
Sage words. - eom
ga_kosh 22 Reviews 283 reads


Time for you guys to help out; time to hear some expertise, from both sides.

I have an opportunity to do an overnight duo . . . but do I really want to do that?  It's a steal, but still will but a giant fuckin hole in my hobby stash.  Why pay to LITERALLY SLEEP with two girls?  I'm not planning on sleeping, but I imagine exhaustion will take over at some point and a couple of hours down time might happen.

Should I start as a duo and kick one out, or should I keep them both? First here are some details.  One girl is down for greek, bbbj, cim, daty, dfk, digits, BUT no swallow (which is a super huge bummer dude).  The other does not kiss, does not do greek, and looks amazing, and they switch condoms when girls are switched.  They do go after each other, and play with toys, so strap ons will be in play (for them, I'm no Caitlyn).

I need to know from both sides of the hobby? Guys, have you done one?  What did you do?  Was it worth it? How did you survive two ladies for that long?

Providers, what did you do?  How did you pass that much time?  Was Triva Pursuit involved?  What did you like about your all night threesome (or very long threesome)? What do you wish was done differently?

Lastly, although experience is preferred, I'll take your fantasy, if it's a good idea I'll use it and post back how it went.

I need advice.  I need know if I can fill that much time.  I'll have limited ability to travel, so I can't just hop in a car, probably a taxi.  I'll be in a hotel room, and I can't pack crazy shit, so anything special will have to be acquired there.  In other words, I'll have limited resources, so you can tell me about your dungeon experience, I really don't mind reading it, but it won't be relevant to my trip.

I have about 7 days to decide if I want or can do this, so you can post even if the thread looks stale

First don't sell short the sleeping part, especially having the sleep wake up sex.  When you roll over, find your hand in a snatch and get to wake her up to your daty, or she wakes you up with a bbbj already near explosion, well it leads to very good sex.

Second, The pace is different.  You do not need the frantic instant fuck and rush an hour or two creates. Depends on timing/hours.   If you start at 9pm and everyone needs to be leaving for work by 8am, your wake up sex happens around 5:30 am.  Not really a lot of time to sleep in there.  

Get a couple bottles of champaign, strawberries, whipped cream.  Play a little bit of blind man bluff with the sheet as a tent over the players and strict no peeking rules, lol.  Heck imitate an Oreo cookie for spoon sleeping, just watch out for the strap on

Not sure about the duo, sorry.  I think it all depends on the chemistry with the ladies.  I had a triple once and the day chemistry was great.  Probably one of my most memorable dates ever, and that was only for 2-3 hours.    

I would ask te girls their thoughts.  Have absolute understanding of the sleep rules.  I saw one that mandated no touch for 8 hour block.  That was a rip off.  But if you all can function sleep lite with catnaps, it's a great time

If price is reasonable, I would say do it.  I quit doing over items when rates jumped over a grand, but they used to be my favorites

I've done overnights before, but they were in foreign lands with foreign women, and there was a huge language barrier, so I don't think they count.  BUT yes, I had an overnight with one girl that slept a SOLID 8 hrs . . . WTF!  We had a great session before and after sleep time, but that was 2 rounds in 24hrs . . . so I'm wary.

The other was a catnap girl, I set an alarm for every 90min, woke up and went at it., but she was down for that.

Thanks for the input.

He has more overnight experience than, me, but if you exclude foreign countries he may be a virgin, lol

Key point, talk to all parties in advance,  if the one is true lesbian, you will have little joy from her, but she may be the catalyst to rev up other lady.

Like all dates, ymmv.  Best guidance, do an hour with each first, if chemistry feels right, blow the big wad.

Have fun JC

Never done one. I would suggest having together time, having them go at it while you watch, and having some one on one.  

Why not do some of everything? Use them to get you worked up in between by you watching them play together, then when ready and energized back up, hop on in!

Maybe throw in some mutual massages too.

You really have quite a bit of time, so although you want a plan... keep it lose and go with the moment.

Don't back out. Go for it and enjoy. If nothing else, I am sure they will guide you or have a plan.

GaGambler748 reads

is to discuss expectations from all three parties involved, especially the lady who won't even kiss. I seriously doubt that the lady that won't kiss is going to tolerate getting fucked all night either, very few women really like to get fucked all night, especially women who are less than GFE to begin with.

You should ask what the ladies expectations are regarding play time, sleep time, BCD activities and outside activities, (drinking, dining etc) I would hate for your fantasy date to be spoiled by finding out at the last minute that one or both of your dates expect to get a good night's sleep on your dime.

