
Yep! +1
Skylar Raine See my TER Reviews 364 reads


Soooo... According to many of my reviews I am a bit "talkative" and considered a "Chatty Cathy".... I am ok with it, bc it's who I am and I have always been the girl that talks to everyone and have always been great in sales outside of this. However, I also know that asking questions and talking with other makes them feel more comfortable with you. I like to be real as I can....

I just have been struggling with this for some time and I just know that it's just me. I like to figure out a person and not assume anything. It's kind of crazy to me to read a review about me that seems that they had an amazing time yet they bring up how talkative I am. To me I believe the two go hand in hand, but not in a bad way.  Therefore I struggle that this may be a bad thing and a "put off".  

I really want to give great experiences and know that figuring out your client is a big part of that. Also, oral fixations ate a very real thing....

I would like to know yalls thoughts on this as this is important to me and I am sure others out there that really want to always better and educate themselves to be the best they can be...

Obviously oral is a good thing, but want to know how much "talking" is acceptable and what you feel about providers who do have a high energy, talkative nature.

Please feel free to say whatever (obviously I know putting this out there I am asking for the good, bad, and the ugly). But, I know that my growth in life has happened when others were real with me.  

Thanks so much for any input! (Please remember I still have only been in this world less than a year, so I love any advice given to me!)


-- Modified on 4/22/2015 10:25:59 PM

I prefer a little talking, I have been doing this for a minute and still get jitters on first encounters. Talking helps to reduce those jitters...Sure, I like getting attacked when the door closes after there is some rapport..

Guys mention things like talking as a bad thing when it's used to burn the clock, having read your reviews, I do not get the impression you truly know how to tell time...And that is excellent in my opinion...I remember a girl up north that had what she called "the 75 minute hour"...that meant the guys need not be too concerned about some get to know you chat..

I guess my advice for YOU is don't take it to literally....and keep being script.

BTW, you looked fantastic last night !!! Legs all the way up to your !! ;-)

Thanks Troy!   I like that 75 min hour thing!  Sounds about right to me!  

Glad the stems got your attention, I am kind of attached to them... (LOL)


I have not had the pleasure of meeting you yet but I have no problem with talking...I sometimes wonder if I talk too much or ask too many questions. I do that when I'm nervous. I know everyone has their own likes and dislikes...we would not be human if that wasn't the case. As for me...keep on talkin' sista!! lol

And I agree...oral is a good  thing!!

Yes, I've noticed it mentioned in many of your reviews.  I didn't go back and re-read my review of OUR time together, but I don't think I mentioned it.  Are you talkative?  Yes!  I'm kinda quiet, so for me it's a good thing that you carried the conversation when I first met you.  I like it.  It helped make me more comfortable and hopefully made me talk more.  

(the talking is not what I remember from the private time we spent together)

I don't think you should be concerned about it.  You gotta be you.

a rise in someone with my oral fixation:)

Thank you for your friendship!  

of a chatty Cathy is fine.Based upon your reviews once the chatting ends the fun begins.Just be yourself . Cheers from the Lake. You are on my bucket list.

bbgun1956458 reads

If the reviews say you are too talkative and your performance is a 7.5, it's something to consider. If the reviews say you are too talkative and you're rated over a 9.5, blabber away. :-)


From reading your stellar reviews, I see no reflection that your personality has been a detriment.  I'm sure your friends in the hobby are experienced gentlemen who have encountered ladies from across the spectrum of possible personalities/traits.  They probably see your talkativeness as a distinguishing characteristic worth commenting on, not necessarily a negative.

Each person has their likes and dislikes.  This hobby affords us the opportunity to either stay within our comfort zone of intimacy or experiment and explore curiosities and fantasy.  Some gentlemen are on a schedule and may worry that conversation will detract from the main event.  Others find building some level of personal intimacy through conversation to be a great enhancement to sensuality and sexual intimacy.  

For me, one of the greatest aphrodisiacs is a woman who is genuine, confident, and comfortable with herself...willing to let us both be free to let our time together unfold naturally.  That last part requires trust which is usually developed through conversation and familiarity.

Therefore, I would encourage you to just be true to yourself.  Let your new friends know that you like to develop a rapport through conversation and that your method will only enhance the value of their experience.  Your delivery on that promise will lead to success for all.  

Kudos for the courage to ask for feedback! 😘

I have always been "the talkative, friendly, girl who knows no stranger" I have never "had a script" and I really like to get to know someone as it really helps to hone in on their personality style and their comfort level.  

