
Re: Well said beautiful! ! Happy 4th everyone!
Windstorm 187 reads

Don't drink and drive. You could save yourself a lot of hassle, time and money... and you might save your own life, or that of another.  It's just not worth it!!!
Set off some fireworks, but be mindful of our combat veterans who may live nearby....

and A BIG THANK YOU TO OUR SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN for our Independence and Thank you Danica for the safe wishes

This Independence Day, let's remember what we are celebrating, reflect on all those who have preserved our freedom with great sacrifice, and contemplate what we must do to defend our right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness for future generations. God bless us all!

Girl I want to blast some fireworks all over those gorgeous nipples of yours!!! Happy 4th indeed!  
Hugs and kisses

Well Said Danica. We can all use a PSA reminder especially on these long weekends where one might partake in a cocktail or two. There aren't enough thanks to go around to our vets for all their sacrifices. I'm 27 now but just a few years ago, I remember trying to comprehend the fact that our vets were returning home at 24 years old with potentially 6 years of wartime service under their belt.  

I guess I never will understand the magnitude of their experiences, but nonetheless I am forever grateful. Enjoy your U.S. blues this weekend(and everyday for that matter)

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