
Re:Where did you see this chick??
Road_Warrior 12485 reads

I found this lady via this board. There is no need to call out names for that is here business but I'm sure if you frequent the "socials" you've probably crossed her path.

After the initial phone conversation(s) I sort of dismissed the issue until I was visiting another lady. The topic sort of came up and the other lady confirm what I thought which was that the first lady did indeed have a pimp and then she named a few others who were in the same situation.

I was not lumping any group of lady's into a clique or making a blanket statement. I was just shocked to find that ANY lady operating at this level, as an independent, would need the services of a pimp, driver, business manager, whatever tag you want to put on the guy. I really thought that kind of thing only happened at the street level. Stupid me I guess.

Road_Warrior13340 reads

To my great surprise, I have found out that some of the providers in the area who advertise as independents, support and are supported by Pimps. It may be me being naieve but I would never have thought that an indepent would need the services of a pimp or better yet, be fooled into thinking they needed the services of one. Some of these ladies may not call these leeches Pimps, but instead call then their "drivers" and other phrases. WTF?!?!? I know it should be none of my business but my opinion of a few ladies who have these "arrangements" went way south. One lady in particular wanted to reschedule a visit we hand made because she had to pick up an Escalade for her "Daddy". WTF?!?! Needless to say I politely canceled altogether. I guess Pimps are not just at the street level. Sad.

No disrespect intended, but where did you find this girl?   Don't put us all into this category.  There are many of us that are indepedents...we do it all ourselves, by ourselves, and make it ourselves.  More power to us.  That is how it works.  I can understand, though.  I am sure it happens.  Understand, though.  The true independents are just that...independent.  We have no one to answer to; except ourselves.....Good luck to you...


Road_Warrior12486 reads

I found this lady via this board. There is no need to call out names for that is here business but I'm sure if you frequent the "socials" you've probably crossed her path.

After the initial phone conversation(s) I sort of dismissed the issue until I was visiting another lady. The topic sort of came up and the other lady confirm what I thought which was that the first lady did indeed have a pimp and then she named a few others who were in the same situation.

I was not lumping any group of lady's into a clique or making a blanket statement. I was just shocked to find that ANY lady operating at this level, as an independent, would need the services of a pimp, driver, business manager, whatever tag you want to put on the guy. I really thought that kind of thing only happened at the street level. Stupid me I guess.

LadyRaven13724 reads

I have been doing this in the Atlanta area now for 4 years and have been going to the socials since they started.  I even invited ladies to the first one....NEVER, have I heard of independents having a pimp who went to any of the socials...

Raven xo

If they have a pimp, then they are not an independent.  It was a trick question wasn't it.

brookebutler12111 reads

I happen to know of two particular women who have "husbands/daddies,managers" who they work for.  Yes they are well known. I don't know that I have seen any at a social but I do know that they are on this board and on Eros.  It is incredibly sad to see this happen but it is very sad to see women support thier men. What is even more sad is that many girls have boyfriends who can't support themselves to the lifestyle their girlfriend is used to and eventually they start mooching off of the girl... The girl is the one buying the guy gifts and helping to pay his bills etc...This is actually more common than you would think.  I suppose if a girl can't see it, and the guy takes advantage of her, that cycle will never change.  I think this is just as bad! There are more girls in this situation than you chould shake a stick at. Now I do know there are girls who attend the socials where this is the case....

Having said this, the character of a person whom you see should be just as important as the experience you are looking for.

There are a few of really great women who fit this category, and hopefully you can find the woman that makes you the happiest.

Having fun if Vegas and will be back soon to visit...


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