I also know that the more you develop a connection with someone (even if just very small) it makes the activities that much better!

Empathy is something you cannot teach someone, but you can get better at it.... Sales is one thing, but there is a whole other dimension to this world that encompasses so much more than just being a good salesperson.  Therefore, I asked the questions on this post because guess what "I am talkative"  

But, more so I am curious and ask questions to understand others...Because I truly care!

Thanks again:)

Glad to hear some positive feedback. I think talking and communication are pretty great tools, especially in this realm! when you have a limited window of time to be with someone, it's good to get to know one another and establish a feeling of comfort :)

Happy chatting !

Do not worry about it.  

You have amazing reviews from many guys I  rely on and trust.  You bring beauty, class, and enthusiasm to your sessions.  Guys obviously leave happy.  It is working.  So just relax

I have been with ladies who you can't shut up even with your dick rammed down thier throats.  That can get distracting and decrease the joy in the session.  But I don't get that sense from reading your reviews

If you are worried, maybe be a little bit more alert to how the guy is reacting to you and modify your oral communication to match his mood., but from the 5 reviews I read, you got nothing to worry about

To talk and suck... I mean I can multitask, but dayum... lol.  

Appreciate your response and its not that I am that worried, but it has been theme talked about (me and those puns lol) and I am just trying to get a better understanding of it!

My old office mates hated me because I would be on the phone with my clients, not only did I talk a lot I also have a voice that tends to crescendo when I get excited. I always was very production and highly successful.  I had many clients that I considered my friends not neccessarily just a biz relationship... And, are still my friends to this day as I established trust and truly know that I had their best interest at heart!

And, thank you for taking the time to respond:)

I thought from the beginning this was a darn good ThreAD, rating you an initial 5/6 out of 10.    All the replies showed I might have been conservative and I respectfully upped your number to to a 7.

But Dayum, this reply has me laughing.  If it wasn't about your being concerned on reputation and getting bad label hung on you, I have no clue of the purpose of the op.

You have just taken this ThreAD score to a 9 and I am extremely impressed with what you have acheived

Congrats.  Might be most successful one in a long time.  You have so many of the top guys encourGing you, looking at profile, and reading your reviews.  Extremely well played, I hope you keep it up.

GaG is probably pulling teeth he missed this one to complain about, lol. Which is even a better standard to evaluate your success.  Very worthy of more private idea exchange.

Have a great day and thanks for a good laugh

I agree with logostuck...

The talking really makes me more comfortable, and I really don't talk a whole lot but it doesn't mean I am awkward or don't have anything to say, but probably just nervous, and you talking makes me feel a lot better..

Like the 3EB song says, "I'm a freak and I'm nervous when its easy"

The talking helps. I haven't seen you but I'd love to change that soon from what I have heard. Keep being you.

-- Modified on 4/22/2015 11:37:32 PM

Because you are the only you and no one can do it better!

Look forward to meeting you soon!  
"stay classy, never trashy, just a little nasty!' ;)

I like the fact that you are talkative and want to learn more about a person. It would make me feel as if you are truly interested in me and knowing me. Some guys aren't there to talk and would just assume not but that doesn't mean that you need to be worried about it. Be yourself and don't change that or put on an act. I for one love to talk to the lovely ladies I have seen. I love to learn more about them, those that will share anyway. I appreciate them when I know more about them. In fact Mrs. Skylar, I may just have to have a  conversation with you pretty soon :-)

one language leads to another type...
the nonverbal kind lol... and thank you for this.  :

there is no one size fits all - what works for one person may be awful for another.  

In any sales or service situation - as you know being in sales - you have to gauge the customers reaction and cater to what they want. It doesn't matter whether you are selling food in a restaurant, cars in a dealership or multi million $ deals in the corporate world - you have to know your individual client and what they want. If not...they don't buy or don't buy again.

For me personally, I don't mind some banter up front - but when it time to play, that where I want the focus to be. If a girl is overly chatty - at best it's distracting, at worst (and it has happened a bunch) is when a girl is trying to run out the clock and would rather talk than play.

Diff between confidence and arrogance and its a fine line here! That's important to effectively engaging!

And I appreciate you asking for our opinions.  Here's my take...

There's conversation and there is nervous chatter.  And some folks don't know the difference between the two.  Conversation breaks the ice and sets the mood.  Nervous chatter is distracting and a mood spoiler.

A very smart lady told me one time that kissing is like a conversation.  I'll say the reverse of that is true as well - conversation is like kissing.  You don't want to just stick your tongue down someone's throat.  You tease and play and pick up on hints.  And like kissing, good conversation can be foreplay too.

