
Thanks Jimmy
rbhobbydude 6 Reviews 235 reads

I had a great time, met some new people and added some names to my list.  Best M&G I have ever attended.

To both Jimmy and his team, I wish to thank them for their hard work in both the planning and the execution of tonights event.  It was a great success. It was fun mostly. I believe the ladies that attended tonight was a great add. I got to meet several in person and that is far better than just pictures.  I now have quite the list to see.  

It was a great time!!!!

Thanks so much! It was great meeting the ladies and gents and always great to see familiar faces!  


Appears I missed out on a great party. I had never seen the STONES before, so one checked off the bucket list.

Was terrific seeing some familiar friends again, and making some new acquaintances too.  Wow, the ladies!  My list of who to see next is all messed up now, lol.  Hope everyone made it home safe.

It sucks that I miss a great M&G. Had to TCB in Savannah  Hopefully, I can catch the next one.

WOW!  It's always great to see and talk to the ladies I already know.  A special 'THANK YOU' to Taylor Morgan, Ava Raleigh, Alexandria Fox, Skykar Raine, Brooklyn Rose and Grace Kelly for spending time with me.  You are all super sweet, beautiful and sexy women.  I'm a lucky guy to know you lovely ladies.  

I also met 1 or 2 new ladies and that's always a fun part of the M&G's.  

And it's good to connect and reconnect with some of the gents too.  I enjoyed speaking with you guys too.  

Stay safe everyone and hopefully there will be another Atlanta M&G soon.  


Thanks Jimmy, the turnout by the wonderful ladies of Atlanta was terrific...I got to meet plenty of brand new faces, catch up with those I already know and now my to do list will never be to done....Anybody have suggested lotto numbers

Mr. Jimmy You really had a GREAT party last night and a great turn out too, I owe you a beer buddy.
I had a great time.  It was good to see some old friends like Gary, Bob and a few others that is just an old fart like me
Its been a while since I had been to one. There was some outstanding ladies there and one that I have not seen in a while and that would be
Ms. Grace, just beautiful as always
Ms. Skylar what legs you have my dear.
Alex the Fox WOW
Shay new gal on the block, someone had you locked down last night
UTR Fiona If I spelled that right what a little petite little thing, Just a cheerful personality
and a lot more I met but can not remember their names
Again thanks JPW

I had a great time, met some new people and added some names to my list.  Best M&G I have ever attended.

But definitely will not be my last!! Had a great time meeting and getting to know some of the sweet, beautiful ladies...and guys too!! It was great getting to meet a lot of the Exotic Flavors and Gold Club girls. WOW!! Sunny and Joe I will be in contact soon!! Lol

Thanks Jimmy and anyone else that helped you for all the work you put into making it happen. I can't wait until the next one!!

Thank you so much everyone, I had some great conversations! Logostuck, as always thank you for being the perfect gentleman, it was so great seeing you again! And I'm glad to know so many of you enjoyed mine and Taylor Morgan's shopping cart adventure, we will definitely keep you apprised of future scrapes we get into. I didn't get to speak to many ladies, but you all looked beautiful! Hope everyone had a good time :)

Great party Jimmy. So lively! I had such a nice time with Ava, and Logostuck, and AlexandriaFox, Advisor2008, the beautiful Gracekelly, Airman troy... gosh, there's too many people to name but I had a wonderful time with everyone. I met a few new people as well and that's always great. Thanks Jimmy!

Can't wait to meet all the great providers I had fun with in a more private setting. My biggest problem is who I'll choose first. It's a wonderful dilemma to have. Thanks to Hep and EF for bringing out most of their roster. I really enjoyed my conversations with all your awesome girls.

Same here, by count I met 12 ladies there for the first time that I want to see.  Plus 2 that I already want to see but have not done so.  One that have booked with that I perhaps see again.

Oh, can my body stand the strain.  Worth it though.

Jimmy, another "home run" by you!  A great M&G, one of the best ever!  Probably the most beautiful women I have seen attending the M&G for a long time.  I know you have to perform a maximum effort to make this happen and to make it a success!  And no one does it better than you!  And I know, it is all done for our pleasure!  Thanks so much Jimmy!


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