
Re: My numbers all go to eleven...
electr0nsrealm 45 Reviews 1813 reads
1 / 21

What's an HSI?  Why - Hobby Satisfaction Index, of course.  It's an indication of how happy you are with this little hobby of ours.  On a scale from 1 to 10, what's yours?

To set rating baselines:

1 means - I'm going to get thee...  uh, I mean me... to a nunnery as I'm not cut out for this lifestyle at all.  This hobby thing sucks, I'm outta here.

10 means - This is the awesomest thing ever.  I have achieved nirvana.  Or at least certain parts of my body have (the really important parts).  ;-)

In light of some recent sour grape posts I've read I wanted to see what people think on this topic.  Boys and girls alike are welcome to respond.  Tell us your HSI, how long you've been in the hobby (if you're comfortable), and what kinds of things factor into your particular number.  Gents - do you like the thrill of the chase or a sure thing?  Are you a gambler (not THE Gambler)?  Do you like finding that diamond in the rough?  Ladies, what makes your HSI and pulse go up?  Excitement? Regular clients?  New experiences?

Ok, I'll start.

Some unnecessary background info...  I began my hobby journey about 30 years ago, had a hiatus or three (hiatuses?, hiatii?) adding up to about 5 years, so I'd say about 25 years of actual hobby experience under my belt.  Under my belt.  LOL.

My HSI I would say is about an 8.  I am highly satisfied.  At different parts in my hobby career that number could have been much different.  In the early days (before TER) I didn't know what I wanted (except just to get laid of course) and the hobby world was very TOFTT.  But the team consisted of one - you.  LOL.  Or maybe you and a couple of buddies if you were lucky (to share intel with).

But my TOFTT days are long behind me.  Now - with the help of TER and (a slight amount of) maturity I can research a lady and have a very high degree of confidence that she and I will hit it off right out of the gate.  So, knowing myself and having the right hobby tools at my fingertips are extremely beneficial to my hobby satisfaction index (HSI).

I would assume most folks (providers and clients) have a fairly high HSI otherwise they probably wouldn't be participating on this board.  But from my personal experience I would say when my HSI is at a low point I might be suffering from one of the following symptoms...

1) You may be having a run of bad luck.  Slumps happen.  Either take a break or keep getting back on that horse.  Or let her get on top of you.  Your call.  LOL.

2) You may be burnt out.  You may just need a different mental, emotional, or physical high than what the hobby can give.  Take a break and travel, scuba dive, go see some great art.  Change things up for a while.  The hobby will call you back when you're ready.  Or it won't.  Either way is ok.

3) Change your expectations.  Sometimes we want more (or something different) than what the hobby can actually give.  Sometimes just getting laid is enough, sometimes it isn't.  But you have to ask yourself why you're in this hobby and what you can reasonably achieve by participating in it.  Realistic expectations are helpful here.  And always.

4) The hobby isn't a cure all.  Getting laid regularly and well can cure many ills, but it won't make you happy or complete if there is a larger problem to deal with.  Don't use it to run away.  Much like other forms of addiction, the hobby can be a crutch of sorts in helping us not deal with reality.  But it can always be a very nice temporary break from our stressful, demanding lives.  A wonderful rendezvous can also reenergize and refocus us gents on what is important - and what we need to deal with.  In that other (real) world.

Since the board has been so dead - here's something to hopefully get some discussions going.  Now's your chance!

PS:  In full disclosure I did just totally make up the "HSI" thing.  Because it seemed interesting.  And I thought it might be a good discussion topic.  And I was bored.  
Ok, mainly because I was bored.

But I'd still like to see your answers anyway

TaylorMorgan1 See my TER Reviews 931 reads
2 / 21

I would say my HSI is a 9, I am incredibly satisfied.

I've been in the hobby for about 5 years..  I started at 18 as a sensual masseuse and continued that way until early this year when I decided to include fs as well. I'd considered doing fs for a long time before making the switch, but I was really hesitant because I thought I'd have to experience sexual personalities that I just wouldn't enjoy. Honestly, my assumption was that many/most? of the guys that I'd meet would be aggressive, dismissive, rough with me..  and I'd be terribly unhappy.

My reality has been the exact opposite of that. I've met some of the most passionate, sensual, gentle men in the past few months. Some have written the most lovely reviews for me (including you, electr0nsrealm, thank you :)) and I really feel like I'm experiencing a whole new world, even though I've been a part of it for a long time. I've gone to Meet and Greets and made awesome friendships. There are a few people that I've become really close to and I talk to them so often and see them pretty often too ( Ava Raleigh, and others ;)).  

