
Sometimes I think reviewers are dicks
HarlandSanders 2 Reviews 1734 reads

I was perusing reviews, and this particular lady had mostly 10's and a few 9's. I noticed one had an 8 on performance, so I thought I would read it to see what the disappointment was. Sometimes those are the true reviews.
Anyhow, the guy proceeds to describe how for the 2nd pop, she was riding him, fucking her in the ass, she squirted from the ass fucking, then she jumped off sucked him dry and swallowed it all. For all that she got an 8? I thought, "What an asshole!" I looked at all 22 of his previous reviews, they were all 7s, with one 8 and one 9. Geez.

Some say that two many 9s and 10s are given.  Some guys are known for scoring "harshly"
but I think as long as the juicy details are accurate to the score, afterall an 8 performance is
went the extra mile and an 8 in looks is really hot, neither anything to bring shame to the young lady.

The problem does come in because ter uses the scores to rank the lady in her market.

GaGambler868 reads

Those lists have caused more review fraud, grade inflation, and undeserved 10's than all the other reasons put together.

I would argue with the OP that perhaps the 8 was the only honest review and that maybe the 9's and 10's were the ones undeserved?

Truth is, nobody knows for sure, and the last thing we need is yet another white knight coming in on his high horse claiming some guy was "mean" to a hooker by ONLY giving her an 8. It's his experience and his choice on how to score her, and an 8 from a "hard" grader is worth every bit as much as a 10 from some he-cunt (everyone claims to hate "mangina" so I thought I would change it up a bit) who gives out 10's to every woman who is still breathing when he gets there.

cashorcredit718 reads

Although I usually score high for over the top service, yet still there is nothing wrong with an 8.

Panthera12805 reads

Now with the incessant grade inflation, coercion and competition for high scores an 8 is seemingly a 6 equivalent from a few years back. I have more of a problem with guys handing out 9's and 10's to manatees and dogs.

But what if she barks like a dog? :)

Posted By: Panthera12
Now with the incessant grade inflation, coercion and competition for high scores an 8 is seemingly a 6 equivalent from a few years back. I have more of a problem with guys handing out 9's and 10's to manatees and dogs.  

cashorcredit921 reads

before that top 100 list heightened the competition.  

Performance scores are subjective, but like you the 9s and 10s in appearance handed out like candy leave me SMH.

But, I always read between the lines and go by the words, and less by the numbers.

One mans 7 is another mans 10. And the slightest thing can put you off or worse - cause droopage. In just the same way though, an average looker or performer can do the slightest thing that propels her to super-provider-dom.

As others have said, 8 is a great score "really hot" and "went the extra mile" - the qualitative is where the gold is.

As a side note, i am always amused when a guy give a series of 10s to multiple girls. While It is possible that you have many "once in a lifetime" experiences, the alternative is that he perhaps doesn't quite get the concept. :

I first started Hobbying in June of last year and wrote two reviews which were not accepted by TER; I rated the two 6,6 and 9,6.  I found out later that the first one had asked TER to kill her profile; and TER was pretty straight with me about the second one-- they were suspicious of me being a newbie.  The first review TER accepted I gave an 8,9 because I was totally blown away by an actual nice lady who provides service.  I was new and just getting into things.  So after writing several favorable reviews that were accepted I had established a precedent of rating standards. Fast forward to today and I would probably be less generous in ratings if I were starting new with my newly acquired experience; but how can I fairly rate a lady 7 when I rated a comparable lady 8 in an earlier review?  That's the conundrum.

Please inform me who this provider is I would love to experience her. She sounds like an Awesome Experience to be had by all. Some how I over looked this hot review.

