
Re: Believe it or not, yes...
AblaCamena See my TER Reviews 1814 reads
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Hey Everyone. Happy Sunday;)

Out of curiosity, I want to bring up this topic to gain further insight, because I know that reviews are very important with establishing creditability.  

From my experience, I've had an extensive clientele, who are mostly repeat clients. The verbal reviews are great; however, without officially sharing it with others, it remains an 'intimate secret.' I've been promised at least 10 reviews in a fairly short period of time from very established reviewers, who initiated the offer to do so. However,  unfortunately the follow through never happened. The 2 reviews that I've received thus far are great and reflect the impression of all my clients.  

The process of receiving reviews has proven to be more tedious than anticipated... I'm naturally a very professional and respectful woman, so I'm not the type to stalk someone to follow through on an offer to write a review that they felt impelled to write, based on their experience. The end result, unfortunately means that my reviews look very scarce, which doesn't reflect the true relationships with my clients. Also, it makes it difficult for new hobbyists to accurately access me as a Provider.  

So, To Review or Not To Review...

What makes you decide to follow through on your offer to write a review or not?

Have you experienced clients offering to write reviews and not following through on that offer? If so, did that situation affect the trusting relationship that had already been nurtured and developed?

Thank you Everyone for sharing your insight. Have a great day and Best Wishes;) -Abla

AblaCamena See my TER Reviews 414 reads
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Hey Ginger. Thank you for the insight. I will definitely take heed to your advice. I always figured that it is either a scheduling conflict or a simple change of mind and either one is perfectly fine. My dilemma was just to make sure that the follow up process doesn't come across as impatient...Lol;) I appreciate you taking the time to respond. Thanks again. Best Wishes;) -Abla

Meena Valero See my TER Reviews 497 reads
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Posted By: AblaCamena

 Have you experienced clients offering to write reviews and not following through on that offer? If so, did that situation affect the trusting relationship that had already been nurtured and developed?
Most clients don't write reviews, so unless they're with an agency, it usually takes new providers a while to get reviews. You already have two good reviews. More will come. Just give it some time. :)

I don't understand what a "trusting relationship" would have to do with writing reviews. Can you elaborate?

Are you implying that a client offering to write a review, then not writing one, makes you trust him less? If that's what you're saying, then I think you're placing way too much importance on both the need to get reviews and the promises of clients to write them

AblaCamena See my TER Reviews 283 reads
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Hey Meena. Thank you for your response. I know that patience is key. So, I'll allow the process of receiving reviews to take its natural course. I know that reviews are important in varying degrees to both providers and hobbyists; however, I regard them simply as a necessary tool for establishing credibility, especially as a fairly new provider.  

The trusting relationship established with my clients is not related to whether or not they decide to write a review or not at all. I, personally prefer to allow my client to initiate the conversation to offer writing a review. For that reason, because my client initiates the offer, it is only expected that it will be followed through. I'm definitely a woman of my word because dependability is a part of establishing trust, which is why I follow through on everything that I say that I'm going to do, especially if I initiate it. Nonetheless, I'm not judgemental at all and will not regard my clients any less or more, due to whether or not they followed through with an offer to write a review. It will simply be respected as their personal choice to do so.  

Thanks again for your response. Best Wishes;) -Abla

Bucky11 115 Reviews 477 reads
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I don't always write reviews and I don't 'offer' to write them. When I am inspired, I write them, but at other times it becomes a chore.

I spend an inordinate amount of time going over every word because I try to make them helpful to both the lady and other hobbyists.

Many ladies are not particularly fond of TER, and in some cases they will delist themselves so they can no longer be reviewed. Other ladies will go BSC if they receive anything less than a 9 or a 10, so there are times when I just choose not to review.

My suggestion is to provide excellent service and the reviews will come.

Have a great rest of the weekend all.

mongo19621954 22 Reviews 458 reads
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IMHO...  In business terms, nearly any professional (tax accountants, lawyers, courtesans, etc.), should make a point of a single follow up on  a successfully completed customer engagement along the lines of -  

I appreciate the opportunity to serve you; I look forward to seeing you again.  Please call/email me at xxxxx to schedule a future appointment.  If you felt that the service was satisfactory, I would very much appreciate a positive review on XXXX (insert social media site here - e.g. TER).  

