
To build on what you've already said...
anoo9ty892 43 Reviews 510 reads

I'm like you Der, I really enjoy making a genuine connection with a lady. I love a provider that is a true GFE and can make me believe that she's really into me during our time together.

Some things that make a session great are sometimes the things that happen before and after it.
I love it when a lady flirts with me before the session. It doesn't even need to be extensive communication; just a message saying how excited she is to see me or something to that extent.
An ATF of mine used to always send me an email right after our appointments to tell me how much fun she had. Things like that make me feel special and want to return.

But the not so little thing that really makes a session great for me is being with someone who can deliver a sensual and passionate kiss. That goes back to having a great connection with someone. If a woman knows how to kiss me right, I'll become a regular visitor without a doubt.

and turn a good session into a great session? As a fan of GFE, I really like to feel a connection to a woman. I hate feeling like it's just a wham-bam, and there are a few things that make a difference between a hot time, and truly going that extra mile.

A beaming smile upon entrance  
Coming out of the shower to find my clothes neatly folded is a rare, and great surprise.
Hearing a woman call out my name while we're having sex really gets me going.  
Being let out the door with that one last kiss is a fantastic finale

It really depends on me. Sometimes, a kiss out the door is good. I guess that glancing at each other and seeing the passion of the person is another one. Even getting an nice email or text from the person makes it a great session. I know that it might sound wierd but that is for me.

-- Modified on 7/12/2015 11:13:36 AM

I'm like you Der, I really enjoy making a genuine connection with a lady. I love a provider that is a true GFE and can make me believe that she's really into me during our time together.

Some things that make a session great are sometimes the things that happen before and after it.
I love it when a lady flirts with me before the session. It doesn't even need to be extensive communication; just a message saying how excited she is to see me or something to that extent.
An ATF of mine used to always send me an email right after our appointments to tell me how much fun she had. Things like that make me feel special and want to return.

But the not so little thing that really makes a session great for me is being with someone who can deliver a sensual and passionate kiss. That goes back to having a great connection with someone. If a woman knows how to kiss me right, I'll become a regular visitor without a doubt.

You must throw your clothes every where when you take them off.  

Unless you have air-head significant other, now self respecting women is going to put with that crap.

The other two depends on the chemistry. My experience is that, when there is chemistry, both goes out of their way for mutual enjoyment so, repeat visits occur. Unrealistic to expect from every encounter.

I would say passionate kissing, good communication, and a sense of humor are critically important to me.  Of all my close, long term relationships, they have had those things in common.

Passionate kissing is the fire for the body, good communication (flirting and role play are mental foreplay) is the fire for the mind, and the ability to laugh (at yourself and with others) is the fire for the soul.  If you have those three pilot lights burning there is a chance you can start a memorable romantic blaze.

Chemistry is very hard to define.  It's difficult to say exactly what it is, but it's easy to know when you don't have it.  I would say it consists of a few things:  commitment, intensity, open mindedness, passion, respect, creativity, and a willingness to put your partner first.  And it's equally true for both provider and client.  Both parties have a responsibility to bring their best to the table.  Or bed.  If you have all these elements then you may have a spectacular date.  But you still may not - some things are just down to fate.  That's why they call it chemistry.  You have a positive reaction or you don't.  Such is life.

Some other little things that are nice to me personally:

Her helping me undress/dress and hanging up my clothes.
Making me the center of her attention.  No playing with cellphones, no hurrying to get dressed towards the end of the session.
Always being considerate on my wardrobe, drink, music, role play preferences, etc.
Being enthusiastic and involved before (and during - obviously) our date or role play.  I especially like ladies that give me interesting ideas for scenarios they would like to try.  Being invested, enthusiastic, and present in the moment are crucial to developing a good long term relationship with someone.

Politeness/flirting/communication are nice personal touches.  All of my favorites have spoiled me with kind emails and flirty texts before and after our dates.  It is always sweet to get a thank you message after a rendezvous from a special lady.  Consideration is important - it sets favorites apart from the rest.  Showing appreciation for being a good client is thoughtful as well as good business.  Being polite is always in style.

Imagine leaving a nice restaurant without being thanked for choosing them.  How willing would you be to go there again?  All humans like to know their patronage is appreciated.

