
Re: blackmail reviews? Wtf does that mean?
der441 226 Reviews 599 reads

Yes, that's what I meant.

ok just a comment..... but maybe to any provider who gets pissed off she doesn't get a 10-10  9-9 8-8 blah blah...  To me a good review could be a 2-2 but if they have nothing but good things to say about you in my eyes its a 12-12 Really do ya feel me. Who does not love life,

Hey Scottie. I feel your sweetheart.   I also love life and the friends I have met in this hobby.

Each hobbiest is going to make his/her own choice which provider to see regardless of review points. Good point Scottie

My reviews are objective. What you read is what you get. I even got "dis-invited" from an agency I used to use bc my reviews were too honest. If I see a review on a girl that doesn't jibe with her other reviews I read it and make my own decision on it. A lot of times it's just an overly zealous or critical reviewer. So I certainly implore ladies to not get overly worked up over a bad review. We gents can see thru those that don't seem legitimate.  Personally I make it a rule never to go see a provider who gets nothing but 10/10's. One, it makes the provider seem less "real" to me. No one is perfect and there's always the harsh reviewer. So seeing all 10/10 makes me think there's something funny going on. Of course there's also self reviews, black mail reviews, etc. So, I like to see that a girl has a good mix of review scores. It's more trust worthy imo. I'm with you on that Scottie

I think he means where the girl says she better get a say,  "10-10" or she'll BL him?   Not positive....

LegLover626 reads

der411, I always like the way you get all the "pertinence" with new talent. It is important for me to know what's on the menu before I go. Thanks

Hay Scottie. One of the best BBBJCIM in town!

anubis74657 reads

and that is one of the reasons I stop doing reviews altogether.  It is too much like leverage on both sides.  Sometimes hobbyists take the attitude "you better give me everything I ask or I will give you bad reviews and/or exaggerate negatives" and providers take the attitude " you better give me 10-10 or BL you" and even more I have been even offered discounts for 10-10 reviews.  

So as a personal preference for me I dont do reviews.  It has been both a gift and curse.

anubis74650 reads

I know to some its a sign of credibility and some it isnt.  While reviews CAN help you gain credibility a reviews DONT give you credibility.  You know as well as I do and you have been here long enough to know, that there are shill reviews and you sometimes have to review the reviewers.  

I personally think the whitelist feature is under used.  It seems that other Hobbyist and Providers alike use reviews to determine the credibility of someone when they should be more or less using the Whitelist and/or OKs.  

Like I said before not doing reviews is a personal preference.  I certainly feel, as many others from what I have seen, that the review rating system is seriously inflated.  While I certainly appreciate and truthfully benefit from the written reviews(not necessarily the ratings); I feel that so many contribute that I think my 49 cents (current price of a stamp.. the phrase my 2 cent came from back in the day when people mailed letters to their congressperson voicing their opinion about current issues...thus adding their 2 cent to the convo.. I know tmi) isnt missed

To me I view reviews as a way to help me better myself as a provider not as an ego boost. I do not get pissed, but I actually do care about my score.  I say score because I really don't care about the appearance part (beauty is subjective and in the eye of the beholder), but I do care about my performance.  I take great pride in giving great, exciting, unique, and individualized experiences.  Yes, every client is different and has different encounters with you, however being empathetic and understanding your client is a huge part of being a good provider.  That is clearly reflected in a performance score (which btw I hate saying performance, as it portrays more of an act rather than a service which I enjoy as well:) ) I take it as a huge compliment if I gave someone a "once in a lifetime" experience... I mean come on, if you are going to do it, don't you want it to be awesome!! :)

When I do not get a great score on performance,  I look at it as a way to better myself and my understanding of my clientele. We should always be learning and evolving, that's what life is about! I may not be everybody's cup of tea, I would actually love to be their shot of vodka, tequila, whiskey, or whatever else their little hear desires!!

That being said, you do make a stellar point about the description.  No one should base a review solely on the numbers... The actual events described should be given a great deal of weight too!!  