So, I'm incredibly satisfied, sexually, financially, friendshiply?. If Tom Hardy or Idris Elba decide they'd like to book me, it would be a 10 lol.

foguete69 38 Reviews 624 reads
3 / 21

If I had to say I would say I'm satisfied.  Maybe an 8.  Wish I could do more.
I also look at the Hobby as not just doing the hookup with providers that have reviews
and advertise but I also lick to go for the pick up when I am on the road....Will be in Miami next week....Hmmmm.  Strip clubs count as well as amps if your into that type of fun.

mongo19621954 22 Reviews 757 reads
4 / 21

I have enjoyed this summer - and got to cross entire pages off my bucket list but I HAVE got to take a break.  Just getting way too jaded for my own good.....  oh - BTW - Thanks girls!  You rock

electr0nsrealm 45 Reviews 818 reads
5 / 21

Thank you for the compliment Miss Morgan.  And the review was absolutely my pleasure.  As was everything else.  ;-)

It is wonderful the hobby seems to be treating you well.  And I am very happy your clients are acting like proper Southern Gentlemen.  You seem to have a great outlook on life, which is always refreshing to see.

From personal experience a good attitude will carry you far in this world.  Don't you prefer to work, play, and socialize with people that really enjoy what they do?  A provider (or client) can have excellent technique but without the right perspective, the magic probably won't happen.  So having a good outlook will benefit not only yourself, but the ones around you as well.

Like I always say - the top three things I look for in a provider are 1) attitude, 2) attitude, and 3) attitude.

Thank you for sharing your story, Miss Morgan.  As usual, your thoughts are well worded, thoughtful, and honest.
Posted By: TaylorMorgan1
I would say my HSI is a 9, I am incredibly satisfied.  
 I've been in the hobby for about 5 years..  I started at 18 as a sensual masseuse and continued that way until early this year when I decided to include fs as well. I'd considered doing fs for a long time before making the switch, but I was really hesitant because I thought I'd have to experience sexual personalities that I just wouldn't enjoy. Honestly, my assumption was that many/most? of the guys that I'd meet would be aggressive, dismissive, rough with me..  and I'd be terribly unhappy.  
 My reality has been the exact opposite of that. I've met some of the most passionate, sensual, gentle men in the past few months. Some have written the most lovely reviews for me (including you, electr0nsrealm, thank you :)) and I really feel like I'm experiencing a whole new world, even though I've been a part of it for a long time. I've gone to Meet and Greets and made awesome friendships. There are a few people that I've become really close to and I talk to them so often and see them pretty often too ( Ava Raleigh, and others ;)).  
 So, I'm incredibly satisfied, sexually, financially, friendshiply?. If Tom Hardy or Idris Elba decide they'd like to book me, it would be a 10 lol.

electr0nsrealm 45 Reviews 654 reads
6 / 21

Good point - a little variety in your diet can make life interesting.  My very first hobby experience many years ago occurred at an AMP so I still have a fondness for them.  Strip clubs, what can I say?  I think I've put a number of strippers through college (or their kids) with all the money I've dropped in them.  LOL.  

Posted By: foguete69
If I had to say I would say I'm satisfied.  Maybe an 8.  Wish I could do more.  
 I also look at the Hobby as not just doing the hookup with providers that have reviews  
 and advertise but I also lick to go for the pick up when I am on the road....Will be in Miami next week....Hmmmm.  Strip clubs count as well as amps if your into that type of fun.

electr0nsrealm 45 Reviews 825 reads
7 / 21

Yes, I couldn't help but notice your last shill.

Holy cow.

How does someone top that?

Oh wait, I've got it...

*This week's shill goes out to the women's US Olympic beach volleyball team.  Who I just had a reverse gangbang with.  For a whole weekend.

