
Yes, five or ten "likes" mean nothing
GaGambler 844 reads

but 35 can't possibly be coming from a single group.

I know this might be wishful thinking, but maybe, just maybe this is a sign that the membership here is sick and tired of review manipulation?

I know two threads don't make a trend, but I find it extremely encouraging that at least a couple of guys had the stones to name names when reporting bad behavior. 90% of the previous OPs complaining about bad behavior were nothing but a bunch of whining from guys too scared to stand up and be counted, these last two OP's on the subject were different. They made their posts under their real handle, they named names, and they gave specifics, AND they stood their ground against the White Knights, of which I am happy to say there were very few.

GaGambler2759 reads

Did anyone else notice that the OP calling out VipVeronica got 35 likes?

How many of you use the "like" feature? I have to confess that since I stuck with TER Classic until just recently when TER stopped supporting Classic, and I don't Face Book, so the only time I have used the like feature is for voting for Ms TER. I will confess, once I saw that the VIPVeronica OP had 34 likes, I promptly made it 35.

you don't know who is doing the liking.  A posse can be easily formed to do some liking.
on FB at least the likers are named.  A thread such as the Veronica thread was about more then
just Veronica.  lol  But I guess it does add some validation to a post.

 I use the feature for things
I find funny or profound or for a ladies pic in the ad board.

-- Modified on 9/15/2015 4:18:17 AM

GaGambler845 reads

but 35 can't possibly be coming from a single group.

I know this might be wishful thinking, but maybe, just maybe this is a sign that the membership here is sick and tired of review manipulation?

I know two threads don't make a trend, but I find it extremely encouraging that at least a couple of guys had the stones to name names when reporting bad behavior. 90% of the previous OPs complaining about bad behavior were nothing but a bunch of whining from guys too scared to stand up and be counted, these last two OP's on the subject were different. They made their posts under their real handle, they named names, and they gave specifics, AND they stood their ground against the White Knights, of which I am happy to say there were very few.

We don't know if the 35 liked that the dude used his real handle to call out a provider that he had a problem with or that the 35 don't like the provider's alleged bait and switch or that the 35 liked the idea of a supposed larger provider going all WWE on a hobbyist or that they liked how he chatted with her 20 minutes over wine before he became so repulsed he had to leave or maybe they liked that a supposed heavy provider had an elliptical in her incall.

What wasn't to like about that post!???  still lmao

GaGambler802 reads

I was a bit disappointed that it veered off with CCC and TL/Khori duking it out, urged on of course by VV herself who must have been thrilled that she managed to at least partially deflect the conversation onto someone else, but all in all it was a GREAT train wreck thread, and quite possibly a cathartic one as well that could even set the tone for a bit more transparency here where it comes to review manipulation.

Nah, that's just crazy talk, we all know nothing is going to change, but a man can dream, right?

I like pretty girls.

Boy is that an understatement.  LOL.

I mean - I tend to like their ad pics and photo pics (when I don't forget).  I also like posts that make me laugh or are creative.  

I always thought it was a bit strange how we have "like" but we don't have "dislike".  Doesn't seem like fair and balanced reporting does it?  Of course I could see a girl getting dislikes on her ad would be cruel and soul crushing so I wouldn't want to ever see that.  (Maybe block "dislike" on ad and photo boards? - don't know...).

But I was kicking around this idea - if a person built up enough dislikes in a certain period of time they couldn't post anything for a time.  Kind of a self imposed time-out.  And maybe if they got enough likes they could get a cool title like "TER Postmaster General" or "Sir Postalot - Supreme Slayer of Trolls!".  Or maybe even a TER free day - who knows?

But like most things that become popularity contests, this could be abused.

Ok - maybe "Most Righteous Captain of this ship of fools"?  I like the ring of that.  Who wants to be my first mate?

The old one just fell overboard.

Fools?  More like idiots...


I too have noticed the "Like" feature and found it amusing as there is not "Dislike" feature.  

Even Pornhub has both Thumb Up/Like vs Thumb Down/Dislike. Imagine if we could learn that one of our posts has a 91% approval rating - just like that Peter North Facial Cumpilation! But I digress...

My problem is (for me) Like doesn't necessarily mean Agree. I might Like your Snarky Comment but I don't often agree 100% on the posts - not even some of yours Big E - and I'm certain the converse is true as well.  

Gambler and Foggy make a good points. 35 Likes on a damning OP without knowing who the Likes are seems odd - especially for a Board allegedly full of White Knights.  


