
Anyone know Cameille ?
clubbest 9 Reviews 8375 reads

I am drooling at her pics, but a little hesitant with no reviews. She does advertise doubles with Vivica Rayy... is that a good thing ?

R5JQL39511 reads

-- Modified on 4/23/2007 6:14:18 PM

sweetc111167 reads

This is Cameille now known as Cameille Alexis...I did have reviews on TER a long while ago;maybe three or four months ago when I was vey new in the game.They were pretty good reviews,much like the reviews on the other board;however I was a little taken aback by the explicitness of the details on the reviews.I had never seen my intimate activities written down in that manner.
I didn't have myself immediately removed at that time.What ended up making me decide to remove my reviews was 1 bad review which shocked me even more because I deemed it unfair.That was the first time I had not gotten along with a client & I felt it to be a personal attack & a defamation of character so I jumped the gun & removed myself from the board.
As we all know once a young lady removes herself or is removed it's hard to get back in the TER game.So,basically until they decide to allow me to be reviewed again I'm only reviewable on the other board.
It's up to the individual to use their own judgement as to whether they think they will enjoy their time with me.All I can say for myself is I have had a 99% rating of good experiences with my clients and a very good number of return clientelle.You'll have to be the judge after that as I don't intend to toot my own horn but I take what I do seriously & feel it is important for anyone who is in my company to enjoy their time with me.Maybe some of my past clientelle will back me up on this...Ta Ta for now.Cameille Alexis

atl_mgr10712 reads

Cameille is a real sweetheart, and I was very disapointed to be unable to review her here recently after an excellent encounter (I tried, but it was denied due to provider being delisted).  I did see some of the early reviews, and they led to my making the decision to see her.  There was also one that slipped in a few weeks ago, but was quickly pulled.

B/C me if you'd like more info; my review is still listed in my portfolio.  Cameille, please send TER Support an email and tell them you'd like to be re-listed!

R5JQL310178 reads

-- Modified on 4/23/2007 6:14:39 PM

sweetc18898 reads

Your welcome darlin.You know how many ladies new to the game make that error of jumping to conclusions & taking things personally when they first learn about the boards & I'll have to admit I was one of them.
Like I said,though I was initially uncomfortable with the review thing I didn't remove them right off because they were high ratings But I really couldn't take it when I got what I felt as a personal attack from a difficult client,especially when I feel I made the effort to accomidate him.But that's the risk you take when you have an occupation that relys on ratings;you may get some bad press from time to time.I'm just learning that.
But I have to say that it get's really hectic when you have great reviews on TER & it was a little overwhelming.I barely had time to breathe with the reviews I had.The point of most escorts becoming escorts in the first place is to iron out the finances in their personal life & to do this,of course you have to make money.But when you are in such high demand that you have difficulty finding the time to run your daily errands to do this because people are upset that you can't see them on a particular day or time;that's when it get's ridiculous & you start to feel like a revolving door.
Though it feels great to be highly reccomended,you guys have to realize we all need our 'real life' time also.I love TER & have nothing against them & have never threatened or spoken ill of them.If you notice there is a TER symbol on the front page of my site.
I do not,however have a membership so I cannot read my private mail right now,which may have something to do with why I am not allowed to be posted for review again....I'm not sure.Maybe I should get a membership & see what happens?TA TA for now.Cameille Alexis

-- Modified on 9/26/2003 4:22:20 PM

atlantanoah9387 reads

Although i have only had the chance to see Cameille once i would definitely recommend her. She is a very friendly, laid-back person and is as pretty and sexy in person as her pictures. I too was hesitant because her pictures looked too good to be true but was more than pleasantly surprised.

If her performance is anywhere close to Vivica's then this girl would be a find.

I can vouch for her; she's terrific!

uroy9991 reads

I don't think you have a thing to worry about if you think you'd like to see Cameille - she has been everything her website promises and more when I've seen her.  See my review on TBD.    I've been a lurker on this board for some time but a question about Cameille is enough to draw me out of the woodwork.  You won't go wrong with her.

Ozymandias9443 reads

I posted one of Cameille's super-good reviews... I have had the pleasure of seeing her a couple of times, and she definitely merits 10s across the board - one of the best providers out there, even if she charged twice as much.

Hmmm, its been awhile... may need to make a call

(or as Cameille knows me, M.F.)

sweetc110215 reads

Long time no hear from.
Thanks to those who backed me up on my word.There are a lot of wonderful providers out there & a lot who just don't give a damn;I guess that goes for both providers & hobbiests.
I'd hate to be seen as one of those who just don't give a damn because I realize how fortunate we are to all have a forum where we can all connect.It's important to be a quality provider or at least to try your best to be.
Because of this I have received quality clients & I'd have it no other way.It's hard to weed out the jerks in this biz on both ends,but when you are able to the rewards are great.
Hey,M.F.;it Has been a little while.I was getting used to seeing your face.Hope to hear from you soon.May be skipping town soon.Send me a shout out.Ta Ta for now.

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