This business is all about creating a special connection with someone.  Why not take a little extra time and do it right?  This holds true for providers and clients.  Like most things in life, the more you put into something, the more you get out of it.

-- Modified on 7/12/2015 2:06:04 PM

Your first sentence of your last paragraph sounds like it came from .... Is that really what "this business is all about"????

No disrespect

Ok.  Well, I suppose it depends on how you define a "special connection" doesn't it?  To your point - let me be more clear.  I'm obviously thinking in the hobby context.  My "special connection" would be a torrid, intense, long lasting, mutually beneficial, no strings attached relationship.

For that other site it could be the same definition as long as you take out the "no strings attached" part.  LOL.

Fair enough?

Posted By: bballs
Your first sentence of your last paragraph sounds like it came from .... Is that really what "this business is all about"????  
 No disrespect

When a fella speaks up and tells me what he likes during the session that makes a huge difference.  Everyone is different. Some people like it hard, some like it soft, some like anal play, some don't. Some like a firm grip and some you can barely touch. lol I can intuitively pick up on certain things and I'm pretty good figuring things out about my lover, however, I'm not a mind reader. During the physical part of the session, I like to hear what is desired physically and what isn't. It really helps create a session that prevents expectations from not being met.  :-)


-- Modified on 7/12/2015 2:02:18 PM

Gosh, this is a really great question. There are so many little things that can make a good session a great one for me.  

The way they kiss me is probably the biggest "little thing". Some guys are very timid kissers, and a few don't like to kiss at all... I could never rate those sessions as great, though they may be fun. Kissing... soft, sensual, passionate kissing creates an atmosphere that I really enjoy, and that really turns me on.  

Specific compliments about me are also really nice, and I always remember them. There are days when I just hate my (fill in the blank) body part, and having a guy compliment me verbally or physically makes me beam inside. I have started sessions not feeling particularly sexy and ended them feeling like the most beautiful woman, because he made it very clear through his touch and his words that he was absolutely turned on by every inch of me. Those are the sessions I still think about weeks later.  

Remembering things about me.. my favorite wine, a story that I shared, my favorite position or act. I know I'm not the only woman that he sees, so I feel so special when I'm important enough to be remembered.  

His being willing to be open with me about who he is... his fantasies, fetishes, desires, and even more personal things like his work or home life. I really enjoy chatting and sharing, and him having an interest in hearing about me, and sharing things about himself, is always so nice.

Taylor you are an amazing lady. Can't wait to meet you!!

I don't mean a lets start a family type connection. I had a wonderful first meeting today and I could tell that the lady really paid attention to emails that we had exchanged. Things like what I had going on at work all the way down to one little word that really gets me going. I like the connection between my ears as much if not more than any physical attraction. It certainly did not hurt that she was insanely hot! LOL! Review to follow shortly.

... I had "a baby's arm holding an apple". (Google it) 😈

following instructions!  

If I bother to request an outfit or have a special request, then at LEAST attempt, or even more LEAST: don't specifically do the opposite of the request.  Saying I don't have that or I don't do that is fine, but saying yeah sure, sure, then stomping on my fantasy gets my mind focusing on the little things, and I SHOULD NOT BE THINKING WITH THAT HEAD during a session at all: that's why I count the money into an envelope before I get there!  

Starting off a session with such blatant disrespect and lack of care for my experience gives me lots of anxiety about how the date will go.  Of course, I always try to make the best of it, and I make allowances for scatter brained providers or providers with assistants, but it's still a big boner killer.

It's a lot of what's been mentioned - want to feel more than a slam bam - I deliver more when I feel more connected --  

Some likes....

Teasing and flirting prior to the date...texts...emails...etc
Being greeted with a warm embrace smile and a genuine glad you are here to be with me is nice
Kissing -the DFK kind- a must for a great date - the foreplay or 5-6-7 play is so important to a good sensuous session
Wardrobe requests honored - or wear something that makes you (the woman) feel sexy if you don't have what I requested  
Getting into the session - letting yourself go - being a little vulnerable brings out the magic in the wand lol  
Open communication of likes and dislikes help make for a hot explosive time - don't be timid - I love feedback  
Connecting on a mental-higher spirit level is the ultimate for the deep Ginormous O experience - if it happens it's other worldly!!

Most of all just treat each other nicely with respect is always the best  

Thanks for the post and for letting us shar

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