No Gilligan to my Skipper?  Ok - you be the Skipper and I'll be the Professor.  We're going to get shipwrecked anyway...  Then I can play with coconuts all day.  Preferably Mary Ann's.  *rimshot*

You bring up a good point.  We human beings are complicated things and we can have more than two emotions (like or dislike).  I like something that makes me laugh or ponder.  I can sometimes like something that just stirs up stuff on the board (some men just want to watch the world burn, lol).  I can admire or respect something I don't necessarily agree with.  And I can also agree with something to various degrees.

Not as simple as voting on a porn vid, is it

GaGambler679 reads

Or that maybe that it is case specific and that it's only VV who doesn't have as many WK's as once thought.

Two other rather interesting factoids to ponder. The OP blasting PrincessAmanda for a NCNS got only three likes, but no WK's, while the VV thread is now up to 36 likes and a complete train wreck thread to go along with it, but still relatively no WK's claiming she really is "all that" and that the OP was a liar with an agenda. The only one claiming that was VV herself.

Is it possible that many of the "likes" on the VV thread came from other providers who feel that she has been "gaming the system" for years at their expense? I have long maintained that the biggest victims or review manipulation are the providers who EARN their high marks. What good are a bunch of honest tens when rather ordinary middle aged women are getting nothing but 10-10 reviews? I did notice the first person VV went after was Taylor Leigh, a woman who also has a long string of 10-10 reviews, but no rumors of any kind of review manipulations that I am aware of.

You do bring up a point about a lack of a "dislike" function. I suppose there might have been several dislikes on that thread from VV herself obviously and whatever White Knights she might still have, but however many there are, they were rather silent yesterday. Maybe they saw a losing battle on their hands and most White Knights only find courage in numbers.

Case specific and not just for the women for whom they tilt.

I think it depends on time of day, how much scotch has been consumed, how many pm's have been received with wk marching orders and so on.  I surprised at the low wk turnout but I think
under different circumstances the numbers could be much larger.

GaGambler785 reads

I never expected PrincessAmanda to get much support as she has had a PR problem since day one around here. In the case of VV, I think that if a White Knight had posted first pledging his undying love and support for VV other White Knights would have piled on with the intention of riding the interloper out of town on a rail and getting to look like a hero without any risk to their own reputation.

Yesterday was a bit different as the OP immediately got a  lot of support, both from the guys and the other ladies who don't seem to care too much for VV. In this kind of environment any White Knight would be bucking the trend and most WK's don't have the stones to buck popular opinion saving their "bravery" for when they are part of a mob.

So yes I agree, under different circumstances the WK numbers could be much larger, but it's doubtful that VV will ever attract WK's in large numbers again, not after yesterday that is. I don't expect her to fade into the woodwork or go down without a fight, but it's been proven that you can go after a sacred cow (pun sort of intended) like her and NOT get run out of town on a rail. That is the best thing that came out of yesterday's train wreck.

You have a very valid point... I have seen Amanda, I didn't not defend her nor condemn her. Reason being it has been a couple of months since I last saw her...things change in this game...Sometimes in a matter of days. When I saw her I had no issues with any tardiness on her part that was out of the ordinary (10-20 minutes)...

As far as V...I've never seen her outside of a M&G...I will say she is definitely older and heavier than what is advertised on a national site...But she is also taller than the reported 5'5"....

I myself have received PM's from a provider for some comment I made, she knows who she is...I have no problem giving my opinion on things, but I will 9 out of 10 times have verifiable proof to back up my statements...I prefer the non-sugar coated version of everything simply because I work too damn hard to be buying advertised goods that are beyond their expiration date.

My biggest let down in that shit show was that the gorgeous Taylor is booked thru like forever....dammit.

-- Modified on 9/15/2015 12:31:08 PM

Well, hopefully I will be the first or second in line.

PaxtonMehigan774 reads

I was waiting for it, but the subject kept getting changed every time she posted somehow.

Having never met either provider Princess Amanda nor VIP Veronica, in any capacity, I decided to keep my mouth shut on those posts (I do that on occasion) but I usually read much of what the Men, the Ladies, as well as the Trolls and the WKs had to say.

Like you, I found the posts interesting and the number of Likes a bit of a fascination. The VV thread seemed to quickly descend into a clusterfuck and I stopped reading it whereas the PA thread was more like "Ok, that happened. She's human and/or flaky, but thanks for the heads up!"

Like you, I agree with the manipulations of the Numbers Game whereby some providers who clearly state they are Not Newbie Friendly often have numerous reviews by "Long Time Fans, First time Reviewers" types - especially after someone of reasonable post and review reputation (IMO) submits what appears to be an honest review - complete with reasonable numbers.

