
Tipping - thought it was expected
Kobe824 32 Reviews 889 reads
1 / 17

I'm relatively new to the hobby. I started out seeing independent ladies, and it never really occurred to me to tip. Lately I've been going the agency route, and I've been tipping about 20-25% at the beginning of the session.

How do y'all feel about tipping?

Caldon 282 Reviews 621 reads
2 / 17

First off, why would you tip for service....that you haven't received yet? Very few industries would that be considered normal. Tipping is usually for good service that you have received,

Secondly, while the hobby is often referred to as a profession, girls are hourly paid. Ha - so that's a conundrum - you don't tip salaried employees but generally tip hourly paid service workers. However,  Despite your indelicate way of putting it, tipping a close to minimum wage service worker is completely different to tipping someone who is getting paid an hourly rate that a lawyer would be happy with.

Third - there is no industry standard as in food or transportation service and frankly, the norm is zero. Again, very personal, but there is no assumed, traditional, expected or customary tipping amount for the hobby.

For me, my norm is zero for all the above reasons - mainly the hourly rate is at a "professional" level. However, I have tipped some girls be generously over the years - mostly when they go well above and beyond in all dimensions and frankly, my eyes tend to be rolling back in my skull for that to happen :)

Again, very personal.
Posted By: Kobe824
I'm relatively new to the hobby. I started out seeing independent ladies, and it never really occurred to me to tip. Lately I've been going the agency route, and I've been tipping about 20-25% at the beginning of the session.  
 How do y'all feel about tipping?

Misnout 5 Reviews 426 reads
3 / 17

I usually leave a little extra in the envelop.  I picked this person for a reason, so I just figured it was expected.  As you all can probably tell, I am a relative newbie.

Misnout 5 Reviews 383 reads
4 / 17

I usually add a little to the envelop - just figured it was expected.  Just my way of saying thanks for letting me live out my fantasy.  In the real world, I never have a chance with most of these beautiful ladies.

Am I crazy?

Kobe824 32 Reviews 470 reads
5 / 17

You're right, there are very few industries where it's normal to tip before you receive the service. But there's also very few service industries where you're expected to pay for the service up front.

The idea first occurred to me when I was reading someone's review of an agency girl, and he mentioned that when he met her he gave her one envelope with the agencies initials and another envelope with her initials.

You could think of it as more of a gift than a tip, I suppose, but in order to make things more easily understood, I just thought it'd be better to ask people how they felt about tipping, rather than asking how they felt about monetary gifts.

I mean some guys bring gifts - a bottle of wine, perfume, gift cards, etc. - and I assume they typically don't wait until after the date to give the gift.

Also if I give the gift at the end of the session she won't be able to show her appreciation until I see her again, and when I see a lady there's always a chance I may never get to see her again.
Posted By: Caldon
First off, why would you tip for service....that you haven't received yet? Very few industries would that be considered normal. Tipping is usually for good service that you have received,  
 Secondly, while the hobby is often referred to as a profession, girls are hourly paid. Ha - so that's a conundrum - you don't tip salaried employees but generally tip hourly paid service workers. However,  Despite your indelicate way of putting it, tipping a close to minimum wage service worker is completely different to tipping someone who is getting paid an hourly rate that a lawyer would be happy with.  
 Third - there is no industry standard as in food or transportation service and frankly, the norm is zero. Again, very personal, but there is no assumed, traditional, expected or customary tipping amount for the hobby.  
 For me, my norm is zero for all the above reasons - mainly the hourly rate is at a "professional" level. However, I have tipped some girls be generously over the years - mostly when they go well above and beyond in all dimensions and frankly, my eyes tend to be rolling back in my skull for that to happen :)  
 Again, very personal.  
Posted By: Kobe824
I'm relatively new to the hobby. I started out seeing independent ladies, and it never really occurred to me to tip. Lately I've been going the agency route, and I've been tipping about 20-25% at the beginning of the session.  
  How do y'all feel about tipping?
-- Modified on 12/10/2015 9:55:00 PM

Grey8Buddy 22 Reviews 416 reads
6 / 17

I have to admit that I have struggled with this one as well... And I usually proceed by turning over the agreed donation at the start of the session, then pulling out a couple of bills from a back pocket as I'm getting prepared to leave.  
My reasoning; that keeping the two separate also helps the provider keep her house and personal "accounts" organized if she's with an agency. And if she's not, then throwing in that 10%+ extra as we say bye is also her incentive to respond promptly should we choose to make contact again.  

Maybe I'm just lucky, but I've never been "serviced" poorly enough to prevent me from pulling out that cash as I depart. And it seems like I always get a sincere thank you as well, particularly since I don't try to make out like it's a big deal.