Posted By: HarlandSanders
I was perusing reviews, and this particular lady had mostly 10's and a few 9's. I noticed one had an 8 on performance, so I thought I would read it to see what the disappointment was. Sometimes those are the true reviews.  
 Anyhow, the guy proceeds to describe how for the 2nd pop, she was riding him, fucking her in the ass, she squirted from the ass fucking, then she jumped off sucked him dry and swallowed it all. For all that she got an 8? I thought, "What an asshole!" I looked at all 22 of his previous reviews, they were all 7s, with one 8 and one 9. Geez.

I never go off just the number.  I do not even have to agree with the score, I just Vaseline pattern against my own.  So if I see someone always scoring 7/8 on a lady I would score differently, I can adjust my expectations.   Overall the numbers are generally pointless, the write up is what matters most

I read a reviewers ENTIRE review that he posted...ALTHOUGH REALLY KIND...50% of what he wrote didn't happen. I think some men have displaced personalities stemming back to their sex lives dating back from when they first lost their virginity that comes OUT in a review. I also think men who have too many women they have reviewed are VERY SCARY. Maybe that's just me...but a man that bounces around from woman to woman SCREAMS unhealthy.

mcluvin999666 reads

lol but it's okay for a hooker to bang whoever

that a gent with several reviews doesn't see a lady on a regular basis. Even if this is the case, how is this unhealthy? Perhaps the gent prefers variety or perceives diminished returns after the first visit.

cashorcredit778 reads

How are Men that bounce around from woman to woman screams unhealthy, when you're doing the same thing.

GaGambler797 reads

I don't have a single review to my name, but my "number" is as large as some small towns, and I don't feel unhealthy at all.

That's rich though, a hooker looking down on guys that fuck too many women. An instant classic if you ask me.

It is funny though, down here in Costa Rica women sometimes ask me the same dumb question that men ask hookers back in the states "How many women have you been with today?"

cashorcredit618 reads

Yeah man I get that how many woman have you seen occasionally,  and I always pleed the fifth lol.

As you can already see that kind of double standard isn't going to go over well here.  It's not fair that as a provider you can see anyone you like but you don't want to extend that same freedom to your clients.  As long as we are gentlemen, polite and respectful and always play safe frankly it's none of your business who else we see and how often.  And you certainly shouldn't punish guys that write a lot of reviews - how about all of the clients that don't and you know nothing about regarding their history?  From a business perspective I understand wanting to attract clients who have a high likelihood of repeating.  But saying anyone who isn't like that is aberrant or broken isn't going to earn you any points.  

Has it occurred to you that one of the many reasons guys play in this space is to enjoy some variety in their lives?  Some folks eat lunch at McDonalds every day while some want to dine at a different place every time.  Does that make either group more sane or well adjusted?

No disrespect but I think you just grabbed a hornets nest...

Posted By: kamimichelle
I read a reviewers ENTIRE review that he posted...ALTHOUGH REALLY KIND...50% of what he wrote didn't happen. I think some men have displaced personalities stemming back to their sex lives dating back from when they first lost their virginity that comes OUT in a review. I also think men who have too many women they have reviewed are VERY SCARY. Maybe that's just me...but a man that bounces around from woman to woman SCREAMS unhealthy.

You would have to assume that ALL providers accept HIGH VOLUMES OF MEN (I am not one of those). HOWEVER - I suppose the BACKGROUND on my opinion I should shed light on. When a gentlemen visitor FREQUENTS my location, we build a trust with one another...there is the trust of his health and my health. I am a provider that keeps HYGIENE/HEALTH/SANITARY efforts high on my list, so with REPEAT gentlemen I naturally feel extremely safe...I know their body...they know mine...I do PREFER a regular client over someone who visits women for sport. YOU may not agree, but that is just how I operate, and it has worked for me.

THEN IT'S AMAZING HOW MANY MEN USED THE WORD "HOOKER" when they were offended by my post, but wouldn't look a provider in the face, and call her a hooker, so I thought that to be a bit strange as well.

