
electr0nsrealm 45 Reviews 423 reads

ear Rosalie,

Welcome to Hobbyland.  I like that you are introducing yourself and asking our opinions.  It says good things about you.  I see OC has already started with the dispensation of good advice.  You will find we have a great community with lots of helpful folks.

I hardly ever give advice but I guess this one time couldn't hurt...  ;-)

"What are some of the common mistakes made by new providers?"  

Not introducing themselves to the hobby community - preferably through ads, post, and attending meet and greets.  It shows you are real, social, and committed to the lifestyle.

Not having a good web presence.  A good site with loads of pictures, donations, bio, etc. is very important.  Think of it as a virtual meet and greet for clients that don't attend physical meet and greets.  Use your site to give potential clients your "elevator speech."  Imagine you have 5 minutes alone with them - what do you want them to know?  Out of all the lovely ladies in the city why should a client come see you?  Sell yourself.  And like any new business you need to get your name out there... Reviews, ads, posts, websites, meet and greets all help with that self promotion.

Not take advantage of the provider network and the friendly ladies here in Atlanta.  Make lots of friends.  Ask their advice.  Be humble and respectful.  I never stop being surprised how far you can get in life by just politely asking for help.  Or advice.  Try it.  Oh - it looks like you already are.  Well done.  Carry on then.

"Are there things you wish providers would do more often?"

Hehe...  Ah, you wanted an honest answer?  Ok...  Ask for advice.  The girls that have been my regulars ask and often listen to advice.  It shows they are engaged, interested, motivated, and willing to improve.  But then again it looks like you are already doing that.  Good for you.  

Oh, and say "Yes Daddy I love it when you do that!!!"  Girls don't say that nearly enough in my opinion.  Definitely.

"Are there things you wish providers would do less often?"

Wear clothes.  Oh, you wanted a serious answer?  You mean besides having Axe body wash as my only soap choice?  Hmmm...  Probably use the same ads and photos over and over.  Guys like to see fresh, recent pics.  And changing up the ad copy is good too.  We want to see some personality to go with that fine, fine booty.  You did include a pic of that fine, fine booty right?

"What little thoughtful details make for a good experience with a provider?"

Wow, how long have you got?  In my opinion attitude is everything, but assuming you've already got that - let me try to put it to you from a guy's perspective.  Think like a guy...

I have one hour this week (or two weeks, or month even) to slip away with someone special to forget my cares, worries, mortgages, shortcomings, and responsibilities.  I want to feel welcome and appreciated, I want to feel like I just stopped by my girlfriend's place for a bit.  I want to be treated like a king.  I want to see my girl's smile light up the room when she sees me.  I want her to be wearing my favorite wardrobe.  I want her to have my favorite refreshment on hand.  I want her to say "I've missed you" or "I'm so happy to see you" or "There's this thing I've been dying to try..."

Because she cares about me.

As a client and as a friend.

I want it to feel genuine.  

Oh, and lots and lots of awesome sex.


Any more questions young lady?

I hope that was helpful, welcome to the biz.

Yours truly

Hello everyone!

I'm a brand new provider on the scene and I have some questions for clients and other providers. I'm pretty confident I'll be successful, but I wanted to see if you all had any advice for a new girl.

What are some of the common mistakes made by new providers?

Are there things you wish providers would do more often? Are there things you wish providers would do less often?

What little thoughtful details make for a good experience with a provider?

Any input would be so very helpful.


can be your best moves getting started.  Unfortunately, if done incorrectly they can be your worst moves as well.

For marketing, a nice introduction like this is a good start, and an ad on the ad boards or a link to your website or ad space would be very helpful for us to see who you are.  

Networking with some of your lady colleagues will be very valuable, as you will rely on them for not only advice but references as well.  It's short notice, but there is a meet and greet tomorrow evening that will be attended by a lot of the established in our Atlanta community.  I would encourage you to attend if possible....the M&G's are the best for networking and getting to know everyone.

Again, welcome and have fun.  

~Be excellent to each other

Hello OC :)

Thank you so much for your thoughts!

I'm glad you thought an introduction was a good idea. I plan on posting an ad on the ad boards tomorrow with a link to my website and Twitter account--hopefully, as you said, this will help you gentlemen to get a feel for who I am and what I'm about.