I have done a lot of dates like this, sometimes it was with a bi playmate where we invited a girl for both of us to play with for a couple of hours before sending her home and spending the rest of the evening together one on one. I also remember rather fondly  spending a long weekend with two hotties at the beach that happened as a "spur of the moment" thing.

There is no one right or wrong answer here, just make sure that especially if this is going to put a "giant hole" into your hobby budget, that you make sure you are all on the same page going in.

Just out of curiosity, why are you thinking about spending all night with a woman who won't even kiss you? It's your business of course, but don't you think that if you are going to blow as much money as this will most likely cost, that BOTH ladies should be GFE?

One last thing. Switching condoms each and every time you change partners can be a HUGE mood killer, especially a couple of hours into the session when your stamina starts getting tested. I would strongly recommend you ask the ladies if they will consider female condoms. Trust me, your time will be GREATLY enhanced by doing so.

The non-GFE is an affiliated girl with the main girl that I'm after.  The main girl has a good menu and good reputation, so I don't think she's a performance risk; she has a great hourly, duo and overnight rate, and it turns out her friend, when working with her is the same rate.  So, I'm only considering the non-GFE because she looks great, loves to fuck her girlfriend, and has a great rate.  I'm only considering overnight because the incremental cost is so low, they cap out at their 5 hour duo rate; which has me thinking that if I can swing the timing, then I could cross this off my list.  Under normal circumstances I would not see the non-GFE; however, in this instance I am viewing her as a live sex toy that accompanies and enhances the girl I'm actually after.  BUT your point is an important one, I think you're right, she probably would not be up for an up-all-night-fuck-a-thon.

I was thinking female condoms as well.  I've never used one before, but it seems ideal for this situation.  BTW, do you know if they make a female condom for both holes, or is it just the one?

You're right, I will need to break out my legal writing skills and spell out in detail what the expectations are for services, time and sleep.  If I get enough right answers, I'll go for it; otherwise maybe a shorter date.

BTW, you fuck a lot (a minor understatement), what did you do to pass the time for your overnighters?  Was it plain vanilla, or did you get creative?  I'm thinking, there is a lot that can be done with two ladies, but I run out of stuff after hour 4.

GaGambler282 reads

Most of my "extended dates" were some kind of "lets get drunk and screw" type of dates.

It's amazing how fast time flies when you (and they) forget it's a paid date and you just do the exact same thing as you would do if you weren't paying.

BTW, sexually I am rather vanilla. I like (love) sex, but I don't have to have my sexual partners dress up like a chicken in order to have fun. Some people might find my sexual preferences a bit boring, but I make up for it with volume. lol

if you were seeking gals to dress up like chickens. Just assuming, but maybe some ladies will surprise me :D

Posted By: GaGambler
Most of my "extended dates" were some kind of "lets get drunk and screw" type of dates.  
 It's amazing how fast time flies when you (and they) forget it's a paid date and you just do the exact same thing as you would do if you weren't paying.  
 BTW, sexually I am rather vanilla. I like (love) sex, but I don't have to have my sexual partners dress up like a chicken in order to have fun. Some people might find my sexual preferences a bit boring, but I make up for it with volume. lol

Hi JohnnyCade;

I have done many, many overnights. I have also written about them on other sites.  With that, if I may, my thoughts

1. In whatever circumstances, you are paying too much for you to not get what you want in the way the menu of offered services. I would never do, nor suggest, to press a woman to do something in which she is uncomfortable.  That said, too many providers will offer to you what you want for you to pay for something less than what are really looking for.

2.  Great looks in a woman and outstanding overnight companionship do not always go hand in hand.  In the overnight you want a combination of alignment of offered services that you want, a fit of you two for an overnight evening experience, and some things in common.  Trust me, from hard experience, I have learned that regardless of how well a girl looks, nor how well she fucks, if you two have nothing to talk about - it is one painful evening.

3. My I suggest something?  It sounds like you want a sexfest. nothing wrong with that.  Perhaps a string of 3 or so different ladies visiting you during the evening as outcalls. You don't have to do much and you get more flexibility in your selections.  Also, no worries in the sleep department. Maybe our mutual friends at EF, or Gold,  or JFL could make that happen.

4. On overnights it is considered good form to check with the lady about her limits. Is she expecting for you two to get out of the room for awhile and get some air. Some of my best overnights were in London and a nighttime walk in the park was a great add to the evening.  Also, dinner?  What are her exectations?  Yours? Very important what about being awoken in the night for ask? Early in the morning sex?  Get these mutual expectations clear upfront!!!!!