I think the addition of a dislike button would help sometimes in seeing a more diverse reaction to a post rather than which of us alleged WKs is actually ballsy enough to post our support. Yes, I remember once being accused of being a WK, but such statements have never stopped me from typing my opinion anyway.

I did not read where VV went after Taylor Leigh. I might have to visit that thread again for a chuckle.  

Wishing I had more than 2 cents to give at a time,  ga_kosh

Not only did she flat out accuse me of being an alias that was attacking other girls, she made up ridiculous accusations that I ran a very popular lady off of this board, that I was bb Player and we started the thread.. That comment was removed, that I was pissed at TL and attacking Khori because of it.. The list goes on!  
I had nothing to do with that thread. It is funny tho! Typical Veronica behavior. I'm glad everyone got to finally see it;)

Posted By: ga_kosh
Having never met either provider Princess Amanda nor VIP Veronica, in any capacity, I decided to keep my mouth shut on those posts (I do that on occasion) but I usually read much of what the Men, the Ladies, as well as the Trolls and the WKs had to say.  
 Like you, I found the posts interesting and the number of Likes a bit of a fascination. The VV thread seemed to quickly descend into a clusterfuck and I stopped reading it whereas the PA thread was more like "Ok, that happened. She's human and/or flaky, but thanks for the heads up!"  
 Like you, I agree with the manipulations of the Numbers Game whereby some providers who clearly state they are Not Newbie Friendly often have numerous reviews by "Long Time Fans, First time Reviewers" types - especially after someone of reasonable post and review reputation (IMO) submits what appears to be an honest review - complete with reasonable numbers.  
 I think the addition of a dislike button would help sometimes in seeing a more diverse reaction to a post rather than which of us alleged WKs is actually ballsy enough to post our support. Yes, I remember once being accused of being a WK, but such statements have never stopped me from typing my opinion anyway.  
 I did not read where VV went after Taylor Leigh. I might have to visit that thread again for a chuckle.  
 Wishing I had more than 2 cents to give at a time,  ga_kosh

But I guess it does send some feedback about the feeling of people who do not engage in discussion very often.Not going down the VV path anymore. But have a nice night and Cheers from the Lake.

Dontbelieveit888 reads

I think the likes are those that feel similarly or agree completely.    The OP of the train wreck post just happened to be the one finally bringing some of the wreck of a person to the light of day.  Many are truly afraid of "her" because she may have their personal information and wouldn't be afraid to use it in retaliation.   That is the true character many of us know.  

Posted By: GaGambler
Did anyone else notice that the OP calling out VipVeronica got 35 likes?  
 How many of you use the "like" feature? I have to confess that since I stuck with TER Classic until just recently when TER stopped supporting Classic, and I don't Face Book, so the only time I have used the like feature is for voting for Ms TER. I will confess, once I saw that the VIPVeronica OP had 34 likes, I promptly made it 35.[/quote

When I read the OP, I literally laughed out loud.  Made a few crass comments but that's just my personality.  When the other ladies came onto the thread and started with the "I know who you are, fat ass comments" that was my queue.  Fuck that, and fuck them!  I don't take any shit in the real world, and I'm damn sure not going to take it from a bunch of loud mouth, insecure board whores.  Why any lady on this board would want to come to her defense on the thread is beyond me but they damn sure did and they were all wrong in their assumptions and accusations.  

I received an email today from a former friend from a looooooong time ago out of the blue.  One of those gals in that thread who hadn't talked to him in a very long time called him up out of the blue.  Coincidental?  Nope.  Asking him if he knew who I was.  Really?  Do people have nothing better to do than worry about some bullshit postings on a fuck board?  That's the really scary side of this arena.  I'm so happy to be retired.  And I don't say that because I hate the hobby.  Met loads of fantastic men.  It's the entitled lunatics whose heads get so twisted, they take false ownership/possession over a bunch of cock hounds.  That's what the hobby isn't about.  They have wives and girlfriends to fill that void.

I can't imagine being so self absorbed and feel so entitled that I would send  a p.m about a "shilling".  It's weak, big time weak.

-- Modified on 9/15/2015 10:47:17 PM

Really?  Lol

It doesn't take much to get things rolling.  
It will be interesting to see if ter allows a review.

GaGambler803 reads

and I can't wait to see VV's head explode after reading it.

I guess then is when we will find out if VV is truly BSC, simply manipulative, or if she is full blown vindictive. I support equal parts of all three is also a possibility.

It was easy to figure out who you are.  Your writing style gave you away.  It has a certain elegance to it that is not easily duplicated by the masses.

Not many can stir the pot as well as you... neither now nor in the past.  Not many can wear those shoes.  Or afford them.  :)

GaGambler853 reads

which I am sure was her intention.  