We could all agree to disagree, some women don't mind high volumes and constant strangers day in and day out...I'm just the "Lover of a Repeat"

Of course you are a "lover of a repeat", that's the nature of any business.  And I'm sure no lady would disagree with you there.  Honestly I don't understand what "those that date women for sport" means.  At least in the context of this forum. One of the first rules of public communication is to try and know your audience.  I don't think you do.  We're all here to have fun right?  If that equates to dating women for sport so be it, I just don't understand where the condescension comes from.

I don't use the "H" word but I believe others used it in defense against your rant. It's not nice, but to be honest you drew first blood so I wouldn't expect too much sympathy.

I'd be careful playing the "I'm better than those high volume ladies" card around here.  First, the definition of high and low volume is a longstanding issue of debate.  Second, it's a good way to get providers who might otherwise be your friend and confidant upset with you too.

Hey, this is a public forum - you are welcome to voice your opinion.  But when you post something bizarre and offensive (to a large percentage of your potential client base btw) expect to be called out on it.  If our roles were reversed I would be very careful about being so exclusionary in my thinking - and especially voicing that opinion in this public forum.  Remember you can attract more flies with honey than with vinegar (or venom).  But I can assure you that just because guys want some variety in their lives it doesn't make us "unhealthy" - it just makes us guys.  ;-)

Posted By: kamimichelle
You would have to assume that ALL providers accept HIGH VOLUMES OF MEN (I am not one of those). HOWEVER - I suppose the BACKGROUND on my opinion I should shed light on. When a gentlemen visitor FREQUENTS my location, we build a trust with one another...there is the trust of his health and my health. I am a provider that keeps HYGIENE/HEALTH/SANITARY efforts high on my list, so with REPEAT gentlemen I naturally feel extremely safe...I know their body...they know mine...I do PREFER a regular client over someone who visits women for sport. YOU may not agree, but that is just how I operate, and it has worked for me.  
 THEN IT'S AMAZING HOW MANY MEN USED THE WORD "HOOKER" when they were offended by my post, but wouldn't look a provider in the face, and call her a hooker, so I thought that to be a bit strange as well.  
 We could all agree to disagree, some women don't mind high volumes and constant strangers day in and day out...I'm just the "Lover of a Repeat"

The AWESOME thing about an opinion, I can respect yours, you can respect mine. I'm actually just on TER because a client or two reviewed me. I do not generate clientele from TER - but thank you for the warning I guess. A few girlies inboxed me, to say the least...they don't agree with you...BUT I UNDERSTAND YOUR POINT.

Also let me state this - I said "VISITS FOR SPORT" not "DATES FOR SPORT". I prefer repeat business for health reasons...there is nothing wrong with a girl in this business to say, I prefer lower volumes of men, nor is it wrong for a woman to say I love HIGH VOLUMES of men. WE ALL have a preference. We;re all having fun OUR WAY.

Like you may prefer thin girls, Another man may prefer thick girls. One girl may move about her business one way because of her FEARS and another woman may move another. IT IS VARIETY. This isn't about being condescending...or feeling ABOVE another girl...I run my location a certain way, it works for me, my regular clientele...also enjoys the respect, and care I take to how I run my operation...where another gentlemen may prefer another girl and how she runs hers.

If you took my comment as "Condescending" well then I suppose I apologize that you did. I'm always laughing and smiling and most people know my sarcasm and whittyness as harmless. We've spent so much time debating no need to keep going, Millions more people on this planet to chat away with yes? We just AGREE to DISAGREE and understand each others points.

Freedom of SPEECH is amazing.

GaGambler637 reads

and I have ZERO problems using the word in face to face conversations.

and YES, I find the concept of a HOOKER calling out a guy for "sport fucking" laughable.

Can I make myself ANY clearer?

As for hygiene, volume has nothing to do with hygiene. Ask anyone who has ever frequented K-girls or any of the other high volume asian ladies. These women might be seeing several times the number of guys that you do, but that doesn't mean that they aren't "crazy clean" Once again, you are making huge leaps of logic that simply are not true.

