
Re: Ultimately it's just a business decision
bigjoe2002 55 Reviews 361 reads

I agree man with your statement.

the "No Black Men" policy?  I guess this is question is more so for providers. I see this often and I wonder why some ladies enforce this policy.

People are racist (we live in a society that is built on white supremacy and almost all of us inherit racist mindsets without even being aware of it), and unlike in most industries, which are regulated against racial discrimination, in this industry there is no one to sue you for engaging in racist business practices.

This conversation is had often, and there is a strong sentiment that a provider should be able to discriminate because it's her body... blah blah blah.  I definitely agree that no one should be forced to meet anyone who they do not feel comfortable meeting.  But that doesn't make it any less racist when someone decides that all men of X race are men that she does not want to meet.  If you don't think that there's anything wrong with being racist then I suppose there's nothing "wrong" with that.  Personally, I refuse to do business with anyone who has this type of policy.

In an unregulated market, the dynamics of the market will reflect the dynamics of society.  Our society is full of racism... does it surprise anyone that the provider market is full of racism too?

I am very selective about who I will meet and the type of way they must approach me to earn my consideration.  However, someone's race is never a factor in my considerations.

Do you eat every vegetable? meat, fish and what not. Most people don’t because they prefer not to!

FunProvider588 reads

You're comparing the TASTE of something to a set of people of the same color with different personalities. Most people don't eat those things because they don't like the taste of it, and pretty much no matter how you cook it, broccoli will still taste like broccoli. You can not compare that to discriminating against a whole race (a race that is made up of many different personalities, traits and vary from individual to individual) just because the color of their skin. But then again, when something does not negatively affect us, it's easy to just rule it out as "get over it and stop whining."

Posted By: anonymousfun
Do you eat every vegetable? meat, fish and what not. Most people don’t because they prefer not to!

Fkital455 reads

Hope this doesn't read like a flame....I respect the post.  However, I feel there is some rebuttal due.

Here's the mentality.  
I don't like guns, therefore NO ONE should have guns.

I believe a woman should be allowed to do with, and use her body as she sees fit as long as no one is getting hurt.  (Hence the hobby I choose, or the abortion I opt for)
I don't believe that I should be allowed to decide with WHOM I do any of those things I so emphatically believe I have the right to do.  

Am I the only one who sees the blatant hypocrisy?  Personally, I don't care who does whom as long as both..or more participants are happy to be there.
I also don't care who prefers to see what race.  Because that too is a personal choice.  You can't have it both ways, either you get your choice or you don't. And if so, then the next lady gets her choice too, and you have to let it be. You don't have to like it, you don't have to agree...but its her choice.  Or do they only have the right to the choice that you agree with?

BTW, I note you don't do business with anyone who won't do business with anyone.  Your choice.  Make it proudly and live with the fall out if there is any.  

Racism is alive, not nearly as much as it was 30 years ago, believe me I know.  While it has improved, it has a ways to go to be what we probably all want and would feel proud of as a nation. But the blanket statement put out here, (Sorry, I haven't met Zoey and I'm sure she honest and sweet, but I see this statement as a little naive) and a whole hell of a lot INTOLERANT.  To assume you see beyond the words and have some particular insight into any lady who has posted this statement is kind of impressive...or assumptive.  Further it assumes anyone cares (Though I respect your willingness to post)

The fact it is doesn't matter why women make that rule.  Either we believe women have a choice...or we don't.   It isn't patently racist or prejudiced because we don't know their motivations.  For the record...I have a preference for brunettes and auburn hair...should I be ousted from the hobby because I don't typically call girls who don't fit that description?  

I find it ironic as hell that the post preaches tolerance and a completely intolerant and judgmental way

Porn stereotypes have influenced a lot of ladies! Did for me at first!

BBCs freaked me out! Like really what in the world am I going to do with that! Lol. It seems that most of the black guys in porn are WAY above average and if someone doesn't know any better (as they have never experienced them) then what else do they to go off of?

BTW- I now know that it does not matter what race you are, then are all shapes and sizes of cocks out there. I am now equal opportunity and you would be surprised how many stereotypes are not true (sometimes they are- but not all the time by any means!)

I also know we all just have our own tastes and that's ok too! :)

-- Modified on 4/16/2015 4:06:28 PM

Some on BP are because they have a black pimp and he dont want other pimps moving in on his turf.

Had a black girl many yrs ago would only see  white guys,i asked why?she did not want anyone who might know her show up..

I have heard that some may have gotten beaten by a certain race( so they have some trauma about that)

Its not always a racist thing...

I am old school and believe it is their body and their business who they see and really not any concern to me..

There is a provider on here that i would love to see but i do not fit her criteria,even if she changed her mind i would know deep down she is not enjoying my visit i just move on..

I've seen that a lot to and many are black females. I always wondered why that was

I have had bad experiences from all groups. There are bad apples everywhere. I definitely understand if a lady doesn't want to deal with a BBC, there is just no way to know for sure until it's in front of you.