An example of an overnight fantasy.  I often thought that Ava Raleigh and I would make a good overnight fantasy pairing.  I like to write and she likes to read. Imagine if we were watching the Mississippi River in the dark of night. Now she has high end tastes, but she knows great literature. I am a person of the soil with an advanced education.  I could hold her while she looks out on a darkened night cast upon the Mississippi River, with only bonfires visible on the shorelines. I could explain this is what Mark Twain saw when he wrote Tom Sawyer and then Huckaberry Finn.  To me Twain is the best American author to ever to take pen to paper. Not all agree. But it would be fun to explain it to her.

Another overnight fantasy.  She and I have just finished a ground round. A seriously great round.  To get some air I take her to a place near the area called Bull Frogs Corner.  Now to a girl better suited to the Russian Tea Room in NYC this would seem odd. The restaurant I am thinking of has plastic table cloths, screens for windows, fans for air conditioning. It also has the best BBQ in the entire world.  You go in jeans and you have fun.  Heck, Audrey would have done it.

Now for the expression of my fantasy, at the next meet and greet, Ava will run me down, throw me to the ground, and the gathering will be in shock as she beats the shit out of me.

Why did I mention that example?  Regardless of the advice you get. This is your overnight. Your fantasy. Get girls that make it come true and then do it.

Good luc

Point 3 is a good one, why not just line up many ladies in a row.  Also a good point that if this isn't going to be exactly what I want, or close to, then maybe the larger investment isn't worth it.  I'll keep it in mind

no disrespect

-- Modified on 6/13/2015 6:00:20 PM

Were I you - I would pass on the overnight part of it UNLESS there is some good reason not to - such as a long trip home or too much to drink - or trying to find a cab at o'dark thirty.  In the morning after something like what I did - all of you are just too beat to really hit it.   But at least the police aren't doing road blocks at 8 AM - and I did have a nice wake up...

I knew this was going to turn into a late evening.  In my case, it was really not reasonable for them or me to be on the road that late.  In this particular case, the extra cash was minimal in comparison to the total outlay for the day.  I felt like it was pretty cheap insurance for a DUI.  

My issue with the evening (which started in the mid afternoon) was that I basically started to give out somewhere around 9 pm and completely tapped out somewhere around midnight.  If a double can't wear you out after six hours - they ain't trying... So after midnight - basically just trying to sleep.  

Sleeping with two wonderful women is fun (and I can now cross it off my "list") - but not actually productive in terms of sleep.  I will say that even though both of them were nice and comfy - I really did begin to miss my bed.  I expect they felt the same way.
The idea of "throwing one out" is a non starter in my opinion.  My opinion - you need to treat both of them the same - otherwise you are liable to have issues

Even if you have some down time during your session it will be made up by requiring a stronger chemistry between you and your guest. Especially since your having a duo chemistry and comfortability between all of your guest is important in order to have a great time

Posted By: Johnnycade
Time for you guys to help out; time to hear some expertise, from both sides.  
 I have an opportunity to do an overnight duo . . . but do I really want to do that?  It's a steal, but still will but a giant fuckin hole in my hobby stash.  Why pay to LITERALLY SLEEP with two girls?  I'm not planning on sleeping, but I imagine exhaustion will take over at some point and a couple of hours down time might happen.  
 Should I start as a duo and kick one out, or should I keep them both? First here are some details.  One girl is down for greek, bbbj, cim, daty, dfk, digits, BUT no swallow (which is a super huge bummer dude).  The other does not kiss, does not do greek, and looks amazing, and they switch condoms when girls are switched.  They do go after each other, and play with toys, so strap ons will be in play (for them, I'm no Caitlyn).  
 I need to know from both sides of the hobby? Guys, have you done one?  What did you do?  Was it worth it? How did you survive two ladies for that long?  
 Providers, what did you do?  How did you pass that much time?  Was Triva Pursuit involved?  What did you like about your all night threesome (or very long threesome)? What do you wish was done differently?  
 Lastly, although experience is preferred, I'll take your fantasy, if it's a good idea I'll use it and post back how it went.  
 I need advice.  I need know if I can fill that much time.  I'll have limited ability to travel, so I can't just hop in a car, probably a taxi.  I'll be in a hotel room, and I can't pack crazy shit, so anything special will have to be acquired there.  In other words, I'll have limited resources, so you can tell me about your dungeon experience, I really don't mind reading it, but it won't be relevant to my trip.  
 I have about 7 days to decide if I want or can do this, so you can post even if the thread looks stale.  

You can do a double for overnite at a relatively great rate but still more then you would want to shell out?

If that is the case then yes do the double send one packing after a couple of hours and arrange for a legit cmt to come and give you two a couples massage.  Then hit the hot tub have drinks and catch a lite dinner then fuck each other's brains out again.

Good luck and remember to let us know what happens.

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