
What's really amazing?
Jacks_Acolyte 324 reads

People have that kind of time and THAT'S the best they can come up with while spitting out hundreds of words? Sad.

-- Modified on 4/25/2016 8:44:56 AM

My biggest mistake was being to trusting when it came to so called friends. Never again.  

Gather around the comfy chair and let Uncle Electron tell you a tale of misadventure, great hardship, and incredible horniness.  But don't be too scared because this story definitely has a happy ending.

In more ways than one.  ;-)

Imagine a time - if you will, back before TER, before Twitter and Facebook and Google.  Before the internet was a real thing and smartphones were just a glimmer in Steve Jobs eye.  Before dvd's and hddvr's and fleshlights.  And Starbucks.  Scary place - isn't it?

As if that wasn't terrifying enough imagine being a horny young man with needs during that time.  And wanting to satisfy those needs.  In a big way.  Where do you turn?  Well, there's always the girls numbers written on the bathroom stalls.  But those were usually just put there by someone trying to fuck with you.  And not in a good way.

There were your idiot friends and girl friends trying to set you up on a "blind" date, but those were inevitable disasters.  Let's not even bother talking about these as viable outlets for sexual gratification.

Now - imagine having to pick up an actual paper.  No, a paper magazine thingy with words printed on it that you could read.  No, it's really a thing - Google it (which we couldn't do back then by the way).  It was called Creative Loafing.  And you could look in the "adult services" section to find some like-minded folks to have fun with.  For a fee of course.

And 98% of the ads were for phone sex.  Stop laughing.  Really.  That's rude.  Hey, we didn't have camgirls or youporn back then.  But, I'd skip those and go right for the "real girls".  Escorts back then didn't put pictures in their ads, so it was (as Mr. Gump would say) like a box of chocolates.  You never knew what you were going to get...

Or for how long.  Or with whom.  Or how much you were going to pay.  You see - before the internet and TER there was no awesome database of provider reviews to peruse.  Or cool community of hobby folks to ask advice from.  It was a barren wasteland of hopelessness of ugliness.  And I mean that both literally and figuratively.

Ok kids - I can see I'm really scaring some of you, so lets skip ahead a good 30 years or so and pick up our tale then...

Now we can (in the blink of an eye on a portable device we carry in our pocket) type in our dream partner's stats and do a local search and that magical machine will spit out our perfect match.  And we can read reviews of her exploits.  And we can instantly chat with other folks to ask advice.  And - see her magnificent pictures in many poses and stages of dress.  Or undress as the case may be.

And when we are sufficiently wowed (or horned up) we can make contact with her to set up our fantasy date.  All on that same magical device.  Will wonders never cease?  Now that is a happy ending.  Or it will be just as soon as I see my girl again.  :-)

So - my biggest mistake was being of hobbying age long before TER existed. Or internet porn, or the internet or computers even.  It was a dark, dangerous, and scary place.  I had to walk uphill in the snow 15 miles (both ways) to get my dick sucked by a girl that was a stunt double for Ernest Borgnine (look him up).  But not you kids.  You kids got it good today.  So be happy.

And stop all your yammerin' ya pansies!

Run along now - Uncle E's got some serious drinkin' to do.

-- Modified on 4/24/2016 11:21:32 AM

I remember the days of just creative loafing and the sport section of ajc. .. ahhhhh....The good olé days :)

Yes.  I admit there was something really relaxing about reading the Sunday AJC in bed with a cup of coffee.

To paraphrase the great Bobby Duvall "I love the smell of coffee and fresh newsprint in the morning.  It smells like...  the weekend!"


Posted By: terrilynn
I remember the days of just creative loafing and the sport section of ajc. .. ahhhhh....The good olé days :)

Jacks_Acolyte325 reads

People have that kind of time and THAT'S the best they can come up with while spitting out hundreds of words? Sad.

-- Modified on 4/25/2016 8:44:56 AM

You have the floor.

Amaze us.

Posted By: Jacks_Acolyte
People have that kind of time and THAT'S the best they can come up with while spitting out hundreds of words? Sad.  

-- Modified on 4/25/2016 8:44:56 AM

Jacks_Acolyte177 reads

Thinks you're the "wizard" you believe yourself to be.  