Let's face it. If you're here to hobby, you probably have the wherewithal to tip as well. And if your providing, especially in a bountifully high supply market like Atlanta, you're interest is in keeping the customers happy anyway! It really is a two way street so might as well try for the win-win!

AvaRaleigh See my TER Reviews 431 reads
7 / 17

I would say about 25% or so of my "envelopes" have been fatter than required. Usually the extra is included upfront, but occasionally a gentleman will add extra at the end if he had a particularly outstanding time. For the record, tipping is not expected and if you choose to never do it I doubt any provider will hold it against you as long as you are a respectful client, pay her full rate, and don't overstay your time. Some of my favorite/best clients never tip, I would much rather see someone I click with who plans on seeing me again than someone who tips generously once and disappears.

However I'm Indy, I don't have to split my rate with anyone. I think tipping agency ladies is an especially nice gesture, I'm not sure what the particular split is at each agency but I think the owner keeps between 30-40% of each appointment. Also this lady likely knows much less about you before meeting than an indy who screens herself and has corresponded with you likely does. I think establishing a connection under those circumstances is a mark of exceptional service and given the pay structure I think tipping is an even nicer gesture than it is with Indy girls. I say good on you for doing it!

xyz23 45 Reviews 391 reads
8 / 17

...of the time just before leaving. It's not a tip if you give it at the beginning.

foguete69 38 Reviews 352 reads
9 / 17

its like tipping your lawyer, doctor or financial planner.
if you got more then your moneys worth then tip if you
are so need to overthink in the hobby.

electr0nsrealm 45 Reviews 480 reads
10 / 17

First the disclaimer...
This is just my opinion (as always).  My mental meanderings do not reflect the opinions of TER, other mongers, upscale gentlemen, downscale gentlemen, or any other human being on the planet. There is no right or wrong answer.  There is no industry standard.  It's all about how you want to do it.

So flame away if you wish (I know this is a very sensitive topic), but understand what I'm about to say has as much weight as "I really like a good cheeseburger."  Which I do by the way.  :-)  But folks shouldn't get offended if they don't agree with my opinion.  It's just an opinion.

My stance on tipping comes in several parts which (again - for me) all point to, and support, the same answer - that it is appropriate to tip.  Under certain conditions...

My first reason is that I think about the hobby as a service industry.  We gents come in and get serviced.  *rimshot*  And on that front, I feel it is appropriate to tip for exceptional service.  "Exceptional" being the key word.  The ladies I choose to see on a regular basis all provide exceptional service.  That's why I see them.  :-)

The second reason is more philosophical.  Call it a kind of sexual karma.  I feel that when you are generous in life, in the bedroom, or with your wallet - the universe (and usually your partner, too) will give you that back with interest.  I don't have unlimited means (I'm sure none of us gents do), but the hobby is all about disposable income.  And I think a little extra in the envelope is money well spent.  An "investment" - if you will, in future sexytimes.  And building a relationship.

The third reason is - let's be honest guys, the girls are in it to make a buck.  Yes, some (possibly many) really enjoy what they do.  And god bless their hearts for it.  But when it comes to money - a little extra is always appreciated, isn't it?  And it's the least I can do to show her my appreciation.  And yes, of course, repeat business is always the best form of appreciation.

The fourth reason is for her appreciation.  I always want to be at the top of my girl's "like to see list".  And if it ever comes down to spending time with me, or another gent, or her friends, or whatever - I want my "appreciative nature" to be recognized and factor into that equation.  Maybe that's part of my competitive personality.  I want her to be quick to answer my email or text with "Yes, daddy I'm all yours!".  No sweeter words have ever been typed.  LOL.  My schedule is hectic enough - I like my girls to get back to me quickly regarding setting up a date.  It makes my life much less stressful.  So let's call that little tip an investment in "VIP treatment".

The fifth reason is kind of a catch all.  I ask many things that could be considered unique, different, above and beyond the call of duty, a pain in the ass lol, whatever - and I understand to some (ok many) girls that is a lot.  For example, my role plays take some time and thought.  I expect a lady to read them and understand the character and scene.  I also have other kinds of "homework" I may ask of my favorites, too.  All of these homework assignments take time.  And as we all know, time is money.  I also may be a few minutes over sometimes as lord knows I like to chat.  So I want to be respectful.  And if my girls aren't clock watchers (they aren't) I don't want to take advantage of their hospitality.

So, in my mind at least - all these reasons point to the same conclusion.  It is appropriate, respectful, and gentlemanly to tip (for a favorite that provides exceptional service).

The only remaining questions are how, and how much?

The how much - I won't discuss my personal policy, and I would say do what you feel is right.  If you want to tip at all, of course.