Obviously, the specific wording here is NOT appropriate for your specific profession.

I personally have gotten to the point where I really don't like doing reviews (for lots of reasons...) so some encouragement is useful.  More than one of these follow ups, however, should be avoided - regardless of the temptation

AblaCamena See my TER Reviews 437 reads
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Hey. Thank you so much for sharing your insight. I really appreciate it. You've definitely made me aware of a possible need to be a little more assertive, as far as letting my client know that I even care to have a review written in the first place. I've been avoiding initiating the conversation, due to not wanting to possibly put my client in an awkward situation, because there are clients who simply don't write reviews at all because they either don't desire to do so or they have decided to keep a low profile, who write reviews sometimes and sometimes not, due to whatever reason they choose, etc... There are varying reasons that a client chooses to partake or not in the review writing process and either reason is always respected. I strive very hard to create a very sensual and pleasureful experience, which is why I have tried to avoid anything that could shift that positive energy and/or environment. Nonetheless, you have brought to my attention a very important point and it makes perfect sense because they have to first know that I desire to have a review to even move forward with that possibility. Who knows? My clients might not want to offend me, by bringing up the topic and I end up being a provider who is completely against reviews... Just playing devil's advocate a little...Lol;)  

I, personally don't place demands on my client to write a review with a particular rating. To do so isn't honest, because everyone's perception of me will not be the same; however, what will always be the same is that I will always provide excellent service. Even with me knowing that, my client still has the right to their opinion and expressing that with whatever rating that they choose. So far, my clients have initiated the offer to write a review for me, due to being inspired because of their immense satisfaction with our time together. However, even with that, it doesn't guarantee a follow through... It is what it is and is respected for sure. Thanks again for your response. Have a great weekend as well. Best Wishes;) -Abla

XLTrojan 54 Reviews 456 reads
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I've got 49 reviews and probably have close to that many experiences, that for whatever reason,  I didn't review. Maybe it was because, as Ginger pointed out, it can be a lengthy and tedious process.

I've usually done it when asked to by the provider, never have been offered a discount to. I think we receive 15 free days VIP when one is approved . So I guess, I and others have to weigh if it's worth it or not.  

Because of the reviews, I've only had a couple less than great experiences. Usually when I'm interested in somebody , if she has good reviews from respected reviewers....I'm all in, as long as she's within my hobby budget.  

I'm really appreciative of my fellow hobbyists that are really honest with their reviews. It appears at times, they're getting fewer and fewer, for whatever reason. Never really understood why some providers are not happy with 7's. To me that means it was good (either appearance or performance) .

AblaCamena See my TER Reviews 301 reads
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Hey. Thanks for taking time to share your insight and wisdom. It is appreciated for sure. My approach has been to 'not be a pest;' however, as a professional woman, I know that communication is key. We all lead very busy lives and sometimes forget things, so I agree with you that a simple follow up is always good. Thanks again for sharing. Best Wishes;) -Abla

AblaCamena See my TER Reviews 326 reads
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Hey. Thank you for your response. I understand that the process of writing a review can be tedious, which is why it is greatly appreciated. I can only speak for myself; however, I'm certain that the other great providers in this profession share the same sentiment. I agree with you that honest reviews help everyone for sure. If reviews aren't honest, they really serve no purpose at the end of the day, because if the narrative and ratings don't reflect the true experience, it will only decrease the credibility of reviews overall. Thanks again. Best Wishes;) -Abla

bigdell 81 Reviews 444 reads
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I always ask a new lady if she wants a review.  If she says yes I always submit one, usually within a couple of days.  I have never had one totally rejected.  Some have been sent back for an easily corrected mistake on my part.  It is harder to write fresh sounding ones (in my mind I think I am just repeating my earlier reviews).  But I am happy to do it, as it helps me relive the experience in my mind.  In my mind a good review (if deserved) equals a good reference.  That is if you have behaved appropriately towards the lady.  A lady told me once you don't have to rock her world to get a good reference, just treat her properly.  This hobby can be a two way street.   bigdell

