
Thanks Buttercup Truth Be Told!~~~~~~~~~~~~EOM :)
SecretAgent_PT See Agency Profile 940 reads


Most know me as an even-tempered guy, who is easy going, and I pretty much never complain. However, I have to say something here. I tried to contact a girl today who I've wanted to see for awhile.

I may have 100 reviews, but I still always get nervous calling girls I don't know. I called for an appointment, and she answered. I just said that I wanted to set up an appointment. The reply was, "Ok, but first thing we have to do is....." the rest sounded like the adults always do in a Charlie Brown cartoon. Wahwahwahwahwa.

All i said was, "I'm sorry, what did you say?". Click. Now, I can understand that some girls get nervous, thinking every caller is a potential LEO, but if you don't want to lose business, than I have a suggestion. Either speak up, or get a phone that doesn't sound like a car ran over it! I can not stand it when people hang up on me, that is the height of rudeness!

I do not call again in this situation, so I will never patronize this girl ever. I look at every girl I see as a potential for a long-term arrangement. So, she may have lost a regular client. No skin off my nose, there's plenty of high quality girls in Atlanta. Ok, rant over.

I prefer email first then after screening,  a call is always good.  I don't subscribe to texting on my hobby phone...I hate my hobby phone,'s small and cheap, and it's hard to text on it....just my way of doing things I guess.  



Is Bad! The sattelite companys not your phone provider..Retain every text for 90 days....
Bad Buisness! Youre Smart!


P.S. My phone is Dumb..Just How I Like It! :)

My phone is dumb swear it's not the operator!  ;)

MOST of the time a text messege is not addmissable in court. My ex husband tried to call LE on a stalker chick he met and tried to show them the text but they said nothing they could do because text are not considered any kind of evidence. They said the courts have to actually prove YOU sent that text which is damned near impossible when all someone has to do is say "hey can I use your phone?"
Needless to say  I dont mind texting at all.
So sorry this happened to you with this person being so rude. To many great ladies here that have a smile on when you call. Most ladies do prefer email and I did just have my number removed from my profile BUT if a lady cant act like a lady on the phone then fuck her (or not) lol
Hugs and kisses

texts are my preferred way of communicating but only if
I already know her.  otherwise it is phone then email.

Text messages are used in courts a family member of mine was convicted of terroristic threats because of a text he sent to his ex girlfriend threatening to kill her.

The point is anyone can send you text, they don’t have to use their phone to do it. Consider the fact that you can send texts using Google also.

You are talking about when there was paging network. Texting and paging are not the same, looks same to users but technically are different.

Do you think emails are not archived?

I won't use an Agency or Indy that refuses to use texting as a means to communicate.  Much safer and easier than emails and more discrete and efficient than phone calls.  In my job, I cannot always talk freely and emails are "processed" through work servers, so texting, for me, is safer and more discrete - especially since the hobby phone is bought for and replenished with cash and can in no way be traced back to the real me.

Even if one is worried about texts being saved, the likelihood of those ever being seen by LE is less than the likelihood of me visiting a CBJ Provider - it just ain't going to happen!

They all have this metalty it can be used by the JS. If you use simple security measures that shit goes to outer space.

and the widow Sneidermann may soon rue her texts as well if she is charged

the Neuman-Sneiderman texts were revealed word-for-word in open court over a year after they were sent

Enlighten us on these simple security measures

And I will also post my name, address, hotel and room number where I will be meeting a local provider today. Sometimes I think people forget that all the stuff you post on here is being read by Barney Fife.

Isn't obvious what this person was up to with this post on the legal board? You might try and think before you attempt trash someone.

Stating on public board that you work for " one of the security contractors like black water" then referencing your teammates with implication that they also participate in the hobby and finishing it with a threat to  third party is not exactly  the most discrete approach to conducting one's affairs.

As for the youtube link - it was nice of you to post that video of yourself, but that was unnecessary :)


That person on the link didn't state they worked for any company. It says some person she met in the past does. So obviously that person has some knowledge of a past client of hers probably by looking at her reviews. It also makes no threat towards anyone . It says there are ways to make someone like the stalker decided  to go away. That could mean 100s of legal ways. Private Investigators do it on a daily basis for their clients.        

Maybe all the visits to Dunkin' have taken a toll on your ability to process simple thoughts.            

The problem with baby hippos is the few clients who will actually waste money on them. Those clients then use them as puppets because the clients don't have the courage to do it themselves. Proof ? How quickly ..YOU.. read and responded to a my post on a thread that is now buried this deep down the board.

You aren't fooling anybody.