The how - I have always found it awkward to add it on at the end.  Handing her cash seems declasse and weird.  As does leaving it on the counter.  So, I just include it in the donation envelope up front.  Yes, that means I do sometimes tip for exceptional service and then don't get exceptional service.  Well, I chalk that up to experience and move on.  Only exceptional ladies become regulars of mine.

And I make no distinction between indies and agency girls.  They all work hard and deserve recognition and appreciation for their efforts.

Anyway - again this is not in any way an argument for men  to tip.  I am only sharing my personal opinion on the matter.

And that's my tip to you.

Keep the change.

Nedster 60 Reviews 322 reads
11 / 17

It's not expected.  Do what you want, but if you're only doing it in the beginning in hopes she will "show her appreciation" I'd say you might be disappointed.  

To me, tipping in the hobby is the purest form.  I tip in the hobby when the service is extra special.  They aren't like waitresses who get paid a lower minimum wage and therefore need the tips.  But if I'm blown away, I will show extra appreciation with a tip.  I think, otherwise, just tipping at random in the beginning is slightly destructive to a providers expectations in the hobby.  Do you typically pay more than the menu price or quote you are given in other industries?

ga_kosh 22 Reviews 338 reads
12 / 17

and if I do, it's usually not cash like I do with other service industries - barber, masseuse, waitress/server.  

My tips with providers tends to be more like gifts, material things. Wines, outfits, things like that. On occasion, I'll give a gift card. I have added a Ulysses and/or a Benjamin bill on occasions.  

Your mental meanderings are spotless on, as always electr0n

donbecker54 19 Reviews 332 reads
13 / 17

When the rates of providers I'd seen went up, but I wasn't grandfathered in, I stopped tipping. I was still giving them the same amount, just not with a "tip". If I'd been grandfathered in, I would give the same amount, including a tip.

Caldon 282 Reviews 391 reads
14 / 17

Either you are a complete unknown to the lady and she is anxious that you don't screw her (metaphorically) OR you may be visiting a value-provider -- I.e. A lady that may be "street-wise", perhaps lower end of the market and asks for up-front payment because of bitter experience.

In my experience, that occurs very infrequently with higher end ladies or those that know you. I would say in my travels, I see 1 lady in 10 that asked for payment in advance,

In that context, all finances are transacted at the conclusion of the visit - fee and any tip. Just like in any other service industry.

YMMV of course :)
Posted By: Kobe824
You're right, there are very few industries where it's normal to tip before you receive the service. But there's also very few service industries where you're expected to pay for the service up front.  
 The idea first occurred to me when I was reading someone's review of an agency girl, and he mentioned that when he met her he gave her one envelope with the agencies initials and another envelope with her initials.  
 You could think of it as more of a gift than a tip, I suppose, but in order to make things more easily understood, I just thought it'd be better to ask people how they felt about tipping, rather than asking how they felt about monetary gifts.  
 I mean some guys bring gifts - a bottle of wine, perfume, gift cards, etc. - and I assume they typically don't wait until after the date to give the gift.  
 Also if I give the gift at the end of the session she won't be able to show her appreciation until I see her again, and when I see a lady there's always a chance I may never get to see her again.  
Posted By: Caldon
First off, why would you tip for service....that you haven't received yet? Very few industries would that be considered normal. Tipping is usually for good service that you have received,  
  Secondly, while the hobby is often referred to as a profession, girls are hourly paid. Ha - so that's a conundrum - you don't tip salaried employees but generally tip hourly paid service workers. However,  Despite your indelicate way of putting it, tipping a close to minimum wage service worker is completely different to tipping someone who is getting paid an hourly rate that a lawyer would be happy with.  
  Third - there is no industry standard as in food or transportation service and frankly, the norm is zero. Again, very personal, but there is no assumed, traditional, expected or customary tipping amount for the hobby.  
  For me, my norm is zero for all the above reasons - mainly the hourly rate is at a "professional" level. However, I have tipped some girls be generously over the years - mostly when they go well above and beyond in all dimensions and frankly, my eyes tend to be rolling back in my skull for that to happen :)  
  Again, very personal.  
Posted By: Kobe824
I'm relatively new to the hobby. I started out seeing independent ladies, and it never really occurred to me to tip. Lately I've been going the agency route, and I've been tipping about 20-25% at the beginning of the session.    
   How do y'all feel about tipping?
-- Modified on 12/10/2015 9:55:00 PM

BernardShakey 378 reads
15 / 17

Some of the ladies posts here? They were rather uh illuminating. Board termites?

Onerealhotmomma See my TER Reviews 300 reads
16 / 17

what happened is the powers that be apparently did not like the slant of the thread and shut it down, then restarted it headed in a direction that was more "palatable' .......i aime à avaler tout....suzee

BernardShakey 284 reads
17 / 17
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