AblaCamena See my TER Reviews 300 reads
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Hey. Thank you for your response. I'm certain that your willingness to initiate and follow through on writing a review is highly appreciated. I'm glad that you enjoy it! I also definitely agree with you that being a true gentleman is very important. Respect goes a long way with building trust and as a result, building an authentic chemistry together full of exciting pleasure and fun...;) Thanks again. Best Wishes;) -Abla

ExecutiveCompanionsAtlanta See Agency Profile 446 reads
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AblaCamena See my TER Reviews 400 reads
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Hey. Thank you for sharing. It seems that several providers have to wait a while before receiving reviews. Even though the time frame varies per provider, we share that common reality. Nonetheless, I respect each client for their decision to write or not to write a review. It;s just a part of what comes with the territory. Thanks again. Best Wishes;) -Abla

Alias911 150 Reviews 352 reads
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Your suggestion of a 7 making some unhappy is a downside of reviewing. I've been sent agitated PMs for 7s or less that often make me skip writing those reviews. It doesn't help us punters either when a review isn't written.

AblaCamena See my TER Reviews 405 reads
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Hey. Thanks for sharing your insight. In my honest opinion, I believe that a good rating is simply the rating that is accurate. Both providers and hobbyists deserve 100% accuracy with reviews. When there is honesty, there is respect. Thanks again. Best Wishes;) -Abla

spinnaker17 46 Reviews 450 reads
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process still achieves it purpose.  If too many do, then the whole process collapses.  Especially when I was new to the hobby I greatly relied on reviews in choosing who to see.  So, I make it a practice to do reviews.  I have never "offered" to do one - if a lady lists here, then she should expect to be reviewed.  I do thorough homework, and so have never had to do a "bad" review.  I have never had a lady go BSC, though have corrected a couple of details that were unintentionally personal.  

I try hard in the review to paint a picture of what it is like to be with the lady, and every one is a little bit unique (sometimes a lot.)  It seems useless to simply list the acronyms of activities and positions, unless there is something unusual or especially noteworthy.  I think most of the ladies I've seen have worked to establish an image or a brand that defines them uniquely in a crowded market place.  If my experience matches that, and it usually does, then I try hard to reflect that in the review.

As to why people don't write them - not sure.  I've always found writing to be easy, but others don't.  The part I hate is having to do ALL of the profile stuff from scratch.  No not understand why TER can't autofill from the existing profile and have us edit it.  Web sites, phone numbers, bust size and whether they are bisexual, for example, are things that don't change very often.

AblaCamena See my TER Reviews 338 reads
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Hey. Happy Monday;) Thank you for sharing your insight. It is very respectable that you not only write reviews, but that you are honest and accurate as well. I'm sure that any provider and hobbyist will appreciate the real picture that you provide in your reviews. Also, I can understand the frustration with filling out the profile information repeatedly. Nonetheless, it is great that you push through the process. Thank again for sharing. Best Wishes;) -Abla

electr0nsrealm 45 Reviews 378 reads
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Miss Camena,

You've already gotten excellent advice throughout this thread.  I would just reiterate to stay patient, kind, helpful, and provide top notch service and the good reviews will come.  Gents like consistency, predictability, and quality.

As far as writing reviews, I agree (from a gent's perspective) that it can be a bit of a chore.  Well, if you strive to write a helpful review that is.  It's pretty crazy what has been allowed by TER as reviews, but I digress.

Make sure you give the gent some time if he agreed to write one.  Even if he submits one right away the review process can take up to three days to complete.  And that's if everything goes according to plan.  Sometimes reviews get kicked back for additional info or inconsistencies in scoring.  That can add days to the process.

Ok, it's really a pain to be honest.  Even for someone who likes to write.  Like me.  And ramble on.  :-)  But I do it because it benefits guys and girls both.  And I think of all the helpful research I have been allowed to do perusing reviews (that previous reviewers have contributed).  Plus it's good karma to give back when possible.