I have also been very fortunate to be in touch with a fantastic community of ladies who have helped me immensely in getting started. They have given me a lot of guidance with my website and social media accounts. I definitely hope to meet more providers--they're such a cool group of smart, kind women.

I don't believe I can make the meet and greet tomorrow evening, but I would be interested in possibly attending a future event. What do you think is the best way to stay abreast of local events?

ear Rosalie,

Welcome to Hobbyland.  I like that you are introducing yourself and asking our opinions.  It says good things about you.  I see OC has already started with the dispensation of good advice.  You will find we have a great community with lots of helpful folks.

I hardly ever give advice but I guess this one time couldn't hurt...  ;-)

"What are some of the common mistakes made by new providers?"  

Not introducing themselves to the hobby community - preferably through ads, post, and attending meet and greets.  It shows you are real, social, and committed to the lifestyle.

Not having a good web presence.  A good site with loads of pictures, donations, bio, etc. is very important.  Think of it as a virtual meet and greet for clients that don't attend physical meet and greets.  Use your site to give potential clients your "elevator speech."  Imagine you have 5 minutes alone with them - what do you want them to know?  Out of all the lovely ladies in the city why should a client come see you?  Sell yourself.  And like any new business you need to get your name out there... Reviews, ads, posts, websites, meet and greets all help with that self promotion.

Not take advantage of the provider network and the friendly ladies here in Atlanta.  Make lots of friends.  Ask their advice.  Be humble and respectful.  I never stop being surprised how far you can get in life by just politely asking for help.  Or advice.  Try it.  Oh - it looks like you already are.  Well done.  Carry on then.

"Are there things you wish providers would do more often?"

Hehe...  Ah, you wanted an honest answer?  Ok...  Ask for advice.  The girls that have been my regulars ask and often listen to advice.  It shows they are engaged, interested, motivated, and willing to improve.  But then again it looks like you are already doing that.  Good for you.  

Oh, and say "Yes Daddy I love it when you do that!!!"  Girls don't say that nearly enough in my opinion.  Definitely.

"Are there things you wish providers would do less often?"

Wear clothes.  Oh, you wanted a serious answer?  You mean besides having Axe body wash as my only soap choice?  Hmmm...  Probably use the same ads and photos over and over.  Guys like to see fresh, recent pics.  And changing up the ad copy is good too.  We want to see some personality to go with that fine, fine booty.  You did include a pic of that fine, fine booty right?

"What little thoughtful details make for a good experience with a provider?"

Wow, how long have you got?  In my opinion attitude is everything, but assuming you've already got that - let me try to put it to you from a guy's perspective.  Think like a guy...

I have one hour this week (or two weeks, or month even) to slip away with someone special to forget my cares, worries, mortgages, shortcomings, and responsibilities.  I want to feel welcome and appreciated, I want to feel like I just stopped by my girlfriend's place for a bit.  I want to be treated like a king.  I want to see my girl's smile light up the room when she sees me.  I want her to be wearing my favorite wardrobe.  I want her to have my favorite refreshment on hand.  I want her to say "I've missed you" or "I'm so happy to see you" or "There's this thing I've been dying to try..."

Because she cares about me.

As a client and as a friend.

I want it to feel genuine.  

Oh, and lots and lots of awesome sex.


Any more questions young lady?

I hope that was helpful, welcome to the biz.

Yours truly

Hey e! (E? Mr. E? :P )

Yes. Your response is incredibly helpful--and detailed!

Both you and OC mentioned networking and marketing. It must be very important indeed. In my civilian life I never had to develop an "elevator speech", and so finding a way to quickly and accurately sell my business presents quite a unique challenge. It took a while for me to get my website copy down, and I expect I'll be fine-tuning it as I get feedback from clients (and from myself!).

As for my fellow providers, I've been blown away by the warm welcome I've received from established ladies. They have been extremely generous with their knowledge, time and resources. I couldn't ask for a better community. I look forward to connecting with other women and, maybe someday, paying it forward by helping a new girl who's facing the same challenges I am facing today :)

You made a good point about taking advice and asking for help. I personally feel that I offer a specific type of experience for a specific type of man. And when I meet that man, I want to be able to connect with him in a way that feels meaningful and genuine to both of us. I think allowing for communication will improve the experience for both of us.

