
Re: AND the 3rd part.....teeth_smile
ToniLove See my TER Reviews 777 reads

Yes he is! lol I have followed in his footsteps as well and it is a wonderful experience to say the least lol .....mmmmm I can do anything I want ;)
Advisor we love you just they way you are and if you want to man whore up too the I am sure the ladies of Atlanta would love it! :)
Good to see you around more!
Hugs and kisses

How often do you hobby or wish you could hobby.  

If you could hobby more what would push you over the edge to do it more?  ore money?  Discounts or more time?  


GaGambler1134 reads

When I am on vacation, I try to see one lady in the day and another in the evening, unless I have the same lady stay with me for a couple of days which I have found myself doing more often lately.

I guess what would push me to do it more would be more time on vacation and less time working. Hey, I like that idea. work is overrated anyhow. lol

GaGambler you are the ultimate hobbying guy, your adventures are amazing.  I love that you get to enjoy yourself.  


GaGambler852 reads

I have no wife or kids to support, and I work for myself so my time too is easier to budget, but even for me sometimes business gets in the way. I do try to keep that down to a minimum though, even though I know I could make more money if I didn't play so much, but making more money at the expense of having no time to enjoy it just doesn't sound like a very good trade off to me.

Costa Rica fits into your making money and having fun scenario,   Lol.   I know the answer is "both".  But I have just not figured your system out.  I have my methods when I am in Europe, but that is just managing my allowances vs actual cost, I think you have other tricks, or is it just currency fx?    Take care my friend

GaGambler863 reads

The second part is "divorce money sucking wife" and then "quit time sucking job" and start something on your own. Next thing you know, you will have plenty of money due to having no wife and kids, and plenty of time due to not having a time sucking job.

Actually Costa Rica fits in mainly due to the ease of getting there. As long as you stay in San Jose area, it never gets too hot and it never gets too cold, the beach is an hour away and the high mountains are about the same. Toss in beautiful women and a legalized hobby, and what's not to love? I will confess, except for the price of companionship, Costa Rica is not exactly a cheap country to live in, most things cost every bit what they cost here, some things even more.

is, you are a total whore! lol  
Hope you are well :)
Hugs and kisses

GaGambler728 reads

and yes I am well, glad to see you back from "Frogland" lol

TL. I always thought I was pretty much a moral degenerate, but you are totally correct,   GAG is a total whore slut., he sets a standard I need to deteriorate too.

Yes he is! lol I have followed in his footsteps as well and it is a wonderful experience to say the least lol .....mmmmm I can do anything I want ;)
Advisor we love you just they way you are and if you want to man whore up too the I am sure the ladies of Atlanta would love it! :)
Good to see you around more!
Hugs and kisses

GaGambler804 reads

I am  a slut whore, there is a difference

Well at least I think there is a difference. lol and yes I try to set the bar low enough to trip over.

You need a trenching tool to find it before you can trip over it my friend.  Lol

I would love to hear how you describe the difference between a slut whore verses a whore slut,  this could be a very fun topic

GaGambler753 reads

You, me, TL and a half dozen of her slutty friends should have that conversation some day soon.

I think some people are just jealous.  ;-)  dont listen to them gambler.  LOL.  


GaGambler937 reads

and no, Advisor isn't really THAT old, but he is older than me, and always will be neener neener. lmao

You should probably join us for that drink, it's been way too long:)

Wish I could? Every single day.
Do I? A few times a year.

It's mainly personal and professional commitments that keep me from hobbying more. Money is a little tight  as I tend to care for loved ones before myself (personal commitments), but that happens in middle to older age.  

my 3 cents

I usually see someone once or twice a month. I would hobby more if I could somehow manage more trips to Atlanta.

Depends on city I am in.  Quality of lady available, rates, and willingness for late evening short notice calls.  Frequency really varies, I probably average 4-6 two hour sessions per month, if one of my long term overnite ladies is available I will see fewer ladies because of budget limitations.   I have seen as many as 15 ladies in a month but that was a long time ago

Once or twice a month.  
Wish I could once a week at least.  
 Mainly reason being is time to get away, being on southside and the ones I'm interested in are on northside mostly. Hard sometimes to plan 4 to 6 hours out of your day. Sometimes wish more could do spur of the moment at least two/one notice.

... If I had more money I would visit more often.  Discounts would help but only marginally.

Which hasn't been for about 4 years. For the last four years I see my sb 2 to 3 times a week.  

Posted By: EssentialLadies
How often do you hobby or wish you could hobby.    
 If you could hobby more what would push you over the edge to do it more?  ore money?  Discounts or more time?    

But generally once a week. Due to budget restraints probably going to once a month. Until some new hottie pops up.

Once a week, twice if it was a good commission week.

The benefits of only seeing 1or 2 providers is more gratifying to me than trying something new all the time, although I do venture out when something strikes me....

I wish I could hobby once a week. As it is, I'm able to hobby once or twice a year, three times if I'm lucky.

Unless someone wants to lend me some money...? haha

Posted By: EssentialLadies
How often do you hobby or wish you could hobby.    
 If you could hobby more what would push you over the edge to do it more?  ore money?  Discounts or more time?    

I find that it's feast or famine.  I'll go half a year or more without seeing a provider (grow some sideburns on my dick :)), then I'll see 3 in 3 days.  My travel schedule and the level of available talent at that location seems to drive it.

I have to stay under the radar, which means slowly accumulating funds, and since that takes time I don't think my frequency can be effected significantly.  If I had more money, then I could see more ladies more often, but that ain't gonna happen.  Discounts are ok, but there is only so low you can go before you either pickup the wrong clients or loose quality providers, the ladies I see are usually in the 250 to 350 range.  For myself, the tipping point would be SERVICES offered; all else being equal, a lady that costs the same as the rest on the site, but that does greek (no upcharge, or low upcharge) seems to catch my attention, and gets me to call. Also, if her price is slightly higher, lets say 400 (including greek), then more time can also sometimes get me in.

In Toronto many of the big agencies do volume discounts within a set period of time (usually, buy 4 get 5th free or at half price, but the window is like three months), seems to work or them.  I guess that way for those that offer discounts you still keep the clientele and the ladies upscale.  

I would recommend all of the above, used in combination.  Different girls offering different levels of service at different price points are likely to do better under different incentives.

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