Posted By: electr0nsrealm
You have the floor.  
 Amaze us.  
Posted By: Jacks_Acolyte
People have that kind of time and THAT'S the best they can come up with while spitting out hundreds of words? Sad.  
 -- Modified on 4/25/2016 8:44:56 AM

I never proclaimed myself to be a wiz at anything so you may want to check your facts. 

I don't know who Jack is or why he would have an acolyte.  But you might want to ask your Most High Revered One to instruct you in the ways of interacting with other members of the hobby community.  Perhaps he will guide you on the righteous path to enlightenment and away from the sin of newbishness.

Or - perhaps he will call you an insolent twerp and tell you to leave his temple forever.  Who knows how the Mighty Jack will respond?  BTW - Remind me who he is again...

Once again I encourage you to regale me with your mastery of the language.  Dazzle us.  After all it was you that informed me that I so foolishly wasted "hundreds of words" to ill effect.  Please, master - teach this student.  As of this moment I'm still waiting for that flash of brilliance you tease us that you might possess.

Or wit.

Or humor.

Or common sense even.


Posted By: Jacks_Acolyte
Thinks you're the "wizard" you believe yourself to be.

Jacks_Acolyte230 reads

The rapidity and volume of your post shows how pitiful you really are. Get out. Go to a movie. Take in a play. Work out. Life is more than sitting around trolling a "fuck board" thinking you're "all that."

Posted By: electr0nsrealm
Gather around the comfy chair and let Uncle Electron tell you a tale of misadventure, great hardship, and incredible horniness.  But don't be too scared because this story definitely has a happy ending.  
 In more ways than one.  ;-)  
 Imagine a time - if you will, back before TER, before Twitter and Facebook and Google.  Before the internet was a real thing and smartphones were just a glimmer in Steve Jobs eye.  Before dvd's and hddvr's and fleshlights.  And Starbucks.  Scary place - isn't it?  
 As if that wasn't terrifying enough imagine being a horny young man with needs during that time.  And wanting to satisfy those needs.  In a big way.  Where do you turn?  Well, there's always the girls numbers written on the bathroom stalls.  But those were usually just put there by someone trying to fuck with you.  And not in a good way.  
 There were your idiot friends and girl friends trying to set you up on a "blind" date, but those were inevitable disasters.  Let's not even bother talking about these as viable outlets for sexual gratification.  
 Now - imagine having to pick up an actual paper.  No, a paper magazine thingy with words printed on it that you could read.  No, it's really a thing - Google it (which we couldn't do back then by the way).  It was called Creative Loafing.  And you could look in the "adult services" section to find some like-minded folks to have fun with.  For a fee of course.  
 And 98% of the ads were for phone sex.  Stop laughing.  Really.  That's rude.  Hey, we didn't have camgirls or youporn back then.  But, I'd skip those and go right for the "real girls".  Escorts back then didn't put pictures in their ads, so it was (as Mr. Gump would say) like a box of chocolates.  You never knew what you were going to get...  
 Or for how long.  Or with whom.  Or how much you were going to pay.  You see - before the internet and TER there was no awesome database of provider reviews to peruse.  Or cool community of hobby folks to ask advice from.  It was a barren wasteland of hopelessness of ugliness.  And I mean that both literally and figuratively.  
 Ok kids - I can see I'm really scaring some of you, so lets skip ahead a good 30 years or so and pick up our tale then...  
 Now we can (in the blink of an eye on a portable device we carry in our pocket) type in our dream partner's stats and do a local search and that magical machine will spit out our perfect match.  And we can read reviews of her exploits.  And we can instantly chat with other folks to ask advice.  And - see her magnificent pictures in many poses and stages of dress.  Or undress as the case may be.  
 And when we are sufficiently wowed (or horned up) we can make contact with her to set up our fantasy date.  All on that same magical device.  Will wonders never cease?  Now that is a happy ending.  Or it will be just as soon as I see my girl again.  :-)  
 So - my biggest mistake was being of hobbying age long before TER existed. Or internet porn, or the internet or computers even.  It was a dark, dangerous, and scary place.  I had to walk uphill in the snow 15 miles (both ways) to get my dick sucked by a girl that was a stunt double for Ernest Borgnine (look him up).  But not you kids.  You kids got it good today.  So be happy.  
 And stop all your yammerin' ya pansies!  
 Run along now - Uncle E's got some serious drinkin' to do.