That alerts a poster about any responses to his/her posts.  As someone who him/her self responded in a jiffy you must know about this particular feature.

As for all your references to "hippos" and donuts ... that's cute but you would have to try harder.


That's okay, It reenforces who we are dealing with when we visit this arena.

MOO power to you baby

Many girls watch TV and see that fake LE on TV shows go back months and get old texts to prove guilt.  They are just scared not rude and think they are taking precautions plus its harder to note blacklist client on text LoL
You can text me love

There was one provider I was seeing for a while that I made an initial contact with through text and all subsequent contacts with here were through text and it all worked out without a hitch.

I at least think simple questions like "do you provide outcall to ....." could be answered - because if the answer is "no", then why waste the provider's time with a phone call? I realize that some hobbyists like to push the envelope, but not everyone does that.

ONLY for the location and room number was ok, it would not be a big deal but that's not the case. Providers have LIVES outside of this and not all of them keep their phones up their azz like I do. You get enough stalker texts, and you might understand why so many have this rule. BTW, it's a lot easier for some random person to read her phone than an email where they need her password to access it.

How many scatterbrain hookers have you heard about who leave their phones all over the place...guess what, your info is now in the hands of someone else. Even if it is a throw away phone, I would assume your real name is not in your email either so what's the difference? I don't even know 10 escorts who still have a phone number even listed on the net, so there must be a reason.

I can fully appreciate where you are coming from....  I don't know what's up lately but the number of seemingly stuck up, rude, and downright disrespectful girls hanging around is epidemic...

marchon1023 reads

That's not an excuse for unprofessional behavior;he never deserved such a rude response.

I never intended to condone unprofessional behaviour just bashing at any possible chance when you weren't involved bothers me.    Such as cheap hobby phones that drop the call or perhaps what was said to the lady who hung up on the OP?  Was something said that spooked her or did her pimp grab the phone and hang up because he had something else for her to do?

You just never know until you walk in someone's elses shoes was the intention of my comments.  The actual intent of my posts were completely the opposite of how they were evidently taken.

-- Modified on 6/1/2012 8:49:58 PM

If you are in the business, communication is the only means of getting your business, it is incumbent on you to use reliable, clear communication tools, especially established well known providers charging decently for the hour ($250 and Upwards). Understand many providers use Metro and disposable phones, decent smart phones in either case is not that expensive any longer, so use it.

I have cheap phone, my call drops because of it is not an excuse.

I text to set up appointments with ATF. As matter of fact Text is is the only way we communicate these days. It is short and sweet and if both parties have seen and know each other what is the problem other than mythical beliefs?

If you do that, you have their shoes and you are a mile away from them.

cannonballthud1538 reads

I have to agree with the epidemic comment, PW. Pretty funny actually. Guess some of these 'ladies' forget what it is they're doing for a living. Masters Degree in Biology, supermodel, successful business person, etc. go ahead, be stuck up. But to voluntarily turn to prostitution because you lack any other life skill is nothing to be stuck up about.

Going up to $350 as an indie and thinking you've made some shrewd life change does not make you shrewd, just more in denial and even more unproductive in life

there would be no reason to even notice if someone seems stuck up. She's a hooker, you're a john...who gives a flip what either of us think or do outside of this. This is the farthest thing from rocket science, and some of you dipshits still manage to complicate it. How's that for stuck up? Note, that unlike you I have the balls to post under my hooker name and not resort to using an alias on a damn fk board!  Who is insecure here?

Now, I have to get back to sucking that weenie so I can pay back all those loans for that over priced education that led me here lol. Toodles.

Posted By: cannonballthud
I have to agree with the epidemic comment, PW. Pretty funny actually. Guess some of these 'ladies' forget what it is they're doing for a living. Masters Degree in Biology, supermodel, successful business person, etc. go ahead, be stuck up. But to voluntarily turn to prostitution because you lack any other life skill is nothing to be stuck up about.

Going up to $350 as an indie and thinking you've made some shrewd life change does not make you shrewd, just more in denial and even more unproductive in life

-- Modified on 6/1/2012 11:05:32 PM

cannonballthud1155 reads

This is just a study piece till I pass the bar exam. I see you finally found a way off the general board. Pretty good for a Bama girl. I see they're pretty tired of you over there. Now we get to enjoy your cultured prose over here, know what I mean, dipshit?

Go back to the weenies, little girl. You're way out of your league

quite flattering you had to look at the profile of the dumb hooker who handed your ass to ya. Bye now...the lake is calling. :)

cannonballthud674 reads

A lake? Wowee!! A dream come true, I'm sure. Lemme guess, a pontoon boat, right? You can't really be this...never mind, waste of time. No need to ask.