And I am especially thankful to the gents that write those first reviews.  Not only are you (possibly) taking one for the team on an unreviewed lady, you are filling out the initial profile for her (which is quite an endeavor).

Anyway, just my two cents.  I wish you the best of luck.


lydia69lydia69 See my TER Reviews 501 reads
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Abla you know that I am a personal fan of yours and while I understand the frustration waiting for those reviews I have no doubt that yours will multiply and continue to be stellar. I am appreciative of honest reviews recognizing the issues involved in this forever imperfect system. I encourage reviews but remind my clients that if they choose to please keep it real. While most of us enjoy praise I personally don't care for heights and would rather not fall from a pedestal being pressured to uphold things I couldn't possibly uphold for everyone. This is why I would never dream of telling anyone else what their 10/10 is or otherwise and I am hopeful we all can remember to use some sense ,objectivity, and discretion when reading reviews. The feedback I get on the time involved for a review to post varies greatly and it appears the TER gods that be have no rhyme or reason! I am always thankful for those who write them and keep them honest!  💋Lydia

AblaCamena See my TER Reviews 380 reads
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Hey. You have a great sense of humor;) I definitely appreciate and respect you taking the time to share your advice, as well as your willingness to review. It seems to be a tedious process, so it says a lot about you to utilize your time and energy to take part. Thank you so much for the best wishes. I hope your week is off to a great start and continues throughout the week. Best Wishes to you as well;) -Abla

AblaCamena See my TER Reviews 337 reads
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Hey Lydia. Thank you so much. You have been such a positive light from the start of our meeting and I really appreciate your friendship and support. We definitely share the same sentiment with reviews, which is expected because 'keeping it real' is a common theme we share. I must say that I'm a lover of reality and will much rather have a real/honest review, than a fake/dishonest review that I cannot live up to. I take pride in providing excellent service; however, my client's subjective opinion is always respected no matter what. I welcome it with open arms...;) Thanks again for sharing. Have a great day and talk to you soon. Best Wishes;) -Abla

electr0nsrealm 45 Reviews 420 reads
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iss Camena,

You are very welcome.  I like your attitude very much, I think it will serve you well in this profession (well any actually).  I've found that surrounding myself with positive people and positive thoughts makes life much more fun.  And having a good sense of humor makes life worth living.  Humor is the lube of the cosmic greek session called "life."  Whether you are giving or receiving it just makes things so much more enjoyable.

Damn, I really missed my calling as a poet.  How much does that pay btw?

How about Dr. E. - limerickologist?  I like the sound of that.

There was a fine lass named Camena
Who had such a sweet demeanor
When the reviews came in
She started to win
And the gents they did want to meet her

PS:  Please give me credit for showing remarkable restraint in not rhyming "wiener."  

PPS:  At least not on a first date anyway.  I am a gentleman you know.


AblaCamena See my TER Reviews 385 reads
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Hey. I agree that maintaining a positive environment with positive people is much more pleasant and conducive for a good time. And, I can tell that you are definitely a very positive person and a gentleman as well;) You seem like a great time. I also love the poem! I have no idea how much poets make; however, you did a great job. Thank you for writing it for me. I feel special;) I hope you have a great night. Best Wishes & ttyl;) -Abla

electr0nsrealm 45 Reviews 231 reads
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You are most welcome.  I'm glad you enjoyed my limerick.  Sometimes they just come out of nowhere.  It's kind of like an Irish Tourette's Syndrome.  



PS:  Yes, for the record I am a good time.  I'll give you the best three minutes of your life.  Five if I think about Hillary.  Or Trump.  Ten if I think about them both together.

AlyssaTantra See my TER Reviews 318 reads
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Welcome to the community! When you have your third review come in make sure to email TER admin and join the provider only board.  It's a nice area for the most part where ladies can chat amongst ourselfs everything from bikini wax to safety issues. Glad you are enjoying your time so far and I'll look forward to connecting.
Xoxo Alyssa Tantra

AblaCamena See my TER Reviews 410 reads
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Hey Alyssa. Hope all is well. Thank you so much for the best wishes and advice! I look forward to connecting with you as well. Best Wishes;) -Abla

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