
Re: Ms Betty is FABULOUS! +1 Shes Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anonymus8T27bILB54 40 Reviews 360 reads


KennyBrockelstein1551 reads

I can trust a lady, because she has a reputation to maintain. I can trust an agency, because they have a reputation to maintain. Does an assistant have a reputation to maintain?

I understand that if a lady is busy and doesn't have the time, but I think there's a trade off in lost business by using an assistant. No guy I've ever talked to has ever said that he's truly comfortable dealing with an assistant. There's several ladies in town that I haven't seen simply because they say "contact my assistant" or "my assistant will get back to you". I will give them credit for being honest, if a lady has an assistant and doesn't disclose it, that's bad form. Nothing creeps me out more than sending all of my info to a lady thinking I'm communicating with her only to have her "assistant" write back.

Seriously, what do you guys think?

"Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't after you." - Joseph Heller

seen a number of Ladies with assistant's - have never had a problem and got along with all of them. How is that different from an agency? Just my cent-cheers.

Just like any other profession, there are good ones, and not so good ones. The vast majority of assistants I have dealt with are courteous, efficient, and follow up in a timely manner. I can think of one in particular in this town, that I've known for almost four years.

There are some independent ladies that don't want to get personally involved with screening, booking etc. and this is where the assistant fits in.

Other independent ladies are strictly hands on - they handle screening, booking, communication  and the whole nine yards.

When I finally met Ms Betty she was an incridible lady!  I trusted Ginger, so I went with the flow.  So, do you trust the lady using an assistant.

I was a newbie and had the good fortune of dealing with Miss Baltimore Betty. Very sweet, very professional and she treated me exceptionally well! She's one assistant that I definitely trust.  
IMHO, an assistant does have a reputation to maintain, as much as a provider.

Tiffany is the best !!!! She forwards me interactions with clients, answers clients in a timely manner and never has a problem doing little tasks I give her. People always ask me how did I find her and it's simple, I asked guys (precisely because guys deal with all kinds of assistants) what assistants they know that have always been responsive and great. One of the recommended ones was Tiffany! Great girl !

Like most things in life there are good ones and bad ones.

The Good:

Ginger and Miss Betty have always been wonderful to me.  Quick, friendly response with setting up dates and questions and help with references.  Super professional and a pleasure to work with.  

The Bad:

I tried to see a  highly reviewed lady who worked through an assistant just before last Christmas.  I sent all my info along with references and a prospective date and time.  No response.  I sent a follow up email several days later.  Again, no response.  I moved on to the next lady on my list and didn't give it further thought.

About three months later I got an automated email saying the lady I was trying to see was coming to town (I didn't know she left).

I sent an email back saying that I was getting mixed messages considering my original request for a date was ignored.  I asked if the lady wanted to see me or not.  And if not, it was fine, but to please take me off her spam email list.

Her assistant responded saying there had been a mix up (something about a change of assistants) and she would fix everything.  All I had to do was send all my info again...

I told her I would get back to her.  I never pressed the point of how they lost my info but somehow my email got on her auto notification list anyway.  Interesting.

Never re-sent my info because why should I?  Not to mention the heat of the moment was long gone.

Months go by and I get a pm from the lady (apparently commenting on one of my posts) asking why we had never met.

I was trying to be polite (and without adding too much snark) I responded to her inquiry - "I don't know, I could ask you the same question".  Which was supposed to be a gentle reminder that I tried to schedule with her but through bad communication/management on her end it never happened.

I never received a response back from her.  Not an apology, not an "let me show you some appreciation for your trouble", not an "I really appreciate you trying to see me", not even an "oops, it's hard to find good help."

I'm sure she's still wondering why I haven't seen her.

Let me change the context slightly...

You research a new doctor.  One that has good reviews and seems to be a good match for you.  You make an appointment and fill out the information they request for you to become a new patient.

You call later, get someone - a new receptionist that says "I'm sorry but we have no record of the information you sent us.  No problem, just do it all again...".  You would be concerned, furious, or just puzzled - or all three.  But you would probably consider seeing another doctor at that point, correct?

If they don't have the wherewithal to keep your info safe and/or the courtesy of making it up to you for losing it that would make you a very unhappy client - right?

It just seems strange to me how people can't get a grasp on the concept of customer service...

If you want me to schedule some time with you at least don't make it difficult for me.  

That's just bad business...

-- Modified on 9/25/2015 8:43:50 PM

"K" stand out (you know who you are).  They make referencing a snap.  Remember that they mostly work with more than one girl and know lots about the provider side.  Once they get to know you, they can really make navigating the business easier.  Just like with the lady you are seeing, take the time to treat them like a person and establish a relationship, and you will be amazed at the results you will see!

And of course they have a reputation to maintain - they are selling a service to the ladies and it's strictly by reputation.

