
Re: Looks
bigjoe2002 55 Reviews 302 reads

That is interesting about the video. You know what kinda get on my nerves is about some fake profile that direct to watch a web cam show of not the actual person.

hobbyist when you go on the providers pages and glances at the pictures, what normally attracts you to the provider: the butt, eyes,legs or others?

I'm not sure how many takers you will get on this one - the question is as tough to answer as "what is the definition of beauty?."  But I hope you get some thoughtful responses.  The answer to this question will be (by definition) biased and personal.  Here's my answer...

I think guys have been hard wired to be somewhat superficial in our initial assessment of a lady (breasts, butt, legs, general physique, etc.).  So ladies, if I am ever a shallow bastard I blame evolution for making me that way. LOL. OK, if I'm being honest I would say a nice, round butt really catches my eye first.  Then overall skin tone - if a lady has beautiful skin that is a big attractor for me. Then eyes, lips - pretty smile, hair, legs, feet, and breasts.  More or less in that order.

It sounded like the question was strictly from the standpoint of looks - making a judgement to see a lady solely from seeing her picture, but I would argue there is something more important that can't (usually) be derived from a picture - attitude.  To me attitude is much more important than overall looks.  And to keep me coming back a woman has to have a playful, creative, mischievous, adventurous vibe.  The twist is - I really don't know what her energy is like until I have met with her at least once (although I've known a special few where their personality started winning me over from that first email exchange).

On that note, I would just point out to the ladies that first impressions are forever.  If you want to set yourself apart from the rest (that's the whole game, correct?)  then put some thought into your correspondence in addition to your pictures.  I'm not expecting any literary masterpieces but even in a few sentence email you can throw something interesting or funny in.  I can't tell you how many times I've put together a well worded paragraph or two introducing myself to get a one sentence "sounds good - later" type of response.  Remember ladies, we seek you out for one reason - for you to make us feel special.

Just keep eveeything in perspective.  A pretty picture showing your physical attractiveness may bring us to your door, but it's your attitude and performance that will keep us coming back.   :-)

I agree with your statement that attitude should be an factor. However, we do live in a culture that physicality is a deciding factor in some decisions. For Instance, if you were driving and you see an nice looking lady doing something, most likely that man is going to look or lust either one. I felt that based upon us as a male we will look at the individuals more closely.

I totally agree.  I was just breaking your initial question into two important pieces 1) what attracts us initially to see someone? and 2) what makes us keep coming back?  I suspect that number one is very heavily weighted towards physical attraction (pics).  But the second is more intangible and can really only be known through personal experience ("chemistry").

Fortunately we have an awsome tool with TER that can help us.  If a lady has a number of well written reviews we guys can get some glimpse as to her personality to see if we might be a good match.  It's not perfect system, but it's a good start.

I agree.  Sometimes,  some providers feel that if a person is nice in the beginning that they don't have to constantly be that same person. Customer service is very important in either keeping the person or not.

After that, I home in on specific areas, such as butt, legs, eyes, etc.

I have my tastes that I look for, but one of the first things I like to see is her profile.  I want to see what her curves look like and whether she is overweight.  I like to see what her eyes project, but that may be blocked with the face.  Also, if the face is blocked or not shown, I still want a view of her hair.  Details are nice, but what attracts me as much as anything is body language.  Do I get the impression that she is looking forward to a session?  Does she project fun and energy?  I want to feel that this will be a good time.  

Posted By: bigjoe2002
hobbyist when you go on the providers pages and glances at the pictures, what normally attracts you to the provider: the butt, eyes,legs or others?

How can you tell about the body language?  What if the picture present that she is fun loving and then change when meeting her? However,  I can definitely understand and agree.

As with most things in life there are no guarantees.  Two people might click or they might not.  It happens.

I have noticed a number of ladies who are putting up short videos of themselves to allow you to get a better idea of their personalities.  I enjoy them and wish more ladies would do that but I understand for various reasons (privacy for example) not everyone can.

That is interesting about the video. You know what kinda get on my nerves is about some fake profile that direct to watch a web cam show of not the actual person.

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