The Ladies can see who ever they want.If they want to see only left handed people so what. If she has that policy the guy needs to move on -their are far more ladies without that policy than with it.Cheers

Just kidding, I don't feel like being a jerk at the moment. :D

I don't know exactly why other ladies have this policy... it can range in all sorts of directions, including, yes racism. That is not always the reason though.

I don't put my policy up regarding this because I am open to meeting educated, hard working gentlemen of any race. Unfortunately from my experiences prior to setting up an appt (and not seeing them because they didn't fit what I am willing to see) most AA guys do not come across as being proper or polite. I still refuse to put up a disclaimer because I am willing to meet some and they have been great. That is few and far in between though, from the ones that contact me. I do not see anyone who can't hold a normal conversation without jamming slang in there. Also I have turned down AA guys I was willing to meet because I did ask (as I do with others) if they had big d!cks. I don't see guys that are too big.

I don't know but I assume some ladies just don't like the headaches most AA guys give.

JimiJump463 reads

I was just talking about this very same issue with a white dude the other day. As a 32-year-old college educated black man, its not really a big deal to me if girls refuse service to someone because of their skin color. It's like that old joke Chris Rock said about when women listen to hip-hop music that's misogynistic. They aren't talking about me in particular, so no offense taken. And if its due to us having big dicks, I will gladly accept that stereotype lol. The only problem I have is the fact that AA men aren't the only ones that abuse women. Full disclosure: I've been around crazy and violent people of all colors.  

The guy I was emailing told me its usually due to safety issues. Which I understand totally, but please be clear: Scumbags are scumbags, no matter the skin they're in. I attended a predominantly white university (in the south, no less), and when I was an undergrad, I'd go to the campus bars. It was always a dress code (which I understand), but what I couldn't understand was some people getting turned away at the door because they had dreadlocks or because they "looked like the wrong element" (gotta love those thinly-veiled statements with racial undertones!). Needless to say, when I saw that happen, that bar didn't get another dime from me (sucks for them, because I drank like a fish back then.) But the funniest part, when I went to that same bar before all of that happened, there were 2 fights. Both involving liquored up frat-boys that were (wait for it).....WHITE.  

Bottom line: Hobbying is already enough of a risk, so no need to make it any more complicated. I just found TER last month, and I'm already planning to have my first provider around mid-June, when I (finally) have some free time. A couple girls I have my eye on don't seem to have any issues with black men, but I won't know until I ask. And like I said to the white guy in the email, any woman that doesn't want to see me primarily due to my skin color, its safe to say we probably don't have much in common.

@veronicanuru thank you for starting this thread so I didn't have to go look for one that happened lol. And SALUTE to all the equal opportunity ladies in this thread, on this board, and all over TER. Have a safe weekend everybody.

JimiJump373 reads

@AlexandraMilW One last thing. How big is too big? Just want to see where I stand, if you catch my drift.

Fkital309 reads

Yeah, what he said.  I too have seen poor excuses for men with absolutely no relevance to color.  In college (Where I too drank like a fish) and in the Army (where I too, drank like a fish).  I was raised in the south and am old enough to understand the institutional racism of the 60s and 70s v. today.  Preference is just that, PREFERENCE, don't make it about more than it is.  We have enough to deal with along with the real issues of today...we don't need to add more to the shitpile.  This hobby is an escape...but I welcome the discourse and debate.

Posted By: JimiJump
I was just talking about this very same issue with a white dude the other day. As a 32-year-old college educated black man, its not really a big deal to me if girls refuse service to someone because of their skin color. It's like that old joke Chris Rock said about when women listen to hip-hop music that's misogynistic. They aren't talking about me in particular, so no offense taken. And if its due to us having big dicks, I will gladly accept that stereotype lol. The only problem I have is the fact that AA men aren't the only ones that abuse women. Full disclosure: I've been around crazy and violent people of all colors.    
 The guy I was emailing told me its usually due to safety issues. Which I understand totally, but please be clear: Scumbags are scumbags, no matter the skin they're in. I attended a predominantly white university (in the south, no less), and when I was an undergrad, I'd go to the campus bars. It was always a dress code (which I understand), but what I couldn't understand was some people getting turned away at the door because they had dreadlocks or because they "looked like the wrong element" (gotta love those thinly-veiled statements with racial undertones!). Needless to say, when I saw that happen, that bar didn't get another dime from me (sucks for them, because I drank like a fish back then.) But the funniest part, when I went to that same bar before all of that happened, there were 2 fights. Both involving liquored up frat-boys that were (wait for it).....WHITE.  
 Bottom line: Hobbying is already enough of a risk, so no need to make it any more complicated. I just found TER last month, and I'm already planning to have my first provider around mid-June, when I (finally) have some free time. A couple girls I have my eye on don't seem to have any issues with black men, but I won't know until I ask. And like I said to the white guy in the email, any woman that doesn't want to see me primarily due to my skin color, its safe to say we probably don't have much in common.  
 @veronicanuru thank you for starting this thread so I didn't have to go look for one that happened lol. And SALUTE to all the equal opportunity ladies in this thread, on this board, and all over TER. Have a safe weekend everybody.