I agree with you to a degree on the email/PM portion.  Bear in mind that all of a lady's email and PM messages are generally scanned by the assistant.  The only times I get any heartburn is when I get a response that is not identified as being from the assistant, but in fact is.  But that would be in a case where I think I've had a stunningly sensual repartee with a lady only to have her say "huh?" when I refer to our discussion during the next session - lol.  Love having those dialogues with the assistant also, just want to know who it is that is raising my temperature.

So...... Here is one guy who is "truly comfortable dealing with an assistant."  And it is not, in my opinion, "bad form" to not disclose that she uses an assistant.  Agree, though, that it is better to disclose, so that folks with your sensitivities won't be surprised.  Clearly you are not comfortable with assistants, so you are right to avoid them.  You may also want to look at the reviews of the ladies you are interested in seeing.   Quite often the introductory section will disclose whether screening, scheduling, etc. was via an assistant.

The nice thing about the hobby is that there is something there for everyone, and a resource like TER lets you navigate to it or to avoid it.  Happy Hobbying!

-- Modified on 9/26/2015 9:04:45 AM

When you contact a provider who uses an assistant, most often that assistant will be mentioned in her reviews. Read her reviews so you can get an idea of who you are dealing with. Assistants have to protect their reputations too. The same way the ladies do. If you are a bad assistant, word travels fast, and people will not want to deal with you.

I agree that it is bad form for any assistant not to identify themselves. I have had providers ask me to work for them and to do this. I will never do it. I always identify myself when I respond to emails, so the gents know who they are corresponding with. Someone also mentioned the assistants respond to pm's. That should never happen here on TER. Assistants are not allowed to sign into the providers TER accounts. At least this is what I was told by TER Admin.

Every now and then I run into a gent who refuses to correspond with an assistant. I don't like it. At the same time, I respect their personal choice. I hope someday they will change their mind. Thankfully, this rarely happens.  

I think the fact I was a provider first helps people trust me as an assistant. I enjoy what I do, and I genuinely love men. I love my job. I think it shows thru in my emails.  

Thank you to everyone who posted a kind comment about me. You really made my day! :D

All the best,  
Miss. Betty

I do not trust them. There is a relatively well known and highly reviewed provider in Atlanta that I saw a couple times that has an assistant. I had one appointment I had to cancel due to a business client requiring my help for an important contract, so I called 24 hours in advance and cancelled. Pretty good heads up I'd say. Well, 3-4 goes by and I send her an email and get a reply that so-and-so will not see me anymore due to my history of no shows. I emailed back asking what the heck she was talking about and was told to not contact again. I knew this had to be BS, so I called the provider on her personal cell # she'd given me and she was shocked to hear the story. She apologized, offered me an immediate appointment, etc. I passed and have never seen her again. If a provider can't maintain her personal clientele, then I'm simply not interested.

Posted By: KennyBrockelstein
I can trust a lady, because she has a reputation to maintain. I can trust an agency, because they have a reputation to maintain. Does an assistant have a reputation to maintain?  
 I understand that if a lady is busy and doesn't have the time, but I think there's a trade off in lost business by using an assistant. No guy I've ever talked to has ever said that he's truly comfortable dealing with an assistant. There's several ladies in town that I haven't seen simply because they say "contact my assistant" or "my assistant will get back to you". I will give them credit for being honest, if a lady has an assistant and doesn't disclose it, that's bad form. Nothing creeps me out more than sending all of my info to a lady thinking I'm communicating with her only to have her "assistant" write back.  
 Seriously, what do you guys think?  
 "Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't after you." - Joseph Heller

JayBerman457 reads

Did not have a pleasant experience dealing with "personal assistant" at Gold Club.  Disappointed!!!

Posted By: KennyBrockelstein
I can trust a lady, because she has a reputation to maintain. I can trust an agency, because they have a reputation to maintain. Does an assistant have a reputation to maintain?  
 I understand that if a lady is busy and doesn't have the time, but I think there's a trade off in lost business by using an assistant. No guy I've ever talked to has ever said that he's truly comfortable dealing with an assistant. There's several ladies in town that I haven't seen simply because they say "contact my assistant" or "my assistant will get back to you". I will give them credit for being honest, if a lady has an assistant and doesn't disclose it, that's bad form. Nothing creeps me out more than sending all of my info to a lady thinking I'm communicating with her only to have her "assistant" write back.  
 Seriously, what do you guys think?  
 "Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't after you." - Joseph Heller

the best way to go especially when you have other time commitments in life.  A wise businesses entrepreneur would not sit around basket weaving waiting for every phone call or run out in the middle of a meeting to answer a call. This would hinder them from maximizing their entrepreneurial pursuits.

Chances are once they've worked with a client and gotten to know them they will give them their personal number (i.e. your long time lawyer or private banker). I think the same thing applies to our line of work. It may be different from what most do but it is still a business that needs to run efficiently at the end of the day

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