Duly noted regarding Axe body wash. ;)

Thank you for providing a guy's perspective. I think I understand exactly what you're saying. I can see that in order to excel at this work, a girl has to be truly perceptive and empathetic. A genuine relationship must also be very important. No man wants to feel like they're simply tolerated, or like they're being seen as a paycheck; as a provider, I wouldn't want to feel like I am being disrespected or seen as an object, either. Maybe the best way to prevent that from happening to either client or provider is to strive to create a real connection.

Thank you again for your generous advice. See you around!



You are quite welcome.  And it is a pleasure to make your e-quaintance.  Speaking of "e", feel free to call me that.  No "Mr." necessary.

I took a look at your site (as Miss Raleigh was kind enough to provide the link).  I think you are definitely on the right track.  "Venus im Pelz"?  Sehr interessant.  And it sounds like you have the networking thing going and are already making friends.

I like your bio, a PhD in Psychology?  Boy, you would have a field day with me.  Although I do see a very interesting Harley Quinn/Joker role play forming on the horizon.  ;-)

You mention making a connection, that's what it's all about isn't it?  And no, I don't drop all of the responsibility on the ladies.  We gents have a responsibility as well - to be prompt, courteous, respectful, have great hygiene, and be in the proper positive state of mind when we see our ladies.  

Auf Wiedersehen,



It never occurred to me to try being Harley, although I've been told I'd make a mean Poison Ivy ;) Vielen Dank!


Bitte schon (please forgive the missing umlaut)

I was mainly referring to Harley's profession in her origin story being relevant in a role play context.  Not that you need any rhyme or reason for role play except naughty fun.

Poison Ivy?  Ah - of course... your lovely red hair.  Yes, it all makes sense now.

Of course you would leave me no option but to be Batman to your Ivy.

I am vengeance.
I am the night.
I am packing.
A super cool utility belt that is...


Tschuss (uh again with the umlaut thing)

Atlanta, you are in for a treat. Rosalie and I are old friends and she is one of the most organically sensual people I've ever met. Smart as a whip too, you'll have to put in extra effort to keep up with her. Very much worth it, especially if you dig redheads ;)

The biggest thing I would have done differently when starting was putting more of myself into my ads and website. I have found that the more true I am to the real me, the better caliber of clientele I attract and the more I enjoy my time with them. I would also have reached out to other ladies sooner, as we discussed in person having a good network of friends in the business is a godsend. So excited for you as you begin your journey love!

Hey girl! Thanks for all your sweet words :)

It HAS been a little challenging figuring out exactly how to distill my personality into my copy/website. I've never had to do anything quite like this before, and I was surprised at how difficult it was at first. But as I continue to write and re-write, I find it easier to put myself into my words.

I have been really lucky to connect with you and the other ladies I've met so far. What a great community. I feel confident about getting started!


Looking forward to meeting you soon :) please feel free to reach out anytime love :)

that involves service,  it wouldnt  hurt to remember and even research a bit about your customers.
Read their reviews.Find out what they like or dislike. Or just remember what they asked you to do during their previous visits.
My Dental Hygenist ,( same one for the past 3 years ) knows that I like her to focus extra on the back of my front teeth.
I don't have to tell her or struggle with her for that.
My massage therapist knows that I like her to work extra on my inner thighs, so she does that without me even asking.
My ATF knows exactly the way I like her and prepares herself accordingly for every visit.
All of them are lovely ladies, each committed to customer satisfaction.
Given that it is more physically intimate, this profession should have even higher rewards for a personalized service.
I am using "should" instead of being definite because I can speak only for myself.
I would definitely value a person more if they added a personal touch to their service, instead of run-of-the-mill kind.

Other than that, stuff about networking, advertising etc. are all common advices that I am sure you will get plenty.

Most important: stay away from fights.  
It's very easy to get into that on the board.
While trolls may enjoy rolling in the mud like a pig does, you will do better not to let your name appear over and over in negative discussions. People may enjoy see you in a fight or even encourage you, but they wouldn't like to bed a quarrelsome woman.

Best of luck


Thanks for your reply! If I am understanding you correctly, you're saying that it is important to craft a unique relationship with each client by remembering their preferences and adding special, personalized touches to your interactions. That is wonderful advice. I also believe that by making each client relationship special, I would also keep my work fun and interesting. What fun is there in boring and impersonal service?

