
Re:One does not have to have a hard body to be "unique"!!!
Teri42 See my TER Reviews 2808 reads

I am glad to hear that you are getting a great response...Some of us may not have your "unique body" but we are proud of the services that we do offer here in Atlanta...One does not have to have a hard body to be "unique in this business". Again I hope you have a great tour in Atlanta!!!


TwoHottt3851 reads

Peighton is available Fri. - Sun. Nov 18th - 20th in Atlanta. Because of her limited availability, she is offering 2 hour minimum duration appointments by pre-booking ONLY.  A 50% deposit will need to be paid in advance via to guarantee your time slot and booking will close on Nov. 11th, so hurry!  You don't want to miss the chance to see this amazing girl with the most amazing body!!!

NO bait and switch or rip-offs here...SatisfaXXXion Guaranteed!!!

Due to our busy schedules, it is hard for us to get online very often. Therefore, we do not accept appointment requests via email. Please call 813-965-5630!!!

Check out lots of pics (that are less than 2 weeks old) and reviews at the link below!!!


GaGambler3890 reads

Actually, she has three pages of reviews, and she works for an agency with hundreds of reviews. I have to confess she's not my type and I don't think I would send a deposit to anyone anyhow, but fair is fair. She does appear to be legit. BTW there are too many beautiful Atlanta girls that I have not seen yet to even consider sending a deposit to an out of towner

TwoHottt3219 reads

We are VERY well known in the Tampa area and have tons of reviews and a great reputation.  And, as it says in my post above to check my site for lots of pics and links to reviews.

When I travel, I ask for a deposit so that I make sure my room and travel expenses will be covered if guys don't show up since my time is so limited and I am only there for 3 days.

Didn't your mother teach you that if you don't have anything nice to say than don't say anything at all and to think before your speak???

-- Modified on 10/28/2005 10:25:12 AM

JohnGraves2614 reads

sure beats getting a J - O - B !

There's nuthin' like getting some of the "high-priced spread", I guess it's chump change to some...

I may be missing the point (some guys wanting something different/strange/exotic, etc.) but with some of these expensive ladies coming to visit, I still bet if ya offer your local ATF a little extra $ or $$ tip she'll give you the time and ride of your life...

I have a b'day coming up in Dec. and that's what I'm gonna do!  Just don't know who with yet.

TwoHottt2397 reads

...the guys sure are a lot nicer in Tampa!  Please tell me why I would come there, pay for a room and gas, book appointments then have some guy I have never met before that may not be legit not show up and then I have wasted my time and money and turned away someone else who may have wanted that time slot???

Wow, you guys sure have not showed me a warm welcome.  I hope other girls who are thinking about touring there see this!  I am now re thinking my trip there and the rest of the guys who did want to see me will have to suffer because of 2 jerks!

-- Modified on 10/28/2005 10:26:23 AM

-- Modified on 10/28/2005 11:21:41 AM

Unless you are talking to God, then leave him out of this.

The guys you speak badly to, have valid points. Show them some reviews or some evidence to where they know you are legit as well. Name calling gets a person nowhere for the most part.

TwoHottt1826 reads

"Show them some reviews or some evidence to where they know you are legit as well"...  I did that, can't you read???

"Name calling gets a person nowhere for the most part"...  That was acting like a jerk by without even knowing me, jumping on me for no valid reason because I do have tons of reviews.

-- Modified on 10/28/2005 11:24:15 AM

sighhhhh..........I see your posts but it's been way too long since I've seen you.

Relax. Take deep breaths. The reason you would come here, paying for a room and gas and book appointments is that this is the business you are in. The competitive nature of the Atlanta marketplace (that is, plenty of 8, 9 and 10 rated girls at prices lower than yours) demands that you take some of the risk. What if, say, I paid you half and then YOU flaked out? It's a little difficult to handle non-performance like that through PayPal.

Come to Atlanta, or don't. That's your call. But your threat not to come is an idle one and certainly does not bode well for the experience you offer.  If you don't come, I'm pretty sure we'll manage.

I would, however, be interested in hearing if anyone actually fronts you half the money. I think you'll be sadly disappointed at the level of response. Maybe not. Good luck!