We'll agree, to disagree. As I told the last gentlemen...THE AWESOME thing about where one young lady MAY RUN HER BUSINESS one way and it works for her gentlemen...ANOTHER MAY RUN HERS ANOTHER WAY and it WORKS FOR HER GENTLEMEN. No business runs itself the same.

I have PERSONALLY heard horror stories behind the higher the volume, the higher the risk and THAT IS IN OUR PERSONAL EVERYDAY SEX LIVES. SEX = PROCEED WITH CAUTION and you cannot KNOCK a woman EVEN IN THE INDUSTRY for moving about WITH CAUTION...believe me you have RED FLAGS that govern how and when you visit women, just as much as woman on here have caution with clients.  

As the consensus between some women in my inbox...IT ISN'T US JUDGING A MAN...take TER kinda like it is a LOCKEROOM. Reviews are AWESOME, however if a girl is TOO TOO TOO popular you may proceed with caution, or YOU MAY NOT. Some women, WHO ARE OPENING their locations to strangers, proceed with caution on the opposite end...OK he visits A LOT OF WOMEN...I need to be a little cautious...THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. Some women...don't care at all...but that is why we are all different.  

Where YOU may call your girls a HOOKER to their face, my gentlemen would never be that rash. NOW...THAT MAY WORK WELL FOR YOU, we are two different people, and where I do not agree with that language, it is how YOU choose to use your mouth. WE ALL HAVE A BRAIN, free to use how we'd like no?

**One major thing, we do not look for repeat business because of the money...because NO MATTER WHAT the money will be there, it is a safety issue...I feel confident opening the door to someone I see all the time, rather than constantly dealing with the FIRST DAY SYNDROME. Its ok to want to be safe in this industry.

SOOOOO You may not LIKE my opinions on the topic of high volume vs. low volume and risk, the only thing you can do is respect that as I respect your use of your mouth, yes? Wonderful...Happy Monday!

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GaGambler504 reads

Using the word we in this context would give anyone fluent in the English language the impression that you are speaking for others besides yourself, which many people with a losing argument do to give the impression that others, or many others, agree with their position.

Sorry, but that is just not the case here, you speak for yourself on this subject, not other hookers, just like I speak for myself and not other johns, only I GUARANTEE you, I speak for more johns here than you speak for other hookers.

and as for your volume and the money you make, I would certainly HOPE that you are higher volume than you claim or you most certainly would qualify for food stamps, and as a taxpayer I don't want to support you simply because you only want to fuck a couple of guys a week. lmao

I wish I could SCREENSHOT my INBOX, and post that you'd understand who WE ARE. I'm just open enough to hold a discussion to say it. You want to FEEL I am losing the argument, however I really wasn't in it to win or lose. I am VERY MUCH open to differences of opinions. I respect how you feel.

AND MR. TAX PAYER...a SMART GIRL...does this as a hobby, which would mean this isn't her MAIN SOURCE of livable income. Some girls learn this along the way, that you never have all your eggs in one basket, because the bottom could give way (AND SOME DON'T - HOWEVER I ENCOURAGE ANY GIRL I COACH TO DIVERSIFY HER FINANCIAL PORTFOLIO). I am VERY VERY VERY sure, I'll never have to be on public assistance, however I don't see that as a NEGATIVE THING for a girl that would ever have to do that for herself. You made that statement as a condescending statement...