The only times I had bad experiences were in my early days of the hobby when I wasn't assertive enough about what I wanted.  A couple of times the lady would chatter on but I didn't say "it's time to get started" or get that message across (for fear of being considered a dick).  Then the lady would want to rush me through the activities while still holding me to her timer.  She essentially ran out the clock, which is a foul in my opinion.  

That said - us guys need to be able to get the activities started after a reasonable amount of time without being labeled a dick.  Remember it's in the best interest of both parties to move things along.  A lady doesn't want a guy leaving with the opinion that she ran out the clock with her chatter as 1) he could very well write an unfavorable review and 2) he's likely not to come back again.

So I try to keep the conversation to a reasonable time limit.  Unless I'm doing a role play which is a totally different scenario.

I seem to already get a good feel for who you are because of all your "chatter" on these boards....hehe jk;)

But, really I kind of do- but, when you first meet someone who you know nothing about, it's hard to "qualify their needs etc" without a brief convo... This is kind of why I like being indie better.  I feel I have developed friendships etc and I communicate directly with them.

Not to discount agencies at all, and having opitions is great as we all have preferences.  I just know that was the hardest thing about being at an agency for me.  

That being said, you have put yourself out there a lot on here and us ladies appreciate that even though we don' necessarily say anything.  Therefore, if we were to see you we feel we may know you a little at that point!

Ah - touche' goodlady.  But please don't confuse my stream of consciousness, Monty Pythonesque, nerdish, existential crisis fueled ramblings with nervous chatter.  I won't have my divinely inspired madness cheapened that way.  

I will quote my beloved Poe who said it much better than I:

“Men have called me mad; but the question is not yet settled, whether madness is or is not the loftiest intelligence– whether much that is glorious– whether all that is profound– does not spring from disease of thought– from moods of mind exalted at the expense of the general intellect.”  


"I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity."  

And this gem (which Poe seemed to pen with TER folks in mind)

“The best things in life make you sweaty.”  

But - Miss Raine I accept your compliment wholeheartedly.  And I suspect that we would get along quite well in person with our unique senses of humor.  I think the day is fast approaching when we will have to put that theory to the test...

Posted By: Skylar Raine
I seem to already get a good feel for who you are because of all your "chatter" on these boards....hehe jk;)  
 But, really I kind of do- but, when you first meet someone who you know nothing about, it's hard to "qualify their needs etc" without a brief convo... This is kind of why I like being indie better.  I feel I have developed friendships etc and I communicate directly with them.  
 Not to discount agencies at all, and having opitions is great as we all have preferences.  I just know that was the hardest thing about being at an agency for me.  
 That being said, you have put yourself out there a lot on here and us ladies appreciate that even though we don' necessarily say anything.  Therefore, if we were to see you we feel we may know you a little at that point!

Conversation and being talkative can be very good things and constructive in appointment sessions when used well.  And Skylar, you definitely know what you are doing, and you do it very well.

My personal observation and experience with you has shown me that your talkative nature is not just idle chit-chat for the sake of talk alone. You are not just all talk and chatty, you are actually listening too.  You do actually learn about your client this way, and you retain what you learn.  That is the basis of a connection and a certain amount of chemistry that is endearing to many of us guys, and that will always win our favor.

As others have already said, idle talk and chatter becomes annoying when it's an obvious attempt to eat up clock time, or is just monologue and not dialogue.  That is obviously not the case with you.  I totally enjoyed the banter and chatting we engaged in, and being my first time with you, I trusted that you knew what you were doing and I trusted you to lead us from talk time to play time.  And you did that perfectly!

You are very smart, full of wit, and you've shown that you sincerely want to provide the best experiences to clients and enjoy the times together.  You have fantastic social and interpersonal skills.  Continue just being's a magnetic, wonderful self.

Very glad we connected and you appreciate the conversation!  

Us ladies like to know that u can appreciate the whole experience!


You need to be yourself and not worry about it. You are a great person and friendly to me and alot of the others. I actually like to learn about the person, so one I can see who the person is and to see if this person is psycho or crazy. Plus, it put me at ease when meeting someone for the first time. I think that there is a study that typically you can find out about a person within the first 3 to 5 mins in the conversation.  

You got to hold a person opinion as face value because they can't determine your future. Now, there are some especially on BP that would try to play this game about talking to you to burn up time in the session in order to make fast money and never go into the session. I would say be yourself and be observant of the guy time.