TwoHottt2561 reads

...and maybe there are girls that ask for less money but none with my unique body who offer certain services I do.

I am glad to hear that you are getting a great response...Some of us may not have your "unique body" but we are proud of the services that we do offer here in Atlanta...One does not have to have a hard body to be "unique in this business". Again I hope you have a great tour in Atlanta!!!


TwoHottt4783 reads

I did not say that anyone has to have a hard body to be unique.  I said that that is MY unique quality.  Is it something in the water in GA that everyone has to put words in peoples mouths and look for reasons to oppose them???

No one is trying to oppose you, I for one hope you have a wonderful tour..I applaud you for the way your body looks, I am sure it takes a lot of time and effort, and you look great!!! All I was suggesting was that you choose your words a little better!!! I am sorry that u have had to go through what you have, BUT there are a lot of wonderful men in Atlanta and it does u no good to keep going back and forth with the thread!! You have men who want to see you while u are here, so move on and enjoy your tour with those gentlemen!!!


Your Hard Body is NOT pretty. I personally would never work with a girl that has a body like yours.
Youre body is just too Niche for me and lacks a broad appeal.
This is not a flame it is just a fact, and My opinion. I applaud you for your efforts and you are allowed your opinion of liking the Hardness to your body. It matches the Hardness to your tongue.
I wish you the best of luck here in ATL and await the reading of your reviews.

tyvm, P.T.

JohnGraves3807 reads

IMHO - YOU'RE the one who's sexy.

Shows how intelligent you are :) :)
Howdy Sir Graves I hope youre well and stuff ?

PT, do I detect a hint of sarcasm? Ya bloody well right ya do. She has no fanny, she's all arse!!!

I hope "other girls who are thinking about touring" would not base their decision on 2 or 3 posts in this thread.  Other providers have traveled here and indeed received a warm welcome.  Tina Pink comes to mind.

TwoHottt3551 reads

Thank you hun for the following email...

"Screw those jerks............There ain't one provider in Atlanta with a hot hardbody that compares to yours.

Between you and me, there's a little clique of hobbiest and providers that post on this board.  So, the responses you got aren't representative of all of us here.

By the way, I used to live in Tampa.......welcome and enjoy your stay."

alias and proud of it1971 reads

Figures.  You get an email from a convicted felon and known provider stalker and take it to heart.  Good luck with THAT visit.

It is unfortunate that this has turned out like this.  She does have quite a few reviews and most of them are pretty good.  It seems that one person either couldn't find her reviews or searched incorrectly and posted an immediate negative remark for others to jump on board with.

Although I would not personally put down a deposit, I completely understand her reasoning for doing so.  Just ask some of our Atlanta ladies how many times they have been stood up while visiting other cities...  Guys, even if you are not a person that has done this, guess what, it happens often.

With that, let's try to encourage other city's providers to visit (we all love a little variety) and let's treat them with the same respect we show Atlanta's own.

I welcome you to Atlanta.  

I did look at your site.  I for one found you VERY attractive...Your rates are compareable to other ladies around.  

So welcome to Atlanta if you choose to come here.  I would love to meet a new friend.  I have never been to Tampa but I do LOVE Orlando.


What is quite pathetic is that there is no reason to complain about a provider's payment policies.  You need to only simply not see that provider.  If her policies are wrong, supply and demand will take hold as others will do the same and she will be forced to change. My guess, however, is she will do quite fine without you.


we need to welcome her.  I am not thrilled about a deposit...but she seems like a sweet girl.  I have been wanting to see her for some time...based on her fit/hard body and good reviews.  To each his own.  I'm hoping she has a great time and visits.  I haven't read all the exchanges btween people...but i am wanting her to visit.

Oh, to funny!!! As soon as looked at the photo gallery, I thought of you. ...And look your already on it.
Kisses, AF ;)

She does have very good definition! Good quads, six-pack, upper body, etc.
However, I do agree with most of the hobbyists, a 50% deposit is a little much.
I've been stung a couple times out of about 75 appointments, and even if you lose a couple bills, it is maddening and you never want to take a chance again.
I'm sure you may be a terrific provider, but that has nothing to do with character.
One of the best providers that I've been with, was the worst damned flake you'd ever come across. She was never on time, unreliable, and unpredictable.
I'm not casting aspersions, but by the same token, I'm not willing to take a chance!