"If her preference isn't to bang multiple men a week, but to move about with selectiveness, she's destine to be on food-stamps and be poor?"
HOW SILLY DOES THAT SOUND. I have so many provider girlfriends who are successful business owners in other industries, including myself. Just as YOUR HOBBY does not DOMINATE your life, don't assume ours does. Speaking of TAXPAYER...with my ACCOUNTANT "SWEET ASS"...your support...doesn't make or break me. I hope you do realize that comment was worthless. gentlemen friends are not JOHNS...they have names...but we just see the world is ok that you just like to be seen as "John". Happy Monday Love...agree to disagree...its never about winning or losing in a conversation, it is about the RESPECT of a different opinion. You CLEARLY seem disheveled and offended by me...1 little human being out of 28,575 humans online right now. Night

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GaGambler599 reads

and are you really sure that after a half dozen edits THIS is really your "final answer"??? lmao

I have to say, you certainly take this and yourself quite seriously, but I am glad to hear this is only a hobby for you, because it certainly doesn't sound like something you could ever make a living at. Well depending on what you call a living that is. Cartersville is a lot cheaper than Buckhead, but even in Cartersville living on a couple of one hundred dollar appointments isn't going to buy too many Big Macs.

and just out of curiosity how could your opinion possibly make me feel "disheveled"??? I can see offended, but I can't imagine how what some stranger says on an anonymous fuck board could ever make me feel "disheveled"

LOL LOL LMMFAAAAOOOOO Cute...couple hundred??!!...NOW THAT MADE ME LAUGH (OUT LOUD). Oh that made me just smile. Only a disheveled person, would attempt to hit ones purse.  

We'll say this...YOU SEEM CURIOUS, SO I'LL OBLIGE...if this was ALL I did for the rest of my life (and it would never be that), I'd STILL sustain nearly a six figure income...WORKING ONLY 19 DAYS A MONTH -> BASED ON MY DAILY AVERAGE with these "couple hundred dollar appointments"..its "CUTE" your opinion of Cartersville (and my service market), and my ability to "earn".  

It is a hobby, that I could MAKE A LIVING AT EASILY, however I personally choose to utilize my "little poor girl money" on funding business ventures instead of handbags and shoes and things (BECAUSE ANY SMART HUMAN BEING, BELIEVES IN THE FREEDOM OF MULTIPLE STREAMS OF INCOME - THAT'S THAT FINANCIAL PORTFOLIO I DISCUSSED WITH YOU). I am BRIGHT ENOUGH to understand that I will not be 20 something for the rest of my life, this isn't a retirement plan, this is a be wise plan. I consider my PERSONAL life even as a woman who is in a phase in life I like to call "The Love of Visitors".

We all use our money differently. HOWEVER I enjoyed this little walk through my financials. I do however, my sweet sweet internet lover, live WELL for a poor little, hamburger humping, lower volume loving girl from the sticks (CITY GIRL, WHO UNDERSTANDS MARKETS/SATURATION/COMPETITION/LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION - That's that POOR GIRL MENTALITY THOUGH) #Ooop

Your responses, cute though. ok seriously, conversation complete :-D. BUT HEY..."You Win" #BowsDown #Smirk


Posted By: GaGambler
and are you really sure that after a half dozen edits THIS is really your "final answer"??? lmao

I have to say, you certainly take this and yourself quite seriously, but I am glad to hear this is only a hobby for you, because it certainly doesn't sound like something you could ever make a living at. Well depending on what you call a living that is. Cartersville is a lot cheaper than Buckhead, but even in Cartersville living on a couple of one hundred dollar appointments isn't going to buy too many Big Macs.

and just out of curiosity how could your opinion possibly make me feel "disheveled"??? I can see offended, but I can't imagine how what some stranger says on an anonymous fuck board could ever make me feel "disheveled"  

Oh those modifications...that was me catching myself from being rude. Its useless to be rude, to get your point across...SOMETIMES my sarcasm gets the best of me. I AM GLAD, YOU PAY SO CLOSE ATTENTION.

GaGambler515 reads

As for your modifications, it's pretty easy to notice when your modifications are almost a long as your rather verbose post.

By the way, are you one of those women who just HAVE to have the last word? I bet you are, don't disappoint now. lmao

LOL now this is just making me smile...I couldn't we could do this all week. By NOW you should be smiling :-D

GaGambler623 reads

but since this has fallen onto page two, we can pick this up as soon as you respond to the next ISO post. I am sure that won't take long.

