
Re: He doesn't TRY to be stupid either
ToniLove See my TER Reviews 522 reads

I know right!! It's all good girl, you and I know we aren't 3s or 4s ;)
Hugs and kisses

Unbelievable all the SHIT going on here.....I'm not going to lay "blame" on anyone....but everyone's pretty fired much as I like a good spirited thread....this is a bit beyond belief....  NO one here is perfect,  and pretending your perfect is going to come just doesn't work....


Peace to all....


if this link makes one person smile, it was worth my time to post it.

I hope that everything is ok.

Why is everyone thinking that something is wrong?   LOL!  I just made a post about the other posts.....I'm as happy as a lark!     Things are just fine......



Everyone is stuck inside because of the cold, and cabin fever is running rampant!

but really who needs this BS honestly. Damn if you do and damn if you don't.
Peace out ;)

Cray Cray.....LOL!    xo


Did you mean to say Piece In? LOL.

Because it won't work with me!   Cheers!  And no,   I don't drink OJ.

GaGambler821 reads

but that doesn't seem to matter much either.

and since I managed to miss the train wreck from earlier, Just what was Chica cray cray, new queen of the threAD thinking when she decided to take on Ginger of all people?

Is she genuinely cray cray??? lol

ValuedCustomer717 reads

She claims 10 - and has asked us to opine on the matter in her ad.  Possibly not the best idea but.... I try to help.

Honestly she is a 10 on the TER scale.  She is cute - BSC does not affect that - I am betting a weak 8 on the GaG scale assuming the photos are accurate.

GaGambler755 reads

I think she is a decent looking chica, but she wouldn't turn any heads in Medellin, where her look is a dime a dozen. I would say that she "might" rate an 8 on the GaGa scale, but more likely she would be a "strong 7" assuming of course that the pics are accurate as you have already alluded to.

FWIW, there is talent just as good looking as her that you can find in any Bogota or Medellin "casa" for about 150,000 COP, which is about  $60 US at todays exchange rate.

I don't mean to take anything away from her in the looks department, she is not a bad looking chica, but the GaGa scale is much tougher than the TER scale

Krunchie541 reads

Can't you give her a few extra points for speaking 3 (three) languages....??? !!!

GaGambler694 reads

If she would learn how to speak "Untranslated French" lol

I wonder how far it will get me the next time I am in Colombia if start making excuses for my lousy Spanish by bragging about how good my English is?

It was a free for all....went after we 3's and 4's......sigh.....what a world....what a world....



I know right!! It's all good girl, you and I know we aren't 3s or 4s ;)
Hugs and kisses

Marsha, Marsha, Marsha.......


LOL!   ;)

That being said, I wouldn't go near this chick. As GaG pointed out she's more than a little ugly on the inside.  To somewhat answer Amanda's post that started all this, I like to have sessions with a woman that I can really connect with. To me, that's more about what's on the inside than the outside. What's on Amanda's inside is not something I'm interested in. She may be gorgeous, but there's plenty of gorgeous women in Atlanta. All of whom are much kinder souls than she. And I'd much rather spend time with them. I've met Ginger and she's a great person who definitely didn't deserve that. TL I haven't met, but I talk to her in pm's, and she's also a sweetheart. Khori, i haven't met either but her sense of humor is appreciated, especially at times like these when the board could use some cheering up. My advice to Amanda is to have a little humility. That will go a lot farther than a 10 in appearance. And definitely don't bite the hand that feeds you.

She may be hot..but sooner or've got to talk to her.  That's when you really find out how beautiful she is.

Drama Queens and Kings especially idiots like GA fumbler doesn’t understand.  

Have you guys forgotten the concept of a straight forward question?

It looks like you are the one kicking up shit.

C’mob with all your fan club attacks.

At least you seem to have brushed up on your spelling/grammar a tad.

GaGambler581 reads

Do you have to license your keyboard as a deadly weapon??? lmao

"Gumbler" is a former moderator.  You should direct your troll inquiry at your own forehead and see what happens.

Unless you're blind, you'll see hairy knuckles and warts on your nos

GaGambler590 reads

but you are absolutely correct about Fungy's hairy knuckles and the warts on his nose,  which partly explains his grumpiness. His idiocy is quite another matter, I guess he was just born that way I suppose.

I am sure there must be "someone" who actually likes him, but I can't for the life of me think of a single person who does.

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