Oh - and I got all their autographs, too!  GO TEAM USA!!!*

Yeah, that would about do it.  LOL.
Posted By: mongo19621954
I have enjoyed this summer - and got to cross entire pages off my bucket list but I HAVE got to take a break.  Just getting way too jaded for my own good.....  oh - BTW - Thanks girls!  You rock!  

players2 9 Reviews 675 reads
8 / 21

I have enjoyed some wonderful women since my divorce. Needless to say the play time has been fun. I have met some wonderful ladies who I am still friends with. Wish I had unlimited funds would make it a 10. Cheers from the Lake.

electr0nsrealm 45 Reviews 573 reads
9 / 21

Unlimited funds would definitely be a game changer.  If I had unlimited funds my HSI would jump to 10 as well.  Then, shortly after - I would probably be dead.  But with a very big smile on my face.  ;-)

Posted By: players2
I have enjoyed some wonderful women since my divorce. Needless to say the play time has been fun. I have met some wonderful ladies who I am still friends with. Wish I had unlimited funds would make it a 10. Cheers from the Lake.

rainrainrain 29 Reviews 753 reads
10 / 21

I've been participating in the hobby off and on for awhile.  Started in Atlanta in my early 20s.  LOL A lot has changed since then (does anyone remember Stewart Avenue, the Gold Club, Foxy Lady?).

Most recently, I've really grown to love TER.  A great service full of great people.  TER has allowed me to choose carefully and, as a result, I have been very successful identifying ladies who make me very happy.  I've only been disappointed when I've ventured outside my preference model or I have not used TER (that will never happen again).

Recently, I've found myself preferring a small circle of regular ladies with whom I've developed a connection.  Being comfortable in conversation, knowing that I am appreciated by the lady friend, knowing we will both be highly satisfied by our time together, discovering new layers to her sexual and emotional personality has become  much more satisfying than the thrill of the chase.

So...I am highly satisfied with my current approach to hobbying...9.

I am dissatisfied/bored with the old on the prowl approach...3

electr0nsrealm 45 Reviews 749 reads
11 / 21

Very well said Tony.  I remember those "on the prowl" days.  It was exciting, but often not that rewarding.  You just reminded me of a story from many years ago.  

I met a girl who was brand new to providing.  I mean brand new.  She was hot, but very nervous and skittish (understandably).  We met, hit it off, she thought I was a "nice guy and it was game on.  When it came time for the bj she covered me up for a cbj.  She explained she was new and wanted to be safe.  I said it was cool, but honestly I would've preferred a bbbj.  It was ok, but wasn't feeling too much through the cover.  She asked if I was ready for the main event, I said "absolutely!".  She then got out another condom and put it over the first one.  I looked at her like "what is happening?".  She said you can never be too careful and sometimes they break, so two is twice the protection of one.  I was too confused, horny, and polite to argue the point.  So I did my best.

As expected, she had to finish with her hand (sans cover(s) thank god).  She then made a comment about me being able to last a long time.  I said that it was because I couldn't feel a thing.  Apparently honesty wasn't the best policy.  She got offended but then later we wound up laughing about it.  I actually went back, we became good friends and yes - I actually did manage to convince her that one cover was just fine.  And it made for a much happier client.

That was the only time I've ever been double bagged.

Posted By: MyFriendTony$$$
I've been participating in the hobby off and on for awhile.  Started in Atlanta in my early 20s.  LOL A lot has changed since then (does anyone remember Stewart Avenue, the Gold Club, Foxy Lady?).  
 Most recently, I've really grown to love TER.  A great service full of great people.  TER has allowed me to choose carefully and, as a result, I have been very successful identifying ladies who make me very happy.  I've only been disappointed when I've ventured outside my preference model or I have not used TER (that will never happen again).  
 Recently, I've found myself preferring a small circle of regular ladies with whom I've developed a connection.  Being comfortable in conversation, knowing that I am appreciated by the lady friend, knowing we will both be highly satisfied by our time together, discovering new layers to her sexual and emotional personality has become  much more satisfying than the thrill of the chase.  
 So...I am highly satisfied with my current approach to hobbying...9.  
 I am dissatisfied/bored with the old on the prowl approach...3.  