Thank you for the advice regarding fights. I never thought of that. Personally, I do not like to fight with fools. I prefer direct, respectful communication. If maturity is off the table--and for some people, it truly is--I do not want to participate.


Yep, you understood perfectly what I wanted to convey.
Again, Best Wishes

I would like to extend a welcome to you, and I hoped that you have a successful and wonderful business. The community is great in helping as well as offering advice. OC and others gave great input. I would also add in that having a great attitude and a great personality can either break or make your business.

I mean majority of us in the hobby know what to expect in the hobby. However, alot of hobbyist don't want to go into a session feeling disrespectful or rude to us. In this case, it can spread and might harm your business. I would say that by having a great attitude and respect can carry you far. Like going to a restaurant and dealing with someone who is disrespectful to you because the chances of you going back would be slim to none.

I would also add what others say too: networking with other providers. It is very beneficial to you and can be helpful in helping you grow in the hobby world.  

Hope that this helps you out alot and grow successful in your journey

-- Modified on 7/17/2016 6:54:02 PM


You make a good point about respect. I expect absolute respect from clients, and naturally you gentlemen must expect the same. I want to be able to provide a positive experience for my clients, as well as for myself, and for that respect must be mutual!

Thank you for your advice! It has been very helpful.


No problem at all Rosalie. I hope that you definitely become successful in this hobby. You have a great mentor in Ava as well as all of the people in the community. If you need or want anymore help, I am definitely more than willing and glad to help you. I like the ability to see someone grow in the hobby.


As others have said. You've made a terrific start by introducing yourself and asking for advice! We have an amazing hobby community here in Atlanta! Please feel free to get ahold of me any time. Stay safe and have fun!  

Posted By: RosalieThorne
Hello everyone!  
 I'm a brand new provider on the scene and I have some questions for clients and other providers. I'm pretty confident I'll be successful, but I wanted to see if you all had any advice for a new girl.  
 What are some of the common mistakes made by new providers?  
 Are there things you wish providers would do more often? Are there things you wish providers would do less often?  
 What little thoughtful details make for a good experience with a provider?  
 Any input would be so very helpful.  

Hey Jess! Nice to meet you and thank your for your kind words! :)

that's the first thing I looked for on your post and found no link to reviews.   your business will go exponentially once you get reviewed.   if they're good....

Not_The_Real_Me312 reads

Reviews are NOT as important as many may think.  In fact, many of Atlanta's top providers discourage reviews.  

I know from personal experience that several of the ladies ranked in Atlanta's Top 20 have 'inflated' reviews

Thanks! I hope to get a couple of reviews soon ❤️


Rosalie, I wanted to be sure to extend my personal welcome and encourage you to feel free to reach out to me personally in the future if you should need. I like others feel that your off to a great start and applaud your introducing yourself. Always amazing to me how much one can continue to learn and grow from others when we open ourselves up to others. As you can see there is a stellar group of ladies and gents here! I wish you great success in what I find to be a most rewarding profession!! Cheers, Lydia❤

I've had a blast so far--like you, everyone has been incredibly welcoming. Thank you for your warm welcome, and I'm sure we'll run into each other sooner or later :)


Hey Hotness,

Glad that you were able to get on and introduce yourself to everyone! You will find that many people are very helpful here and that there is a wealth of knowledge within the community. I wish you the best and I can't wait to chat with you again at the end of this week!


Alexandria Fox

Ava has mentioned you to me a couple of times and I'd love to get to meet you and to have the both of you over for drinks and pasta sometime soon. My advice is to be yourself and to 'provide' in a way that makes you most happy. Figure out how to attract people that enjoy the things you enjoy... maybe you like a soft, gentle touch... or perhaps you're into a more aggressive experience. Figure out how to market to those that 'get' you. If you're happy and genuinely enjoying yourself, your partner will too :)

Hi sweetheart....don't be afraid to ask providers for advice and don't be afraid to branch out with advertising. Some community sites are more popular in different areas of the country. I wish you the best...don't hesitate to reach out!

Addison Monroe

Welcome. I am new myself. You will succeed. Best wishes. Abla

My advice to you is to keep doing what you are doing. It was spectacular to meet you. You are going to be quite successful. Your reviews will be off the charts.

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