professional world, we are just service providers. That's why I screen carefully potential playmates. If we don't have compatible interests, I am not going to be invested in the session, and I don't think that is fair to the boy. When we do have compatible interests, though, then they DO do whatever I say, but the pleasure is on both sides. IF I were looking for personal service, this might not matter so much, as long as they were willing to be trained, but on a service level, I have to provide services requested.

Of course, sometimes that request includes consentual non-consent, which is a whole 'nother story :D


There's no such thing as topping from the bottom, in my opinion. There's being rude and having your timing off- but expressing your needs, desires, and preferences is an important thing for a submissive to do.

It sounds like you want to feel controlled and taken- which is quite common. A nuance that most experienced Dommes understand and when explained clearly ahead of time they know how to enact this. Explaining that you like to be passive and told what to do is a simple way of expressing this need- as opposed to being eager and begging from the beginning you want to be "forced" (although consensually and willingly) into your place.  

Humblers are fun and sounds like you solved the problem of fit very well.

Best wishes and have fun!

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