DWW 3 Reviews 779 reads
12 / 21

For a variety of reasons, I am a "very occasional" hobbyist.  I started in my early 20s in NYC in the mid-1970s and am now in early 60s, mostly retired and living in an area with very limited hobby opportunities unless I drive a lot.  The Hobby has been a lot like swinging of which I was a participant in the 80s - some really exciting experiences, a few really uncomfortable experiences and a majority of the experiences that were a mix of good and mediocre.  In retrospect (I do a lot of "retrospect thinking" these days), I think the most disappointing thing about both the hobby and swinging for me was my own inability to translate the "fantasy" to a reality because of my failure to communicate to my partners/providers adequately.   I gave up on swinging a long time ago because my SO is no longer into it.  Not sure what my plans are for the hobby for the future -  its nice now, but I can't "swing from the ceiling" like a used to in bed, but the fantasies are just as good

Tartus 56 Reviews 761 reads
13 / 21

It's nice to have a few regulars, and I always have a great time-- but the negative which keeps my score from being higher is having to leave the lovely lady behind that I just shared such incredible intimacy with. But all in all, it's nice to get laid when I'm horny.

electr0nsrealm 45 Reviews 789 reads
14 / 21

I totally get not being able to "swing from the ceiling" anymore as I'm a "mature" gent myself.  Our needs and abilities change as we get older and it can make us reevaluate ourselves and our partners occasionally (to check if we are still a good match for each other).  The good news is - I have found that most providers are exceptionally skilled in taking care of us "distinguished" gents and our "special" needs.  If they have a good bit of patience, understanding, and a great sense of humor in their toolkit then they are usually well suited for the task.

And you bring up an interesting point regarding communication.  I think it is as important in the hobby world as it is in the real world.  How can a woman create your fantasy if you can't communicate to her what that is?  

All of the ladies I've seen regularly have excellent communication skills.  It happens to be one of the things I look for.  It makes things so much easier - especially role play and special bucket list fantasies.  And I work hard to let them know if I have a specific experience in mind.  And most ladies I've found are very accommodating about fulfilling a fantasy if you ask her about it.  After all, if you leave happy, satisfied, and wanting to come back again then that is the highest praise for her abilities.  
Posted By: DWW
For a variety of reasons, I am a "very occasional" hobbyist.  I started in my early 20s in NYC in the mid-1970s and am now in early 60s, mostly retired and living in an area with very limited hobby opportunities unless I drive a lot.  The Hobby has been a lot like swinging of which I was a participant in the 80s - some really exciting experiences, a few really uncomfortable experiences and a majority of the experiences that were a mix of good and mediocre.  In retrospect (I do a lot of "retrospect thinking" these days), I think the most disappointing thing about both the hobby and swinging for me was my own inability to translate the "fantasy" to a reality because of my failure to communicate to my partners/providers adequately.   I gave up on swinging a long time ago because my SO is no longer into it.  Not sure what my plans are for the hobby for the future -  its nice now, but I can't "swing from the ceiling" like a used to in bed, but the fantasies are just as good.  

electr0nsrealm 45 Reviews 593 reads
15 / 21

I can relate.  Saying goodbye is the hardest part - isn't it?  Leaving a beautiful woman behind (and a beautiful woman's behind, lol), abandoning a warm bed, parting with a charming conversationalist...  for what?...  to head back out into the real world.  Ugh...  Please.  How do us guys ever do it at all?  :-)  And the ladies wonder why we are so happy to get even a minute or two of OTC time...

I guess if you are a daydreamer like me you can find some consolation in beginning to think and plan your next rendezvous right away.  That is like a powerful drug to me.  The anticipation of "what will the next time be like?".  It's delicious torture.

And yes it is nice to get laid when you are horny.  No truer words have ever been spoken...
Posted By: Tartus
It's nice to have a few regulars, and I always have a great time-- but the negative which keeps my score from being higher is having to leave the lovely lady behind that I just shared such incredible intimacy with. But all in all, it's nice to get laid when I'm horny.
-- Modified on 9/1/2015 9:10:53 PM

1382316 137 Reviews 694 reads
16 / 21

Overall I'd say my HSI is around 7.5. I am a little unusual in that I only play away games, might run into some recognition issues if I played on my home field. My HSI seems to be as much a function of geography as anything else. Atlanta, Dallas, Las Vegas, Chicago and NC have always been excellent and taken on their own any would provide a 9 or higher. Other markets - not so much. I like variety and in some places the pickn's is mighty slim. Like 4's & 5's on the Electr0nsrealm scale. I try to do my due diligence by using the available research tools  and avoiding BP and other less than reputable sources to select providers  
I guess it's like so many things in life - you generally get out of an experience what you put in it. Do the research, behave yourself and ALWAYS respect the lady. That optimizes your Electr0nsrealm score.
Thanks for the thought provoking question.

electr0nsrealm 45 Reviews 664 reads
17 / 21

Tedro, that's a very interesting point - how geography can affect your HSI rating.  Now that you mention it, part of the fact my HSI has been so good (and stable) is that Atlanta is my home.  There is an abundance of fair damsels in this quaint city.  In fact, I would say Atlanta is one of the great hobby cities.  Sometimes I forget that it is not the same everywhere.  But you are absolutely right - pickings aren't so good in many other places.  I love Atlanta.  And yes, this city, and the charms of its female inhabitants have spoiled me thoroughly.  I wouldn't have it any other way.