-- Modified on 4/24/2016 11:21:32 AM

Thank you for the kind words Dadla.
You are a true upscale gentleman.

I would be horrified to find out even one person didn't fully appreciate my sophomoric attempts at humor.

Heaven forbid.

That would just be... sad.

Why, sometimes - I even spit out hundreds of words.


Expecting that a relatively high end professional provider would  have the emotional development of an adult with no mental balance issues .  My failure was one of my poor judgement - Trusting a person before they have earned that trust.  I never imagined this person would end up calling me, eventually arguing with my (I admit not for much longer) wife on the phone.  I don't know if divorce and bankruptcy were inevitable, but they sure ruined my world for a while.

Wow, that has got to be most married guys nightmare and you went thru that! Cannot begin to comprehend the devastation you have gone thru. If I can ever do anything  ever , all you got to do is ask!

I have a few:

The time in LA and I called out for a provider for the first time in my life and got what I think was a guy in a Carmen Miranda costume at my hotel door at the Ritz. Cost me $200 to send him/her away without trouble.

Or the time I was in Clearwater, FL and called the super hot ad in the local Exxcitement. Two girls showed up and kept telling me how hot I was...for 60 minutes. They wound up walking out having done absolutely nothing, but $300 richer. Their driver assured me if I wanted any more time with them, I WOULD pay.. I passed.

Or the time that a buddy and I hit the Pink Pony and decided we wanted to find a couple of hotties before we went home. We called an ad, drove to her hotel and were met by a crack addict with about five teeth. We paid her $25 for her trouble and she proceeded to loudly call us assholes all the way to the parking lot.  

However the worst was in Las Vegas. A cab driver promised me the hottest time of my life. I didn't even want to do this, but he literally just drove me to this place, dropped me off and picked up his, "finders fee." Every room was a bigger promise of how amazing the next would be, and each room got more expensive than the last. The end result? A painful as hell ear rub the cost me $400. I should feel lucky though, I hear some guys got taken for over $2,000.

Looking back on it, it's a miracle I still hobby at all... :/ Thank you, TER!!

yobuckwheat405 reads

Getting stood up twice by one of Atlanta's "well known" providers, both times with a lame excuse (well after the fact) and not "calling her out" on it.  A text or quick call would have saved me a long drive both times.  Snippy responses, too, not sure if I ever heard the words, "I'm sorry"...

Why?  I was concerned that she would cause issues with other ladies in town.

GaGambler372 reads

and I have no problems if the ladies tell each other about the inconsiderate assholes who stand them up either.  

I don't care if it is a bit "messy" I don't believe in rewarding bad behavior and sitting by silently as she does it to you and then does it over and over again to other guys is being part of the problem instead of part of the solution.

I went along with my buddy when he wanted to pick up a street walker as we were leaving the old Cheetahs location .

She directed us to an apartment building. Sure enough, she met us there at the appointed apartment number and promptly pulled a pistol on us. She demanded our wallets. We quickly gave them to her. She took the money out of them, threw them on the floor and left. Not sure how much my friend had on him, fortunately I kept my money in front pocket. Of course I would have gladly give it to her, but she hauled ass before telling me empty my pockets. We were at the end of the hall near a window. I thought seriously about jumping out the window.

My dumbass friend wanted to go to the cops. I asked him what the hell were we going to tell the cops we were doing in that apartment complex.

One thing about it, it sure broke me from ever wanting to pick up a street walker.

This was about 35 years ago.

Falling in love with a gorgeous but bat shit crazy provider who jerked me around for quite a while. I thought she was the craziest woman I'd ever seen until I watched "48 Hours" on CBS last night. I came out of it ok, though.

Hobbling in Gwinnett before TER days, then answering what I wanted and what I'd pay for it... Then watching men with guns flood into the room to arrest me.  And believe me, a cop pat down is not a pleasing HJ and the price tag was staggering.

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