
To inform the community on proper etiquette juicy!teeth_smile
ToniLove See my TER Reviews 283 reads

Tons of people wouldn't mind if they only knew WHO they were exchanging conversation with. Seems male OR female as long as they KNOW they are not telling some dude(or the actual lady they plan to see) they really want to fuck their ass! Lol!! It's nice to know whether a guy (or lady for ref's) if you're talking to an assistant or not. I do believe that's what the OP is trying to say  :)
Maybe you need more juice? ;)

HofFer1406 reads

Assistants, how about letting guys know that you're answering emails, texts and pm's for the provider ?

Pretty disappointing when she arrives and let's you know you've been exchanging flirty messages with her assistant and not her. Especially when the assistant is a male. Pretty much ruins the mood.

I think a poor way to do business.

I don't think using a "male" is appropriate either.....

Not clear why it would be inappropriate to use a male assistant? Male or female the assistants job is to properly vet each individual in the appropriate manner. It is the clients choice to decide to flirt within the email with no awareness to whom. Lastly why would anyone open themselves up to the scrutiny of a volcanic email being possibly revealed. Simply just stick to the basics when requesting a session save the theatrics for the arena. The only friction should be between the sheets.

That explains your comment.  Men do NOT want to find out they are flirting with another man,  unless you are into men?

Uncle_Juice387 reads

More details would be very much appreciated.  Especially if there is one or more providers using a male assistant to book their sessions the community needs to know this.

The ones that I know that use a male booking assistant say so in their ads and on their websites.  So at least THEY are upfront about it.  Could be others though that aren't that revealing.  I agree with the OP...could create a strange situation, if not careful.

I've reviewed recently. I am I emailing you or your assistant? not cool!

I'm glad my ATF ATF doesn't have an assistant!

way to start is to use a different signature on the computer used by the assistant for emails.  On texts or PMs, put your name (or even initial) in the message.  It's just a matter of the lady and her assistant setting up the policy, and I think it's simply common courtesy to do so.

The A-team assistants I know (like Kimberley, Kate, Baltimore Betty, etc.) all find a way to let you know it's them.

As for a male assistant, I've never dealt (knowingly) with one, but I don't have any issue with it per se.  In the OP's situation, it would certainly exacerbate the impersonation angst.  Other than that, the gender or orientation of the assistant doesn't impact my boner at all!

HofFer299 reads

I don't mind communicating with an assistant. I don't care if ass't is male or female. Just let me know from  the beginning that I'm not talking to the provider.

To me, it's shady not to !

All else being equal, if I want to deal with a screener, I will call an agency.  That said, all else is never equal.

Baltimore Betty is an exception for me - I have met her and spent some time with her and there's no question she provides a legit service.  Ginger Taylor clearly states on her web site that BB will answer the phone or emails.  From my point of view, I know what the score is.   There are other providers who also use BB - I really wouldn't have an issue calling BB up and scheduling them.  But only because I "know" BB within the limitations of the hobby.

Other screeners may be equally trustworthy - but I don't know how I would find out... and now I have two people to do my due diligence on - and one more person who has my information.  Doing that research on screeners is tough...  as a suggestion - it might be useful for the screener to have a web site with links to the girls she reps... and the provider could link back.  That might establish some trust because I might know one of the providers she currently works for.  

If I call up someone who doesn't let me know that they use a screener on their website - to my mind, there is a level of deception involved - and I think the OP has a point.  To my mind, however, that is the responsibility of the provider rather than the screener.  

At the end of the day, this is a business that runs as much on trust as anything else   I would probably move on - but not because I necessarily think that the screener is a bad person or not legit.  The gossamer web of trust has been broken and that can't be fixed.

As far as a male assistant goes - it's not so much a gender/embarrassment issue as a stereotype issue.  Male assistant = Pimp.  Just like Female in scrubs in hospital = Nurse; male in scrubs in hospital = Doctor.  Not fair, not rational, but I am as subject to it as the next guy

HofFer210 reads

That's the word I was looking for. Deception. I feel like I was deceived. I feel stupid for exchanging flirty messages with a male.  

I have moved on. As a provider, she was attractive and did everything I wanted. However I'll not see her again because I do feel like there was deception.

Uncle_Juice206 reads

If the guy is getting his pre-date jollies and a Woodie bi sending "flirty" messages then of coarse the only issue is that the screener is male...I don't think Hoefer would mind if it was a she

HofFer227 reads

Wether assistant is male or female, that person should let the potential client know he's talking with the assistant and not the provider.

I'm not homophobic or anything, but to find out I sent flirty messages to a male makes a bad situation worse.

Haven't we beat this horse to death by now ?

Uncle_Juice242 reads

You still haven't had the curtesy yet to warn the rest of us who the provider is with the make screener of coarse

You'd probably know but he said he had no intention of posting her name AND he also said he would not mind if he only knew he wasn't talking to the actual provider.  
I'm sure that was very embarrassing to say the least!  I know the OP and have had some very naughty email exchanges but of course he knew he was talking to me ;)

Uncle_Juice242 reads

None of us here know who to avoid; of coarse I am beginning to wonder of any of this even happened

Tons of people wouldn't mind if they only knew WHO they were exchanging conversation with. Seems male OR female as long as they KNOW they are not telling some dude(or the actual lady they plan to see) they really want to fuck their ass! Lol!! It's nice to know whether a guy (or lady for ref's) if you're talking to an assistant or not. I do believe that's what the OP is trying to say  :)
Maybe you need more juice? ;)

GaGambler291 reads

I agree that it's really not cool for a booker to be "flirting" with a client, pretending to be the provider herself, especially if it's a male booker.

I don't mind dealing with an assistant, but I do feel a bit deceived and rather unhappy about it whenever I find out that the actual lady has no recollection of our email/text conversations. Any "connection" made is immediately lost and I feel like the dirty old man who just found out his "internet love" is actually a 15 year old pimply faced teen aged boy.

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