Thanks for being the perfect example of what I was speaking of.

TheSkyFell916 reads

"Unproductive in life"?
"Lack any other life skill"?

Is that how you feel about all providers?

If providers are so ignorant and beneath you why do you sully your precious self with them?

cannonballthud1229 reads

Nah, don't hate anyone. I just call out the ones who think they're above it all when in fact, they've made just about the easiest decision for their lives that a female can make. Pretty funny actually...

I'm sorry you had this unfortunate phone call. Just keep in mind, there are still alot of great ladies in Atlanta with GREAT attitudes as well :)......

And I can sympathize. Most of the time nowadays when talking on the phone with someone we are both on cell phones that don't have the best sound quality. Add in the inevitable background noise and someone speaking kind of fast, and I constantly have to ask people to repeat themselves. Oh well, like you said, move on...                                                                                                                                                         And I know this is not your first rodeo, but FWIW I always make my first contact by email.

Youre sooooooooooooooooooooo good Looking :) :) and sweet... So...F her :)


that happened to you!  I'm hoping she was having cell issues & she really didn't hang up on you.  I've heard nice things about you.
I'm like some ladies, I don't like texts from new clients for myself.  I prefer email contact first, then we can do the phone call & once I've seen you, yes you can text me.
In my case, being that I answer the phones for several ladies, texting just doesn't work for new clientale.  Several girls I work for use a "dumb phone" (like Khori says) that I have in my possession and I'm not texting on that.  I'm Iphone spoiled! LOL.  Some forward their phone to me or have that annoying google phone thing.  (not dissing those who use it, it's just me who doesn't like it being an assistant).  So I guess I'm old school; pick up the phone & dial.  I like to talk anyway! hehehe
I'm sure you have a bucket list honey, move to the next girl on it.  Happy Hobbying!!


cashorcredit1048 reads

der441 I've experienced this once before, dealing with someone whose to incompetent or doesn't know how to schedule an appointment. You're a respected reviewer so its her loss, and i will leave you with the greatest Quote ever posted on TER.

I will beg for pussy, and I will pay for pussy, but I will not beg to pay for pussy!!

Enjoy your Friday and don't do anything i wouldn't do...........

Posted By: der441
Most know me as an even-tempered guy, who is easy going, and I pretty much never complain. However, I have to say something here. I tried to contact a girl today who I've wanted to see for awhile.

I may have 100 reviews, but I still always get nervous calling girls I don't know. I called for an appointment, and she answered. I just said that I wanted to set up an appointment. The reply was, "Ok, but first thing we have to do is....." the rest sounded like the adults always do in a Charlie Brown cartoon. Wahwahwahwahwa.

All i said was, "I'm sorry, what did you say?". Click. Now, I can understand that some girls get nervous, thinking every caller is a potential LEO, but if you don't want to lose business, than I have a suggestion. Either speak up, or get a phone that doesn't sound like a car ran over it! I can not stand it when people hang up on me, that is the height of rudeness!

I do not call again in this situation, so I will never patronize this girl ever. I look at every girl I see as a potential for a long-term arrangement. So, she may have lost a regular client. No skin off my nose, there's plenty of high quality girls in Atlanta. Ok, rant over.

Posted By: der441
Most know me as an even-tempered guy, who is easy going, and I pretty much never complain. However, I have to say something here. I tried to contact a girl today who I've wanted to see for awhile.

I may have 100 reviews, but I still always get nervous calling girls I don't know. I called for an appointment, and she answered. I just said that I wanted to set up an appointment. The reply was, "Ok, but first thing we have to do is....." the rest sounded like the adults always do in a Charlie Brown cartoon. Wahwahwahwahwa.

All i said was, "I'm sorry, what did you say?". Click. Now, I can understand that some girls get nervous, thinking every caller is a potential LEO, but if you don't want to lose business, than I have a suggestion. Either speak up, or get a phone that doesn't sound like a car ran over it! I can not stand it when people hang up on me, that is the height of rudeness!

I do not call again in this situation, so I will never patronize this girl ever. I look at every girl I see as a potential for a long-term arrangement. So, she may have lost a regular client. No skin off my nose, there's plenty of high quality girls in Atlanta. Ok, rant over.

I apologize if u tried contacting me today i had numerous calls that i had to terminate today because of static water damage on my provider phone!!! I apologize to neone who contacted me!!! It will not happen again :))

It seems like understanding people on cell phones just get worse all the time and girls should not just hang up on guys like that.  I do not see anything wrong with what you said and I am sure you know that..  

Hope the rest of your weekend was better.  


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