
So is this "terrilynn" or "terrilynn of Atlanta"regular_smile
BonneChance 5 Reviews 505 reads

But we know there is one and only one TERRILYNN or TER LIE LYNN or  . . . of anywhere.  You know the copy cats will be discovered in time.  Have a good "real" Holidays and see you soon.


OK so I have a girlfriend that uses a first and last name that I thought was pretty unique.  She is here in Atlanta.  Now another lady here in Atlanta is using the EXACT first n last name. My question is, do you all think TER should make a rule that a unique first n last name in the same city can only be used by one lady?  
Just a question I was thinking of n was curious what you all thought about this :)
Hugs and kisses

Totally wrong....there are reasons they copy names....and I think the ladies know why....

Panthera12576 reads

Perhaps your provider friend can contact the other provider and ask her to change the name. If that doesn't work I would recommend that the provider in question lodge a complaint with TER and maybe they will have her change her name.  

Of course TER won't have an interest in what happens outside of TER so I am being specific to TER handles.

the one you are talking about!! I actually brought it to "your girlfriend's" attention when I saw it. I agree that it should not be allowed.  

Still fantasizing about that meeting with you and "your girlfriend"!!!...mmmmmmmmmm   ;-)

TER should not allow! Guys need to be able to make sure they are seeing the lady that they want. Don't confuse things!

And while every time a girl gets hot..say her name is "Peaches"..a dozen new "Peaches" will crop up.  
However, only a clueless buffoon will see the substandard "Peaches ".  In fact, I contend that the copy cat
"Peaches " will be ridiculed and shunned, unless, of course they provided really super service.  

So what's your friends name?  Lol

First, it was just "Spider-Man"
then, it got to add sales, a second title called "The AMAZING Spider-Man"
and sales increased... then.. "The SPECTACULAR Spider-Man".. to get more sales...

So, maybe your friend just needs a moniker in "Amazing".. and use that in her name.. Just might differentiate enough to make it work.

But we know there is one and only one TERRILYNN or TER LIE LYNN or  . . . of anywhere.  You know the copy cats will be discovered in time.  Have a good "real" Holidays and see you soon.


HarryWacker470 reads

Only a death match can settle this.  
Fine. Fine. Ok.

At the very least a Loser-Leaves-Town Mud Wrasslin match.

I'll bring the beer and popcorn!

If you have the same name being used, it lends itself to causing problems, confusion and suspicion.  I would think the ladies would want to differentiate as well.

should be kept that way, ter shouldn't allow this. Its just as if your signing up with an email, yahoo, gmail or anything else you are creating a name and password for these days, they want you to have a unique name.
Usually the person is trying to use the same name for a reason.
I've had women steal my pics, wording. name, etc... Unfortunately there's a lot of Barbies but just like the series Highlander says...."There can be only one!"
I now just think of what my mom used to say, its the best form of flattery, even tough it can be frustrating.

There are LOTS of ladies with same names.  You open review, look at ad to make sure if researching.  No big deal.  Smart ladies if they know they have repeated name disclose their ter id number or a link.  I would say chill out and simply out perform the wannabee.  Give us a little credit to tell the difference.

My GF has read all your replies n is figuring out the best way to handle this :) see a few of you this week n see you others soon.
Hope you all have great FUCKING week :D
Hugs and kisses

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