Moral here: "Don't judge a book by its cover, or the bestseller list. Open it up, read a little and if it sparks some interest then go ahead and take the plunge, as you just may never know... it very well could be a 10 in YOUR BOOK!! :))
(pun intended hehe)


-- Modified on 3/7/2015 4:13:50 AM

Skylar, your attitude toward this subject is such a huge turn on to me. :)
I've met so many ladies that do take every review personally and allow them to affect their self esteem.
I really love your positive outlook as it is so rare. Instead of getting upset over a less than flattering review, why not use it as a learning experience. Something positive can be gleaned from just about anything negative as long as you are mature and have the right attitude.

New persona. Nonstop bitching on  here and twitter over your 7s and threatening pple   good way to get delisted .  How dare you post the exact opposite of your behavior and expect to not get called out on it  
And. Any one would be crazy to give their info to  
Taylor.  She had to change her name last yr after all her bad behavior and blackmail.bashing other providers    

Ava-your prev 50 reviews show u r a 7/8 provider. And no amount of bullying is gonna hide your real reviews forever.  You get your last 7,s review temp pulled to dispute....and look-for this one day you try to tout top 5 on Er+S .   You r obsessed with review scoress.

Just like Amanda. You cant help yourself by shutting up.

The tactics of you and yoyr assistant are disgusting

I actually struggle with score part of the review (especially the appearance part). It's so difficult (for me) to attach a score to another human beings appearance.  As Skylar said, what one man sees as a 9, another may see as a 8 or 7.  I seriously struggle with the appearance score.  I mean, anything from a 7 up is a good appearance score.  Until you start comparing...

I find the performance part a little easier to score because i know what 'forgot it was a service' or 'one in a lifetime' should feel like for me.  If I leave an appointment and it was anything less than a 9 (forgot it was a service), I'm less likely to repeat.  For me, that's the whole point of this.  I want to forget it's a service during the encounter.  If it ends up being 'one in a lifetime', that's just gravy.  

I also don't look at it as a performance review of the lovely lady.  I look at it as a review the time WE spent together.  There are TWO people involved.  

I do enjoy writing the reviews.  It's exciting re-living the experience and I also like to go back and read my old ones to help remember the fun I had with a particular lady.  

Just my two cents...

-- Modified on 3/7/2015 7:29:47 AM

Personally, if a hobbyist has written less than 10 reviews, I ignore them. I can't tell you how many 10/10 reviews I've read from someone writing their first review.

I look at reviews from a statistical vantage point. If a lady has most of her reviews in a certain range and one is outside that range, it's kind of an anomaly and I would be inclined to ignore it. I also put more stock into more recent reviews, because they might be indicative of what a hobbyist can expect at the current time.

I read the actual verbiage, rather than relying entirely on the score. Some guys write glowing reviews and score the experience as a 7/7.  

Have a great weekend all!

I am going to give response to when I give a review and when I look at reviews. When I look at reviews of the person, one thing i do is look at the score first. if the score is at a 10/10 rating, then I will analyze their review and look at the providers profile to make sure that one the service match the review and to get a feel for the reviewer. I agree with someone who says that if the reviews are less than 10 reviews, then I would be skeptical of the person. I would also compare this to providers giving whitelist or reference to hobbyists. There are a few provider who will give reference freely and there are some providers who will guard their reference and be selective in who to give their reference to. It kinda like that to me with review because I feel that it's the hobbyist reputation on the line in the review. Some hobbyist give 10/10 freely to anyone. Also, there are some hobbyist like myself and others that will give their honest account because our name and reputation is on the line and if the expectations are not met, then the hobbyist will look at us. Now that is not to say that i might consider contact the hobbyist who might gives the provider the low reviews.

When I do a review, I will be honest but fair. I feel that their is always room to grow as a provider, but at the same time I give an honest account of the event. Now I as well others don't want to give out everything that happens in the meeting because that is between the provider and hobbyist, but I give enough information to give an picture for them to see what she is like. I have softened my review approach some, but I give my and let me say again my perspective on the account.

Great post joe! You are such a genuine gentle soul are a true gentleman who kind of parallels me in a way ....a giver, but who appreciates learning along the way! Truly appreciate your transparency:)
Keep smiling ..... It confuses people :)

Thanks Skylar, I definitely appreciate your kindness towards me... you are definitely intelligent and with me parallel with you definitely is an honor I will cherish deeply

When the gent wants a WL and doesn't review....only after one visit.....I'd at least like to see them twice or so before a WL....but....we all bend at will sometimes.....

It's all good...not trying to be a Negative Nancy.....



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