No problem JimiJump, I was always just curious to know why.

I wasn't going to post on this subject because eventually someone going to take the post out of context. However, I am compelled to respond because for one: knowledge is power and best to get understand in all points of view. Plus, we as a society needs to have a civil dialog to see what each party perspective is.

Ok I am going to give a general perspective first and then my own personal as an individual of character and as an AA society. A Woman has the utmost right to refuse service based upon whatever reason. Is it right? That depends upon which side you asked. Personally, they have their reserved reason. However, a provider has to be careful in the hobby on who to invite in their personal space. I mean each and everyone of us have to be careful based upon setup, STD and etc....

When I first started in the hobby, I was browsing BP and Craigslist. I seen providers post no BM or AA. Then, I see providers post no brown males. The ironic I found is some providers post no WM. At first, I was disappointed and distrubed because I thought that racism is still an element in our society today . However, then I find this even in the strip club scene and AMP. I then decided to do research and found that it isn't exactly raciam bias. There are factors such as visual misrepresentation, sterotype mischaracterization, pimy involvement, spouse involvement, discrimination, tramatic experience,  and other factors. In some instances, media driven bring a few factors but in a few of these issues some of AA society brought it up. Based upon the visual things seen on the news about gang and robbery and etc... for instance in New Orleans when Hurricane Katrina had hit. There were several AA looting and breaking into the stores and hurting people that people got scared of their lives. Also, media bring us in a negative light like on BET. I myself don't allow race to be my crutch. Alot of times my character representation and my personality allows me to see a lot of the great and wonderful  providers in atlanta. Like the saying goes: Respect carries a person long ways. If by my character and personality, the provider don't want to see me, I moved on to someone else because I might be on person trash but another man's treasure.

I like ladies of all shapes, sizes, colors, and flavors so I've never had any issues with having a certain type.  Kind of the opposite, I guess I really like variety/diversity.  What better way to get to know someone who isn't your same racial/ethnic/geopolitical/spiritual type than to spend some time in bed with them?  LOL.

But for ladies in the profession I understand there are many things to consider.  I think of it as a business targeting a certain demographic market.  It is absolutely their right to do so.  In a business context I think everyone can agree on that.  But, I also understand when decisions start being made based on skin color we have a lot of emotional baggage in this country (particularly in the south) that can come along with it.

But another demographic example I would like to point out is that many ladies won't see young men of any race.  I don't have that problem anymore (damn it - lol) but years ago I did get the occasional turn down of a date because I was too young.  I didn't necessarily like it, but since there was nothing to be done about it, I just went to the next hottie on my list.  So, everyone has their own rules/demographic for whatever reasons and it's highly unlikely that you will change their position.

That said, I do appreciate the discussion (especially the AA gents sharing and speaking their peace).  If nothing else comes of it I think it's always good to hear both sides of a story.  Often times it doesn't change the way things are but having some perspective in life is always a good thing.

-- Modified on 4/17/2015 4:26:07 PM

Some ladies have minimum or maximum age requirements. Others don't want to see gents who have something in their profile regarding PSE.  

Some don't like to see 'serial reviewers' and some won't see newbies. There are plenty of other things that might raise a 'red flag' to a provider.

I could go on and on but this is strictly my opinion. Have a great weekend all!

As well as the "pimp encroachment"  and personal preference concerns,  in conversation with girls who post this, there are 2 main theme that seems to recur -  

Some black guys apparently try to negotiate the price down - once they are there.  

Secondly, some black guys want their pound of flesh - or more accurately, they want to "pound their flesh" hard and for the full time. They want their money's worth.

I think many girls (like guys) want to avoid any and all drama wherever possible. Girls I have spoken to tell me that - in general - their is more drama with (some) black guys and therefore they choose not to see any AA guys.

Lots of generalizations, but what I have heard.

Dang, that ment me.  I
I so wanted to call and see if they had a body mass index threshold, weight limit, or if you needed to have certain qualification time for the marathon, but decided my asshole index wasn't high enough, so scheduled time with an old atf from years ago and was quite happy.

It was my first time seeing that limit.   The ladies were really cute, and I was honestly miffed.  So I now have a small taste of this discrimination, and honestly it was not fun.  I cannot even guess how it must irk you over something like genetics, to be excluded.  At least in theory I can lose weight, you can't change race.

Another one you see a lot is an age base cutoff, say no one under 35.  Okay another broad based generalization that certain experiences apply to all members of that class.  Probably equally wrong.  But you can eventually grow out of the age bracket, if not the behavior.  

Why don't you just put in the add - no assholes, prinks, or ".......     maybe that would be enough to self screen

JimiJump312 reads

Damn bro that's messed up. Can't believe ladies are fat-shaming now.  But that's LA for you. Even Santa Claus would diet if he lived out there....

GaGambler352 reads

Now you've gone too far. Take it back!!! lol

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