
Seems to depend
TP9431M 33 Reviews 528 reads

From reading threads on this before it seems to be a generational thing (although I am not saying it is an absolute by any stretch). Older guys (such as myself) who would have attended strip clubs / watched porn (on VHS or even BETA) in their youth (80s 90s before) seem to prefer lines because that was "the style" back then ( I can even remember some dancers who applied tan lines with makeup). Younger crowed seems to like no lines as that is the more current style.  
I have a real fondness for tan lines myself BUT lack there of does not really enter into my choice of lady, more just a bonus if they exist.  

As a side note the reference to porn got me thinking back an my very first was "Behind the Green Door" on BETA, geez I'm old. Lol

So, who's going to the pool today to get some tan lines?  I know this has been talked about before, but do gents prefer tan lines or no tan lines?  I'd rather sunbathe nude, but, my neighbors might not like that, or maybe they would?  LMAO!  

Enjoy the weather while it lasts everyone!  



I can sunbathe in the nude!! Yippeee!! HOWEVER I have never had tan lines so I am giving it a try this year :) Just the bottoms though.
I don't know about the guys but I think tan lines are hot!  
Khori if you sunbathe in the nude then I am coming over you hot woman! hehe!! ;)
Loving this beautiful weather  
Hugs and kisses

Are you back home?  How was Paris?  Hope you had some fun!  :) xoxoxoxoxoox

I would love to go to a nude beach some time....that would be FUN!


Omg I had a blast!! Paris is the most beautiful city :) thank you khori! :)
Ooohhhhhh nude beach? Yes that would be fun and HOT!!
Hugs and kisses

make a plan to go to Miami.....hit the beach and get all naked!   :) LOL!  But we'd need some sun screen on certain areas...LOL..



Lets do it!! :)
Hugs and kisses

Lets make some plans :)
Hugs and kisses

Summer in Miami is sweltering!   But, I'm there!  We'll just walk around in bikinis or not....LOL  

I need a vacay!


I just got back from vacation but yea I am ready to go again (different atmosphere lol)
Can we go topless or nude in Miami? If so I am there! lol  
You and I on the beach? OH YES we would have sooooo much fun!!
Hugs and kisses

I'm pretty sure we can go topless....I'd like to burn my boobs....LOL




I will get some dates and see if they work for you :) here we CUM beach! ;)
We need some hang out time anyway. I miss you Khori!!  
Hugs and kisses

have fun and don't forget to write a review!!!

What?  You think we will fool around?  US?    :) That would be funny if we could write reviews of each other...providers...lo

Khori n I are strickly just friends but nice thought though n we do adore each other. We just don't fuck each other ;)
Hugs and kisses

Thanks (not) for ruining a perfectly good fantasy.

From reading threads on this before it seems to be a generational thing (although I am not saying it is an absolute by any stretch). Older guys (such as myself) who would have attended strip clubs / watched porn (on VHS or even BETA) in their youth (80s 90s before) seem to prefer lines because that was "the style" back then ( I can even remember some dancers who applied tan lines with makeup). Younger crowed seems to like no lines as that is the more current style.  
I have a real fondness for tan lines myself BUT lack there of does not really enter into my choice of lady, more just a bonus if they exist.  

As a side note the reference to porn got me thinking back an my very first was "Behind the Green Door" on BETA, geez I'm old. Lol

I agree,  I danced back in the day...and the ladies would have serious tan lines and also use powder to whiten up the "non tanned" parts.   I thought it was kind of  I'm naturally tan......either way....I think they both look good....thanks for you input!  :)



speaking of porn...I think I need to go watch one....LOL

Tanlines especially if you can get really dark.

I'm tanning by the pool now. The bees are gonna have me back in side in a very short while. :-( I love a bottom tan line. (The main reason I loved tanning on South Beach.)


They've won. :-( after a 55 minute round of swatting and dancing around. Dang bees.

Nothing worse than biting bugs....sorry you lost to the bees...they don't feel great when you get stung....BUT,   we have summer to look forward to!  YEAH!!

I no longer live in Georgia. I drop in every now and then just to see who's being naughty and nice.
Still the best city in the country for this thing of ours.

Tan lines are very sexy to me. The combo of dark and light is intoxicating to me. Combined with a day in the sun and a few cocktails- when she takes off the bikini I am jello.

reverse imagination.  Bathing suits always get me to wondering what's underneath.  Tan lines get me to wondering what she'd look like in a bathing suit.  Lol.

Had to think about this one because there is something hot about a dark tan on a woman and that untamed part...the contrast on the skin is hot! But......on the other hand an all over tan is also sizzling....alas - can't make a definite choice I consulted with "The Wand" and of course he says how about a double one tan lined one without....oh my what am going to do with him....ha ha ha

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