We have great food, a rich and diverse culture, a plethora of incredibly lovely females, a populace that loves higher education and the arts, are a hub for transportation, and have great scenery, and fair weather with a nice change in seasons.  Now if somebody could just do something about this fucking traffic we'd be all set.  ;-)

I used to travel a good bit earlier in my career and got to experience the local talent in many other cities.  I had a great time while I was away, but it always made me long for home.  And it fostered a deep appreciation for my southern belles.  Atlanta has the sweetest, most lovely, most hospitable, and most diverse ladies in the country.  And yes, I'm biased - but Atlanta has the friendliest, most approachable, easiest to talk to women anywhere that I've ever been.  Southern charm is a real thing.  And I'm a big fan.

I'll never forget one of my neighbors where I grew up was a Hungarian Jew that risked his life to come to this country to escape oppression.  Even as a ten year old boy I had a rich imagination and loved hearing his stories of adventure and heroic deeds.  Amidst the tales of running from russian tanks, being shot at, and crawling under barbed wire he would say "You have no idea how good you have it in this country.  No idea at all.  I can go to the supermarket five blocks away and marvel at 20 kinds of bread.  In my mother country I had to stand in line for hours for one loaf of bread.  There were no choices.  And sometimes you waited for hours and they ran out.  So you went home hungry.  You don't know how good you have it."

He just passed away a couple of weeks ago at the age of 94.  I'll miss his stories, his love for life, and his appreciation of this country.

Anyway.  Yeah.  Atlanta hobbyists - you don't know how good you have it.
Posted By: tedro74
Overall I'd say my HSI is around 7.5. I am a little unusual in that I only play away games, might run into some recognition issues if I played on my home field. My HSI seems to be as much a function of geography as anything else. Atlanta, Dallas, Las Vegas, Chicago and NC have always been excellent and taken on their own any would provide a 9 or higher. Other markets - not so much. I like variety and in some places the pickn's is mighty slim. Like 4's & 5's on the Electr0nsrealm scale. I try to do my due diligence by using the available research tools  and avoiding BP and other less than reputable sources to select providers  
 I guess it's like so many things in life - you generally get out of an experience what you put in it. Do the research, behave yourself and ALWAYS respect the lady. That optimizes your Electr0nsrealm score.  
 Thanks for the thought provoking question.

kraneyum 47 Reviews 590 reads
18 / 21

... right across the board: eleven, eleven, eleven...

Why not just make 10 better and make 10 be the top number and make that a little better?  

My HSI goes to eleven (Many Thanks to all the Amazingly Delightful Hotties)

Confirmed by J.D. Power & Ass

Tartus 56 Reviews 616 reads
19 / 21

I'm definitely a day dreamer.  While I'm sharing such a wonderful time with a beautiful lady,  one  of my frequent  day dreams is being on a cruise ship sailing the seas to our next exciting port of call; or being at dinner at a nice restaurant; or cooking in my own kitchen a healthy meal while sipping wine and enjoying her company.  Mind you, these dreams are all after I've cum.  At my age, the only time I want to cum twice is before I've cum once-- so something has to fill the void-- alas!  Day dreams!

electr0nsrealm 45 Reviews 613 reads
20 / 21

Now why didn't I think of that?  ;-)

I mean 11 Alive News has a weather quality indicator "Wizometer" that goes up to 11 (as perplexing as that is to me).  And the Spinal Tap boys had an amp that went to 11 (and they swore by it).  Is 11 the new 10?   LOL
Posted By: kraneyum
... right across the board: eleven, eleven, eleven...  
 Why not just make 10 better and make 10 be the top number and make that a little better?  
 My HSI goes to eleven (Many Thanks to all the Amazingly Delightful Hotties)  
 Confirmed by J.D. Power & Ass.  

kraneyum 47 Reviews 557 reads
21 / 21

How dare such a serious thread get hijacked?  
I still want to thank all the ADH's for an over-the-top Satisfaction Index

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