
To answer your questions, Koshie
ga_kosh 22 Reviews 1006 reads
1 / 11

What does the number of different partners say about you as a man?  

Of course, I expect our views here to be skewed a bit, but I'm still curious what the other guys think.

second question: is there a difference in "your number" if it's civvie vs P4P?

Happy Monday Morning!

HarryWacker 376 reads
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What do I think about my number?
My number overall is between 30 and 50. I think it's my need to experience as many different women as I can. Big/small, all shapes, sizes, and races. Like I said before, I'm an Equal Opportunity Opportunist. Besides, romantic love is almost meaningless to me. I just cannot commit long-term and I've tried several times.  

Difference between Civie and P4P in getting your number?  
The article talks about conquest, but I just like to fuck. Since I can get the same STIs from civie as P4P (I always wrap before taking the plunge), I say there's no difference. My numbers are about equal but my P4P will soon outnumber my civie easily. P4P is more No strings attached than the dating apps mentioned. It's just business. Business doesn't have to be -and is best if it's not - emotional.  

my answers don't apply to anybody but me.

mongo19621954 22 Reviews 315 reads
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Outside of P4P, I am monogamous.....  Zero interest in a girlfriend or a mistress... or an SB.   My number in both civvy and P4P, as it happens is about the same (5-15).  I am just beginning in P4P - I expect the civvy number to stay the same and P4P number to go up substantially.  

And BTW --- thanks, girls - y'all do great work!!!  Should have called you sooner....


-- Modified on 1/25/2016 1:13:21 PM

anoo9ty892 43 Reviews 345 reads
4 / 11

To answer your second question, since I have always been the "relationship/nice" guy, my civie number is significantly lower than my P4P number. Everyone I've dated in my civie life has always resulted in becoming a long term monogamous relationship. I know, I'm fucking boring as shit!

Since becoming a hobbyist man-whore, I still find myself reverting back to my old ways and wanting to establish a connection with one regular. What does that say about me as a man?  I guess I'm  just a creature of habit who likes becoming comfortable and intimate with one or two special people as opposed to just doing the deed with many random ladies. I know, I'm a disgrace to my gender but fuck it, that's how I roll bitch. :)

GaGambler 321 reads
5 / 11

While I am nowhere near Wilt Chamberlain numbers, my civvie number is in the hundreds and my P4P number is in the thousands. I have been sexually active for 42 years and only during five of those years was I married.  

and yes, civvie numbers are different than P4P numbers in a couple of regards. P4P numbers only reflect your sexual appetite and your ability to pay. Any horny guy with a decent income and a desire for variety can fuck a couple of different women a day for years on end if he chooses to, but to convince thousands of different women to have sex with you without paying means you are either a rock star, a pro athlete or a guy with more game than all the rest of us put together. Yes, my civvie number is in the hundreds, but I was a product of the "free love" era and getting laid every day with a different woman was much easier in the pre aids era.

MasterZen 33 Reviews 228 reads
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there is certainly more to the picture.

Women seem to prefer guys desired by other women... guys who are likely to have a higher "number". Competition for the best guys (think Clooney or DiCaprio)? Are experienced guys less "needy", more comfortable or likely better lovers?  

Perhaps a man with a higher number is perceived as being less faithful? Is he unable to commit, or is he just being as selective as any woman might be in choosing a long-term partner?

What about low numbers? Is a man with few or no "conquests" deemed less desirable because it could be inferred that he is not attractive to other women for some reason? Perhaps he lacks that confidence or seems more "needy"?

As for P4P, does it not forever taint us in the judgment of others? "He had to (chose to?) pay to get laid" and "She had to (chose to?) spread her legs for money". Thus, the first rule of fight club "Don't tell anyone about p4p"!!

In the end, I think a number is just a number, and a special connection between two people trumps any meaningless digit(s).  

My number? How about 10? Maybe 25? 150?  Choose one... what does it mean

airmantroy 28 Reviews 259 reads
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But my number is relatively low, I repeat more than I seek out variety. When I find someone that I can connect with mentally it makes the physical so much better...Am I needy ? I don't think so at all... Do I stay in my lane on this highway? I try not to drive erratically, but occasional ventures into the fast lane are bound to happen.....

JimmyPW 58 Reviews 251 reads
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It is all P4P, and usually civie ends up costing more than so called P4P.  LOL  My number is 6.  LOL  And I love all 6 them and plan to add one more.  

Posted By: ga_kosh
What does the number of different partners say about you as a man?  
 Of course, I expect our views here to be skewed a bit, but I'm still curious what the other guys think.  
 second question: is there a difference in "your number" if it's civvie vs P4P?  
 Happy Monday Morning!  

electr0nsrealm 45 Reviews 233 reads
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I've pretty much always been about finding a connection with someone - both in the real world and in the hobby world.  If having a high number was important let's just say it would have been much, much higher.

In the hobby world I like to find a favorite or two and stick with them.  Having someone that knows me well is a huge perk (and turn on) for me.  And vice versa.  I love that intimacy and the whole GFE fantasy.

But admittedly a little variety is fun and keeps things fresh and helps prevent feelings of entitlement and jealousy from popping up.  So I do a bit of "auditioning new talent" when it suits me.

But I tend to be pretty loyal (in the hobby sense of the word) and stick to a couple of favorites that know me well.

Ok, maybe three.

Four tops...

Because five would definitely earn me the title of "Man whore" and lord knows we can't have that.


gentleguy1020 38 Reviews 300 reads
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does some sampling and then enjoy repeatedly the company of one or two regulars (atfs if lucky) until it lasts then sampling again ... and the saga continues. ... more like quality over quantity in some way. I guess, like others in this category, I like to be highly selective and find comfort in familiarity and knowing the other as much possible of course. Using the metaphor of dining (food ... lol!) both AYC buffet and fine dining have their points: buffet plenty dishes but less satisfaction per dish; fine dining one or two dishes but an exceptional amount of satisfaction!  

I offer not a number but a rate: 5-7 fine woman per 10 years of active sex life will be something to be proud of :)
civvie or p4p not relevant!!

silvertongue1 14 Reviews 225 reads
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I find for me that getting involved in P4P has gotten me more grounded. I am more open and honest with who I am as a person and more honest with my communication with women in general.
By the way, I keep my P4P life separate and locked away from my regular life.  
 As Gambler, given the free love days, I got a lot! In P4P, I'm working on it, but it is about quality, not quantity!
Civie, between 20-30ish with some coming back around years later. (Lucky me!)

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