Guys if you do not want to do business with her than that is your perogative. It does sound a little odd having to pay 50% up front and there are no reviews. Maybe no one will call her. Maybe some one will call her and either have a great time or get ripped off. Either way they should at least let us know.  One thing is for sure is that this woman has really spent some time in the gym and should be commended for all the effort she has put into her body. Not my type but ya' gotta give credit for that bod!!!
just my 2cents... Happy Halloween--- mo414

TwoHottt3222 reads

This has gotten so out of hand!  It is just so wrong that all I did was post an ad and now my day has been ruined and my feelings hurt!

I want to say thank you to the girls and guys who have said nice things in my defense.  And, to the people who bashed me... if I am not your thing or sending a deposit is not your thing, then see someone else and keep your comments to yourself.  I have received 3 deposits in the last 2 hours so you have not swayed everyone from seeing me and those gentleman will be VERY satisfied and hopefully they will post reviews afterwards and you guys will see what you missed out on.

Also, if you want to do some research, the guys that saw me while I was in NY ALL sent me deposits upfront (amongst MANY others) and did NOT get ripped off, so why don't you email them to their TER name in my reviews section and get your question answered before you accuse me of something that is untrue!!!

The most ridiculous thing about this thread is it got started by a lie and someone saying I had no reviews and was unknown.  Why don't you guys blow up over something that is true and quit wasting your time!

Your reviews and reputation will speak for themselves, but the one thing I have learned in the 6 yrs I have been in the business is that it doesn't do you any good to become defensive and bash clients here on the boards. We have a lot of wonderful men here in Atlanta and you will find that out if you decide to visit. But when one becomes defensive and rude, there may have been guys that would have wanted to see you, but when one shows their personality then it tends to change the mind of the ones who did want to see you in the first place. I am not trying to bash you just trying to give some advice to make your tour that much more enjoyable. Don't keep adding fuel to the fire by bantering back and forth.

Have a wonderful tour and enjoy yourself with the wonderful men of Atlanta who have chosen to see you!!! If you need any references or help feel free to email me or call me....

Welcome to Atlanta!!


Let me know if I can do anything for you while you're here (pick you up from the airport or give you a lift or a reference!) I hope you enjoy your time with us despite anything that has happened here on the board.


[email protected]

GaGambler3555 reads

That is exactly the point I was trying to make. Maybe it will carry more weight coming from another well respected provider.

Let us all be kinder to this lady. She's trying to make a living just as we all are, whether we be providers or hobbyists. It's a tough world out there, and she will be a success or a failure, based on her performance or personality!
Let's give her a break.
Come on up sweetie, cool down and kiss and forget all these pros and cons. After a few days, you may become the best thing that hit  ATL or the worst thing. Make believe that you will be successful, put a smile on your face, and listen to the resident providers who know the market, and are holding out the welcome mat for you. The risk should be yours, not ours!!!
Kisses, sweetie, now go out there and give 'em hell!!!

Hey Teri, although i have been wiyh u only-something I need tp rectify- u r not only Sensuous and Sexy, u r also so Sensible. Looking forward to seeing u again:D

csk3332339 reads

I live in Las Vegas and have traveled to places like Japan, Korea and Australia and have used the services of many escorts.  For those of you living in Atlanta if you don't want to use this young woman's services then you should offer no opinions.  If another man is willing to send her a deposit (by the way for high end escorts like Heather Scott of Los Angeles with rates of $1000 per hour and a 3 hour min., desposits are a normal way of duing business) then why are you concerned.  Peighton, maybe you should visit Las Vegas or Los Angeles where $300 dollars is not money some "red-neck" has to scrape together out of his penny jar.  By-pass Atlanta and come to the real world.  And yes fellows I've visited Atlanta and the southern part of the US scores of times.  I was born and raised in Southern Louisiana and served in the military stationed in many southern states.

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