For a "low volume" woman who has such high standards when providing 30 minute quickies, you sure have a knack for making "look at me" posts every time some guy is looking for a date, of any kind. lmao

Interesting YOU'RE STALKING MY POSTS. I've been on here a mere 1 week, so you really are judging by ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING. I'm not on here shopping for new regulars, as my "Poor Sandwich Eating...Making Over Six Figure Ass" told you from the very BEGINNING, I do fine with lower selective volumes and who are you to be upset that I have a preference, JUST as much as you have a preference...this here woman...HAS A SELECTIVE....PROCESS...OF...ALLOWING...GENTLEMEN TO VISIT.

PRIME EXAMPLE ----> GIRL WAS MURDERED TWO DAYS AGO FROM CRAIGSLIST. A GREAT SYSTEM, a SELECTIVE MINDSET, to cover yourself, your health, safety, wealth, etc. keeps you something as simple as ALIVE, WALKING, TALKING, BREATHING.

These women you meet, you DIP SHIT....they are PEOPLE, just like you.

SHIT MY PERIOD must be starting...



AnAliasAlias733 reads

Not sure what constitutes a high number of reviews, but ii probably qualify.

I currently see two or three ladies a month.  Most of the time I see someone I have seen before and have built a good connection with.  But I will explore new ladies - it is called a hobby after all.  I seek variety, not a relationship.

I like agencies, because they seem more reliable when I seek some variety on short notice. I like to explore the portfolio if they have my target preferences.

I always write a review to support the community, but anymore I rarely take out new untested models.  I am optimizing my hobby budget to pleasure ratio.

I am always very safe.  I am cautious in who I deal with.  I write overly fair reviews, with a tendency to reward effort and attempts, but if there is a strong connection, I will score higher.  I can be very hard on bs service, this is also well known

Ladies with more than ten pages of reviews, do prompt me to look at them a bit closer.   If over several years, I double check the reported age, I look for other reviewers that I know and can baseline, but I do not discount her solely on her popularity.

I have found my history, whitelist, and general approach works well for me.  Only once did my past reviews concern a lady, because she wasn't sure we would connect.  We had a very nice time, but in this instance I chose to not write a review.

As I look at your history in reviews, I can see why you would not want to see me.  Your history would likely prevent me from trying to see you.  If your history is right, my tendency to write reviews would not help you.

Could you simply be protecting your marketing scores, preying on newer hobby members?  I bet you could reflect on what you offer in a session and predict the score you would receive.  That strikes me a superior management rather than a preference for healthy cleanliness.

But I respect your preference to not see guys that write reviews.  I do wonder though why you are participating in a community that is built around reviews?

A few of your comments, are actually REFLECTIVE towards SELF of my own opinion TOWARDS SELF.


We as women, are STILL HUMAN. We are SAFE & CAUTIOUS and I am simply participating in the forum. I never request reviews, or promote them. I was reviewed by a few people who found me prior to me linking to the profile...some ladies DON'T EVEN KNOW THEIR REVIEWED (LIKE MYSELF). So the forum of discussion and differences, we ACTUALLY APPEALING to me, I love a good conversation.

The original poster, commented on some reviewers being "DICKS" and because WE are on the receiving end, you'd be surprised at what we read and WISH we could delete. Some men SWEAR they are being kind and polite, however it comes off sooo...WOW.  

Now BACK to what I said about us as WOMEN PROVIDORS and MALE PROVIDERS THE SAME being CAUTIOUS. I am CAUTIOUS of men who have reviewed SEVERAL WOMAN over the course of a few months. "FOR SPORT" of COURSE it is a hobby, however in MY SERVICE HOBBY, that is something that raises caution for me, THAT MAY NOT RAISE CAUTION for another girl. That is the beautiful thing about HUMAN DIFFERENCES.

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