CCC and I weren't always friends, in fact for several years we were anything but. That said, she always had a way with words that I respected, and those that have tried to mimic her have always fallen short. I'd put her up against VV any day in any test of brains, beauty or just talking trash.

Part of the "equasion"

My memory is sharp as a tack!


Cha Ching Chump....the 3 C's.... "Clarity, Carat, Cut"

Peace out:)

-- Modified on 9/16/2015 11:42:05 PM

Good memory.  It's how I tracked you down last time... :)

This time was much easier

First off Ms Chump, please DO enlighten when the hell I defended VERONICA? ?? PLEASE do post the link of me defending such behavior.  I was defending KHORI (Whom the thread wasn't about) I also said I wouldn't resort to name calling because I'm obviously not as miserable as you.  
So, since you want to STILL come on here and try to smear my name,  PLEASE do enlighten as to when I defended Veronica OR her behavior.  
Nice try though.  Don't you have a life outside of this board?
I really don't care who you are, oh wait I already posted that too! Lol because "it doesn't matter"
Grow up and get off my ass.
take care chump :


I actually like and admire you a lot.  Sorry you got caught in the crossfire.

I didn't come here to smear anybody.  I found the OP's post literally laughable.  When I logged on,  I was glad to see a post for once that was real.  I've been witnessing bullshit unfold on this board longer than some of these ho's are old.  Some of it my own.  But having said that,  it's finally good to see someone speak up and hold the bad girl accountable for her bad behavior.  That kind of behavior only gets worse and while I may have been laughing, it's really not a laughing matter.  I still can't shake the image of her staggering to the door to block him from leaving.  Sad but still funny.  But dangerous because alcoholism is a progressive disease.  Hookers and Johns who don't seek help can spiral out of control and take a lot of people down with them.

Listen, this is a dog-eat-dog arena.  When a ho starts to become a problem for herself and other's it's time to speak up.  There was a post about helping the community and newcomers recently.  Doesn't help to enable, protect, and WK.

Yes, I do have a life outside this board.  Always did.

I'm a crass, opinionated bitch but harmless outside of speaking candidly.  There's not a dude in this arena that has a story of my former persona sending an unsolicited text, call, email or God forbid threat.  

Let's face it, this board has been rather dull before my post.  

Be kind to one another....funny coming from me.

But you'd be the exception, not the rule.

Without a doubt , my best experience in the hobby. It was incredible......a truly once in a lifetime experience.

Posted By: ChaChingChump
But you'd be the exception, not the rule.  

Zuckerberg and electron - two out of two evil geniuses agree that "dislike" is a good feature to have.

The only reason it took so long to get it was people kept getting confused when the poll asked them if they would "like" a "dislike".  ;-)

If automatic temporary self banning by accumulating enough dislikes in a certain period of time is implemented I'm going to have to ask Zuckerberg for a portion of his cut.  I swear that guy is stalking me.  *puts on tinfoil hat*

Thanks Tori for the heads up!

Posted By: ToriValentine
Seems topical enough. Have a gander...
-- Modified on 9/16/2015 5:09:56 AM

You keep your SIM card in your brain? Just take the battery out of your phone ;)

Anyway, you know the saying that there's no such thing as bad publicity?

I think a "dislike" option on TER would work much the same way (for providers - there's a whole separate way it will work for board trolls, and the "time-out" threshold is a novel idea).

If providers who don't fit the mold start garnering dislikes on their ads, it's only going to enhance their unique and underdog appeal. Some guys really enjoy going against the grain, if you know what I mean ;)

I'd even wager that the take-home pay of providers with the most dislikes on their ads/photos would be about the same as those with the most likes. Just my back-of-the-napkin math... but what do I know? [snicker snicker snicker, all the way to the bank]

I do enjoy this Atlanta board :)


You bring up an interesting point Tori.
There is something very intriguing about notoriety.  
We men are strange creatures, you never know who we'll be attracted to and why.

For me, there's always that bit of fascination about how much fun it might be with a "bad" girl.  That's part of why I like Catwoman, Harley Quinn, and Poison Ivy.  Ever sexy, ever urging us to break the rules, ever seducing us to the dark side.  You just know girls with an edge are great in the sack.

To be honest, I feel that way about girls with tats.  When done well they can really be an ad for her mysteriousness.  Or a storyboard that she has a cool edginess to herself.  Maybe even conveying a bit of a "bad" girl image.  But in a good way.

PS:  I think your tats are lovely.  And they seem to fit perfectly with your personality

For a forum that many claim LE frequents, I'm a little surprised at how open some of you are with your discussions of the hobby.

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