
Yes I'm sure the ladies he sees or wants to see would like to know what he REALLY thinks of them.angry_smile
CrackDuphyBlowingChunks46 236 reads

And it's BAD! This guy can flip pretty damn easily into a name calling provider bashing-that's ALL providers, jerk.

The BOY in PonyBOY suites him as he's no MAN.

I was all set and ready to go until my date notified me at the last minute she couldn't make it.  Now here I am, hard, horny, and frustrated, with my D in my hand. AND NO!!! I refuse to resort to the 5 Sisters :).  

I know weekends and especially Sunday's are like the No Fly Zone for Atlanta Ladies, but some of my favorites usually come through for me.

LOL, I'm all prepared to get flamed by my fellow hobbyist, but a hard cock has no shame, so "Flame On" and YES, my post usually works.  I'm hoping it does today too.  



Heather and her 4 sisters to the rescue

I doubt it, shaft has been around a long time,i bet someone came thru...

GaGambler517 reads

but I have faith in my man Shaft. I wouldn't suggest anyone else post the way he does, making last minute ISO posts, but he has a way of doing it I suppose that gets results. I would NOT bet against him finding a lady to come to his rescue.

Maybe if you watch guys like Shaft, and learn from him, you might start seeing your posts getting a better reception from both the ladies and the guys than you have experienced so far. "Watch and learn" is my advice to you. Shaft of course needs no such advice as he plainly knows what he is doing as I am sure half the ladies in Atlanta will attest to.

I don't do these ISO post often, but they do work for impromptu dates.  Mostly they let ladies you have previously seen, or qualified with know your available.

Besides, I think shaft successfully schedules every weekend this way.  So clearly he is popular on many dance cards for random scheduling

GaGambler322 reads

This type of post certainly won't work for just anybody, but for a clueless newbie to tell a guy as well known and respected as Shaft that he has no chance, just screams for "someone" to call him out for it, and big surprise, that "someone" just happened to be me.

Besides, it gave me an excuse to give a shout out to my old friend, and give ponyman yet another smack in the head that he so consistently seems to need. lol

I would say you are getting cranky and turning into a curmudgeon, but I know better.   You have actually mellowed out of late, lol

You coming to meet and greet?

GaGambler266 reads

What he doesn't realize is that some of these women he writes to have friends here. Without sharing info that doesn't need to be shared here, suffice it to say that if his ran his mouth in person to a man in a similar way that he writes to some of the ladies here, he'd be taking his meals through a straw.

This is not me being "cranky" this is me telling him that if he ever wants to be accepted here, he needs to start watching his mouth. and yes, I do get the irony of an asshole like me saying this. So you can only imagine how badly he is treating our local ladies for me to say something like this. He is well on his way to becoming a pariah here.

On to more pleasant matters. I was just in Atlanta for the mostly rained out Sweetwater festival, and I am not really sure when I will next be in town. My chances of making the next M&G are slim I'd have to say

And it's BAD! This guy can flip pretty damn easily into a name calling provider bashing-that's ALL providers, jerk.

The BOY in PonyBOY suites him as he's no MAN.

GaGambler249 reads

He was having some issues dealing with a few of the ladies here and was accused of talking rather rudely to them in private conversations.

This dumb fuck actually was stupid enough to share with me the correspondence he had with these ladies and after I read the downright fucking nasty things he had said to them, my advice was for him to close his account, reinvent himself, and start all over again, as it was unlikely that any reputable lady would see him once it got out what a putz he was.

FWIW, that advice still stands, except for the part about him coming back. This community doesn't need or want guys who can't be even the least bit civil in their conversations with the ladies.

One last thing, I only call my very best friends here sluts or whores, and I have earned the right to do so because they are my FRIENDS, and they no I mean no malice when using that kind of language. PonyBitch, you have by no means earned the right to use that kind of language towards the women here, and unless you want to be stuck seeing women either of the lowest class or desperate, you would do well to change your ways.

Yours truly, GaGambler the WhitefuckingKnight. lol

I wasn't the one asking the Gambler to teach someone how to play nice

Omg that is really funny.

But he is right, you can talk to friends one way, strangers another.  GaG and I will call each other names often, usually as signs of respect and recognition.   A great lady on this board, lovingly references man whores and lady sluts, but you have to be invited to that exchange

-- Modified on 4/21/2015 3:29:24 PM

Hey gambler you want to see a dumb fuck look in the mirror. Texas gambler stay in Texas GA d don't want ya.

I, too, am aware of some of his back-channel shenanigans.  Bottom line: his "nice guy" persona here is a fraud.  He's nasty, foul-mouthed misogynist.  A must to avoid.
Does this make me an official WK?  Whatever.

All this started off as a joke to shaft. I guess only the veterans can joke with each other. Its all good though. You boys haven't done anything for me anyway.

You need to just STFU and learn/listen. But I doubt you can. Maybe its time for you to get another beatdown here on the ATL board? I'm all for it, Ponyboy.

Hey, dollar general. Start the beat down then.



-- Modified on 4/22/2015 9:16:09 AM

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