-- Modified on 4/23/2015 2:47:04 AM

Thank you Joe, you are right, but its kind of crazy that ladies actually do that to burn the clock.... I have never thought that way... I want to give someone a great time and hopefully see me again.  That is for sure not the way to do it!

Skylar it seems most responses are in agreement that conversation is pretty important. I am also of that opinion especially on a first encounter to get a feel for the person. A connection makes the experience so much better imo. I am somewhat shy and there is a fine line between conversation and what seems like wasting time. I did have an encounter when I first started where the lady talked for the first 50 minutes of an hour visit then a rushed encounter to get out before the hour was up.

50 min... I am pretty sure that is way too much.  I think I talk in between breaks too though, as I know thats a natural thing to do.. I think if you can't laugh during it then you really aren't having fun!  

Thank you for that though:)

Personally, it is based on if the subject interest me or not. Some people talk and it is boring as hell then it becomes an issue and I am looking for a way to stop them politely. As you are aware, subject varies. Some like idle chatter, others like general goings on and some others like other subjects.

This is a general comment.  As a born introvert I tend to be quiet, but have developed a talkative "stage presence" so as to be able to more successfully interact with the other 75% of people who are extroverts.  Thus, I tend to follow the conversation lead.  I do enjoy a certain amount of conversation because as others have said it relaxes me and gives me an insight about the other person.  But, as with anything else too much of something is not always good.  

There are two four letter words that mean intercourse and end in "k".  One is "talk".  That's foreplay to get to the other word.  And it can also be nice pillow talk afterward.  The main event, though, is why I came so to speak.  And if all else, because it's the second best thing you can do with your lips.

that the insatiable, rock my world ladies in my experience have had a very high energy level that translates into vocalizing and verbalizing while playing.  I'm neither shy nor nervous, but I do enjoy getting to know my partner early, and also getting feedback on what I'm doing and talking about hot past experiences.  And hearing "yes - fuckmefuckmefuckme" gets this ole guy's motor running.  IMHO, if some guys don't like that then they (and you) are better off if it's mentioned in the reviews.  Clearly there are many, including me, who think you do great with no changes needed.  BTW, sorry I had to leave the M&G before you arrived - my loss.

And sorry I missed you too... But, better late than never. At least I am consistent!

Appreciate you response love!

And kudos for having the chops to ask this. Of the providers I've met I can say that most of them displayed a much higher level of skill in dealing with people than I could ever muster up, so no advice from me! The fact that you are aware that it may be a problem for some guys gives you all the ammo you need. Now all you have to do is determine how much talking is ok for each and every client, and you'll have at least 30 seconds to figure this out. Easy, right?

There is a gal I visited several times. On the first visit she mugged me just inside the door. It was very exciting and I had a great time. On the second visit she started talking. I found what she had to say interesting and we were talking quite a bit. It was distracting and caused me some performance problems. I was thinking about what to say instead of how good this feels, I wanna do that...On the third visit I took charge a little more and if too much talking started, I took steps to keep her attention focused. Problem solved, and we have visited several times since. Rock on, babe!

She is saying something funny or interesting...
    She is not saying something bad or mean about another provider or hobby ist...
        She is not taking up my time with her observations...

Besides there are ways of stopping the

Sounds like you have some good, honest, feedback sweetheart. Stick to it.

-- Modified on 4/23/2015 4:17:19 PM

If I want you to talk less, I can fix that easily.

Someone sees a problem, you see an opportunity!

Optimism at it's best!:

zorrf336 reads

Mindless, endless, empty blather - not so much.  Substance matters.

"She sure can talk"

I laughed my butt of when I read that, because sometimes I think the same thing to myself. But at least you know you're going the extra mile to engage them. At least that's the way I see it.

Some guys tend to be either on the shy side or so nervous, the kitty cat grabs their tongue. ( pun intended haha)

So being talkative is helpful. I HATE awkward silences. Or those once in a while meetings where you find there isn't that much chemistry between the two of you. So guess what I'm going to do? Keep talking & cracking jokes until I find the chemisty or at least common interests. My talking has never failed me. From the looks of it, it's not failing you either.  

I say keep doing you & keep up the good work.


Yes, awkward silences are just that AWKWARD! .... I kind of think that I being comfortable with someone you have to take time to find a little about who they are...  

Like, "hey do you have heart issues I should know about"..." Or any medical issues that extensive and heart pumping activity could cause a problem?".... Lol

As then I would make them sign a waiver!;) jk

Make  you work for you! You are correct there!

Thanks for this girl!


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