Anyone reading Fifty Shades of Grey?
sobeslave 6796 reads

From CNN...

"The book I’m referring to, of course, is “Fifty Shades of Grey,” the first in an erotic trilogy by E.L. James that melds kinky sex with romance. The novel has been selling like hot cakes and is causing quite a stir due to the explicit scenes of bondage, discipline, sadism and masochism (BDSM).

“Fifty Shades of Grey” has put the words "bondage erotica” into the mainstream, according to Rachel Kramer Bussel, a writer and editor of more than 40 anthologies of erotica, including “Best Bondage Erotica 2012.”

I can't wait to get a few moments of quiet time curled up for the evening to dig in and start reading it. I hear it's a very hot and erotic read. It's great to see bondage erotica go mainstream and it may just give us all some additional wet dreams ; ).


I wish people would do their homework when they buy books. 50 shades was written as fan fiction for TWILIGHT.

It was originally titled "Master of the Universe" and the lead characters were named Edward and Bella. You can get both the first two books for free by googling master of the universe twilight.

I think the book is shit. I don't care that it's now "mainstream" the writing is horrible and the characters I could care less about. I got about 1/3 of the way through before I put it down. I can't fathom why someone would want to read about a character who isn't HAPPY being submissive, is scared of her "dom" who is just an abuser who uses bdsm to cover up his assholish tendencies, and why they would want the two to be together when she is clearly, CLEARLY scared of him. That's not BDSM that's a fucked up relationship where one person is buying the other's unwilling submission.

It's bdsm for tweens and for people who enjoy elementary style writing.

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